» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗». Author H. Chambers

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which their horses could easily jump through, he assumed they would return to finish the barrier later. He watched Ebblin and Ghale tying ropes to trees, leading from the edge of the barrier and into the forest. They then spent the next few days swinging from tree to tree, making adjustments and swinging again. They were good, Gadolin would have loved to have given them a race; of course he would have given them the advantage by not using the ropes. Shade, Haystack, Caleb and Aharen regularly passed going to check on Kerdred's progress. Shade was using her kestrels, the rest were there just for her protection. Breaker had spent a lot of time moving large slabs of stone further down in the valley where it sloped off to the south. He then led the huge horse down the hill, telling him exactly where the slabs were, as if it could understand. Obviously he could, as when Breaker shouted 'Go', with great leaps the horse leapt down the hill, landing on each one in turn. As the days passed it became clear why the horse had to land on the slabs; stakes with metal spikes were being buried all along the drop on the side of the valley.

Back in Riftdale the main work was going on. The curtain wall now had an inner parapet with raised wooden sections to protect the archers. Some sort of catapult was being tested, firing bags filled with soil over the wall, or, as when Gadolin was watching, firing bags into the wall. Everywhere he looked something was happening. Each day Gadolin reported back to Rona telling her everything he had seen, even odd things he wasn't sure were relevant. Gadolin also watched Fingal, he seemed to know whenever Shade was passing. How he did this Gadolin didn't know. Once when Fingal was watching Shade pass, she stopped her horse and looked into the forest. Fingal didn't move, after a few moments Shade shook her head as if to bring herself out of her thoughts and carried on riding. A few paces further on she stopped and looked back, then finally hurried to catch up with the others. Fingal, Gadolin noted, had unusually for him, a smile on his wooden face. He knew how Fingal felt, every time he saw Shade his 'heart' raced. He had watched the big hairy man who rode with Shade, he had the same problem; they all loved her.



Shade sat on the ground with her back against a tree. This was the hardest time, the waiting. Bella, Ghale and Ebblin had just taken the wagons inside the walls. Bella had been upset when she had brought out Clover and Echo to be handed over, but took some comfort when Darius asked if he might take Clover for himself and Will asked for Echo. Shade watched as Breaker and Aharen prepared to leave.

'Remember, he knows what to do, just say 'Go',' said Breaker.

'Yes, you don't need to keep telling me,' answered Aharen.

After saying their goodbyes they headed off towards the valley, Aharen on Hugo and Breaker walking along side with his dogs.

Closing her eyes Shade fell asleep. She saw herself walking into the forest. Everything was quiet and still except she was being followed, by Kerdred. She saw Rona in a clearing up ahead of her who put a finger to her lips, then gestured for Shade to hide. Kerdred was getting nearer. She woke up with a start. The dream hadn't lasted long but Shade smiled to herself, Rona had always promised her revenge and now it was only a day or two away. She was pleased to have this time to rest. Some of Hylaw's soldiers were now scouting, they were making sure none of Kerdred's scouts saw anything they weren't meant to, any that did, never made it back. Despite being told not to, Shade leaned back against the tree and let her mind find one of her kestrels. She flew over the valley, high in the sky, she could see for miles around. In the distance, movement caught her eye. She had no intention of going as far as Kerdred's army but couldn't resist investigating further. As she got closer she saw two of Kerdred's soldiers, a rope tied to each of their saddles and at the end of each rope, one of Hylaw’s scouts. The rope was tied around their wrists and they were having difficulty keeping up. By the looks of their bodies it was obvious they had both fallen many times. Shade knew Kerdred's men would not kill them, Kerdred would do that after he had got whatever information he needed from them. Returning to her own mind, she opened her eyes to find Haystack standing in front of her, looking concerned and annoyed.

'You were flying with your kestrels, weren't you?' he asked accusingly.

Shade wasn't about to let Haystack talk to her like that.

'I'm not a child, so don't treat me like one, I need to talk to Hylaw,' she said getting up and ready to storm off.

'About the captured scouts?' Asked Haystack.

'How do you know?' said Shade acidly, realising that she was not supposed to have found out about them.

'They volunteered,' said Haystack, resigned to having to explain something that even he felt hard to justify.

'What!' Exclaimed Shade in disbelief.

'They volunteered,' he repeated. 'They weren't the only ones; I even volunteered. Nathe and Darius had to choose.'

'Why?' asked Shade.

'You know the plans, the first part relies on Kerdred sending men, but not his whole army, to the valley,' said Haystack.

Shade used the tree to steady herself, 'But they will be...'

'Tortured, yes,' said Haystack gently.

Glint was sitting on the wall next to the practice ground, feeling sick. He wasn't the only one, many of the boys in the field looked terrified. It was their last training session and mistakes were being made. Glint watched as yet another boy was being led off to have a wound treated. Will came over and lent on the wall next to him. Beyond the field they could both see Hylaw's army, it looked impressive.

