» Fantasy » Bonded by Blood, luvvlifeforever922 [feel good novels .txt] 📗

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of British accents. Since she lived most of her life in England and only moved over to America over 15 years ago, she still has somewhat of an accent but now it’s so faint you can barely tell.

I jumped off the island and Annie followed suit. Aunt Maggie looked me over when I was on the floor and I guess she could already tell that I had let Annie give me one of her special make over’s (Annie did this a lot over the summer when she got bored or when she noticed my lack in style – which, like I said, happened a lot during the summer - so Aunt Maggie got kind of use to seeing me dressed like this and knew when not to ask question about it.) went into the refrigerator to get our lunches for school.

“Ok. So here are your lunches for school, darlings. You know how I feel about you children eating those atrocious lunches at that school of yours.”

“Yes we know how you feel about all of us eating those lunches Aunt Maggie.” I said, took a bite of my apple again and looked around for some familiar faces that obviously weren’t there. “Um… were are Willy and dad?” I asked

She started chopping something on the cutting board when she finally answered me. “Well your father had to go to leave early this morning for a business trip. He told me to tell you guys that he’ll be back by Tuesday of next week. And William left to school with some friends of his. You know Jake and the others he hangs out with” She finished chopping whatever it was that she was chopping and moved onto the stove to turn it on and start sautéing what she had chopped.

“Why is he leaving for such a long stretch of time? And where is he going?” I asked. He had a very complex job and he traveled a lot, but he had never left for an entire week – 3 days, tops.

“Well he said that the reason he is leaving for so long is because he is has to leave here twice in the next 2 weeks and he doesn’t want to do that so he put the two trips together. Oh and he’s going to Arizona and Las Vegas, love.”

I took another bite of my apple. “Oh ok. I guess I’ll see Willy after school then.” I looked at my phone again. “Oh my gosh Annie were gonna be late. Its 7:21 and we have to be in school by 7:30. Let’s go” I grabbed my purse/book bag, (I don’t really have a lot of books to put in a book bag because it is the first day of senior year so I just brought a big purse) Annie grabbed her bag, threw the apple core in the trash, – Annie did the same – gave Aunt Maggie her kiss on the cheek, got my favorite cardigan ( My favorite because I saw it in the mall and feel in love with it because its covers me up, its black, and majorly cute because it’s the modern ones with the long sleeves and the front that’s longer than the back.) and Annie’s, and ran out the door with her right behind me.

I looked up at the sky when I got outside and started smiling. It was one of those unusually sunny days here in Seattle, Washington. This, of course, made my day because when you live in a place were 9 out of the 12 months is covered in rain, you tend to encourage any form light that will enhance my already nice cream-y color. Huh, I thought, looks like I won’t need my sweater after all.

When I walked down the porch steps and saw my baby I had to stop a second to admire it. I don’t mean an actual baby. I mean my car. It’s a Volvo XC60. Dad gave it to all three of us as a late graduation present (late because we got it in the middle of the summer) for us to use for any emergencies. Like, let’s say, picking up Annie drunk from those wild parties she ends up going to. But now it’s mostly going to be for driving us all to and from school.

The car is for all of us but I, really, am the only one who drives it. Mostly because William at the present moment doesn’t have his license to drive by himself. Annie, on the other hand, does but she claims she is terrified of being behind the wheel and will never drive again only because the first time she went out driving by herself she almost ran over a duck that was on the street and almost got in an accident. She can be such a baby sometimes but whatever excuse lets me keep this car forever then I am all for it.

I hoped into the driver’s seat, started the car, and put it in drive. About a mile out into the road, I noticed immediately that something was wrong. Not with the car, thank heavens for that, but with Annabelle. Annie just didn’t seem like her normal talk-about-anything-and-everything self much once she had gotten in the car which is strange cause she talks more in the car so I won’t put on the radio (she had the radio on the day of the almost accident and she thinks it’s a distraction to anyone who has it on while driving.) and now she was just staring out the window with a blank expression on her face.

So I turned on the radio to see if I can get a reaction from her. Nothing.

I sighed and turned it off; I didn’t have quite a tolerance for it either, and turned to her as best I could without taking my eyes off the road.

