» Fantasy » Bonded by Blood, luvvlifeforever922 [feel good novels .txt] 📗

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just that. So today you guys are going home with me so we can start." she smiled when she was done.

"Crap" said Lisa

"Damn" said Heidi

I rolled my eyes

"Nice vocabulary." I muttered and i heard Sapphi laugh. I turned to her.

"How 'bout you?" I asked


"Yeah how about you come over to our house after practice?"

She looked so shocked. As if I had asked her to jump off a cliff with me.

"Well i don't know cause my mom is gonna come pick me up after school and..." I gave her my best puppy dog face. She rolled her eyes. "And i can give her a call after school and tell her that i got a ride home from some friends." I beamed and hugged her.


"Wait you said practice. Do you guys play a sport or something?" she asked

"No I'm a cheerleader." I gestured to the whole table. "Where all cheerleaders."

"Your a cheerleader too?!" she shrieked. We got a few looks from the kids walking by our table.

I chuckled "Yeah I am. But don't worry practice only lasts today until 4:30. Its just to get our uniforms and to do some old routine stuff. Nothing big.

She relaxed a bit but then looked confused. "Wait don't you guys have to tryout and stuff?"

"Yeah we do but we have tryouts during summer so by the time school starts we already know who made it and can start competitions earlier in the year."

That seamed to make her go back to normal but we couldn't talk anymore because just then the bell rang and everyone was hurrying over to there fifth hour.

I pulled out my schedule from my bag.

"Who has Biology for 5th?" I asked

Netti smiled."I do."

"Me too" Sapphi said.

I beamed. "Great. Well what about you guys?" I turned to Lisa and Heidi.

They gave me a face but then Lisa answered. "We have Spanish with Ms. Alveraz."

I laughed.

That lady is a bitch and the whole school knows it.

"Well we got to get going to Biology. See you in practice. Bye."

We all said our good byes and then Me, Annie, Netti, and Sapphi made our way to Biology.

When we finally found the classroom we took our seats. This school has a 4 person lab table so we all got to sit together.

The teacher wasn't in the room so we had time to talk.

"So Sapphi what's your last period?" I asked, looking over to my right.

She took out her schedule, looked over it, and she answered me.

"Umm I have Art with Mr. Gibson."

"Well I had him late year and I hated him." Annie said

"Don't listen to Anns. She hates all the teachers. And Mr.Gibson isn't that bad, by the way."

The teacher walked in then, so we couldn't talk. Then the bell rang so he started with 'The first day of school' nonsense.

By the end of class I was all happy that the day was almost over. Two more classes.

The bell rang so we split up. Annie left with Netti to go to Gym and Sapphi and I left to History.

When we got to room 114 - History - me and Sapphi took seats in the exact center of the class. The teacher wasn't in the room yet. But on the board it clearly read Mr. Night

I realized then that i hadn't really talked to Sapphi much about herself.

"So Sapphs, why did you move hear?" I asked

She looked over at me.

"Well my dad's in the Marines so he got sent here and we all had to come, of course."

"So you move around a lot?"

She laughed. "That, my dear Kat, is the biggest understatement of life. I have lived in over 15 states, starting with Florida and hopefully gonna end here."

"Wait you wear born in Florida?" I asked taking out a notebook and a pen.

"Yeah why?"

"Well Annie and I were born in Florida too. That's so exciting and in-"

I stopped talking when I heard the door slam shut. I didn't want to look at the teacher. He had just walked in, not saying a single word, and I had immediately detected the air of authority and respect around him. And it couldn't have been Spirit because when he came in the other kids in the room shut up too. They probably felt it as well.

So instead of looking up I looked down at my notebook and started doodling in it. I could hear him walk over to his desk and then he leaned on it.

And then he spoke up.

"Hello class my name is Mr. Night and I will be your U.S History teacher for this year." Thats all it took. For him to start speaking in that low, sexy voice of his.

