» Fantasy » My Human Mate, Shivani Sharma [e manga reader txt] 📗

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need to be taken care of as soon as possible,” Erika said to them. Then she mined link them and order all the leaders to leave everything they are doing right now and accept the invite, she has sent to them to attain the very important meeting. Then she looks at Alex, understanding her unspoken order he open the laptop send everyone the invite and open the video conference, and attached it to the projector, slowly-slowly everyone joined the meeting.

“Thank you everyone for leaving your important work and joining this meeting, this instant, I wouldn’t have called you, if it wasn’t urgent, I hope you understand,” Erika said to them, and the chores of “yes” and “we understand” were heard in the conference room.

“King Liam Dawson, here informed me that, the werewolf from a higher position like guards, warriors, trackers, Delta’s were gone missing, and the search party which was gone to search for them didn’t come back to report them, the guards in my castle also has started to go missing. I want to ask you all, does anyone of you guys we're facing the same problem?” Erika asks while looking at them.

Some of them like their friends and her brother Lewis said they were facing the same problem.

“Anyone hasn’t gone from my kingdom yet, but we have noticed the breach of protection and some invade in the borders of our kingdom,” the queen of elf kingdom informed them.

“Same with us,” the leader of white witch cove informed them.

“We have to do something about this, your highness,” Mr. Dawson said to her.

“I will so when all this started happening in your kingdom?” Erika asks looking at Mr. Dawson and then everyone started telling her everything one by one.

“It looks like the culprit goes hunting in other kingdoms, for his prey so that no one gets suspicious about anything and didn’t stay at one place to got caught by them,” Zack said to them.

“But it can’t be the work of one person, because it won’t be easy for one person to kidnap so many people, it was done by a group of people,” Alex said while looking at her.

“Right,” Erika said nodding her head at him absent Mindly.

"So have I thought, have you guys send a search party to search them?” Erika asks them.

“Not yet, your highness,” they said to her.

“Good, send their reports to me with all the details like name, age, position, and a photo, etc., I will prepare the special search party to search them, okay,” Erika said to them.

“And the leaders of the kingdom and covens, who had invasion in their covens or kingdoms, increase your protection and stay on guard, I will send few people to help you to protect your territory until this matter is solved,” Erika said to them and all of them agree with them.

“But your highness, what about our children, what is they try to hurt them or attack them?” one of the alphas said to her, and the faces of her children flash inside her mind. The thought of them getting hurt or going missing comes to her mind and she shudders inside her mind, she does not even want to think about it, let be alone let allows to let it happens.

"No I will not let anything happen to my children, at any cost,” she thought determinedly.

“Don’t worry about it, I have it cover too, I will talk with the principal, the school and college will send the bust to pick the children from the school and colleges and drop them back home, with some of my most powerful creatures to protect them. You guys just talk with your children and tell them to go to school and come back home using the bus, instead of a car,” Erika said to them.

“Thank you so much, your highness,” they said to her and she nodded her head at them.

“Anything, more that you want to discuss with me?” She asks them and they said no while shaking their head at them.

“Okay now, thank you for attending the meeting, this meeting is dismissed now,” the said and everyone ended the conference call.

“Thank you so much for your time your highness,” Mr. Dawson said getting out from his seat and other following behind him.

“Your welcome,” Erika said smiling at them. They all shake their hand with her and then walks out of the conference room.

“Who do you think is doing all this?” Zack asks her.

“Truth to be told I don’t know?” Erika said while massaging her head, feeling a slight headache.

“Do you think Roshan has managed to get out of that place and creating this havoc,” Alex asks and they all look at her for an answer.

“Not possible because, no one could get out of that place, even for me too. Nor I or anyone could take someone to take anyone out of that place, that place was made by God himself, in an extremely worse situation and extremely powerful and worst person,” Erika said looking lost in her thoughts.

“Someone like Roshan?” Logan asks.

“Exactly,” she said absentmindedly nodding her head at them.

“Do you think that it was his second hand who is creating all this chaos, then,” Alex asks her, and this time it’s got her attention. She excuses herself and walks out from there, leaving them confused as hell.

Taking Drastic measures


(Erika P.O.V)

Why didn’t that thought, come to my mind. Truth be told, I don’t know the answer to Alex's question, that thought didn’t even come to my mind.