'Are you fighting with the main army?' Asked Glint.

'Yeh, I think I'm going to the valley,' said Will folding his arms and looking down at his feet.

Glint just nodded. Both lost in their own thoughts, not talking. The boys on the field began to disperse, one of the soldiers came up to Will.

'It's time,' he said.

Will turned to Glint, he wanted to say something; instead he just gave a half smile and followed the soldier.

As Glint wandered back to help Felspar, he could see many people leaving. Garth and his men were walking with Ghale and Ebblin, who were dressed like trees. Ami and Bella were just finishing saying goodbye to Shade. Ami had wanted to go as well, it was Nathe who had shocked her by bluntly saying, 'When the time comes I expect you to be well away from here. If your uncle and brother are killed you will be our last hope'.

Glint felt sorry for Ami, she wanted something important to do. Ami saw Glint approaching and ran over to him.

'I need you to help me, I'm working with Bella to set up the boys' dormitory for the wounded to be treated,' she said importantly.

'You'll have to ask some of the boys coming back from the practice field to help,' said Glint.

For a second Glint could see anger in Ami's eyes, her arms went up towards her hips, she stopped herself. Looking at Glint, tears came to her eyes, taking a deep breath she smiled.

'I'm sorry Glint.'

'It's alright,' he said and surprised himself by stepping forward and taking her in his arms.

image Chapter 26

Everyone was ready and in position. It was nearly time. The only road through the valley ran parallel to the edge of the forest for about three miles. Kerdred’s men were approaching from the east. Shade, Haystack, Nathe and Caleb were standing next to their horses in the middle of the road halfway down the slope. The barrier was at the base of the valley; behind which Garth and his men were waiting. Further back behind the barrier, Aharen was sitting waiting on Hugo. Off the road further down that bank were soldiers lying flat on the ground out of sight. In addition another fifty men, including Will, were waiting on horseback at the top far end. Ghale and Ebblin were up in the trees. Breaker was also in the forest with his dogs and half a dozen soldiers.

Shade had her eyes closed, she was watching. Kerdred had sent less than two hundred men and only five Nefkin to spring the 'trap'. With all the effort they had put into this first part of the plan, they had hoped for more.

'They are coming,' she said and raised her arm to signal to the others.

Trying not to look back up the valley, they kept their backs turned but held on to the reins of their horses. Garth and his men picked up the large 'missing' stakes from the road, ready to complete the barrier as soon as Shade and the others were through. Minutes seemed to be taking hours, sweat was running down Garth’s face.

'Come on, come on,' he whispered.

Aharen saw the first of Kerdred’s men cresting over the top of the valley, counting to five, he then blew the horn with everything he had. Garth and his men stood staring at the oncoming soldiers, it was hard but they had to look as if they weren't expecting them. Haystack, Nathe and Caleb quickly mounted their horses. Shade's had been spooked by the sound of the horn and pulled away from her. They had agreed no one waited for anyone else. Nathe and Caleb went straight for the barrier. Haystack grabbed the reins of Shade's horse. Seconds were lost. Shade jumped onto her horse and followed Haystack through the barrier. Garth and his men quickly added the missing stakes and disappeared into the forest. Kerdred's men and Nefkins were now streaming into the valley. Shade was pushing the inexperienced horse as hard as she could, until an arrow caught the horse in the flank. It reared up, sending Shade crashing to the ground. Haystack looked back, turning his horse, the enemy were nearly at the barrier. Nathe and Caleb turned their horses back too. Now they were in range of the mounted archers, it was suicide.

Hylaw's soldiers on top of the hill at the far end of the valley watched, unable to help, they were following strict orders. Aharen was not far from Shade, he too had his orders. Raising the horn to his mouth he sounded the second signal, earlier than planned. Down off the side of the road the hidden soldiers stood up.

'Go,' shouted Aharen to Hugo.

Hugo leapt off the road and down the bank landing perfectly on each stone slab avoiding the hidden spikes. Kerdred’s men and the Nefkins were starting to jump the barrier. Some headed for Shade, Haystack, Nathe and Caleb, others, seeing Aharen and the soldiers down the bank, veered left towards them. Shade was crouched behind her fallen horse, using her shield to block the arrows being fired in her direction.

'You weren't meant to come back for me,' she screamed up at the others.

The first riders and Nefkins were now only yards away from them. They prepared themselves for their final fight. Terrible sounds filled the valley as those who had followed Aharen rode down a bank of metal spiked stakes. Any that survived the spikes were met by the soldiers. At the same time Ghale and Ebblin shot burning arrows into the barrier, the oil caught light immediately. It was enough to halt those riders still on the

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