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War Is Never Ending


Book One

By lost.words.34

All my characters were inspired after my freinds and faimly who fit their personality.
Siècle was inspired by the love of my live. Sakurakitten1

Path of Power

The clock went off waking Sorrow; Sorrow is seventeen, with shoulder length black hair, almost six foot, muscle covered his body, and eyes were brown. He grabbed his clock and threw it, breaking it. When he opened his eyes he looked at white bare walls, light came in from a single window, the floor was made of wood, which was scratched. The closet was on the other side of the room, it stood in front of his bed. Sorrow got out of bed grabbing a black shirt and blue jeans. The walls were bare; no pictures hung on the living room walls, or were framed. A chair sat in the middle of the living room in front of the T.V. The house was very empty; he grabbed his back pack shouldering it, and left.
It wasn’t long before a couple people drove up to Sorrow in a black Mustang; the window was being rolled down. “Hey stay away from Faith.” A kid said, he wore a red leather jacket. “Why? She isn’t interested in you like the other whores.” Sorrow said. The kid pulled on the side walk, he opened the door getting out, and two more guys came out. “You want to say anything else?” he asked throwing off his jacket, he looked mean, and muscle covered his body; he was taller than Sorrow. “Yeah.” Sorrow said taking off his back pack. “The only reason why the whores like you is because you’ll give it to them anytime they want. You and I know Faith isn’t like that, now do we?” “I’ll teach you to run your mouth!” he said swinging, Sorrow backed and caught his fist; he felt his arm tense and quiver. “No. I’m going to teach you to run your mouth; it’s about time that someone put you in your place.” He said ducking a blow; he struck the guy causing him to stagger backwards. “I’m going to beat you like the dog you are!” the guy yelled; Sorrow dodged his flying fists. “What do you call this? You’re flailing around like a child.” He laughed and kicked the guy in the stomach knocking the breath out of him, he then kneed him in the nose finishing the fight; the other two backed off.
Sorrow got to the school, the outside was brown with a lot of windows. The floors were polished to the point where you could see your own reflection. “You’re late. A girl said her voice was very soothing. “I know Faith, I ran into some trouble.” Faith had a very pretty face, she had an hour glass figure; she wore a short blue skirt, her shoes matched her skirt. She moved her rusted orange colored hair out of her ocean blue eyes. “Are you going to help me study still?” she asked. “Yes I promise.”
Three guys walked into the building. “Hey! I’m not done with you.” “What’s going on?” Faith asked. “Nothing, guy things.” He said, “You want more? I can give it again.” “I’ll show you.” The guy said throwing a punch; it missed as Sorrow moved to the left. “You can’t beat me; I’m out of your skill level.” Before Sorrow’s fist could connect with the guy’s face, an arm grabbed his and pulled him back. “You two come with me.” A man said, he wore a brown suit. “What’s wrong with you two?” he asked. “He got in my way.” Sorrow said simply. “That’s not the truth; I want the truth from you, the real truth.” He said. “That is the truth.” Sorrow said. “Look I know you don’t like people, that doesn’t give you the right to go and get in to fights with people.” Sorrow didn’t say anything. “I have no other choice but to suspend you. You can come back in three days, it doesn’t start till the school day ends.” “What did you get?” Faith asked she had a wondering tone. “I’m suspended for three days.” “Oh, can I see you after school?” she asked. “Yeah. You’re welcome any day you want to come over.” Sorrow said with a smile. Faith kind of blushed before she reached on her tippy toes and kissed him; a surge tore through his body. It felt like he was being shocked multiple times. His breath came fast and painful; she walked away.
When she was gone he jogged to the bathroom and let out a silent scream, his heart was racing; he fell against the sink feeling the shock tear through his body. The day went by slowly; it felt like a day of agony. Sorrow walked out the school doors trying not to stumble; Faith came up to him. “I have to do some things with mom today so I’ll be over later tonight if that’s ok with you.” She said as she got her hair out of her eyes. “Ok, whatever time is good for you.” He said through a fake smile. When Sorrow was almost home, he fell to his knees drawing people’s attention. A red vortex of something discharged twisting wildly around him; people screamed and ran in a panic. “You can’t change here; I’m going to suppress your power.” A voice said; the pain and the vortex vanished almost instantly. “Now come with me before others come looking for you.” He said. “Who are you?” Sorrow asked. “My name is Elken.” He was about five seven; he wore a white hooded robe, only his green eyes could be seen. Sorrow staggered to his feet and followed this new stranger. “You have just unlocked a gift people are going to try to take from you. “ Elken explained. “I can’t take you to Master Sage until you can control your energy to a certain degree.” He grabbed Sorrow’s arm and jumped into the air. ”There is a test that you must pass called evolution; do you have a house?” “Yes.” Sorrow said. “I’ll know where it’s at.”
