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never seen so many stuffed animals.” Sorrow said. “I have collected them for as long as I can remember. My parents want me to get rid of them; they say I’m too old for them now that I’m turning eighteen in a month. I know it’s babyish.” She said. “I don’t mind, I don’t really collect anything, I never saw the point in collecting things that will go away, or tare in a couple years, maybe sooner.” “Let’s sit on my bed, so we don’t make a noise on the floor and wake my parents.” Faith and Sorrow sat on the bed; the pink blanket was very soft and thick. She reached over and kissed him; she kicked off her heels and crossed her legs awkwardly. “What are you doing?” he asked. “I wanted to, give myself to you.” Faith said. “Is that a good idea?” Sorrow asked. “My sister done it when she was younger than me, she told me that when I find a guy to hold on to him and give myself to him.” She explained. “I haven’t done anything like this before.” “I haven’t either.” Faith took off her dress reveling herself. “Oh, I don’t know.” Sorrow said. “Relax, I’m scared to, but it has to happen sometime.”
Sorrow woke up the next morning in Faith’s bed; he was hot under the thick blanket. “I’m late, and I’m going to be in a lot of trouble with my uncle.” He said getting dressed. “Do you want me to drive you home?” Faith asked getting dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. “That would be great.”
“Sorrow, what did I tell you?” Elken asked he was very mad. “I didn’t do anything.” Sorrow said. “You can’t lie to me, your body acts differently now, your power isn’t the same. You gave yourself to her didn’t you?” the elf said knowing the answer already. “Yes. I’m leaving and I might never see her again, so I thought why not? I mean I’m going to give myself to someone anyway, so why not now so I know what to do when the time comes?” he said. “Now you are attached to her more than ever, if anyone finds out, they can use her against you to lore you in to their traps. They would have the greatest advantage over you.” “I’m sorry; could we just get back to my training?” “Yes, you’re about to find out the other reason you should wait to give yourself to someone for the first time; control your energy.” Sorrow discharged his energy, it grew stronger as it twisted; it stayed steady. Suddenly his power dropped shattering the vortex of energy. “What happened? I can’t feel my power!” “When you gave yourself to that mortal, you gave your power as well; if she’s pregnant the child will have a perfect copy of your power, and Faith can die giving birth to the half breed Shape Shifter. Don’t worry your power will come back in a minute or two.” Elken explained. “Why is it better later?” Sorrow asked. “When you are stronger and in a higher stage of development your body can give the power to the person without cost; you also wouldn’t be so attached to the person.”
The elf explained. When the last word left Elken’s mouth Sorrow’s power came rushing back. “We leave in two days, then you’ll find out what your power can really do.”
Part of the day went on with Elken explaining the technique of hand to hand combat. “There are two different techniques of hand to hand; you’re going to learn the less complex one right now.” “What is the complex one?” Sorrow asked. “Your master will tell you that, I’m here to teach you the basics of combat and your power that is my entire job.” Elken said. “It’s not going to very easy yet, but you’ll get it.” The elf said taking a weird stance. His legs were shoulder length a part, his hands were slightly open next to his sides, and his knees were slightly bent. “Take this stance.” Sorrow did as he was told. Elken went through different moves of the stance teaching the deadly art of combat. “With this stance, you can kill someone as easy if you were wielding a blade.” Sorrow didn’t say anything for his breaths came quick and hard. “Your weight is being balanced and unbalanced as you move through the different stances of this technique, that is causing the strain on your muscles, therefore it is causing you to sweet and build strength, not only strength but endurance of the muscles.” The elf explained.
The moon hung low in the clear night sky as Sorrow and Faith walked in the park. “I’m leaving in two days to go with my uncle; he said I need someone to look after me since I don’t have any parents.” Sorrow said. “Will I get to see you again?” Faith asked. “I will try to come back for you I promise.” Faith started to cry. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “What if I’m pregnant? I don’t think I will be able to go through with it by myself.” She leaned against his chest. “I know, I’ll make you a deal. In three months I will come back to you if I can, if you’re pregnant I will help you raise the child. We’re in this together now.” Sorrow said. “I’ll wait for you Sorrow; I have to go, my dad is mad at me because I stayed out passed my curfew.” Faith walked away.
“Keep your knees bent.” Elken said when he buckled Sorrow’s knee. “That won’t do anything; you unlocked my knee either way I was going to fall.” Sorrow growled trying to block a blow, but he was to slow. “We need to get your speed up, Master Sage will do that with you.” He said hitting Sorrow in the stomach driving the breath out of him. “How long did it take you to get this strong?” he asked. “Not very long, I became a Master at the age twenty-one.” Elken said taking Sorrow’s feet from underneath him. “Don’t think about anything else but attacking your opponent hey may be stronger than you. If that’s the case bring him to you instead of going to him, like me for an example.”