“What do you think about it, inner?” I ask to my demon.

“I don’t know. cherry, but as long as I know, I don’t think he would be able to save himself from our hell, but I will advise you to be careful, just in case he has somehow able to save himself from going to hell,” my inner said to me.

I walk towards my room, take the book from my drawer, read the chapter where I have capture Roshan and his followers, hoping that, I was wrong. But, it didn’t clear my confusion, I sigh and close the book and put the book in the drawer.

“Damn it, even if I open the door of the well, it would be hard to recognize him, because the torture he would have suffered there would have changed his whole appearances by now,” I said and sit on the bed already feeling exhausted.

“Is everything okay, love?” Logan asks while walking inside the room.

“Yes, why?” I ask forcing a smile at him.

“You just walk out of the conference room like that, I got worried about you,” Logan said while sitting on the bed and pulling me to sit on his lap.

“Oh its nothing, I was just worried about the kids, with the situation going on,” I said to him.

“They were going to be okay. After all, they were our kids, and I know they will also protect Alisha, and don’t forget she has Robert, her friend, and his friend to protect her as well,” I said smiling at me and messaging my shoulder.

“True, anyways can you do me a favor?” I ask him.

“What is it?” He asks me.

“Can you and Alex, collect the reports of missing persons personally and give it to me,” I ask him.

“Sure, why not?” he asks and kissed me on my cheek.

“No go and do some paperwork, I have some work to do,” I said while removing his hands from my waist and standing up from his lap, dragging him out of our room.

“Like this, empty-handed?” he asks me, making me groan in frustration.

“Fine,” I said and kiss him on his lips chastely and drawback before he can depend on it and it turns into something else, if you know what I mean *Wink Wink*

“What that is it?” he asks puzzled.

“Yes, that is it, no go,” I said pushing him away.

“Okay, okay, I am going, I am going,” he said with a chuckle and walk out from there.

I sign and walk towards the training, ground and summon demons, angles, and shadow hunters, then I divided them into 3 teams, one team will be divided, into many small groups and go with the search party to protect them and find missing people. The second team will go to different kingdoms to protect the people lives there and the third team will be divided, into 3 groups and protect the buses and the children sitting in them while picking them from home and dropping them to home, after that, they will help others to guard the kingdom.

Then I summon 120 buses and some witches to chant a strong magical protection spell on the busses. Then I made a search team of 50 angles, 50 demons, 100 vampires, 100 Lycians, 100 werewolf and 50 elf and 250 shadow hunters and warriors, and divided them into 50 groups. Each group contains 2 Lycian, 2 werewolves, 2 vampires, 1 angle, 1 demon, 1 elf, and 3 shadow hunters.

I give a magical letter to the search party finding missing people, and hand them all the details of missing people, and tell them to also find information about Vicky while they are trying to find missing people. I guide the team which was going to another kingdom to protect their people about their locations and the border of their territory with some instructions about how to protect them and stay on their guard.

I call the principle of the school and college and explain to them our current situation, and they agree to do as I said to them. Then I divided the team into 3 member groups and handed each group each bus with a no-flat no attached to it, to protect it and then teleport it to the schools and college compounds.

I was very tired when I finish with all this work, so I decided to go to my room and sleep. I walk inside my room while telling the maid to bring something to eat to my room, and walk inside the washroom to take a shower. When I come out of the washroom, the tray of food was already there on my coffee table, I eat it and fall asleep.

(3rd person P.O.V)

The next morning when everyone gathers to have breakfast in the dining room, Erika informs them that from today they are not allowed to go to school with their car and go to school with the bus that the school going to send to pick them up and drop them home.

“What do you mean we have to go to school on the school bus? Dose something happened?” Alisha asks her.

"People of higher position are going missing out of the blue and the search party which was sent to find them were also gone missing, so I have to take some drastic measures for all of our and other people protection, I hope you guys understand the seriousness of the matter," Erika said and they nodded their head in understanding.

"But what about our play, is it going to be canceled by the school?" Alisha asks her.

"We would have a bus wait for the participant in the play," Erika said to her.

"And one more thing, I have you all and your friends in one bus," Erika said smiling at them.

"Thank you mom," they all said at the same time and hug her tightly, making her chuckle at their cuteness. They finish their breakfast as the bus arrives to pick them up from school.

While on the other

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