» Fantasy » Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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wild, he held Miles upper arm with his spare hand, stopping her from falling back and guilt climbed up my spine.

Bright crimson blood fell from Miles' nose, dark purple bruising danced around her neck and arms, her eyes foggy as tears fell from them, "I'm—I'm sorry" her was voice weak.

My shoulders fell with defeat. My heart threatened to burst from the heartbreak as I watched Wren's lifeless body. The Oracle's hands wrapped under Miles' arms and he help her out of the room.

I felt the rest of them standing behind me. I could hear their pity through their gawking gaze, it penetrated through my back and boiled my blood.

My glare was sharp enough to cut them all, I threw it over my shoulder as I looked back at them and I didn't care who I threw it at, "Get out" I warned, my voice thick with tears but full of authority.

Quinn blinked, adverting her eyes. My rage sky-rocketed as Sawyer smirked down at me and Alexei was the only one who looked concerned for his safety. No one made a move to leave.

"GET OUT" my voice reached a new pitch, I screamed at them. They flinched at my sudden volume and backed away. My wolf dragged her claws down our impossibly thick barrier, her rage matching mine instantly. My chin high as I watched them exit the room, one by one. Alexei leaving last.

Alice just laid against Wren's body, absorbed in her own sorrow to notice my outburst and watching her small face crumple from death. My heart hurt watching her and I let my flames coat my hands. Defeat so prominent in my body that I didn't try to fight it.

I stayed like that, kneeling beside my dead uncle, flames enveloped my hands as they covered the hot tears that streamed down my face as my wolf sunk back into the void.

The room darkened with the night, I heard the doors open again and soft light flooded the vast room, "Miss Addandam, can we take him now?"

I looked up at the tall Delta, Pen. She had her head bowed, waiting for permission to take Wren's body and my legs prickled as I stood. I cleared my throat and went around to Alice.

She had stopped crying a few hours ago, she just laid motionless against Wren's chest and I reached down to pull her up. Her swollen hazel eyes met mine and she gripped my arm for support. She watched Wren's body like it might spontaneously disappear before her.

I swallowed and nodded, "What will you do with him?" my voice was thin.

Pen ordered the Zetas to pick Wren's body up from the black cold floor, she didn't look at me as she folded her arms behind her, "Whatever you like us to do, Miss Addandam."

"Bury him, under a tree" I whispered, rubbing at Alice's arms and I pulled her away, heading up to my room, "Do not bury him without us."

I found the others in the kitchen. The Oracle and Miles were missing. Alice stayed behind in my room, she was so mentally exhausted. Her young heart so harshly broken.

Everyone else was sitting in a heavy silence when I entered the kitchen, I was surprised to see Alexei still out of his room and I cleared my throat when they all looked at me,  "I'm sorry for yelling at everyone" I crossed my arms, "It wasn't your fault."

"You're one scary Blaze-hound, Changeling," Sawyer laughed from behind the kitchen bench, "but it's not the first time you've bitten my head off."

Quinn smirked before standing to give me a light hug, "Don't apologise, we were being inconsiderate."

The kitchen itself was very industrial, to house the number of cooks the Soothsayer's had on hand and I hadn't taken a moment to take in the details.

I took a stool at the counter, Urith rubbed my shoulder and poured me a glass of whatever they were passing around, "Who were the wolves?"

"Kier and your father" Alexei answered, he hadn't moved from his position in the corner.

I swallowed with a nod, "Of course, what'd they want?" I took a sip of the amber liquid and my nose scrunched up instantly, "What is that?"

Sawyer chuckled, downing his own glass, "My own concoction and they want to challenge our packs."

I took another toxic sip and frowned, "Can they do that?"

"Yeah, just means we have to win" Quinn added.

The kitchen doors slammed open with a crackling thud and we all turned to see a red-rimmed August, he was furious and practically burning with rage. His eyes threatening to destroy Alexei any second, "What is he doing in here?" his words demanded.

Sawyer was too drunk to take in August's serious tone and he stumbled over his response, "Oh he—he help—"

"Where were you?" I stood, my words spat accusingly. Remembering he was no where to be seen. He wasn't there.

It didn't take long for my rage to reach the level of his.

August's eyes turned almost black as he took me in, "Don't speak to me like that," I hadn't realised I had stepped in front of Alexei but August did and he growled in response, "You defend him?"

"Wren is dead, August" I muttered, my dark eyes meeting his, "Don't do this now."

