» Fantasy » Tournaments, Ghost Wolf [ereader for textbooks txt] 📗

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stand with Phade in the form of wolves. Phade wagged his tail harder and everyone smiled. 

“Phade. Raven, ” Phade ran to me transformed into a raven, and flew up to my arm. I pulled a letter out and handed it to him. “Give this to Jacob, ” Phade cawed and took off with the letter. I walked up to everyone and pulled my mask off. 

“We’re with you Clare, ” Tommy stood taller and nodded. I smiled and messed with his hair. 

“Thank you, ” everyone nodded and Techno stood by me. I pull the satchel of pearls out and hand one to each person. 

“If things get tight, or we have to escape, use it, ” the others nodded putting the pearls somewhere safe and ready at hand. “Heres the plan, ” 


Phade returns with a flurry of feathers. He caws and screeches angrily as he lands. 

“Damn jerk!” he said landing on my arm. 

“I'm not even gonna ask, ” I reply checking him for injuries. Nothing stood out, and all his feathers were in place. He hopped down and transformed into a wolf again. 

“Good idea, ” he seethed with anger. I stood in the shadows of the arena watching as people cautiously made their way into the massive structure. Glancing over to where Dream waited Cally sitting patiently at his feet. Techno stood in the center, Pithalo his familiar laying down innocently. George, Tommy, and Tubbo sat in a box for a king or wealthy person, or for anyone who thought highly of themselves and had taken over, waiting for my signal. Bad and Fundy watched the halls that led to the arena to warn us when Jacob arrived. Sapnap waited in the stands, Snap his familiar hidden, Philza and Wilbur also in the stands. More people filled in the stands some wearing armor some lightly geared. All curious, or just bored and looking for something to do. Some stared at me some pointed some yelled at me to die and leave the server. I ignored them, tapping my foot however Phade wouldn't have it so he teleported reappearing in front of the offending party, scaring the shit out of them. The sound of the noon bell rang and some came out with trays of food some even had popcorn. Fundy came out from the tunnel and ran over to me. 

“Some of Jacobs goons are on their way down the ball hall, ” I whistled loud enough for Sapnap above me to hear who then whistled over to George and little and big T. Tommy then whistled over to Dream who whistled to Techno. I clip my mask on and pull the hood of my cloak up. The onlookers looked up and quieted at the whistles, watching intently. Fundy and I moved further down the side of the arena away from the entrance. A few of Jacobs's friends walked out of the tunnels and onto the sand of the battlegrounds. Then a whistle fills the air. Technos blade glints in the sun, the sound of steel on steel rings across the arena. 

“I have something of yours, ” the sing-song of Jacobs's voice drifts in the wind. Jacob walks out holding Bad with a dagger to his throat. Halo is dragged out snout-tied shut. Jacobs's right-hand man drops her. No one moves, tension could be felt through the entire arena. Phade starts to move forward but I hold a hand out and walk forward. Jacob steps back slightly as I move forward fear flashing across his face. Bad knows what I'm doing and stays put slowly pulling the pearl I gave him out, clutching tightly. Dune, Tubbos familiar slithers under the sand to Halo and uses his teeth to undo the knot keeping Halos snout shut. Once the knot was undone Dune slithered away. Halo stays waiting, everyone holding their breath. 

“Stay back witch, ” Jacob snarled fear lacing the hate. I stop, waiting, everyone tense, everyone's hand near a weapon. 

“Unfortunately Jacob I don't listen to bullies. If I did I wouldn't be here... NOW!” Bad rolls the pearl hard, Halo leaps away, George and Tommy, and Tubbo fire arrows at the group. Whipping off my cloak I throw a dagger into the closest boy's chest, Jacob steps back in surprise while Bad reappears in front of Techno. Dream dives into the battle trading blows with a dark-haired boy and his coyote familiar, Techno Bad, and Fundy fight the boys from the other tunnel, while Dream, the archery team, and I fight off Jacobs group. Bads pearl appears in my hand as I dodge a swing. I shove another throwing knife into the kids chest and I back out of the fight, running to Bad. At least five kids have hit the ground, and have not gotten up. Bad and I switch places and as he runs past I hand him the pearl. A brown-haired boy has Techno pinned and Fundy is trying to fend off two people at once. With a snarl I pull my sword out of the sheath and stab one of Fundies enemies and slam my shield into the others side. 

