» Fantasy » Tournaments, Ghost Wolf [ereader for textbooks txt] 📗

Book online «Tournaments, Ghost Wolf [ereader for textbooks txt] 📗». Author Ghost Wolf

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The whole team (Dream Techno and the familiars) stepped back and went back to their table. I followed and sat down next to Techno. Phade laid down and watched Jacobs table. A tray appeared before me, waffles, fruit, eggs, bacon, and biscuts, and a steak for Phade, whose whole attention was focused on Jacobs table. I rubbed his head, feeling the tension leave, and eventually, he ate the steak. 

“Glad you came to eat with us, ” Techno said as he ate like a gentleman, with his knife and fork and napkin in his shirt. The others laughed and chatted while I stuffed my face. I ate the waffles not realizing I was so hungry until I had the first bite. I tried to eat slowly but hunger took over. I was done before anyone else, and everyone gaped at my empty plate which then refilled. My eyes widened, and Techno laughed. 

“Eat up! Hahaha, ” he chuckled as I ate another helping of fruit. After my second helping, we chatted for a while. The dining hall began slowly emptying of people and Jacob. 

“So Clare how come your in an all-boys server.” Bad asked and everyone looked at me. Looking down I tried to remember what I was doing there. 

“I don't know. I woke up in a little room with Phade looking at me. Once I was dressed in all the stuff in the wardrobe I went to explore. I found the courtyard and realized there were no girls, and then Dream saw me so I ran into here, ” I shrugged pointing upwards. 

“Phade and I slept up there until the morning bell woke us up, then I shot at Jacobs group. Ran off to my room, looked around the room a bit more, and found these, ” I pulled the pearls out handing one to Dream whose eyes widened at the sight of them. 

“Where did you find these?” he asked still shocked. 

“A small box under my bed. There were five the first time I found them. Everyday a new one appears, ” I shrugged not understanding. 

“These are ender pearls. When you throw one they teleport you to where ever the pearl lands, ” he handed it back as I stared at the glassy green orb. 

“How many do you have?” Fundy inquired his ears twitching. I pulled the seven pearls out and laid them onto the table. Bad laughed. 

“No way, ” Tubbo whispered. Tommy just whistled, and George stared while Sapnap picked one up studying it. Philza who was sitting next to me messed up my hair with a smile. 

“Good job kiddo, ” he said, the others nodded in agreement. 

“Question is, do they disappear once you use them or do you get it back?” I looked at him pondering the question. Tommy picked one up. 

“One way to find out, ” he threw the pearl as if he was skipping rocks, and the pearl flew across the room then landed onto one of the tables. Tommy poofed and appeared onto the table. I stood out of my seat as he disappeared and repeared. He stumbled in surprise but caught himself. He shook his head, and then I looked down. In my hand appeared a pearl. 

“Yes, ” I said quietly.

“What?” Dream asked and everyone looked at me and at the pearl in my hand. 

“Ladies and gentlemen we are golden, ” Tubbo said with a big smile on his face. 

“Speaking of golden, ” I pulled the golden apple out and tossed it in the air. 

“No way!!” George, Sapnap, and Dream said at the same time. I smiled. 

“That's a golden apple! Cut a tiny slice out of that and any injures ya got go away, ” Bads familiar said. Phade got up and nudged me. 

“You got a curious onlooker, ” Phade whispered pointing with his snout. I looked over in the direction he was pointing. He had blonde hair with green eyes, tall and lithe. He noticed me watching and disappeared. 

“I'll be right back, ” I packed up the pearls and the apple. The others looked at me weird and went back to chatting Dream talking about how they could use the pearls efficiently, Techno watched me. My whole attention was on the blonde. I followed him out the door looking right and left. A shadow disappeared around the corner to my left. I jogged over to the stairs and heard him go up. I followed quickly behind. 

“I don't like this Clare, ” 

“I don't think he's part of Jacobs group Phade calm down, ” ignoring Phades warning we went up to the top floor. The top floor is similar to the bottom floor except above the dining hall is a library. The top floor was lit by skylights instead of torches. The blonde disappeared into the library, and I was close behind. Phade was cautious and whined quietly but continued to follow me. The library was lit by skylights and soft glowing stones in stands at the end of each shelf. The library was a maze of shelves and books. I heard soft footprints and walked down an aisle of books. At the end, the path split two ways left and right. The sound of footsteps behind me though made my decision.

“Going some where, ” I pulled my sword out and faced this new threat. Two boys, twins, tall and muscular, armed to the teeth. The bookshelves behind me and around me were going to make this difficult. 

“Give us the pearls and the apple and you can leave unharmed, ” both the twins advanced. Two more people appeared one on each side of me. Phade growled, and I tried to find a way out of this. I sheathed my sword and everyone relaxed a bit. 