"Augustus, come" Sawyer interjected, strolling over and wrapped his long arm around the Alpha's shoulders, "Let's talk."

"Put him back in his hole" August spat but let Sawyer lead him away.

The Soothsayer nodded, throwing a hand up, "I'll get the Zetas to return Alexei James to his cell, he'll be back in there in no time."

The Zetas showed up just like clockwork and I turned to watch them usher Alexei out of the room, our eyes meeting quickly before I turned away. Quinn and Urith stood to leave with Sawyer and August.

I stood in the kitchen, the air heavy with my grief and my throat thick with my tears, I grabbed the bottle of the Soothsayer's golden poison and poured myself another glass.




My mother used to call me Alex.

Her voice warm and smooth as honey.

Her death was such a heavy reminder that I could never stand it when anyone called me Alex.

My mother was a goddess.

Her dark hair flowed behind her in the soft autumn breeze, moving gracefully and delicately.

Her jade eyes were the soft windows of her pure soul.

No one was kinder.

No one was stronger.

When she died, I vowed that no one would know that side of me.

No one would call me Alex.

No one would get under my skin.

But that Changeling.

That stupid Changeling had.

She in fact, gotten so deep under my scarred skin.

That I was smiling in the dark like a damn fool as I realised.







Sweet Eden.



SMALL CHARRED HANDS GRABBED AT ME and I jerked awake to my dull room.

Alice was sleeping soundly next to me and the moon's light casted shadows all over the room. The shadows danced around in the darkness of the room, mocking me.

The smell made my stomach swirl.

It was the same horrid stench that my body now knew instantly.

Burning flesh.

It was suffocating and I couldn't escape it.

My stomach became uneasy, last night's alcohol bubbling in my stomach and I felt myself jerk out of the bed, begging my legs to get me to the bathroom in time.

My fingers fumbled on the toilet seat but I lifted it just in time as I heaved into the porcelain bowl. My eyes watering as my throat burned with my chest on fire.

"You still look like shit."

My eyes meet those of emeralds and my head rested against the side of the bowl as I sighed, "What do you want, Alex?"

He was shirtless, his scars glistened in the light and my eyes struggled to keep on his face as he smirked, wandering in and taking a seat on the edge of the tub. His eyes ran over my face and his smirk diminished, "Is it about Wren?"

My heart no longer ached at the mention of his name, my chest held a continuous burning and if I was being completely honest, I think I mourned him before I knew he was actually dead.

I sighed, shaking my head. My mouth failing to speak.

His eyes watched my face, looking for something, "I'm sorry you had to see your uncle like that" he continued searching my face, "Is it the children?"

I took a sharp intake of breath at the mention of them on his lips, I lifted my head and reached up to close the toilet lid. Leaning against the wall, my back flush against it and I forced myself not to cry, "Yeah."

His skin was a soft beige now, he seemed tanner in the white bathroom and the scars stretched across his chest like silver shooting stars. His dark hair was tousled as he leaned forward to lean his elbows on his knees, "It's making you this sick?"

I nodded, returning my eyes to his face and played with the hem of my shirt, "It's the—the smell" I spoke under my breath.

His eyes drifted to the side as he nodded, remembering as well, "Yeah, it haunts me sometimes too."

We sat in a silence before I stood and flushed the toilet, my shoulders shrugged casually, "It's either that or I'm pregnant."

I caught Alexei's gaze in the mirror, his jaw so clenched that I thought it would break under the pressure, "No, you need a successful mating bond for that to happen."

My frown deep on my face as I turned back to him, "What happens if you mate unsuccessfully?"

His eyes still held his previous irritation but he smirked, "They're painful as hell, what I imagined foxglove to feel like and they always need to be healed by a Healer."

I crossed my arms, intrigued, "How do you get an unsuccessful mating bond?"

Those emerald eyes sparked with curiosity and he stood, "Why are you so interested in unsuccessful matings?"

The space between us wasn't big enough, he was too close and he eyed my shoulder as if he could see through the fabric of my shirt. His bergamot scent wafted into the small room and my eyes quickly wandered down to his raised skin, at the scattered scars there. My fingers burned to touch them.

I stepped to the side, planning to escape, "I've never heard about them" I said casually with a forced shrug.

Realisation hit his face and his emerald eyes grew smaller as they burned into mine, "You've had an unsuccessful mating, haven't

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