» Fantasy » Earth's Elements, Missy [mystery books to read TXT] 📗

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and then I stopped and realized something… where the hell is River? “ Patch… Where is River?” I asked.
“ He is in another building up here. We are going to get him right know. He was tied up separate from us, because they couldn’t hurt him since he is an angelic,” Patch said. I tried getting out of his grasp, and I did the only thing I thought I could do. I started to kick my legs, and I kicked him where the sun don’t shine. He stumbled forward, and loosened his grip on me, and I fell to the ground. I landed on my arm, and a groan escaped my lips. I stumbled up, and turned around to run but someone else grabbed me by my waist.
“ Oh what the hell!” I yelled trying to get out of his grasp. I turned around and saw River smirking at me.
“ River let me go!” I growled.
“ no we need to leave,” he said and started to walk holding me.
“ No river! My dad could be dead!”
“ And if we don’t get away, and end up getting caught then he would of died with no reason!” He said back. My body froze, and I felt a ache in my heart. I stopped struggling, and my legs started to move forward, and I followed behind him. We all broke out into a run again, and my mind just wandered into a deep dream. That’s what I wanted all this to be a dream. When we finally came to a stop I was breathing heavily, and I felt tears in my eyes, and they slowly came down my face.
“ We did it!” Johnny smiled. Johnny and our eyes met and he saw the tears in my eyes, and he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me. “ Don’t cry Lilz… he didn’t die for anything. He knew what he was doing, and he did it and he died knowing that his daughter was going to get away safely.”
“ but what know Johnny? It’s still not over. They are still going to try and come after us,” I mumbled into his chest.
“ we are just going to take day by day….” Johnny said rubbing my back. I nodded my head, and took a deep breath. We broke apart, and I looked around and everyone was looking at me and I did a faint smile.
“ So what know?” I asked. We all sat down on a curb on the side of the road, and I took a deep breath, and put my head in my hands.
“ Mika told me about some people that where always against what the Lukris people where doing. We need to find them and tell them about everything that has happened,” Markus said. I leaned back, and tilted my head up and nodded my head.
“ how are we going to find them?” Johnny asked.
“ Dan, can you find them?” I asked.
“ Yes I could I suppose,” he said. “ but not right know…. i need to eat, and rest, and get back to normal. Right know there is too much stress on my body.”
“ Alright well let’s find somewhere to eat, and then find a hotel and spend the night there. In the morning, Dan you’ll find out where we can find these people, and then we will go on search them down,” I said standing up and stretching out my legs. We all started to walk down the road, and I lingered behind everyone, and then Patch came next to me, and he started to walk next to me. I looked away from him, and I heard him sigh.
“ Lilz,” he muttered.
“ Patch… You should of let me go to my dad,” I said still looking away from him.
“ And let you die too?” He said looking at me. I looked at him, and felt tears coming into my eyes.
“ Yes,” I said sternly. He shook his head.
“ I couldn’t let that happened…” Patch said looking me in the eyes deeply. Those eyes…
“ Patch what are you?” I asked. His eyes widened and he looked away from me, and quickened his walking pace. I tried catching up with him, but he just walked faster. “ patch tell me,” I whispered trying to grab his shoulder, but he ran forward and walked next to river, and Joanna. I sighed and gave up, and lingered behind the rest of the group once again. We walked up to a restaurant that looked a little run down, but we decided to go in there. We walked in and sat at a hug round booth. Everyone got in and I sat down next to Markus.
“ Are you okay?” Markus asked. I nodded my head. “ I was talking about with Patch.” I looked at him and sighed and nodded my head. “ Your such a bad liar,” He sighed. A laugh escaped my lips, and I rolled my eyes. we sat there, and then a waitress came, and she was about twenty and she looked at all of us, and her eyes lingered on all the guys, and her eyes filled with lust. Then she looked at me, and she sent me a hateful glare. I snorted and looked away from her.
“ how can I help you boys today?” She asked looking at the guys. She didn’t even lay her eyes on me again. Everyone went around and said their orders, and I was the last.
“ I’ll take a burger and fries,” I muttered not looking at her. She snorted and I looked up at her. “is something funny?” I asked.
“ Oh no…” She said smiling. I raised an eyebrow at her. I got up and walked over to the counter, and some older women was standing there.
“ excuse me,” I smiled. She looked up at me.
“ yes?”
