» Fantasy » Tournaments, Ghost Wolf [ereader for textbooks txt] 📗

Book online «Tournaments, Ghost Wolf [ereader for textbooks txt] 📗». Author Ghost Wolf

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around then asked, “What are you doing here?” he looked over his shoulder as a shadow blocked light from the doorway. Both the green hooded player, and the caped guy turned. No words were said but they both started running. Curiosity got the better of me and I slowly got down, and followed. Carefully staying in the shadows I followed the three men to the courtyard. Staying at the doors I watched several people fighting, the green hooded boy pulled his sword out with extreme ease and the other one with the pig mask did the same. Several people on the edge of the fight stepped back, some with bruises and cuts. 

“Get off of me!!” a smaller voice cried out at the center. On the edge of the fight, tense stood an older man with blonde hair, green eyes, a green and white striped fishing hat with beads hanging off it, green vest and a black coat, grey slacks. His entire body was tense and he had a sword in his hand. Holding him back was a taller boy with a yellow sweater, a red beanie over loose brown hair, brown eyes, and a black jacket. Both were tense and anxious, watching carefully. The fight broke up and the two I were following pulled several people off two young boys. Both around my age, one blonde hair blue eyes, read checkard sweater, and khakis, the other wore a green dress shirt his collar stood up, his jean pants were muddied and had grass stains, his red-brown hair was all over the place and his brown eyes wide with fear. 

“Tyler you ok?” the blonde hair boy helped up his friend who I'm guessing is Tyler his accent definitely British. Tyler got up and nodded slowly. Kid definitely wasn't ok. 

“Anyone who touches Tyler or Tom again gets a sword through there skulls!” pig head (that's what I'm calling him for now) yelled pointing his sword at one of the glaring boys.

“Especially you, ” his voice was very low as he said this. Everyone seem extremely tense and Tom was getting checked by the yellow sweater boy. I could hear Tom say he was fine. Tyler though looked pretty shaken up and had several bruises on his face and arms. The green hooded guy gathered his friends which were many, and they left. I disappeared and went back to the dining room. No sooner than I entered the door did a bell ring and voices started making their way towards the dining room. I quickly climbed the pillars up onto the ledge and Phade followed. We sat there while everyone came in. Trays of food appeared in front of each of the boys as they sat down. The green hooded guy, pig head, Tyler, Tom, the two boys who had been standing by as the fight went on, a fox kid, a black figure with a devils tail and little horns, and a few others to name latter. They all sat down at one of the tables on the left side of the dais next to a wall, Tubbo looking better and more cheerful. Tommy sat with Tubbo and they talked and talked. I walked along the balcony towards the ledge above them. I sat and listened figuring out each of their names. 

“Drake took them idiots out without a problem!” Tom 

“Im just glad I'm alive, ” Tyler

“I don't understand why they attacked you two, ” black devil.

“Because they're easy targets Bad, ” green hoody replied, so black devil is Bad.

“If they don't leave us alone I'm going to kill them all until they have to restart, ” grumbled pig head.

“Tech is the one with the pig head mask, ” whispered Phade. I looked at him and he replied with, “His familiar told me, ” 

“Where is his familiar?” I looked around for a boar or pig assuming that was his familiar. Finding none I looked back at Phade. “His familiar right now is a mink hiding in his cloak, ” Phade changed into a raven. I nodded and he flew down and landed on a rod sticking out of the beams which held bowls used for the fires that lit up the room. All of a sudden my vision blurred and then I was looking at the group below. I was looking through Phades eyes. I shook my head and it stopped. 

For an hour I listened to their conversations remembering names. By the time everyone was leaving I knew all their names. Philip is the tall blonde with the green and white striped fishing hat, Wilburt is the tall brown-haired one with a red beanie, Drake is the tall blonde with a green hoodie, Tech is the tall king with pink hair and pig mask, Bad is the black devil, Fet is the fox, Sam has black hair with a white cloth around his forehead, George is colorblind has brown hair with big round glasses. All of them are around the same age except Tom and Tyler who have to be around 16. Phade flew back up to me with an apple in his claws after everyone left. He transformed into his white wolf form and snuggled against me. I rubbed his ears while I ate the apple. Eventually, we both fell asleep content and warm. 


