» Fantasy » Tournaments, Ghost Wolf [ereader for textbooks txt] 📗

Book online «Tournaments, Ghost Wolf [ereader for textbooks txt] 📗». Author Ghost Wolf

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the cloak in the closet, swung it around and put the hood up. Phade changed into a raven and landed on my shoulder. I checked that my quiver of arrows were covered, and entered the hall cautiously. Several boys were in the corridor leaving from the dining hall chatting as they walked. Some barely gave me a first glance much less a second. I stayed to the sides of the hall, keeping my head down as I made my way towards the dining hall. Dream said go right instead of left. I looked right and slowly walked down the dark hall. Immediately to my right was a flight of stairs. Once passed the stairs I pressed my shoulders to the wall and walked slowly. Phade hopped across the ground as he followed. Something gave. The wall I was leaned against moved just slightly, so I pressed harder. A hidden doorway lead down a small hall. At the end of the hall the sound of voices drifted to me, and natural light lit up the small hall. I looked over my shoulder once and stepped inside closing the massive stone wall back into place. 

The small archway led to a massive room. The floor was polished marble, black veins stood out against the white and grey marbling. The walls were made of some kind of light blue-grey stone pillars, and in between, wood paneling. At the very end was a large fireplace, lit and burning bright. Massive floor-to-ceiling windows allowed natural sunlight in, the windows on both long sides of the room. The ceiling stretched high. Intricate woodwork along the walls gave detail to the plain walls, also providing plenty of handholds and footholds in case I need to run or hide. Dream and his friends sat with all their gear chatting by the fire laughing and smiling. I counted one person was missing. Slowly I realize someones behind me. Spinning around, I pull an arrow out. Techno is standing behind me, a gentle smile on his face, his arms crossed and his pig mask is gone. His nose and chin pointed, his eyes black with white centers. His sword still at his waist. 

“Glad you came, ” he held his hand out. Unsure of what to do I just nodded. 

“I wanted to thank you for saving Tommy and Tubbo face to face, ” he looked at the group smiling. 

“I don't like bullies, ” I replied quietly. He studied me for a minute. 

“How old are you?” I looked at him confused. I replied, “17, Why?” 

“How long have you been shooting a bow?” I looked down at the arrow in my hand and put it away. 

“I don't know, ” I looked down, I couldn't remember anything except for yesterday morning. Techno crouched down and looked at me. Tubbo laughed loudly. I looked up watching, thinking. Techno stood up and stepped into the room in front of me. 

“I'm Technoblade, ” he offered his hand out to me. I took it, letting him pull me along towards the group. 

“I'm Clare, ” he smiled. 

“Nice to meet you, Clare, ” I smiled, at his grin. The others noticed Techno then me. Dream stood up and walked to meet us. Tubbo and Tommy watched curiously, while the others sort of gawked at the sight of me. Phade transformed into a black wolf, intimidating especially when his glowing violet eyes settled on a member of the group. He stayed close to my side, I rested a hand on his back for comfort. 

“Dream, this is Clare. Clare this is Dream, ” we shook hands.

“Impressive archery skills, ” four metal shaft, white and black feathered arrows appear in his hands cleaned and carefully wrapped. I collect the arrows and nod in appreciation.

“This is Fundy, Bad, Sapnap, George...” Techno introduced me to the rest of the group. Before Techno is able to introduce me to Philza and Wilbur, instead of shaking my hand Philza takes my hand pulls me into an embrace. The rest of the group chuckle. For a second I'm surprised then I chuckle. 

“Thank you for saving my son, ” Philza sets me down and shakes my hand. Wilbur shakes my hand and thanks me for saving his little brother.

“So... Wilbur, Technoblade, and Tommy are Philzas kids?”  I ask looking at Dream. He nods. Tommy shakes my hand and Tubbo looks at me sheepishly. I mess with his hair. 

“Ohhhh this is amazinggggg, I'm so glad youuuuu saved themmmm, ” Phade is wacking his tail happily his tongue hanging out as Bad rubs his belly. I laugh, as Bad keeps rubbing his belly and Phade starts murmuring happily. Tubbo pulls a ball out and his familiar, and Bads familiar transform into dogs and Tubbo tosses the ball. All three dogs (wolf) look up ears perked, and bolt after the ball. I shake my head as Phade and his new friends play keep away. Wilbur pulls a guitar out and starts playing a beautiful silly song. Philza and Bad start dancing to the song, and Techno removes his cloak. He starts dancing and I join in. Eventually everyone's dancing and singing, while the familiars play in the background. Sapnap ends up falling and everyone started laughing. I felt safe, surprisingly since I'm completely surrounded by boys. Wilbur changes it up and plays a more country-styled song. Wilbur plays a softer slower song, and Techno takes my hand and spins me around. The song takes over and then I'm in a light blue dress, dancing with a king. Not Techno but a dark-haired man with cobalt eyes. He fades away and I'm back in the now on the floor my head pounding, and Phades dog breath in my face. The worry in his eyes confuses me and I blink hard looking around. 