“ You think when our food is ready you could bring my food? I have a feeling my waitress would either poison my food or spit in it,” I smiled. At first she looked shocked and then she nodded her head. I walked back to the booth and sat down. Everyone was gawking at me. “ What? I don’t want spit in my food!” I shrugged. Everyone started to laugh, and I joined in. Our food came… well theirs came first, and then my came last from the older women. I smiled at her.
“ Thanks,” I said.
“ of course dear,” she smiled. “ Need anything else?” I shook my head, and then she turned away and left. We all started to eat, and we had fun. It felt nice.
“ Wow,” I said after awhile.
“ What?” Joanna asked looking at me.
“ This is nice… I haven’t had fun in a long time…” I sighed. The last time I really had fun like I actually hung out with friends and had fun was with Darien, Giles, and Rickey.
“ Ditto,” Joanna said.
“ Double ditto,” River laughed. I looked at him, and then took one of my fries and threw it at him. He gave me a shocked face. “ Did you just throw a fry at me?!”
“ Oh yes I did just throw a fry at you,” I laughed. He took one of his fries, and then threw one at me, and I laughed, and picked it up and ate it.
“ And know you just ate my fry…” He said shaking his head. I started to laugh, and rolled my eyes.
“ So after this we are just going to go find a hotel to stay at?” I asked.
“ yeah… Then after everyone gets their nights rest we’ll have Dan find out where the people that can help us are, and when we find them we’ll find out what will happen from there,” Markus said. I nodded my head and sighed. My dad is dead… Darien is dead… I felt tears in my eyes, and I shut them to hold them back. After, everyone finished eating I got up, and went over to the diner to go pay for it. everyone put in some money, and I went over to the cash register.
“ Excuse me,” I smiled. The lady looked up.
“ Ready to pay your bill?” She asked. I nodded my head and handed her the money. “ Thank you, and I hope you have a nice day,” She smiled.
“ Wait, can I ask you if you know of any hotels that are around here?” I asked.
“ Oh yes… there is one a couple miles up north,” she smiled.
“ Thanks,” I muttered and turned around to leave, but I ran into someone. “ Oh sorry,” I grumbled. I looked up and my eyes met with the same eyes that I had met with at the museum. He looked down at me, and two other guys were standing next to him. I stood there looking up at him, and I took a step to the side, and made my way back to the table. When I got their Patch was sitting there and his jaw was clenched, and I thought he was about to kill someone.
“ Um there is a hotel a couple of miles up north that we can stay for the night,” I said. Everyone looked up and nodded their heads, and we made our way out of the restaurant, and went walked towards the hotel. Everyone was far ahead of me, and I lingered behind them. I looked up and saw Patch waiting for me. I ignored him and walked right past him.
“ You’re going to ignore me?” he asked walking next to me. I continued to walk, and he grabbed my arm and spun me around. “ What’s wrong?” he asked.
“ Nothing,” I muttered looking away from him, and continued to walk.
“ You should tell me what’s wrong Lilz,” he said walking by my side.
“ there isn’t anything wrong Patch.”
“ Yes there is don’t lie to me.”
“ Im not.”
“ where friends you should tell me when your upset,” He said.
“ Well what’s wrong with you Patch?” I asked stopping and turning around to look at him. He looked at me for a couple of second and then shook his head, and continued to walk.
“ Nothing is wrong with me.”
“ Yes there is!” I glared at him.
“ It’s none of your business Lilz…” He grumbled.
“ your such an hypocrite!”
“ No im not,” he said stopping to look at me. I groaned, and rolled my eyes.
“ Whatever. Screw this,” I grumbled pushing past him to walk away.
“ Lilz wait….” He whispered.
“ Patch…. What are you,” I asked looking up into his eyes. he looked down at me, and he was staring at me so intently. He licked his lips, and tilted his head up and looked away from me. “ Patch look at me,” I whispered. He looked back down at me, and I looked into his eyes. I touched his cheek. “ Whatever you are… there are more. Those eyes you have,” I whispered. “ I see eyes like yours everywhere Patch,” I mumbled. Patch grabbed my hand and held it to his lips, and he closed his eyes.
“ Guess,” he smiled. I groaned and pulled my hand away and started to walk again. Patch let out a laugh.
“ I hate guessing… why do you do this to me?” I groaned. “ Wanna race?” I asked out of nowhere.
“ Race?”
“ yeah race!” I grinned.
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