» Fantasy » Total Drama Island, Heather Reed [best inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «Total Drama Island, Heather Reed [best inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Heather Reed

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I <3 U!'
Aw, I thought to myself. I clicked reply and wrote back. 'Aw, how sweet Alejandro. I do love you so much and I was scared to say it to you too. Thank you for knowing that I wasn't trying to be a bitch and I have not had sleep for 2 days. I will see you at school today. Love,
I <3 U 2!'
I look to see if anyone was online and yes there was one and it had to be Alejandro too. I hit his name.
Me- 'Hey'
Him- 'good morning sexy what you doing up this early?'
Me- 'I couldn't sleep.' I wanted to tell him I had a dream but I didn't want him to know yet.
Him- 'oh okay. Me too. I had a dream last night. And I usely wake up about this time.'

I got up to get something to eat. When I got back he wrote again.
Him- 'Hey you okay? I want to tell you something don't freak out I know you had to read the letter I wrote you on here.'
Me- 'Hey, yea I'm okay. I went to get something to eat. And you had a dream? What was it about? And yes you can ask me anything. And yes I did read the letter it was sweet.'
Him- 'Oh okay. Will you go out with me Heather. I think you are very sexy and sweet and I really like you. I never seen a girl like you before.'
Me- 'um.... yes I will!! <3 <3 <3 :D
Him- ':D love you'
Me- 'love you two'
Me- 'see you at school baby. :D
Him- 'okay, see you 2'

We both signed off.
I was so happy. I was still laying on my bed daydreaming until Cody & Noah walked into my room.

“Hey get your ass up heather,” said Noah.

“Hey, I know that face, Heather, you are in love with someone are you?” said Cody. He walk to my laptop and read what I was IM to. And said, “Heather & Alejandro! OH MY GOD! NO FUCKING WAY!”

Noah said, “What is it Cody?”

“Heather & Alejandro go out Noah.”

“What no way. Heather, is this true?”

I didn't answer them I just kept laying on the bed.

They both said, “HEATHER! HEATHER!”

“Huh! Oh hey. Hi he he. Sorry I was daydreaming. Plus I'm tried. What's up?”

It took them 2 times to get a hold of me.

“Wow, Heather you okay you look really tried. Are you sure you want to go to school. You don't have anyone to tell you what to do. Maybe you should stay home. Get some rest. I will bring you your homework.” said Cody.

“Are you sure Cody? I am tried so maybe –”

“Yes you should.” They both said it at the same time.

“Okay, thanks you guys love y'all.”

Cody hug & kissed me and said, “your welcome Heather.”

They left and I seen Alejandro was back on.
Me- 'Hey I not going to school I'm too tried to go to school. Why don't you come over.'
Him- 'Okay. Where do you live?'
Me- 'I live 4121 E. Michigan St.'
Him- 'Okay, I live like 4 streets from you.'
Me 'Oh Okay. The door should be open come in and shut it & lock it please love you.'
Him- okay love you 2.'

He signed off.
I fell asleep and then about an hour a warm hand touched me. I open my eyes. Alejandro was there sitting on the edge of my bed.

We both said “Hey.” We both laughed.

“You look tried, Heather move over I'll lay down with you.”

I nodded and moved over. He took his shirt off and oh my god he was very sexy. He kissed me on the lips and he hold me real close.
He hold me so close I could smell a sweet smell from his hair & body. We kissed like 3 times until we fell asleep together.
I never had a boy stay with me but Cody. He's not really a boy to me because he's my best friend.
4 hours later – I woke up, Alejandro wasn't in bed with me anymore. I started smelling food, I got up & walked in the other room & saw him cooking breakfast. I walked up behind him and put my arms around him.

Alejandro said, “Good morning, babe.” and kissed me

“Good morning to you to babe. What are you cooking?” I asked.

“I'm fixing some breakfast for you. How you sleep. I am sorry that I woke you.”

“Oh no you didn't wake me and I slept okay. Thanks for asking babe.”

“Good, I'm glad you did.” he said. “Here you go my dear.”

“Thanks, & oh, Cody & Noah will be here to give me my work. They are real cool friends. They may be gay but, they are cool. I known Cody forever.” I told him.

He nodded and said, “Okay. I heard they were gay and getting married. That is very cool. I happy for them. When they getting married?”

“Um...” I was thinking. “I don't know yet you can ask them when they get here.”

“Okay. Here you go.”