“What happened?” I sit up and an extremely sharp pain slices through my mind. Someone gently pushes me back down as the darkness takes over. 

Revealing Secret Identities

 Something slams into my chest hard. I jerk awake with a gasp sweat dripping down my face, my heart returning to normal. Sitting on top of me is Phade his tail wagging ready to go. 

“Get off, ” I grumble sitting up stretching. Last night seemed like a dream, actually the last two days feel like a dream, but with Phade right there tells me it's not. I pull the covers off and swing my legs around, stretching again and stifling a yawn. I grab a towel and some clothes, a short sleeve grey shirt, some black leggings, and my knee high boots, and hop into the shower. About 20 minutes later I step out of the shower dry myself off and get dressed. Under the sink is a hair dryer and a curling iron, extra toilet paper and a few other girl things. Once I had dryed my long dark brown hair, I brush my teeth and brush my hair, pulling it into a ponytail. I gear up check under the bed grab the extra pearl, check for another golden apple. There was none, guess it's a once around. I buckle my belt, pull the strap tighter around my chest securing my sword, checking my arrows and bow. Everything in place I grab my gloves, mask, and cloak. I go to leave but decide to leave the cloak. Get ready Clare. This could get heated very fast. I open the door and step out. No one was around at the moment. Guess everyone's already at the dining hall. 

“Lets go Phade, ” 

“You sure about revealing yourself to the rest of the boys?” Phade had an unease look. But I was sure about this. Technoblade and Dream and the rest of the group would support and protect me if things got really bad. We made our way to the dining hall. As we got closer voices drifted down the hall from the dining hall. For a few seconds thoughts of doubt make me hesitate, taking a deep breath I open the doors. The dining room was a step lower than the rest of the building. The dining hall was full of boys, every table had at least 15, each with some kind of blade, and projectile weapon, almost all of them had full armor. The closest table had 11 boys laughing and talking, their familiars were the first to take notice of me. Then all 11 of them stopped talking a few at a time as they noticed and then they saw the arrows. The room began getting quiet as they realized that the room was becoming dead silent. Wilbur and Philza turned around, Tubbo and Tommy nodded, and Techno and Dream got up hands hovering near weapons. The last table to take notice was the group of boys who were glaring at Dreams table. Jacobs table was on the other side of the room. When Dreams table all looked in one direction they turned and looked. Jacob which I'm guessing is the redhead with a bandage wrapped around his arm, was tall and muscular, and whose face was turning a brighter shade of red than his hair. 

“You! You shot me!” the entire table got up angry. Phade growled loudly, loud enough for them to know I wasn't alone. Jacob unsheathed his sword, and his friends followed in example. My bow appeared in my hand an arrow in my other, Techno was on his feet making his way slowly to me. Dream followed opposite side of the room around to the dais to where Jacobs table is at. Wilbur stood up his familiar changing into a wolf, Philza followed, then the rest. Their familiars changing into wolves, crouched slowly making their way down the isles of tables towards Jacobs table. Tension filled the room, some trying to decide whether to leave or not. Jacob pointed at me with his sword.

“This is war. If you aren't in the arena, ” he paused swinging his sword around pointing at Techno, Dream and the others.

“All of you will die, ” I actually laughed. Jacobs face got redder, while the others looked at me confused. 

“If we aren't in the arena how do you expect to kill us?” I tilted my head at him.

“If I can hide up there, ” I pointed to the ledge above me. 

“Then I can hide anywhere. These halls are simple but more confusing than an open arena, ” Jacob realized I was right. And that made him even more pissed off. I pointed at Techno, Dream, Bad, Sapnap, Fundy, George, Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur, Philza, and then at their familiars.

“I'm not alone. An arena yeah, hallways, hidden doorways, out rooms, stairs ledges... No, ” he snarled angrily at my words.

“I may be a girl... But I'm not stupid nor vulnerable, ” the room was quiet, no one moved, and tension was so thick, wouldn't be surprised if someone fainted. Jacob sat down took a deep breath and glared at me before plastering a pleasant fake smile onto his face.

“Enjoy your food, it will be your last time in this room girl, ” I looked him dead in the eye and saw a flash of fear before he turned around and went back to eating. The rest of the room did the same though giving me sideways glances or whispered to one another about the whole ordeal.

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