» Fantasy » Bonded by Blood, luvvlifeforever922 [feel good novels .txt] 📗

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Chapter Four

Annabelle looked at the ground.

“I don’t know.”

I grabbed her shoulders and turned her so she faced me.

“Belle, what is it? We need to know.” I said in my softest voice possible

She looked up. “Katie, I saw danger near you.”

I was stunned, but then she continued.

“But it’s blurry.”

“What do you mean?” I asked

“It’s hard to explain, but I know there some danger around you” she paused “Around all of us.”

“Ok so let me get this straight, there’s danger mostly around Katherine but around us too, but it’s blurry so you can’t see it specifically, am I right?” Willy asked

“Yes, I think so.” She whispered

“What do you mean think?” he took a step closer to Annie and she flinched at his proximity and at his tone – Willy and I have the same temper problems.

I hated to see her like this, all confused and scared, it makes me feel helpless. And Willy wasn’t helping matters by making her uncomfortable.

I shoved myself in between her and Willy and looked up at him. “I think you should leave her alone for a bit. She’s under a lot of stress trying to see and you’re not helping, ok”

He looked at Annabelle for a moment, then down at me.

He nodded and toke a couple of steps back.

“Annie, I need you to tell me what you are seeing right at this minute. Can you do that?” I asked

“Yes,” she smiled a weak smile.

I smiled back in encouragement.

She took in a deep breath and then closed her eyes. After a long moment, she answered still with her eyes closed.

“Well in this case since it’s somewhat blurry I can’t see pictures, just vague flashes of things like blackness then a guy with a look on his face that screams danger, but then I see the same guy smiling with a family and a – damn! It’s gone the pictures blur and all I can see is blankness.” She opened her eyes.

“Well maybe you can’t see the rest of it because it’s good not bad,” she looked confused. “You said that the guy looked evil but then, all of a sudden, had a smile on his face and was surrounded by family. That’s sounds to me like a good thing not a bad one.”

I waited...and then she got it she looked at me then we both nodded, but I was the one who spoke up.

"Willy, have you seen anything today" I asked

"Well...yeah but -"

"And you choose to tell me this now!" I shouted

"Yeah beca-"

"When you know there could be a connection!"

"Katherine, calm down. I wont tell you if you don't stop shouting" He grabbed my shoulders and shock me.

"Ok fine i'll calm down just tell me what you saw." i looked up at him

He closed his eyes just like Annie. "Well there are two people. And there's some sort of field behind them and there hugging. The guy has brown hair and is smiling down at the girl and the girl is blonde and has a red dress, but i cant see her face." He opened his eyes.

"Who are the couple?" Even though i had a pretty good idea and i wasn't liking it very much.

He looked down at the floor as he answered. "Well i have a really good feeling the guy in my vision is the same one as Annie's vision."

"And the girl?" I asked even though I already know the answer.

"Well the girl is... you, Katherine." He looked up and I freaked out

"Wait, but how do you know thats me.I mean, just because the girl is blonde doesn't mean it's me. Does it?" I'm not much into fainting but at this moment i feel like if I'm about to fall face first.

But instead of William answering me, Annie came between me and him and grabbed my shoulders.

"Well, you see, Katie when one of us have a vision it... um sort of... umm speaks to us. Not in a talking way but it sort of pin points who the person is exactly- if you can't see there face- by having a sort of 'special' aura around that person. That's how i knew mom had been the one in the accident that day even though i couldn't quiet see her face. I was accustomed to her 'special' aura so i knew right away when it was her. And i think thats what Willy was trying to say." We all flinched. We hated to talk about mom when it wasn't necessary. Even after all those years it still makes me cry.

Willy tried to change the subject- a failed attempt really. Our minds were already somewhere else.