He fixed me some eggs & toast. He was a good cook. I told him, “Thank you so much. It was good.” I kissed him.

“You are very welcome.” he kissed me back.

We watch TV, until Cody & Noah showed up.

Cody & Noah came in the house seen me & Alejandro sitting on the couch. I was asleep on Alejandro's lap.

Cody said, “Hey, Alejandro, what's up?”

Alejandro said, “Not much. Keep Heather company. She's been asleep almost all day. She did wake up to eat tho. I fixed her eggs & toast. Then we watch TV until you guys showed up, then she fell asleep again.”

Cody & Noah looked at each other & smile.

“Well, here's her homework, Alejandro.” said Cody

“Hey can I ask you something?”

They nodded.

“When are you guys getting married? I asked Heather but she didn't know.” he asked them.

“Noah wants to have a fall wedding where it is not too hot & not too cold. Like around November.” Cody said.

Alejandro said, “ Cool if you need a best man, I'm yours.” he smiled & I woke up to that.

“Hey guys, sorry I have been so tried these days. What's up? Did you get my homework?” I asked.

“Yea, here babe.” Alejandro handed it to me.

“Thanks, babe.” I said.

“Well, I got to go, I'll see you tomorrow.” Alejandro said.

“Alejandro, can you seat with us at our table.” Cody asked. “You look lonely when you sit by yourself.”

“Yea sure, since my girlfriend sits with y'all.” he smiled at me. “Write me if you need anything babe, love you.”

“Love you two.” and I kissed him.

Alejandro left and Cody & Noah sat down next to me.

“So you & Alejandro huh?” asked Noah.

“Yea, I guess so.” I blushed.

“You guys look cute together. When he come over?” ask Cody.

“I IM him when you guys left and told him I was too tried to go to school. And I asked him to come over.”

“Oh okay, that crazy, you have a boy in here other than me & Noah, Heather.”

“I was thinking the same damn thing Cody.” I said and it was the truth.

“Well, come Cody we have to go. We have to meet up with my brother to do wedding shopping.” Noah said. “I'm not trying to be mean but my brother hates when he does things late.”

“It's okay, I'm gonna get in the shower and do my homework & eat again so don't worry about me. Love you guys.”

I didn't wake up when I was suppose too. Cody & Noah came in & saw me still asleep. They woke me up.

“Hey Heather. Heather wake up your gonna be late.” Cody said.

I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't I woke up & seen them.

“Hey sleepy head. What did you do stay up all night long?” Cody asked.

“No, I went to bed about 6 P.M.” I told him. “I don't know why I'm so tried for.”

“I don't know either, Heather. Well get dress & come on.” Cody said.

Cody went into the living room where Noah was at.

“She up, Cody?”

“Yea, now she is.”

“Wow what she do stay up all night?”

“She said no. she went to bed at 6 P.M.”

I walked in the front room. “Okay I'm ready come on.”

We got to school about 10 minutes late but still made it tho. My 1st two classes flew by fast. Lang. Arts was here already.

Alejandro waited for me by the door. Kissed me good morning. “Morning, babe.”

I kissed him back, “You too. Sorry I'm late.”

“It's okay. Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes and no, but don't worry about it okay.” I told him. “I just want this day over.”

“You & me both. I want to go to your house and hold you & kiss you.”

I smiled at him and said, “If I can stay up. What's today anyway?”

“It's Friday, baby.”

“It is damn. I thought it was Wednesday. Well good that means I can sleep all weekend.” I laughed about that.

“Yea, you do need some sleep. Do you want me to stay with you all weekend.”

“I don't mind.” I said, then I thought to myself. 'I hope he don't think he's getting a piece of ass.' but then I would like to but we just starting dating.

“Alejandro, Heather please be quiet.” Ms. Coons told us.

“Bitch” I said real low. Alejandro was the only one that heard me, and he laughed.

Class was over. It was lunch time. Alejandro & I walk together in the lunch room holding hands. Cody & Noah already there, so was Courtney & Duncan. Gwen was next to Noah talking when we showed up.

“Well, about time I see you two.” Courtney laughed. “so how are you.”

I wish she never asked I wanted to go home so bad right now. “Tried” we sat down. I put my head on Alejandro's shoulder and he put his arm around me.

“Heather, maybe you should go home. You know you can sign yourself out.” said Noah.

“But I can't we have two more classes left. I can make it. I just wish my car was working again.” I said.

“What's wrong with it.” ask Duncan

“I don't
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