» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗». Author H. Chambers

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image Chapter 21

Aberrling sat in the creaky old chair, this wasn't Eldin’s old room anymore; it was his. Hawke had sent across new advisors for Tremlin, the council had been dismissed, some on a more permanent basis than others. Hawke's men had been thorough, outside the castle hung the bodies of those the new council deemed disloyal to Tremlin. Aberrling was not in any immediate danger from the council, Brandon had vouched for him and Tremlin, bless his soul, had publically announced Aberrling's treason to King Hylaw. Tremlin was proving to be very inept in his new position. Aberrling wasn't sure if it was because he lacked experience or was just a dolt. As Tremlin became more inflated by his own importance a mean, cruel streak was beginning to show itself. Aberrling really disliked Tremlin, which was just as well considering what he had planned for him. A knock at the door brought him out of his thoughts.

'Come in,' he shouted, it was Brandon.

'Tremlin would like your opinion on something, Kerdred has sent a message saying he is going north to Riftdale. Appears there are wizards and stuff there. Hylaw’s army is also heading there,' said Brandon.

'What does Tremlin want my opinion on exactly?' asked Aberrling, pleased with the news he had just been told.

'Kerdred says he has to join him.'

'What does the council say?'

'They say he shouldn't go.'

'But if Tremlin does not support Kerdred, Kerdred might defeat King Hylaw, then come back for Tremlin's head,' said Aberrling.

'Yep, that's what he wants to talk to you about.'

'Is he with the council now?' asked Aberrling.

'Yeh, they’ve been arguing all afternoon,' said Brandon.

'I might have a solution to this particular problem, it was something I had planned to happen a lot later but 'seize the moment' as my mother used to say,' said Aberrling smiling.

Brandon smiled back, he knew Aberrling would sort something out for Tremlin. Aberrling was one of those really nice guys.

'You had a mother?' laughed Brandon and ducked as a half-eaten chicken leg came flying in his direction.

'Are they in the council chambers?' asked Aberrling as they were walking down the corridor.

'Where else would they be?'

Aberrling could think of a lot of rooms but the council chamber was exactly where he wanted them.

The door was guarded by two burly soldiers who immediately opened the doors for them. Inside sat Tremlin at the head of the table with six advisers sitting on either side. Tremlin gestured to the seat at the far end.

'Please take a seat Aberrling, I trust Brandon has informed you of the situation,' said Tremlin.

'Yes, I believe Brandon has explained your dilemma perfectly. As to what assistance I can offer, above and beyond your esteemed council remains to be seen,' said Aberrling glancing around at the stony faced men who obviously felt it an insult to have him there.

'Well what is your opinion?' asked the skinny old one, Aberrling tried hard to remember his name.

'As yet I have no opinion, I understand the dilemma, but there are many things I do not understand. For example, why would Kerdred believe there are wizards and witches in Riftdale? Eldin taught the Prince and Princess here for five years. There was no mention of any sorcery, certainly not wizards,' said Aberrling.

'We believe Kerdred to be....,' began another of the advisors.

'Mad,' interjected another.

'He is not only convinced about these wizards but also that Shade is alive. He received the severed head of one of his best soldiers and next to where it was found was the name Shade carved into a table,' said the first advisor.

They all began talking again, telling Aberrling everything they knew, they thought Kerdred was being fooled by King Hylaw to leave Brinkton. Tremlin would be wrong to follow him on this doomed quest. Hawke had no love for Kerdred. After a while Tremlin held up his hand and everyone stopped talking.

'Do you agree that I should refuse Kerdred my support?' asked Tremlin.

'If you refuse and Kerdred returns to take his revenge, would I have been right to agree? If King Hylaw wins and returns to take your head, would I have been right? If you do not go and people believe you a coward, would I be right?' Aberrling sat back. 'But to join Kerdred? I can think of many reasons, as the council has said, to dissuade you from that choice,' Aberrling paused. 'But there is one more option,' standing Aberrling began to pace the room. 'It is a bit drastic however.'

They all looked at him. Aberrling went up to Brandon and whispered something in his ear.

'Do you think that will work?' he said. Brandon nodded his head, not in response to the question but to the words that had just been whispered to him. He stepped forward, Aberrling barred the doors.

'Brandon?' asked Tremlin, seeing something unnerving in Brandon's eyes.

Brandon drew his sword and the blood bath commenced. Screams and shouts alerted the guards outside, they hammered on the doors. Aberrling hadn't been sure how, after all these months of trancing, Brandon would actually react to the words he had whispered. The effect was shocking. Brandon was not just killing everyone in the room, he was butchering them as well. Aberrling hoped he would continue to take out more of Tremlin's men when they finally got the doors open. With his back to the wall he edged over to the large tapestry. He paused and watched as Brandon pinned Tremlin in a corner and put his sword through his chest. Satisfied Aberrling was quickly through the hidden door, locking it behind him. He hadn't intended to use Brandon until the King had defeated Kerdred. Had the King failed he may never have used Brandon at all. Switching loyalties to save his own neck was not a problem for Aberrling. As King Hylaw’s advisor he had done his best, but necks are necks and he hoped to keep his attached to his head.