“Is everything alright Annabelle?” I whispered. I only ever called her Annabelle when it was something serious or if I wanted her attention. In this case it was both. It worked and she eventually turned.

“Yes everything is fine Katherine. Don’t worry about it.” She answered.

Uh-oh.You know something awful has happened when your normally perky sister who has a pet name for just about everyone and everything calls you by your full name. Ugh I hated when she did that.

“Well a girl kinda gets worried when her always happy ‘sis, well, just isn’t so happy all of a sudden. Is something wrong Annie?”

“Well, like I said before, don’t worry about anything. Nothing is wrong ok. I just have nothing to talk about” She stopped looking at me and turned from me to look straight ahead with the same blank expression on her face.

I scuffed and I saw the glare she gave me from the corner of my eye “You always have something to say. Since when do you have nothing to say” I turned my face to look at her quickly then I turned my attention back to the road. She was still glaring at me so I took that as a sigh to continue speaking since she obviously wasn’t going to forgive me yet. “And since when are you so hostile to me, your sister, your best friend. Come on Annie talk to me about something. Please Belle.” I tried the pet name I only used to see if it would soften her up.

It worked. She stopped glaring and her expression softened. She stopped looking ahead and looked at me instead.

“Look Katie I’m not being hostile I just have a lot on my mind…and I just don’t feel like talking” Annie whispered to me. Yeah because that answer just isn’t begging for more details.

But I’m not going to ask for details because if she wants to keep something to herself, I’m not going to be a snoop and bombard her with questions of mine. Yeah we’re twins and all but we do have things we keep from each other and things we share. And if she wants to keep something to herself now then so be it.

So instead of the questioning I just put on a neutral expression and said “oh ok” and let it go.

We got to school 4 minutes before the bell rang for first hour and I found a nice parking space all the way to the left of the school but close to the front which was okay with me.

This part of town is a little nicer than others (so I’ve noticed) so it’s normal to see a BMW or a Porsche in the school parking lot. Or in my case a shiny new Volvo.

I hopped out of the car and looked up at my school. The school is, in fact, very tall – 3 floors – and very wide –the school is so big it looks like there are 2 building instead of a building – and started toward the office with Annie to get our schedule, when she stiffens at my side.

“What’s wrong Annie?” I asked while I asked her I was scanning the school and found the answer to my question but she answered anyway.

“It’s Erik over there” she pointed at the front of the school towards the right side of the building. “Oh my god and look who’s over there making out with him. It’s Roxanna Welter. I never liked that girl”

Erik is Annie’s ex. They went out for like 6 months and then he broke up with her for no reason. He claims it was because Annie was too good for him and he didn’t deserve her. He was right. He didn’t deserve her. I always thought she could do better but I never hated him until he broke her heart. We both knew the real reason he broke up with Annie. It was, in fact, the girl he was making out with publicly; Roxanna Welter. Annie and Erik were fine as a couple – Annie the head cheerleader, of course, and Erik a lineman for the football team – but when Roxanna made it to the cheerleading team last year, when they had try outs, she totally wanted him for herself. 2 weeks after she made it to the cheerleading team he was braking up with Annie for Roxanne. Ugh what a douche that guy is.

“Just ignore them. Walk by them, if you have to, with your head held high. It shouldn’t matter to you anymore. That was last year’s news.”

“Your right it doesn’t matter to me anymore and it was last year’s new. I am over it already. Let’s go get our schedules from the office because if we don’t get there soon well be late for our first hour.”

“Look who doesn’t want to be late now” I said

She rolled her eyes “Whatever. Let’s go.”

We walked passed them together and when we were already in the building I turned to look at Annie. She had her held high and her shoulder back with a smile on her face but it didn’t reach her eyes. I could tell that seeing them there making out had affected her more than she lead on.

“Are you alright?” I asked quietly

“Yep. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Oh I don’t know maybe because you just saw your ex and some skank sucking each other’s lips off” I answered

She stopped in the middle of the hall and pulled me to the side and whispered “Look Katherine there isn’t a problem here. I’m fine ok it didn’t affect me as much as I thought it would. I am over him ok.” She looked me
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