 The sound of the diner bell wakes Phade and I up from our slumber. I sit up and rub my eyes, while Phade scratches his side. We both yawn and stretch. In the middle of stretching my arms the doors open to the dining hall. I swing my legs up and I'm on feet hiding behind the beams, looking down as three boys walk in chatting. Behind them other groups of three and four take a seat at their spots eating pancakes, eggs, bacon, ceral even, whatever you would normally eat for breakfast. Watching from above I start counting how many boys come in. At least 50 to maybe 100 boys. Fuckkkk. Phade looks up at me feeling my unease. Dream and his friends seat themselves at the table below me. Tubbo and Tommy don't seem to be found at the moment which concerns me. I start moving towards the ledge above the door when Tubbo and Tommy walk in. Immediately another group of boys (the ones beating up the two best friends yesterday) come up behind them. Tubbo looks nervous and Tommy has a knowing look on his face. My bow appears in my hand and I draw an arrow subconsciously. I can barely hear them and Dream and his friends haven't noticed yet. I pull another arrow out and put it in my mouth. Bringing the bow up I take aim. The bullies have started pushing Tubbo and Tommy around. Things were now getting heated. A tall red hair boy throws the first punch a sneer on his face as Tommy hits the floor. Tubbo cries out and Technonblade turns around, then jumps to his feet sword drawn. A dark haired boy kicks Tommy while another blonde kid drags Tubbo back. The red head kid barely raises his arm to strike Tubbo before the first arrow slams into his shoulder, the second arrow slamming into the dark-haired kid kicking Tommy. I pull a third arrow out and fire, the fourth followed close behind one pinning the blonde kid to the beam behind him, the other arrow fly straight past another kids face into the beam. The entire room went silent as everyone began looking around for where the arrows came from. I stood there rigid, anger coursing through my veins. Someone pointed at me. Phade nudged me, and I turned running along the ledge keeping to the dark. I jumped down and looked over my shoulder before running out the door. I looked for somewhere to go, and the door opened behind me. I looked behind me in surprise to see Technoblade standing there. He reaches out with his hand. I retreat backwards. 

“Wait” his voice soft, he took a step forward. I turn and run, Techno on my heels. Phade growls and runs along side me. Looking over my shoulder I see a boar follow close behind Techno it's tusks sharp and gleaming. Just get to your room. I was now running down my hall, one door, two doors, three doors, my room! I grabbed that door handle and yanked the door open. I slam the door and lock it. Phades on the other side growling. 

“Im not gonna... I'm not gonna hurt you, ” Phade growled when Techno took a step forward, who then stepped back. “Please come out, ” he asked softly. I leaned against the door breathing hard. I helped his friends, would he want to hurt me? What's he going to do? Maybe...

“Phade watch him, ” I slowly opened the door peeking out watching as his cape swished when he moved back. Phades white tail appeared then all of him. My hands shook, my heart beat faster until I thought it might stop. The door was open half way, I was standing half in half out. 

“Techno!” I closed the door and pushed the bed against the door. Outside Techno let out a sigh. Phade disappeared and repeared as a white Python slithering under my door. He wrapped himself around my wrist his head still looking under the door. I looked through Phades eyes watching.

“You ok?” Dream stopped at Techno and looked at the door. He pointed, and Techno nodded. 

“Hows Tommy and Tubbo?” 

“Tommys got a few bruises, Tubbo unscathed, ” Dream rubbed his neck before continuing.

“Jacob is pissed. Him and his goons are preparing to come at us again. Marina...” Dream paused.

“Which ones Marina?” 

“Fundies partner, ” Techno nodded. 

“Marina is spying, and Bad has found another room. Some kind of ball room, ” Techno looked at Dream in surprise. “We’ve searched every part of this place no way we missed a massive ball room, ” Dream shrugged. 

“Right now it dosn't matter, grab your stuff. Go right instead of left towards the arena, ” Deeam pointed towards the dining hall then towards the wall of doors. 

“You know where the stairs are?” Techno nodded. “Go straight and follow the right wall, ” Dream demonstrated, putting his shoulder to the wall. It got quiet, then Dream nodded and jogged down the hall disappearing to the right. Techno watched then came to the door. 

“Your welcome to join us, ” the invite was genuine, I waited listening to his retreating footsteps. Phade slithered into the room and transformed into his wolf form, my vision returning. I leaned my head against the door thinking. 

“He seemed ok. Don't think they saw me, ” so they weren't faking. Jacob... Redhead boy? I think he's the one I've... Yes! Techno pointed at him yesterday about touching Tommy and Tubbo! He must be causing a lot of problems. I searched the room while I thought about Technos offer. I got up and moved the bed, underneath another pearl sat in a little box. Bingo. I searched the rest of the room and found nothing. I searched the cabinet. Another quiver of arrows hung on a hook. Underneath a small bag and inside a shiny golden apple. I pocketed it knowing it would be useful at some point. Looking around I made a decision. I braided my hair, grabbed

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