» Fantasy » Earth's Elements, Missy [mystery books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Earth's Elements, Missy [mystery books to read TXT] 📗». Author Missy

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Dan asked. I nodded my head. “ Then he wouldn’t want you to feel responsible for this nor feel guilt. He would want you to be happy. He is always going to be in your heart, and you’ll always love him, but you need to move on. You can fall in love with someone else. Start a new life,” Dan said.
“ I loved my life though,” I sniffled.
“ but know you know who you really are.”
“ Who is that Dan?”
“ Lillenette Felse, Lillenette Felse the Aether.” I looked up at him with wide eyes. he was right. I always only thought I was just Lillenette Felse, but I am a Aether, that’s who I am, and I need to start living my life as that person. I nodded my head, and wrapped my arms around Dan.
“ Thank you Dan,” I smiled sitting back in my seat.
“ No problem kiddo,” He smiled. I leaned in my seat and closed my eyes.
I love you Darien, but I think I’m falling for Patch…
Chapter twenty two-
“ Lilz, wake up,” warm breath tickled against my ear. I groaned, and my eyes fluttered open and Dan’s eyes where gazing into me. I jumped back, and gasped.
“ You… You scared me!” I laughed putting my hand over my chest, and leaning back into my seat. He smiled at me.
“ Where gonna land in New Jersey in ten minutes,” Johnny said leaning forward to look at me. I nodded my head.
“ What’s in New Jersey anyway?” I asked sitting Indian style.
“ Well… Patch and Joanna only told me a little bit about why they really chose New Jersey…” Dan started to say.
“ And why is that?” I asked.
“ They said there was a man there that could help us.”
“ A man? Or a supernatural man?” I said yawning.
“ Supernatural man,” Johnny intercepted. I nodded my head. The plane started to shake, and we were about to land, and my hand gripped onto Dan’s and I closed my eyes.
“ I- I hate this part,” I laughed shutting my eyes tightly. Dan gave my hand a gentle squeeze.
“ it’s going to fine worry butt,” He laughed. I shook my head, and kept my eyes closed until the plane was fully on the ground. When Dan tapped my shoulder signaling that it was gone, I let go of his hand and let out a the breath which I was holding in. “ Wasn’t that bad, know was it?” Dan asked while Johnny got up.
“ Well it wasn’t great,” I sighed. Dan got up, and he stretched, and they made their way off the plane. I unbuckled myself, and went to get out of the seat, and ran into someone and fell back rubbing my forehead. “ Ugh, sorry,” I muttered. I looked up and saw a guy standing their looking down at me. I got lost in his gaze… His eyes seemed to familiar… I mentally slapped myself, and cleared my throat. He tore his gaze away and continued to walk. I stood up once again and made my way off the plane. When I got off Dan and Johnny where waiting for me.
“ When we turned around you were gone,” Dan said shaking his head.
“ Ugh, sorry…. I was distracted,” I muttered remembering his eyes. I’ve seen them so many times before…. When I was at the museum…. Patch had the same eyes…. Someone was snapping their hands in front of me face and I took a step back coming back to reality.
“ What’s wrong with you?” Johnny asked looking at me. I did a faint smile, and shrugged my shoulders.
“ I um. Im still trying to compose myself from being on a plane,” I shrugged. We walked over to get our bags, and I threw my bag over my shoulder, and let out a deep breath. I looked around and once again I have lost Johnny and Dan. AGAIN! Damnit…. I sighed, and peered through people, and my eyes caught with the guy I ran into on the plane. He was standing with four other guys, and he was just drilling a hole into me. I broke our eyes away, and turned on my heel. I felt shivers all over my body, and I continued to search for Dan and Johnny. A couple of people ran into me, and I stumbled forward, and to the side mumbling excuse me or sorry. I saw the exit doors, and I pushed past people to get to them. I felt so close, and I felt like I had no space. My breathing was getting heavier, and I pushed through the doors, and inhaled fresh air, and bent down my hands on my knees and my head bent down. My breathing was starting to go back to normal.
“ Lilz? Lilz?” I heard Johnny scream from the distance. I turned around and saw Dan and Johnny running towards me. I let out a deep breath.
“ Where. Where did you guys go?” I cried.
“ We lost you, and I needed Dan to transform to find you, and he saw you like freaking out so I sprinted off to find you,” he said. I put my lips in a O formation, and bent back down taking a deep breath.
“ Im sorry… I just had to get out of there,” I laughed. Johnny nodded his head, and I looked up at Dan.
