» Fantasy » Bonded by Blood, luvvlifeforever922 [feel good novels .txt] 📗

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my sandwich.

I was already done with the sandwich and the chips when Lisa looked over at me.

“So have you seen the new history teacher?” she asked

I took a sip of Pepsi and answered her.

“No. I don’t have history till sixth hour. Why? Is there something wrong with her?”

“He’s not a she. He’s a he and he is a freaking god, man.” Heidi answered

“She’s right. This guy is the shit. He’s extremely hot. I mean seriously, I could see his muscles flex every time he wrote on the chalk board.” Netti said, with this weird look in her eyes. If Nettie – a girl who, unlike Lisa and Heidi, doesn’t throw herself at every hot guy she meets – was cursing over a guy’s hotness and was drooling over him then he must really be extremely hot.

“That’s true. His muscles were perfect.” Lisa said

“A gods muscles.” Heidi said

They both had the same look on their faces that Netti had when she was talking about him. It’s strange because it almost looked like they were all under a weird trance-like-state just by the mention of this guy’s muscles.

I took another sip from my Pepsi “Wait, wait, wait. How do you know when there a gods muscles, Heidi?” I asked a little amused. She was just so damn stupid (another thing Lisa and Heidi share, except that Lisa is a little smarter than Heidi. But not by a lot because they both need to be tutored to pass all of their classes. Usually it’s Netti doing all the tutoring.). And I mean that in the most none offensive way possible, of course.

Heidi grabbed Annie’s apple that was on the table, took a bite and looked me in the eye with an unusual seriousness lurking in the black depths of her eyes. “You just know, Kat. You just know.” Lisa and Heidi were the only ones who called me Kat – they like to make nicknames out of nicknames. She took another bite of the apple, chewed, swallowed, and then grinned at me with full force which is just like her but now it just didn’t feel the same. There was something weird about her grin this time. But I laughed anyway because it was just so typical Heidi and Lisa to be territorial about a guy that is not and never will be theirs. It was normal behavior for Heidi and Lisa … just with a little more intensity than usual.

I looked over at Sapphi and she was having a conversation with Netti about where she was from, what her parents did, and why they all moved here.

I tuned out of it. I’ll just ask her later.

I turned back to Lisa and Heidi and they were asking Annie if she has a class with the teacher. But she wasn’t paying attention.

“Anns, look at me” Lisa waved her hand in front of Annie’s blank face that was just staring over Lisa’s head.

Annie looked down at Lisa with confusion all over her expression.

“What did you say, Liz. Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” Annie said with apologetic eyes. But behind that I saw something behind that, in her eyes, that made it clear something was bothering her.

I was about to ask, when Lisa starts talking.

“Yeah I noticed,” she said “But what I asked was if you had Mr. Night for History?”

“Umm … yeah I had him for fourth hour.” she answered still a little out of it to be able to give Lisa her full attention.

Lisa and Heidi, simultaneously, pounced on Annie as best they could taking into consideration the distance of the table that was in front of them.

“Oh my god! Isn’t he just the most god-like thing you have ever seen in your life?” Heidi said

Annie didn’t know how to answer that. “Umm …”

“And did you see his face it was sexy shit.” Lisa said

“Umm … yeah I guess,” Annie said to Lisa and Heidi. They both tilted there head to the side and had confusion written all over their faces. That’s means: why are you not giving us details.

“Well… umm… during class he looked over at my desk a couple times.” Annie said without much enthusing.

Lisa and Heidi’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Even Netti, who was still talking to Sapphi, looked over at Annie to hear what she had to say.

“Oh my god! You have to give us the details!” Heidi said, super excited now that he was getting some sort of reaction about their god-like guy.

I rolled my eyes but nobody noticed.

“Wait. Are you sure he was looking at you?” Lisa asked a little suspiciously but still more than curious.

“Well when he gave us all that state test – you know the one we have to do at the beginning of every year – I would look up at him sometimes because, you know, he’s incredibly gorgeous and he would be staring at me but when I caught him he would automatically look down at his desk.” Annie said her expression turning from blank to curious. As if she were wondering why he was staring at her in the first place.

I was appalled.