"Um... yeah what she said." He looked so confused. It was almost funny. Almost

"Well we'd better get going otherwise the girls will start to wonder where we went..." I said but then i remembered something. "Oh and um i wanted to know if you were gonna wait for us after practice so we could give you a ride home or something." Willy's a soccer player so he has the same practice days and times as the cheerleaders but the cheerleaders all like to spend more time practicing or gossiping with friends and stuff so we usually stay 'till 6 or 7 if were all not busy, while the soccer team just stays for practice until it's over- around 5ish so Willy hates waiting for us out in the field until we all decide to leave.

"And spend and extra hour and a half at school watching a bunch of superficial cheerleaders practice. Umm no thank you. Besides Jack already said i could catch a ride with him after practice so no worries. Bye." He smirked and waved as he walked over to the door.

When he opened the door I opened my mouth.

"Hey we are not superficial cheerleaders okay."

His smirk only grew and the he said, "You just keep telling your self that big sis" Then he walked out the door without saying another word.

"Can you believe that kid. Saying those things to us. His sisters. Oh he is going to have hell-" I turned around and saw Annie with her back to me walking toward the wall mirror. She set he bag down and toke out her make up bag.

"Annie!" I screamed

"What" She was looking at me through the mirror, taking out her compact.

I just sighed and placed my bag next hers and took out my eyeliner making my green eyes pop. Well you can never look to pretty in school.

When we were done freshening up I turned to Annie.

"You know where gonna have to explain why we took so long freshening up."

"Whatever. We'll just put on dazzling smiles and fake it."

So thats exactly what we did. We walked out of the bathroom with dazzling smiles and faked it.

Because thats all we'll ever do our whole lives.

Fake it.

Chapter Five

When we sat down at our table again Lisa and Heidi were chatting to Netti about some hair products they found, while Sapphi was looking at us with a concerned expression.

"Umm are you guys okay?" she asked

"Of course we are Sapphi. We were just in the bathroom freshening up." i answered her curtly.

"Oh it's you guys took a while..." she looked down at her half eaten caf food.

"We just decided to pee and there were a lot people in the bathroom so we had to wait." I lied. God i hate lying to people and especially Sapphi who i just met. She's just so nice and sweet. But i had to do it for Annabelle and William. Sapphi could never learn our secret.

"Oh" was all she said.

I tried to stop her from talking again about the bathroom break by turning away from her and looking over at Lisa, Heidi, and Netti, Who stopped talking about hair products and started arguring about who was hotter: Taylor Lautner or Zac Effron.

"But, you see, Zac Effron has this little boyish face that is just the cutest, you know." Heidi said

"Come on have you seen Taylor Lautner's body?" Lisa said, licking her lips "That is just plain Hot Yumminess."

Come on guys stop acting like retards, okay." Netti said trying to stop the debate. She is always the one who can calm them down when there like this.

"Hey umm guy do you want to come over after practice or something?" I asked just to change the subject.

Lisa and Heidi looked over at me.

They smiled. "Sure." they said in unison, but then Lisa spoke up.

"Wait is you brother going to be there. Because if he is i am not going. Remember last time i rode with him in the back seat? That was not a very pleasant memory for me." she made a face just thinking about it.

I laughed. That was a funny day cause my brother had to take his chemisty class pet home for the weekend. It was a snake. Not venomous, of course. But when Lisa kept talking about prom dresses - this happened towards the end of the year - Willy had gotten feed up with her and had pulled out the front of her shirt and stuck the snake in her bra. It was the funniest thing of life but of course she had gotten pissed and said she would never again get in the car when my brother was with us.

Sapphi brought me out from my thoughts by speaking up.

"Wait you have a brother?" she asked

I looked at her and smiled. "Yeah he's our younger brother. He's a sophomore." I turned back to Lisa who was expecting an answer."And no he is not going to be with us. He's going to go home with the other soccer players after practice."

Lisa and Heidi beamed."Great" they said.

"Umm not great." Netti said looking uncomfortable. "Remember you guys asked me to help you with school work starting from the first day of school. Well now I'm going to do

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