“ Come on lets go find the idiots,” Dan smiled. I let out a laugh nodding my head. We stood at the sidewalk trying to get a cab. “ This…. This is impossible!” Dan grumbled starting to lose his patience. I took a step closer to the street, and waved out my hand. A cab came rolling up, and stopped in front of us. I turned back to Dan with a smug smile, and he gave me the middle finger, and mouth fuck you. I started to laugh, and we jumped in the car, and I sat in the middle.
“ Where to?” The guy asked. He seemed young for a cab driver, and he was not bad looking.
“ The Mivillion Buildings,” Dan said.
“ Those are closed down though?” The cab driver said looking at me through the mirror. Our eyes connected, and he grinned at me and winced. I looked back down with a flush on my face.
“ Just take us there,” Dan growled. The cabby shrugged his shoulders, and started to drive the cab once again. I sat their looking out Dan’s or Johnny’s window, or looking down. It felt too weird to look up, because I didn’t want to catch eyes with the cabby again. I leaned my head against Johnny’s shoulder, and my eyes started to become heavy, and I fell asleep on Johnny.
Someone was lightly shaking my shoulder, and my eyes fluttered open, and Dan was standing outside the car holding the door open for me, and I sat up off of Johnny and gave him a sheepish smile, and he let out a laugh. I looked up and the cabby was smirking at me. I climbed out of the cab, and straightened my shirt out and stretched out my legs. I yawn escaped my lips, and I wiped my eyes. The cab took off, and I looked around and we were surrounded by buildings everywhere. The sun was starting to set. I turned back to Dan.
“ is this where they are?” I asked. Dan nodded his head, and I turned back around and looked at the buildings. “ A- Are you sure?” I repeated again.
“ Well this is where I saw them…” Dan muttered.
“ Come on lets go find them then,” Johnny said walking towards the buildings. I scrambled behind them looking around. I heard a nose to my right, and I stopped and peered through the rubble.
“ hey guys?” I whispered looking up. They were gone. “ Guys?” My voice cracked. I looked back at the rubble, and peered inside but saw nothing. I slowly advanced forward, and I heard more nose, and I just continued to walk. The nose got louder, and I stopped. “ Cut the shit you guys!” I yelled out. I peered out, and saw once again no one and the nose stopped. I took a couple more steps and the nose started up again. I stopped and knelt to the ground, and closed my eyes. the wind started to pick up, and I had it all come to me. the wind was getting stronger, and things started to fly around, and I heard a yelp come out, and I opened my eyes, and saw a man lying on his back in front of me. he was moaning and he got up rubbing the back of his neck. I shot up and took a step backwards. “ Who are you?” I asked. He looked up at me, and had a smirk playing across his face.
“ I was just about to ask you the same thing,” he smiled. I took another step backwards and glared at him.
“ Who. Are. You.” I said sternly.
“ Who. Are. You?” he mimicked me. My anger was starting to get the best of me and the wind started to pick up. No… I don’t want to give myself away. I closed my eyes, and remembered Lallie, and my mom and how happy they make me. the wind died down, and I let out a deep breath. When I opened my eyes the guy was watching me intently.
“ Take a picture it lasts longer,” I growled.
“ A video would be better,” he resorted. My jaw clenched, and a growl came from the back of my throat.
“ Stop pissing me off,” I growled through clenched teeth. He let out a deep chuckle, and took another step to me, and I took another step back.
“ You know… Your friends are not very strong at all,” he said coldly. My heart stopped, and I stood their staring at him. He looked up at me, and took another step towards me, and before I knew it he was right in front of me. he was holding my chin, so I was looking up at you. “ Know the question is…. Are you?” My body went rigid, and I brought my fist up to his jaw, and the wind flung him back. I looked around and saw a broken pipe, and raised my hand towards it and closed my eyes. water shot out of the pipe, and floated through the air. I shot my arm at the guy, and the water went roaring at him. It hit him the in chest, and he went flying back into a wall, and it smashed everywhere. Dust covered the ground, and air, and my eyes started to water. I took a step back, and I felt a pair of arms around me, and a bash to the side of my head. I stumbled forward, and touched the back of my hand, and I felt something wet. I looked at my hand and it was covered in blood. I fell to my knees and tried to get back up but I just stumbled to the ground. My vision was becoming blurry, and I saw three figures approaching me. I got on my hands and knees and tried to get away because I obviously couldn’t stand without falling back down. Someone’s hand wrapped around my ankle, and flung be towards them, and I felt something sharp on the ground go deep into my stomach, and I let out a ear killing scream. Everything started to become blurry, and my face hit the dirt, and I slowly
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