Walking down the winding stairs in the walls of the castle, Aberrling wondered if he had made the right decision. Probably not, but Tremlin was getting on his nerves. He sat on a stone slab in a long dark corridor and waited. He was no fool; unlike everyone he seemed to work for. Trancing had been the icing on the cake for him, he could keep checking that his spies were still loyal to him. Those that were not, still proved useful by spreading false information.

It wasn't long before a small door opened in front of him, lighting up the corridor. A man crawled through, one of Tremlin’s soldiers and one of Aberrling’s best spies. Tosha stood up as best he could in the tunnel. With his messy shoulder length brown hair, unshaven chin and dishevelled clothes he looked like he had just got out of bed.

'Well I'm pleased I've got it right this time,' he said.

Aberrling looked puzzled.

'It's the third time I've thought you'd 'done the deed',' laughed Tosha.

Aberrling smiled back, he hadn't been able to tell Tosha exactly when he was going to kill Tremlin, hadn't known himself. With all the recent arrests and hangings, he could understand Tosha's predicament.

'Thank you for your persistence, the deed is done; let’s get out of here.'

'What do you think will happen now?' asked Tosha.

'Depends on whether your men deal with the Nefkins or not,' replied Aberrling matter of fact.

Tosha thought about the Nefkins. He admired their brute strength, he would have loved to have seen them free, hunting in their own lands. His two men would probably be aiming their arrows about now, now that word of Tremlin’s murder was spreading through Landra. How many citizens would join the 'rebels'? How many people would die?

As if reading Tosha's thoughts Aberrling said, 'It's no longer our problem, we have to get to the King'.



'Hello Eldin,' said Rona.

Eldin looked across at Rona, he had been hoping she would come, it had been nearly two weeks since they met.

'I was beginning to get worried that something had happened to you,' said Eldin.

Rona sat back and sighed, 'I've been here a few times, but you’ve either been awake or in too deep a sleep for me to talk to you,' she said.

Eldin thought for a while, he could really do with being able to talk to Rona regularly. He seemed to have so much to do recently that he wasn't getting enough sleep, this would only get worse over the coming weeks.

'Is there any other way we can talk?' he asked.

'I could talk to someone else and they could pass messages on to you,' replied Rona.

'Someone else or anyone else?' asked Eldin.

'Anyone really, preferably someone who is already aware of me though, people have a habit of being too afraid to listen to me the first time,' said Rona. 'Of course we could use Lowe. I had thought about that before, but she's still young and some of the things I need to tell you are a bit gruesome. She has no love of her father, but still.'

'Her father?' asked Eldin.

'Did I not mention it before? I'm sure I did. Oh well, Kerdred is Lowe's father,' said Rona.

'Bella and Kerdred?' asked Eldin surprised.

'No, no Bella's not Lowe's mother,' laughed Rona.


'No Shade is Lowe's mother.'


'Yes, my great granddaughter,' Rona said as if it should all be clear to Eldin.

Eldin sat and thought for a while, trying to place people in relation to each other.

'Bella?' asked Eldin looking questioningly at Rona.

'She's Shade’s distant cousin, quite a bit distant actually,' said Rona.

'Right, now that’s cleared everything up, I think Glint would be the best choice,' decided Eldin.

'Yes and no, Glint sleeps in a dorm with lots of other boys, which means I have to concentrate on him alone otherwise some of the others might hear. Takes a lot of effort. If he could be moved to his own room, that would help,' said Rona.

'I have an idea, as I understand it, a person needs to be in a light sleep. Best for you just after they've fallen asleep or just before they wake up, is that right?' Queried Eldin.

'There are other times...'

'Yes, yes,' interrupted Eldin smiling. 'But do you think it would work if I put Glint in a light trance, a light sleep?'

'I don't know, I don't see why not,' said Rona considering the idea.

'Could you come back tomorrow evening about dusk,' asked Eldin.

'Yes, now do you want to hear my news or not?' said Rona.

The atmosphere in the room changed. Eldin was again surprised at how any emotion Rona was feeling, he could also feel.

'You’re dying to tell me aren't you?' said Eldin laughing. 'The men we tranced, did it work as well as we expected?'

Rona lent forward, her hands clasped together, hardly able to contain herself.

'Oh I wish you could have seen it! Probably the most fun I've had in years, there's so much to tell you.'

Rona began to tell Eldin about Jed, Burrell and Decker, about Cayan's head and of course about Shade. There was pride in her voice when she mentioned her great granddaughter.

'I have over the years looked for Shade, never been able to find her. Now, just when we need all the help we can get against Kerdred, she shows up. Not only that, she manages to do in an instant what I've been trying to do for years!'

When Rona mentioned Kerdred nearly killing Cain, her joy was infectious and Eldin was finding it hard not to laugh. But it didn't end there. Kerdred was going to find out some even more disturbing news soon.

'Guess what Aberrling has done?' she asked.

Eldin shook his head, as far as he was aware Aberrling was now just acting as a spy for the King. When Rona told him about Brandon, Tremlin and

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