They sat next to a tree; Sorrow’s body started to hurt again; Elken looked at him. “I can’t stop the change again, I’m sorry but you have to go through the change and let your body be reborn.” Sorrow’s brow touched the dirt as pain tore through his body. He screamed with pain as the red vortex discharged again, twisting. “Let the power consume you! The dragon must be born again.” Sorrow’s body felt like it was going to be torn apart. The vortex broke the ground as wings formed from his shoulder blades, silver wings developed from the joints that were his shoulder. A light traced the ground behind him forming a tail; it moved over the ground, silver scales grew over his body giving him natural armor. His hands and feet turned into claws; the nails were long and sharp. Sorrow’s cries of pain turned in to a roar that frightened the birds; they flew away squawking. His whole body took the form of a dragon; his red eyes looked at the sun as he roared his pain and rage. “Amazing, such power at such a young age.” Elken whispered. “Listen! Focus on being human and you’ll change back!” Sorrow roared, his tail hitting the ground. He looked at Elken and lunged at him, he dodged it with one quick move. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you force me.” He said ducking a couple blows; that only enraged him more. A ball of energy formed in the dragon’s mouth, the center of it twisting gaining energy and power. Once the ball stop twisting it fused with the air and ignited turning into a fire ball.
Elken took Sorrow to the ground before he could spit the ball of fire; the fire ball went in to the air when he touched the ground. “Listen, I will take you down if you do not gain control of yourself.” Sorrow threw him into the tree. “That’s it!” Elken closed his eyes concentrating; the ground broke around him when his eyes snapped open. Two lavender orbs formed in his hands, one in each. He put them together making a big twisting orb. “Now, get ready to change back to human form. I see that you’re not ready to take that form.” Elken ran towards Sorrow separating the orbs, he jumped over one blow and hit him in the back with one; Sorrow twisted around quickly. Elken turned and hit him in the face knocking him to the ground; then he suppressed the power of the dragon changing him back; Sorrow lay gasping on the ground. “You need a lot of training, if you are to take Master Sage’s place; you need to be able to control that kind of power.” Elken explained he was very upset. “I saw through different eyes, everything that has built up in myself, the rage I felt with that strength felt good. I couldn’t control the lust of my own feelings.” Sorrow said shakily. “I know, but that is something that needs to be controlled. If you become an apprentice with that kind of power and you can’t control it, you’ll not only be a threat to us, but to yourself. We cannot have that.”
Sorrow sat in the chair sighing. “So what are you? I know you’re not human.” “I’m an elf, a rare race to come by.” Elken said. “Now you, you’re a Shape shifter one of the strongest races to ever live. When that girl kissed you it unlocked your power or more commonly known as first stage development. I am here to help you learn the basics of your power control.” “How did Faith kissing me unlock this first stage development?” Sorrow asked. “You must like her because that wouldn’t have happened. For Shape Shifters, to unlock your power if you don’t start training at the proper age, you must kiss one you care about outside of your blood line. Thanks to her you are now one with power, and a great deal of it.” The elf explained; a knock sounded at the door.
“Are you going to help me study still?” Faith asked once Sorrow opened the door. “Yes.” He laughed. “Who’s this?” she asked when she saw Elken. “I’m his uncle Elken.” He said. Elken didn’t look like an elf anymore. “Nice to meet you.” She said. “Like wise. I don’t get to see my nephew as much as I’d like to considering I’m in the king’s army.” “Elken said. “Really?” Faith sounded surprised. “Yes. I’m getting ready to retire.” “He travels a lot.” Sorrow said. “Come; let’s go to my room to have some silence.”
Faith and Sorrow sat on his bed. “I’m sorry about what happened today in school, I should not have kissed you.” Faith said. “It’s ok; I wanted you to kiss me for a while now.” Sorrow said. “Really?” she asked blushing a little. “Yes.” Faith scooted closer placing her hand on his leg. “Would you like me to kiss you again?” she asked. “Yeah.” Faith leaned over to Sorrow and kissed him, this time the shock didn’t happen. When the kiss broke Faith’s was red as a rose.
They sat on the sofa; Faith was sleeping on Sorrow’s shoulder. “This is not the time for romance. That is not the path to travel at the moment.” Elken said standing in the door way.

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