» Fantasy » Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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you and I think you should take a seat."

I crossed my arms and shot a look at Sawyer, he was wringing his hands together like he was nervous. I remained standing, "Just tell me."

"I left Vic's pack because— because I found out he was the one who sent the Burn Notice" Maisie said carefully, her blue eyes watching mine, "he sent it to himself, to send you away from the pack."

My eyebrows rose, confused, "He sent it to himself?"

The Soothsayer nodded, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, "Eden, your father is working with Kier."

"And he needed you out of his hair, so he created a fake threat because he knew you would've found out about him" Maisie added.

It was a slap to the face. All the air in my lungs left for a quick second as I processed the words. My arms crossed instantly and I eyed them both, "This is a joke."

The Soothsayer sighed, standing up to stand in front of me, "It's the truth, Changeling."

Maisie's eyes only confirmed it. She was not the type to lie.

I stopped breathing and I could feel my lungs burn with need but I couldn't send the message to my brain. My father created Cameron. My father worked with Kier. My father.

"You knew about the children?" I rose my chin and met the Forecaster's eyes to hid the weakness in my voice.

Sawyer's eyes fell to the ground and he took a step to the side as Maisie nodded, her eyes glassy, "I tried to tell Sam to try and get word to you but he didn't believe me, he was adamant that you wouldn't—"

"When did you know?" my voice was tiny in the large room.

"After the death of Mara" her own voice small in return.

I winced at the news and my feet moved me backwards, "Did Sam know about my father?"

Maisie nodded softly, her eyes never leaving mine, "He left the pack when I did and trust me Eden, there wasn't a day he didn't beg me to tell you the truth."

The betrayal hit me hard. My heart shattering the trust I worked to build. My nightmares have become real life.

Sam knew about my father. He was supposed to be my friend. I couldn't take it all in, there wasn't enough space in my head to fit all this information in as I blinked through my emotions, "What about the rest of my family?"

"Alice was in the dark like you but Morgan was apart of it and your mother knew as well, that's why she told you to leave" her words were a foreign language and I didn't understand them, "I'm so sorry, Eden."

Morgan was apart of it. All I could think about was Morgan ensuring he be given the Beta spot, my father insisting that he would complain if he wasn't and Morgan knowing what father was doing, not caring that he was going behind his sisters' back. My poor mother's desperate eyes, not knowing how to help me. How did it ever come to this?

"I'm glad you and the baby are safe" was all I said before I turned and left.

My feet moved with purpose and I found the Oracle in the kitchen, his back to me as he spoke with Miles and he turned when he heard me enter.

His dark eyes reading my expression, "What happened?"

"Where is Alexei's room?" I demanded.

Miles' smile disappeared and she frowned in confusion but didn't dare speak. She watched as Bain swallowed, shaking his head, "I don't kn—"

"Where?" my voice was louder, booming around the kitchen.

The Oracle dropped his gaze and sighed, "Down the hall from the library, there's Zetas stationed at his door" he shook his head, "Just don't do anything stupid, E."

I was already gone.

Bain's directions were exact. I found Danny and another Zeta that I didn't know, standing in front of an open door. They both looked up at me when I approached.

Danny bowed his head, "Miss Addandam, this area is off limits."

I didn't stop walking until I was in their faces, "I need to speak to him" my voice was uneven from the emotions flooding my lungs.

"You look scary when you storm over here like that" Alexei mused as he came to lean on the door frame. His green eyes ran over my face, capturing the emotion I threw at him and he frowned, "And you look like shit, what happened?"

The unknown Zeta grabbed my arm as I went to step forward, I turned and glared into his grey emotionless eyes, "Don't touch me" was all I warned before the heating my skin reached an unbearable temperature, that had him letting go with a loud exhale.

"Eden, we're under strict rules from August to keep everyone away from the prisoner" Danny interjected.

"I am going to speak to him and you're going to let me" I requested, my dark eyes burning into the poor Zetas', my voice full of ice and demand.

I had no power over a Zeta and they knew that but I would burn this entire place down if they didn't obey me, the uncertainty that shone in their eyes told me, that they were more scared of that than August.

"You have 10 minutes," was all Danny said before he grabbed the other Zeta and dragged him down the hall.

I turned my rage to the amused Null-hound, "When did you know that my father was working with Kier?" my voice broke half way through but I held my chin high.

His emerald eyes glowed at my question, at my emotions and he stayed silent for a few seconds before he breathed, "For a while, he was the one who staged the kidnapping."

This can't be happening. I stared at the ceiling to stop the tears from forming and I took a large amount of air, "Was his plan to kill me?"

His hand wrapped around my wrist, almost as if he was trying to comfort me and he cleared his throat, "Yes."

The rage that had been building in my chest suddenly deflated and the deception washed over me so aggressively. My face crumpled as my tears burst through my control and fell down my cheeks. I finally looked back down at him, "Why?"

