» Fantasy » My Human Mate, Shivani Sharma [e manga reader txt] 📗

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of the castle.

She gets inside the car and drives away with Vicky on her toes. After going a little far away from the castle, her car stop in the middle of the forest. She tries to start it again but all in avail.

"Great, just great this day can't get any better, first those 2 useless minions of mine fail to do their work, then I was banished from the pack, and now this," Karin said angrily punching the steering wheel. After that, she gets out of the car to check the car engine.

"Need some help, beautiful," Vicky asks while leaning over her car.

"Vampire," she hissed under her breath when the smell of blood reaches to her nose.

"What do you want, bloodsucker?" she asks showing her fangs to him.

"I was just passing through the forest after the hunt when I saw a beautiful girl having trouble with her car in the middle of the forest, so I why shouldn't I go and help her," Victor/Vicky said smirking at her.

"What do you take me as? A fool?" she asks answering her own question.

"Cut the crap and spit it out," she said sneering at her.


"Your right, I am not here to help you repairing the car, actually I have heard what you have done with Alisha, and you know what I agree with you, no one but you deserve to be the queen of a werewolf. And I have also heard what happen with you after that, I am here to give you a hand of friendship and help you taking revenge from them," Vicky said to her.


"And what will you get from it?" she asks him.

"Well, you see, Alisha's mother queen Erika has stolen something important from me and did injustice with me, and I want to take revenge from her by killing her precious daughter," Vicky easily lie to her. She looks into his eyes to know what is going inside his mind.

"Don't listen to him, Karin, he lurks of danger," her wolf Samara said to her, but she ignores her.

"Deal," she said stretching her hand forward to him for a handshake.


"Deal," Vicky said shaking hands with her.

"But leave, Alisha for me to kill, I want to have her all to myself," she said to me.

"Sure," Vicky said taking his hand away from her. He repairs her car and drives him to his place. Little did she knows she had made the biggest mistake of her life by ignoring her wolf instinct and deciding to go with him.


Facing one fears


(3rd person P.O.V)

The next day in the morning, the news was spreading in the school that Karin had tried to hurt/kill Alisha by sending her minion to shake the fake balcony in the audition room while she was standing on him during rehearsal.

“What do you think about the rumor, Alisha, is it true or not?” Kanika asks while they are in the locker room, taking books out of their locker when they heard the Rumor.

“I don’t know, Kanika,” Alisha said going through her locker.

“I won’t be shocked if it was true, because it would be so like her to do that, I would be shocked if she didn’t have done anything to hurt her instead, especially after finding that Alisha is Roberts mate, to take her out of her way,” Anush said standing beside them.

“I think we should ask Robert about it, because he left Alisha in the hall after telling Nate to drop her to her house, and walk out of the audition room to talk with Miss Raymond, maybe he would know something that we didn’t,” Kanika said to them.

“I agree, we would ask him about it, at lunch,” Anush said while nodding his head at them. The bell ring and they all go to their classes.

At lunch, everyone walks to the cafeteria, order their lunch, then walk to their table with their food and make the small talks while having their lunch.

“Robert is that true that, Karin has sent Riddhi and Siddhi to hurt Alisha, while she was reharling with us?” Kanika asks him.

"Yes it was true, I have seen them running away from the stage when I catch Alisha from falling down to the ground, dad had banished Karin from the pack and also restrict her joining any other pack. I have sent Riddhi and Siddhi to the lifetime prisoner for doing that,” Robert said while taking the sip of his coffee.

“Good, they get what they deserve,” Kanika said to them, then remember that she was Andys sister.

“I am really sorry for your loss, Andy,” Kanika said to him.

“No need to be, as much as I was upset for losing my sister I am happy that she gets punished for hurt our Luna and the future queen of the werewolf,” Andy said to them with a small painful smile on his face.

The bell ring signaling that the lunch break is over. Everyone throws their tray in the dustbin and walk to their classes.

“Alisha, Alisha,” Robert shout at her while running after her, she stops at her way to her class and turns to look at him.

“What’s wrong?” Robert asks while walking beside her.

“Nothing, why?” she asks him.