“I leave in the morning.” Sorrow said holding Faith’s hand. “Yeah, I hate that you got to go away.” Faith said. “Come with me.” He whispered. “What? I wouldn’t be able to, my parents would never let me leave.” She said with sadness in her voice. “Hopefully I’ll see you in a month, then you’re going with me.”

City of Living Forest

Sorrow stood in front on Elken. “After we get there you cannot go back for you have let fate guide you in your way.” The elf said. ‘Yes.’ Sorrow said. “What I am going to do is going to draw on your strength, as it draws on mine. Brace yourself.’ Sorrow felt his strength drop low and fast; he struggled to breath.
A gentle wind soothed his trembling body; he opened his eyes seeing that he was in a dense forest. The trees grew very tall, and full of leafs; the trees circled around Sorrow and Elken. “This is the forest that surrounds the main city; around this time of year travelers’ form all different worlds come here to see the great celebration. When so many people meet at one time, deaths happen. If anyone dies during this time, the ones with power above you and I will think it is a gesture of war considering we have been having problems about outsiders killing our kind.” Elken said. “Come.’ Sorrow followed the elf; birds sang and flew off in alarm when the two passed by. Beasts growled in the shadows letting anything know that it was its territory. Soon a city came into view; the houses looked as if they were small and well built. “Coming up is the City of Living Forest. You have to be careful when we go in do to the crowd.’
People were crammed in the streets, buying, selling, or gossiping. Humans and elves a like shared the streets talking to one another. Trees circled the outside of the city giving it some protection. The houses were different shapes, but all were around the same size. “You weren’t kidding.” Sorrow breathed looking around seeing the different shops, anywhere from food, to cloths, to jewelry, and everything else. “When does this celebration happen?” “A little over two weeks; it takes a lot of people and a lot of time to prepare.” The elf said. “Oh. There is a princess that might like you, when I or Master Sage takes you to see her, you should try to court her. Gaining a royal spot will do well for you.” Elken said. “I already have someone.” Sorrow said. “Not anymore. It’s time to let go of the mortals Sorrow, you are above them now.” “I have no feelings for this person, I’m not going to date someone just because you tell me to, if she’s of royal blood or not.” Sorrow snapped; a scream split the air, it was full of pain and sadness. “Our talk is not over.” Elken said before he raced towards the scream.
Sorrow pushed through the crowd and froze, his eyes widened; he saw an elf laying in a dark red pool of blood, a girl sat next to the elf holding his hand crying. “What happened?” Elken asked. “I found him like this, right here. I was worried when he never came home from the market.” The elf sobbed. “Whoever did this; we will find him and kill him; before that we’ll bring him back so he can see the person he just hurt the way he did.” “Thank you Master Elken.” Elken turned to Sorrow. “You see this? This not just any attack. He was a solider of our king’s army. With his death this means war; I hope your get ready for this.”
Elken took Sorrow to the sparing field where he saw two elves training. “King Fellnor! Princess Siècle!” Elken called, the two elves looked at him. “Ah! Master Elken, how nice to see you today. It’s has been too long.” The king’s eyes were silver the same color of his hair, he held a long sword. He wore battered leather while he practiced. “What are you doing here?” Elken asked. “Teaching my daughter how to wield the blade, she’s getting old enough for the need. No one ever knows when they will need to defend themselves in this time.” King Fellnor said. “This is Sorrow, the Shape Shifter.” Elken said. “Ah, nice to meet you. This is my daughter, Siècle.” Siècle wore battered leather like her father; she held a long sword as well. She was very beautiful, her hair was white as snow, and her eyes were light green. “Nice to meet you Sorrow.” Princess Siècle said with a smile. “Like wise your highness. Sorrow said bowing. “Siècle is almost the age to be courted yes?” Elken asked. “Yes. In one week to be exact.” King Fellnor said. “She’s going to have a lot of suitors.” “Yes. Not all of them are going to be for the right reason.” “Yes. She will have to be picky about who she picks; I have to take Sorrow to Master Sage.” Elken said bowing, Sorrow bowed as well.
A dark green clearing came into view, a sand spot sat next to a stump with someone sitting on it. “Wait here.” Elken said walking to the figure. “Master Sage!” he called. “Elken when did you get back?” Master sage asked opening her eyes. She wore brown leather, it looked new. Her eyes
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