I looked up
Chapter Six

Chapter 3

I looked up and was shocked.

He looked gorgeous. No beautiful. No ravishing. No. He looked like a Greek God.

My heartbeat picked up its pace and my hands got sweaty around the pen I was still holding.

He was just leaning on the side of his desk, arms crossed over his chest with one leg over the other, but he looked so hot I almost couldn't stand it. He was wearing a pale blue button-down shirt with a dark blue tie, tucked into black trousers. he had black shiny shoes and a nice big watch - Rich are we? The shirt clung to his fine muscles so much i literally had to drag my eyes away. And when i did that my eyes landed on his face. I gasped. Was it possible for his face to look better than his body?

He had super pale skin - almost translucent. He had sharp and perfect bone structure everywhere. It mad him look so god damn sexy i could hardly breath. I made my eyes move around his face. He had light brown hair that was flipped to one side. And wow did it looked sexy on him, I thought. He also had the most loveliest shade of blue eyes. They were pale blue, just like his shirt, and had green around the edges. I moved my eyes away from his eyes and moved them to his lips. His lips were plump and slim, at the same time. They were perfect just like his other features. God how I would kill to have those lips pressed on mine. I bet there soft too. I would just love to have his body pressed up against mine. God i feel like doing some crazy shit to this boy, I thought.

I mentally slapped myself for thinking such vulgar thoughts. Okay so there not entirely vulgar but to me it is. I don't usually have thoughts like that. And especially not with my teacher. I mean, even though he doesn't really look older than 24 I can't think thoughts like that about my teacher! Its just-

Oh crap. He met my eyes.

I gasped. His eyes were even more beautiful when they were looking intently at mine. But they weren't soft and tender like I wanted them to be. No. They were hard and bitter. Cold. Like pale blue pieces of ice. I shuddered. Why was he looking at me like that. I don't even know him and he doesn't know me at all but he's looking at me with hatred covered features.

And then his eyes left mine and I let out a breath I didn't realize i'd been holding in. But instead of his eyes going back to the class they stayed on my face, my hair, my body. I shivered. God why does he make me feel like this. I want him so bad its embarrassing. I have to literally dig my nails into the bottom of my desk to stop myself from going over there and begging for a kiss. Just one kiss....and then maybe more...


I can't and I won't think thoughts like those. They are vulgar, gross, and so not like me. I don't beg anyone for a kiss and I especially don't for a kiss if it's from my teacher. I mean sure he can't pass for 24 but still he's my teacher for Christ's sake. I took a deep breath to try any calm myself. Okay just breath, Katherine. Just breath.

I looked at him while I was calming myself - more like trying to calm myself. Not the best idea because he was still looking at me. Look being the operative word. He was still totally checking me out. From head to toe, lingering on my boobs, which made me blush like crazy. I looked at his eyes and there was some sort of hungry gaze there... and something about it made me doubt that it had anything to do with my body.

But then as my heart started to speed up from the look in his eyes and as my palms began to sweat again I started to think. What if I could do all those things to him I want to do? And what if, in some sort of alternate world, he let me?

No! No! No!

Stop thinking things like that Katherine. He's to old for you.

I sighed. But the thing was I had never lusted over a guy this much. I mean this can't really be possible, can it? I mean I have had a boyfriend before. We had been together for little under 3 years so of course I knew what both lust and love felt like but I had never felt it to this extent. I of course am not a virgin so I know what its like to have s*x but I haven't been touched in so long - me and my ex broke up in our sophomore year and I haven't been with anyone since.

Maybe thats it..., I thought.

But somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that wasn't true.

Ignored it.

I heard a light knock on the door. Mr. Night looked over at the door and I let my nails relax from there firm hold on the bottom of my desk. I looked down at my now sweat covered pen and open sketch notebook as he walked over to the door. My breathing was coming out in pants. Our little 'encounter' - if you want to call it that - had only been mere seconds, but to me it had felt like hours.

I heard Mr.

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