“I'll give you one pearl, ” I replied hoping they would except knowing they wouldn't. But this allowed me to free up my hands without suspicion. 

“No, all of them, ” the twin's shot my offer down. With a sigh, my bow appeared in my hand. They tensed shields appearing in their hands, ready to deflect any shot. With a grin, I go to grab an arrow and the boys put their shields up but instead of grabbing an arrow I pull a pearl out and throw it high over their heads. The pearl landed and everything went dark and then a wall appears and I collide with that. Shaking off surprise I bolt for the door and yank on the knob. The door didn't open. 

“Shit!” with a growl I spin around Phade appearing at my side. 

“We don't want to hurt you. Please just give us the pearls, ” the four boys stood ready. The blonde was behind the twin's uncertainty in his eyes. I put the bow away and pull my blade out. 

“Sorry gentlemen but I'm not giving up my lifeline, ” Phade disappears and reappears in the air before slamming into the biggest twin. With a snarl, I run at the other twin and swing. The other twin puts his shield up and deflects my swing. My sword rebounds off the shield, and the twin jabs at me. I narrowly manage to dodge the attack. Stepping back, I dodge another attack this one from the other boy, the one with black hair. The other twin throws Phade off blood dripping down the bites on his arms and scratches on his chest. Phade slams into the wall with the sound of breaking bones. 

“Phade!!” the twins swing their blades down and I barely manage to put my shield up. The blonde stands their staring at Phades unmoving body. The black-haired kid stabs at me from my left cutting into my skin from behind. With a cry of pain, I shove forward throwing the twins off. I spin around my ponytail whipping around as I swing my blade at him and slice through his arm. Blood spurts everywhere and his familiar leaps at me going for my throat. I slam the hyena into the ground with my shield, breaking something. I can feel the hot blood dripping down my back as I turn around and run over to Phade. 

“Phade? Come on Phade, please don't do this to me, ” Phade lifted his head and whined. Pivoting on my right foot from my crouched position I throw my shield up deflecting a strike from the twin that had thrown Phade. With a snarl, I shove my blade straight into his exposed chest. Blood spurts out and drips down my blade and the light in his eyes fades. I pull the sword out and he drops to the ground. His brother directly behind him looks in shock as orbs of light float up and towards me. His expression changes to hatred and his friend yells as he runs at me. Standing I sidestep his charge and dodge a swipe from the other twin. I slam my elbow into the twin's face and shove the black-haired boy back with my shield. The twin falls with a broken nose, and the dark haired boy flys over Phade and slides across the floor. Sweat drips down my neck and blood continues flowing down my back. Exhasution was beginning to take it's toll as I shoulder my shield and prepare for another attack. The blonde hair boy hasn't moved although his attention is on the dead twin. The second twins nose bleeds it no longer aligned correctly. 

“You will pay for killing him!” his forehead is covered in sweat and there's a massive cruise forming on his face. His shoulder has dropped a half inch and his sword droops. The dark haired boy gets up and regrips his sword. From the corner of my eye, I watch in slow motion as he runs at me. A half second letter he raises his sword and through a downward cut deflects off my shield shattering the blade. The momentum he had gained sent him flying into my shield right after his sword. The jagged end of his sword still against the shield penetrate through flesh and bone, as his body slams into my metal shield. He drops to the floor blood pooling around his body seeping into the blue carpet. The last twin stood there in shock realizing he was alone. The glint of metal caught my eye. A set of keys hung from the dark haired boys belt, in his blood. Picking them up I rattled them in front of the twin blood dripping down my hand. 

“End this now, ” exhaustion is taking over and if he realized I was tired he wouldn't. Conflict flirted across his face. He raised his sword and with a snarl ran at me. I ran at him and half way I sidestepped slamming my shield into his side. He manages to dodge most of the attack and barely clips the edge. Pivoting he came at me again. This time a little more cautiously, aiming right. Blocking his blow, my right arm became numb from the force. Ducking under to the right, I swung slicing into his side. He screamed in pain, swinging for his head he blocks it with his shield and jabs his sword slicing into my arm. Gritting my teeth I pull out and barely yank my head away as his sword cuts my cheek, shoots at my head. I drop my sword and pull an arrow out. And slam the metal shaft under his chest plate and up into his heart. His eyes widen in realization. His attempt to back out and pull the arrow out end in him collapsing in his brothers pool of blood. Sweat drips down my face down my back and arms and legs. Exhasution gripped my entire body, my sword arm shaking, my shield arm dropped to the floor. 

“Phade, ” was all I could manage. He didn't get up he didn't move he... He's gone. I stroke his fur one more time before getting up. The blonde haired kid stood there watching wide-eyed. There was no way I could carry Phade and if I didn't leave I would

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