There was a deep frown sketched into his forehead and he pulled me into his room, "Come on, sweet Eden" he sighed, "Don't cry."

My rage returned and I wiped at my tears angrily, "Tell me why, Alex?" my voice reached a new volume.

The rage in his eyes matched my previous emotions, "Because he is a coward, your father is scared of your power" he let out a large breath, "I was told he thinks you'll be more powerful than your brother and he would never put a female as the Alpha. He believes that you would've found out your power and taken over the pack."

I shook my head out of disbelief, "I can't believe this" my hands rubbed at my watery eyes and I sighed, "Who else is working with Kier that I don't know about?"

His dark-haired head shook, "Not anyone that I've met here."

My glare was sharp, "Why would I trust you?"

His smile was small but dimples decorated the sides of his mouth, "Because why would you come here to ask me something you already knew?"

There was yelling down the hall that made us both turn to see Quinn rushing towards us, "Eden" she breathed, "It's Sam."

My mind snapped instantly and my legs never moved so fast through these floral halls, "Where?" I shouted at Quinn, who followed close behind.

"He's coming up the drive—" she breathed.

I slammed the front doors open and flew down the live oak tunnel, my eyes scanning for the fire-haired Tau and I came to a complete stop when I saw them.

Sam, bloodied and limping.

Alice, bruised with her tears drenching her cheeks.

Between them they were carrying a grey-haired limp sack of skin and I knew that peppered head of hair.

The realisation stopped my heart.

It was Wren.

My body jerked into running, desperate to get to them and Sam looked up at me as I got closer. His warm eyes rimmed with fear and relief but it was Alice who spoke, "Eden, they're coming!"

My eyes saw them as a large dark wolf flew past me, fearless and powerful, he ran directly to the growing group of invaders running over the curved hills in the distance. My stomach dropped as their large dark forms freckled the mountain side like mold on spoiled food. Their scents poisoning the air.

It was Alexei's wolf I realised, Sawyer was with him and I turned to see Quinn as her beautiful cream wolf ran with them, followed by Sawyer's Deltas.

Miles reached me breathless and I watched as the Oracle raced to the peppered hills without a prompt. Urith was there a second later, he reached for Wren and picked up his lifeless body off the ground, "We need to get to the house, now."

The sound of growls and yelling filled the air as we ran to the proud standing house, "What's wrong with him?" I gasped as we finally made it back into the Soothsayer's throne room.

Miles frowned down at Wren's limp body, his skin was bone-white against the darkness of the floor tiles, she looked back at me with glassy eyes, "It was foxglove."

My own hands gripping at my uncle's body, "What do you mean was?"

She sat directly at his head and her dark hands wrapped around his skull, giving me the saddest expression I've ever seen on her warm face, "He's gone, E."

Pain pulled at my heart but I shook my head, refusing, "You can bring him back right?"

Alice was sobbing on the other side of Wren's body, "We found him like this."

I couldn't focus on the details I told myself as I held Miles' amber eyes, "You can bring him back right?" I repeated, not caring about the desperation in my voice.

She nodded slightly, not taking hers eyes away from mine and a single tear fell down her cheek, "I can't guarantee that it will wo—"

I grabbed her hands, "Just try" my voice was louder now, thick with my tears, "Please."

A thick frown drew on her face, her eyes closed as she took in a breath of air and I begged to the moon to bring him back. I offered everything to it. Alice's sobs echoed around the vast room and I didn't know where Sam or Urith were, I couldn't peel my eyes away from Wren's cold body to find out.

I didn't know how long we were there for, the silence thick besides the cries from my sister across from me. I heard the front door open again, I didn't turned to see because I could hear Sawyer's loud obnoxious voice, "We have an issue, easily fixed but still an issue."

I didn't care. Whatever it was, I didn't have a care in my body and I blocked them out. Refusing to address them or what happened and I just watched Miles as she held Wren's fragile grey-haired head.

Their shoes scuffed the polished tiles as they drew closer, Sawyer spoke loudly to Urith, who told the Soothsayer what happened and all their words were too loud.

"He's dead, why are they bothering?" Sawyer mused and that was all it took.

I turned to see the Soothsayer, Quinn, Alexei and the Oracle standing a few inches away from us and their eyes watched us, gawking. I was ready to scream at them. To force them to leave us alone.

As I opened my my mouth to destroy them, a small gasp left Miles' mouth and I turned to see her hands slide hesitantly off Wren's head. I grabbed them before they retreated, "What are you doing?"

She looked exhausted and her words came out breathless, "I can't."

Alice's cries increased in volume.

I shook my head sharply, "No, just try a little longer" I begged.

Bain had approached us, his steps careful and he grabbed my hand that gripped Wren's burnt orange sweater, "E, he—"

"No!" I shouted at him, "She just a needs to try harder!"

"Look at her, Eden!" his dark eyes

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