“I can feel it in your aura, through mate bond, something is bothering you, what is it?” Robert asks. Alisha sigh decided to tell him everything that is going on inside her mind.

“I was thinking to withdraw my name from the play,” Alisha said to him.

“Why?” Robert asks shocked by her reply.

“I was scared of the incident that was happened yesterday,” Alisha said in a whisper, but thanks to his Lycian hearing, he heard it.

“But Alisha you have worked so hard to participate in the play,” Robert said to her.

“I know, but I am scared what if I fall down from the balcony again?” Alisha asks scared.

“I will always be there to catch you, whenever you fall,” Robert said smiling at her.

“That’s cliché, Robert,” Alisha said with a chuckle.

“That it was,” he said smiling at her.

“But I was serious about it Alisha, but if you run away from this, you will always going to run away from your fears, the best way to do something about your fears is to face it, but whatever you choose to do, I will always be at your side,” with that said he walks to his class. Alisha also walks to her class and give her decision a second thought, and decided to take his advice and face her fears, knowing that Robert is always going to be there to catch her if she falls.

After school they all go to the audition room, for rehearsals, after eating something, and when Miss. Raymond asks her, if she wanted to withdraw from the play after what happens yesterday she can do it and Alisha tells she will not going withdraw from the play and Robert can’t happier. The rehearsals and Alisha overcome her fears.

On the other hand, to Erika, she finishes writing the book of history war that happened between her parents and Roshan.

“Finally, Erika said while closing the book.

“I can’t believe it’s finally over,” Erika said with a huge smile on her face.

“What is over, my love?” Logan asks while walking inside the room.

“The book, I have been writing, since the day, we have visited the museum, in my old kingdom is finally over, can you believe it?” she asks him with a huge smile on her face.

“You mean the book of war that happens between your parents and Roshan?” Logan asks her and she nodded her head at him.

“Took you long enough to complete it,” Logan said taking her in his arms.

“Can you blame me for it; I was too busy looking after kids, you and the Kingdom, that I hardly got the time to complete it,” She said to him.

“Your highness, Mr. Dawson is here with other people to meet you,” one of the maid’s said bowing in front of them. Logan and Erika look at each other in confusion and then look at the maid who is still standing looking down on the floor.

“Lead them to the conference room; we will be there in a minute,” Erika order to the maid, she bows to them and then walk away from there.

“What would be the urgent matter, that they come to the palace so suddenly without informing us about their visit to us,” Logan asks her.

“I don’t know, we will find out when we reach there,” Erika said to him and both of them walks out of the room and goes to the conference room.

Something is fishy


(Third-person P.O.V)

Erika and Logan enter the meeting room to see everyone is sitting in the conference room and talking with each other including Alex and Zack. As they enter inside the conference room, everyone got quiet and bow in front of her with respect expect Zack. She nodded at them and they all take their seats.

“Is everything alright, gentleman?” Erika asks them and everyone started talking at the same time.

“Quit,” Erika, said in a loud voice while raising her one hand in the air and everyone quit down.

“If you all talk at the same time, I won’t be able to understand what you all wanted to say to me, so please talk one by one, Mr. Dawson, you go first,” Erika said looking at MR. Dawson.

“Your highness, from some days the werewolf of high positions like warriors, hunters, trackers, deltas were missing from many packs, when they go for a run or hunt or to check the patrols, and did not return back to their packs,” Mr. Dawson informed to her.

“Did you send a search party to find them?” Erika asks them.

“Yes, your highness, I had 2 weeks ago and they have also gone missing and did not return to report me,” Mr. Dawson said worriedly, then the door of the conference room suddenly burst open, and one of the guards run inside the conference room.

“What is the meaning of this Arc?” Erika asks the head of the warriors who come inside the conference room.

“I am sorry, your highness to come inside the conference room like this, buts it’s urgent,” he said while bending down on his knees and panting heavily.

“What is it?” Erika asks him

“Some of the guards of the castle and warriors have gone missing,” Arc informed her about it and everyone started talking with each other.

“Send a search party for them,” she orders to him. He bows to her and walks out of the conference room to follow her order.

“Let’s talk with other kingdom leaders and see if they are facing the same problem like us, if they are, then it was a very serious matter and

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