» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗». Author H. Chambers

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his council, Eldin was speechless.

'When did this happen?' he asked when he had recovered from the shock.

'Yesterday and that's why I've sat here for hours waiting for you to go to sleep.'

'Where's Aberrling now?' asked Eldin.

'Oh, he's fine, traveling to the Stormway mountains on his way here. Although at the speed he's traveling don't expect him anytime soon.'

image Chapter 22

It was late afternoon the following day when Hylaw's army halted a couple of miles away from Riftdale. King Hylaw, Haystack and Shade along with half a dozen soldiers made their way to the main gate. They were met there by Bowles and Haber, who immediately sent a boy to fetch Eldin. Bowles and Haber didn't know quite what to do in front of the King and in the awkward moments that followed, kept bowing and apologising for not being suitably prepared.

They should have sent someone to announce their arrival, but Shade couldn't wait. One of her kestrels had flown over Riftdale the day before and through its eyes she had seen not only the wagons belonging to the circus but a girl, just about the right age, sitting next to Bella. Shade's emotions were in disarray. Haystack edged his horse closer to hers.

'You must be feeling very nervous,' he said kindly.

Shade nodded.

'Do you want me to go over with you?' he asked.

Shade shook her head, but didn't move. Changing her mind she looked directly at Haystack, 'Alright'.

Suddenly a big smile spread across Haystack’s face.

'I think you should look behind you,' he said, gesturing with his head.

Shade turned her horse and there about twenty feet away from her stood Lowe, looking directly at her.

'Lowe,' Shade said in almost a whisper.

'Hello mum.'

Shade jumped down from her horse and ran into Lowe's arms. The years of repressed emotion finally released as Shade held her daughter in a tight embrace once more.

Hylaw was less optimistic about the welcome he would receive from Ami. He had deceived her and put her life in danger. It was for her own ultimate safety, but he doubted whether she would see it that way. He was right. Ami came to the gate with Will following close behind. Haber and Bowles took the opportunity to hurry away.

'Your Highness, sorry I cannot stay to greet you properly, but I have already made arrangements for the day. Unless of course, as my King, you command me to wait around while you plan my next humiliation or life threatening journey.' Ami bowed and waited for her brother to speak, for almost three seconds.

'Good, come on Will,' Ami said without even looking back at him.

If she had looked back she would have been furious. Will knew King Hylaw quite well from his visits to the palace and was making apologetic gestures to Hylaw behind Ami's back. Hylaw was just about to shout something to Ami when Eldin arrived at the gate.

'Welcome Your Highness, I had been expecting you to arrive sometime today. It is important we speak as soon as possible,' said Eldin. 'There is much to talk about,' he added.

King Hylaw watched as Ami and Will walked away.

'Yes, but I would like to talk to Nathe first, is he here?' said Hylaw. He really didn't want to spend hours listening to his old teacher waffling on about war tactics. Why Aberrling thought he would be any use was beyond him.

Eldin felt the slight like a slap across the face. He had never had a high opinion of Hylaw. He could see someone with Lowe and he knew it would be Shade. Rona had told him she would arrive with Hylaw.

'Nathe is on the practise field, I could have someone fetch him or would you like to go over there yourself?' asked Eldin pointing in the direction Ami had just gone.

'We'll ride over, be nice to see how the training is going,' replied Hylaw. It had been Aberrling's idea to ask Thomas to take in the extra boys and begin their training.

'Very good,' said Eldin and turned to go. 'Oh and when you do have a minute, I'll tell you about what else happened the day Kerdred received Cayan’s head from Shade and if you have enough time, you might want to hear about how Aberrling killed Tremlin.' With that Eldin disappeared behind the gate and was gone.

'You do seem to have a special way with people,' said Haystack in a deliberately patronising tone.

Hylaw sighed and went after Eldin. Haystack lifted up his arm to stop the other soldiers following.

'I think the King can handle this on his own,' he said.

As Hylaw hurried through the gate his horse nearly knocked over Bowles and Haber. He had the urge to tell them to get out of the way but instead apologised and continued after Eldin.

'Eldin, wait,' he shouted.

Eldin turned and resisted putting his hands on his hips and resisted the sarcastic reply that entered his head.

'Yes Your Highness?' was all he trusted himself to say.

Hylaw got down from his horse and stood in front of Eldin.

'Aberrling asked me to play the part of a wilful, self-indulgent prince,' started Hylaw.

Eldin didn't think that would have tested Hylaw’s acting skills greatly.

'I'm not saying that otherwise I would have been perfect, but Aberrling wanted me to appear unsuitable as a King, particularly when I was talking to Kerdred's spies.'

'You knew exactly who these people were?' Eldin asked, realising he may have misjudged Hylaw, slightly.

'Yes, Aberrling recruited them himself,' said Hylaw laughing. 'I'm sorry Eldin but when Aberrling told me he had arranged for you to become my advisor when I reached Riftdale, well I didn't think Aberrling was right. In fact I assumed you would just read up on a lot of stuff and lecture me on it for weeks, I appear to have been totally wrong.'

Without the help of Rona, Bella, Lowe and Felspar he would have been totally right, thought Eldin.

'Maybe we have both misjudged each other,' concluded Eldin.