“Thanks, ” Fundy nods and runs after another opponent. I dodge another swing while running to Techno. Pithalo snarls and snaps at a jaguar unable to help Techno, and Phade runs in and latches onto the jaguar's back. I run in quiet but Technos opponent watches me from the reflection of his shield and sidesteps me. Before I run Techno through I slide to a stop and duck. Techno blocks his swing with his shield and I swipe at his exposed side. Jacobs goon sways left avoiding my blade and disengages with Technos shield. Something glints behind me and I sway right avoiding a fatal blow and get the edge of a sword across my side. Blood drips down my side and pain runs up my spine, I snarl and deflect a downward strike, I pivot right and slam my elbow into his side. He stumbles backward and regains his footing snarling. Techno manages to get a blow in slamming his opponent into the ground, and comes at the redhead fighting me and we both shove him into a wall his head slamming into the stone wall. Blood drips down the back of his head and smears down the wall as he collapses limp. 

“You ok?” I nod leaning against the wall for a moment, resting as Techno takes a look at the cut on my side. The blood has slowly stopped dripping. A tear in Technos breeches drips with blood, and a cut runs across his left arm. Phade trots over with Pithalo behind him, both scratched up but nothing serious. Picking up my sword I roll my arms and shoulders. 

“Alright let's go, ” Techno and I run in together fighting back to back, eventually only 10 of Jacobs original the group was left. 

“Give up Jacob! Make this go away!” Jacob didn't reply but stood behind his righthand man who was facing off with Dream. Dream swung, righty (Jacobs guy) deflected the attack and swung at Dream who lept back and shot forward stabbing the bully in the side. He yelled in pain and fell to his knees. Dream looked at me, and I shook my head. He stepped back, George, Tommy, Tubbo, Philza, Wilbur, and Sapnap circled the rest of Jacobs boys who dropped their weapons and got on their knees. Philza went in and tied their hands behind them and had them face one another to make sure they didn't try and escape. Tommy Tubbo and George aimed their bows at the captives. Jacob watched terrified, no one there to save him or defend him. The people in the stands watched in silenced awe. 

“Jacob me and you, duel, ” I walked forward into the center of the arena sword out pointed to the ground. He stepped up. 

“To the death, ” he looked up a savage grin across his face. Everyone started to protest but I put my hand in the air. It was final, Jacob and I would fight to the death if I lost he and his friends took over, if I won his friends either died or promised to never bully anyone. 

“Clare! This is a bad idea!” Philza grabbed my hand and turned me around. His eyes full of worry, and the others had looks of shock and terror righten across their faces. Techno shook his head, saying no. 

“If I die... Get out of here, hide, run, don't stay here to avenge me. Please, ” I looked into their bruised cut sweaty faces. I hugged Tommy and Tubbo tight while rubbing their heads, embraced Philza who kissed me on the head, Wilbur hugged me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, Bad hugged me whispering quietly, Fundy looked away and George and Sapnap shook my hand. Dream shook my hand and hugged me rubbing my head. And Techno stood unable to move. I hugged him and he pulled me away and cradled my face, tears in his eyes. Phade jumped up and put his paws on my shoulder and licked my face, while I hugged him close. He got down and stood by Techno. With a sigh, I face my enemy while the others back off. Jacobs sword is out and ready to swing, his stance loose his demeanor savage. He was ready to kill me even if he went down with me. I pull my belt quiver and scabbard off and set them on the ground. The only things on me is a pearl, an golden apple and my hidden throwing knives. I roll my shoulders, my arms, my wrists, stretch and concentrate. I take a few deep breathes and close my eyes. Jacob decides to come at me, his sword raised over his shoulder. Tubbo calls out to warn me and I ignore him, focusing on listening. Ten feet, seven feet, five feet, four feet! Now! I pivot on my left foot sidestepping Jacobs charge, and as he flys, past me, I pivot on my right foot and slam my boot into his back. He slides several feet his sword flying through the air clattering to the ground several feet away. He struggles to get up and scrambling for his sword cursing. My eyes still closed I listen for his footsteps this time he slowly approaches me... From my left. He charges again seven feet from me, swinging for my head. Fundy gasps, the others holding their breaths. Instead of sidestepping Jacob again, I open my eyes and my shield appears in my hand and I take the full force of 150 pounds running full speed into me. I brace my feet and rock with the impact. My shield arm goes numb and I have to pinch my funny bone until I can feel my arm again. Jacob hits his head on the edge of the shield as he crashes into me, stumbling back. My turn. I run straight at him then bond off my right foot to the side and strike from above. Jacob barely put his shield up in time and my sword glances off it. I dance backward with a laugh as he jabs forward. He snarls in frustration as my friends whoop and holler. He slowly circles trying to decide how to go about this. He flicks his blade trying to distract me, but I don't bite at the bait. I step forward and he jerks backward, and as he leans backward I launch forward. I underhand a swing slicing into skin, blood spurts onto the sand and Jacob cries out stumbling backward. He snarls and jumps up ignoring the blood. He circles carefully and darts in then backs out as I flinch then darts in again with a fake out swing from the left then down the right cutting through my leggings and into flesh. Blood flows freely, and sweat drips into the wound making it sting even more. I bite my tongue and duck as he swings

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