I turned to Annie

“Are you serious? A test on the first day of school. Aren’t the teachers supposed to give those out two weeks after school starts?” As if my day couldn’t get any worse.

Lisa and Heidi gave me a look and sshhed me.

I decided to ignore them. I mean, after all they were all in love with a guy who they could never get. I almost felt bad for them. Almost.

They turned back to Annie. Everyone at the table was looking at Annie now – even Sapphi. But when I looked from Sapphi to Netti to Heidi and finally to Lisa, there expressions were all different. Sapphi was genuinely curious about what happened to Annie in history. On the other hand Lisa and Heidi had a profound amount of jealously deep within their eyes. It was thankfully covered by the curiosity that was on their faces. I looked at Netti and she had the same jealous edge as Lisa and Heidi though it was better hidden in the depths of her brown eyes then it was in Lisa or Heidi’s eyes. What the hell is wrong with you people? You’re never going to get him so why are you all jealous, I thought

Before Lisa or Heidi could bombard her with more questions she just didn’t want to answer Annie spoke up.

“Umm … guys I have some bad news.” Annie said look down at the table.

“What?” Heidi asked a little confused.

“Well … Mr. Night is married.”
Chapter Three

“What!” Lisa and Heidi said at the same time. Everyone at the table had their mouth hanging open – including me.

I was the first one at the table to snap of the surprise, so I decided to speak up. “Are you sure, Annie?”

“Yeah I’m pretty sure he’s married, Kat, because when he came to my table to pick up my test he reached for it with his left hand and there was a ring on it.”

“Oh. I guess I never really noticed that he wore a wedding band.” Lisa said a little disappointed. Because really who’s going to check a guy’s left hand to see if he’s married, when they can just look at his god-like muscles.

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes again. I tended to do that a lot when I was with Lisa and Heidi.

Heidi wanted to get the depressing conversation out of her head, so she turned to Sapphi. “So Sapphs,” Heidi said, yet again making a nickname out of a nickname, “Did you have Mr. Night for History?”

Sapphi seemed to be a little uncomfortable under the spot light.

I smiled at her.

“No I haven’t had him yet. I have him for sixth hour with Kat, actually.” She said, smiling over at me.

That’s when it happened.

I felt Annie’s low, intake of breath as she suddenly stiffened next to me, in her chair. I turned to her and saw her expression.

It was one I dreaded but new oh so well. She had her face twisted in a mix showing of confusion and fear and pain and despair. They were all the usual sighs that something bad was happening.

But then just as I was going to start to panic, I looked deeply into her eyes and saw something that made me stop, because underneath all of the confusion and fear and pain and despair there was a look of blankness. How strange, I thought, Annie never has that look on her face once she knows what happened.

We stared at each other for a good 5 seconds before I gave her one sharp nod and then turned to everyone at the table.

Of course Lisa, Heidi, and Netti were all use to the silent, twin sister exchanges Annie and I shared on a regular basis. That why I didn’t always feel obligated to excused myself when I wanted to talk to her privately. But this was a different case scenario so I kind felt the need to excuse ourselves.

“Umm … you guys, I have to go to the bathroom and Annie has to go too. We’ll be right back. It’ll only take a second.” My voice sort of crack over the last lines but I had a smile on my face which, hopefully, distracted from my voice.

Apparently it didn’t because Sapphi looked concerned.

“Are you guys alright?” she asked, worry crossing over ever one of her features.

Annie was the one who put on a smile this time – a better one than mine – and answered Sapphi’s concern.

“Yeah were fine. We just have to go freshen up.” With that she push her chair back, picked her tote bag of the floor and looked down at me.

I got up, picking my bag up of the floor too and started walking towards the bathrooms with Annie right next to me. As we were making our way through the caf I kept looking around for a familiar face.

And there, all the way across from the table we were just at, was William laughing at something one of his friends, Jason, was saying. When I got his attention he looked from Annie to me and stopped laughing. I guess he can tell when something is wrong, I thought, because something is definitely wrong. He said something to Jason, got up, and starting walking with us towards the bathrooms.

When we reached the bathrooms, I turned to Willy.

“Let me

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