'How do you know about Tremlin?' asked Hylaw and then almost to himself, 'Why did Aberrling kill him so soon, I wonder what went wrong?'

'I think it would be a good idea if we all met in the library. I want to introduce you to someone you might find interesting and it will also explain how I know about a lot of things,' smiled Eldin.

'Who’s we?' asked Hylaw.

'You bring your commanders and I'll bring the rest,' replied Eldin.

The rest, thought Hylaw, this should be interesting.

When Eldin approached the wagons, he wondered whether he should disturb them. Lowe was holding on to both Shade and Bella's hands, the rest were standing around talking and laughing. It was Lowe who spotted Eldin. Freeing her hands she ran to him.

'Come and meet my mother,' she said, hardly able to contain her happiness. 'Mum this is Eldin, he talks to Rona.'

'Pleased to meet you,' said Shade. 'How is Rona?'

'Actually that's why I'm here,' said Eldin.

Hylaw, Nathe and Haystack entered the library. Everyone, even Ami stood respectfully when the King walked in. Hylaw looked around at who Eldin had termed 'the rest'. Glint was seated at the head of the table, interesting. Then to his right there was Eldin, Shade, Bella, he presumed, Ami and lastly a rather sad faced and timid looking young man. Hierarchy and seating arrangements were obviously not something Eldin seemed to understand, thought Hylaw as he took his seat opposite Eldin. Once the King was seated everyone else sat, Nathe took his seat to Hylaw’s left and Haystack filled in beside him. Hylaw could not help but wonder how Glint, three women and a timid looking man could possibly contribute to the very serious matter of how to defeat Kerdred that needed to be discussed. But he was beginning to learn to listen first before he judged people.

'We are expecting Darius soon,' started Eldin raising his hand to stop anyone speaking. 'He will be met at the gate by Lowe, she wishes to speak to him before he comes here.'

Hylaw really didn't feel like a King, everyone appeared to know what was going on except him. Why would it be more important for Darius to speak to Shade's daughter before him? Nathe's nod to Eldin indicated he understood.

Eldin smiled across at Hylaw, 'Now where to begin?'

When Darius reached the main gate he saw the girl who had spoken to him at the circus, she was standing next to the strongman. Dismounting his horse he walked over to her. Aharen, Caleb and the other men watched as the girl silently took Darius's hand and led him over to the wagons.

'Nathe is in the library with the King. Eldin said you were to join them when you arrived,' said Breaker addressing Aharen and Caleb.

'What about Darius?' Asked Aharen.

'I'll fetch him when they are finished talking,' said Breaker.

Sitting next to her in front of the fire, Darius was finding it hard not to break down and cry. He had hardly spoken over the last week, hardly eaten, hardly slept. Aharen and Caleb had been very patient, some days not travelling at all, allowing Darius time, time to try and come to terms with his loss.

Lowe stared into the fire.

'Lewin says he was right,' she said quietly.

Darius could not hold the pain in any longer, tears rolled down his face, he put his head down into his hands and cried. Lowe waited.

'He often said I would go to pieces if he ever left,' said Darius trying to calm himself.

'He says he hasn't left yet, but will if you keep moping around,' Lowe laughed. 'I'm sorry, but he wants me to tell you what he looks like.'

Darius looked at Lowe, 'Well?'

'He looks beautiful, which is more than can be said for you!' She smiled.

Darius ran a hand through his greasy hair and felt the stubble on his chin. Then he looked at his hands and dirty broken fingernails. He couldn't remember the last time he had washed.

'Don’t worry he’s still proud of you.'

Tears again started rolling down Darius's cheeks, down onto his lips; which were smiling.

Glint had only agreed to be tranced because he thought it might impress Ami. She had been spending a lot of time with Will on the practise field. He knew Will was a much better choice for a Princess, but his heart just couldn't give up hope. Eldin had had no problems putting him into a 'sleep' that morning. Eldin had told him when he saw Rona, just to repeat everything she said. He liked Rona, after all she had been the one to send him to help Ami and Lowe. So he sat there, saying nothing, listening to everyone tell their stories. He was surprised when even Nathe admitted to having a vision. When Aharen and Caleb arrived everyone was up, greeting them, asking lots of questions. Glint remained seated, waiting for the tap on his shoulder from Eldin. The news of Lewin’s death brought a sad silence to the room. Aharen told them how distraught Darius had been on the journey back.

When they were all seated again, Eldin told them about Kerdred and what happened when Jed, Burrell, Decker and the head arrived at Brinkton. He then told them what he knew about Aberrling, Tremlin and Brandon. A mixture of laughter, shock and surprise greeted his news.

Eldin then turned to the King, 'I would like you to meet Rona'.

Eldin whispered into Glint's ear and touched him on the shoulder. He hoped this would work otherwise he would look a fool. Nothing happened, Glint just sat there. Everyone looked around at each other, waiting for something to happen. Eldin began to feel a bit foolish.

'OK,' said Glint. 'Rona wants to wait, for Darius.'

It wasn't long before Darius entered the library. Aharen and Caleb both smiled at the change in him, whatever Lowe had said had obviously helped. He was wearing clean clothes, his hair was wet,

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