» Fantasy » Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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I let out a huff, stepping further away, my eyes rolled, "Of course you would want to know that, pervert."

He crossed his arms, "Tell me."

I mimicked him and crossed my arms as well, "No."

Without a warning, his hand flew up and grabbed the back of my neck. He pulled me closer to him, we were almost flush against each other and I could feel his warm breath on my face. In the collision of our bodies, my hands fell on his shoulders and my body froze with the softness I felt there. He didn't seem to care about my hands as his long fingers yanked the neckline of my shirt and his eyes glowed at the black healing marks that were painted over my pale skin, the rage was so clear in those green eyes that I expected him to scream at me, but he let go of me instantly. He stepped around me and didn't say a word as he disappeared down the hall.

I didn't return to my room.

Instead I found myself knocking on Miles' door, guilt had dragged me here and I needed to make sure she was okay, I needed to apologise.

I knocked again. It echoed down the great hallway, bouncing off the floral wallpaper.

My hand twisted the polished door handle, the warm glow of the room was a soft amber as the door creaked. My eyes found Miles's sleeping form under a mountain of quilt and then flicked to the Oracle who was snoring loudly on the adjacent sofa, his long limbs were stretched out before him.

I climbed into the other side of the bed with Miles, her soft snores were being drowned out by the monster volume of Bain's. I didn't wake her but just laid there and suddenly I was back in that cell.

Miles sleeping next to me on the floor, her light noises echoing off the dirt walls and I felt the overwhelming peace wash over me, replaced instantly by disgust. I missed it. I actually missed my cell. How could I miss such a place? My heart constricted at the thought of that place and what I did there but simultaneously missed the comfort of the consistency.

I didn't sleep the entire night. Out of fear that my nightmares followed me here.

The pale blue glow of the morning bled through the shear curtains, Miles shifted in her position and her amber eyes cracked open before fully extending, a frown crept slowly on her face before the corners of her lips lifted.

"What are you doing here?" her words croaky.

The purple tint of her skin had eased but the skin under her eyes were a deep grey, she looked exhausted.

"I'm sorry" I whispered into the early morning, "I shouldn't have pushed you so hard."

Her frown deepened, "No, I'm sorry" she grabbed my hand under the pillow, "I wasn't strong enough."

I couldn't accept that from her. Miles was stronger than most of us and I didn't believe she couldn't bring someone back. My hand gripped hers, "You are strong enough" her eyes glistened in the morning light, "Wren was gone for too long and that's not your fault."

Her smile was wide but her eyelids were drooping more and more, her lips moved to say something but nothing came out and I felt her grip loosen on my hand.

I slipped out of the room once Miles went back to sleep and went back to Alice, who was already awake. I showed her the bathroom before I left her with Bain in the kitchen.

My legs ached as I climbed the stairs again and I grabbed clothes out of Quinn's fresh pile, making my way to the shower.

The water was hot enough to strip the first layer of my skin and I welcomed the scorching heat. My back was to the door when I heard it open, I shot a quick look over my shoulder to see August closing the door.

I turned to face the copper taps again and I watched his reflection step closer, "I'm sorry I got mad" he said with a sigh.

A sudden panic prickled through my body as I remembered the healed mating mark on my shoulder, the dark lines stark against my skin and I could do nothing to hide it.

I heard his belt hit the tiled floor and moments later his hands rubbed my shoulders, "I just can't help it, when I see that traitor's face and think about what he did to you" his words rushing out of him breathless, "I just see red."

His face buried into my clean shoulder, blocking his own view on the dark swirls that danced over my skin and he kissed my shoulder blade softly.

I could feel him hard against my leg and my body fought the urge to recoil, I sighed instead, "Did you know my father was working with Kier?"

His wandering hands froze in place, blonde head rising as I met his eyes through copper reflection and he cleared his throat, "Who told you that?"

My frown was quick to surface and I almost turned around to face him, "The Forecaster" my voice skeptical, "Why does it matter? Did you know or not?"

"I found out after Alexei took you" he growled, "and I told them I would tell you."

I was silent for moment before his hands begun to move again but I was quicker, I side-stepped and grabbed the large towel that waited for me, making sure to wrap it around my shoulders and I made for the door.

"I'll see you at breakfast" I mumbled as I rushed out of the room.

He wouldn't see me at breakfast.

Instead I was face to face with Danny, wet hair stuck to my shirt and a glare on my face.

Danny wasn't in the mood for my games, he watched me walk up the hallway with his arms crossed and a continuous shake of his head, "No, Miss Addandam."

His expression was enough to make me smile, "Where's your friend?"

The unknown Zeta from the other day was no where to be seen, not that I cared because it was easier to persuade one than two.

Danny shook his head again, "I'm serious, Changeling" I watched the corner of his mouth lift the smallest amount, "Rotaeche will eat me alive."

I patted his shoulder and stepped around him, walking right into Alexei's room, "No one will eat you, trust me."

Alexei was lounging in the corner couch, his feet stretched out before him as he watched me enter.

He shook his head in the same tone as Danny, "You're going to get that guy killed."

To my utter surprise, Sam was sitting right next to him and almost mimicked him in posture. His face was clean and blood free, almost as if the last 24hrs didn't happen.

"What are you doing here?" my fingers were angry as I remembered the Forecaster and the children. Sam knew about it all.

Instantly picking up my tone, Sam's warm eyes narrowed as he watched me, "Are you okay?"

My arms crossed, "You knew about Maisie?" I gave up on my signing and just spoke.

Sam read my lips carefully and sighed before signing, "I wanted to tell you but—"

I waved him off, "Don't" I walked right up to him and I could see Alexei watching us from the corner of my eye, "You knew and you didn't tell me."

Sam's eyes were flickering from my mouth to my eyes and then he sighed again, "You killed them" his voice hoarse and uneven.

The realisation struck him just as hard as his words struck me. I practically flinched away from him, his words were bullets into my chest and my tears threaten to fall as I kneeled in front of him. My head fell onto his knees, hiding it from Alexei's watching emeralds and my eyes drowned in Sam's warm soul, I silently nodded my head against his legs.

Then my tears fell, silently but heavy. The next stage of my grief was starting. My chest lightened at the thought. It wasn't Sam's fault, it was no ones fault but my own. I killed them. It didn't matter if he told me or not and I knew that. The Forecaster saw it and regardless of what I would have done to stop it from happening, it would have curved my detours and happened like fate predicted it.

His face fell with the devastation that ate at my chest, his warm eyes glassy as they captured mine, "I should have told you, this is all my fault" his hands flew through the air to rush out the words.

I shook my head feverishly, "It was seen" my fingers signing small so Alexei couldn't see, "I would've had to end my life to save those kids."

Sam's eyes lit up as he read my words because he knows that I would have. I would have ended it. If I knew that I would end up killing those kids, I would have ended my life before fate got the chance to destroy it.

"I would have done anything to save them" I added.

Sam's hand rested in my hair and he leaned forward to kiss my temple, he wiped away the reminder of my tears and we sat there in silence for a moment.

My brows furrowed at the thought and I sat up, "Why are you here?"

Sam laughed, shrugging, "I wanted to see the arsehole who took you."

"But then he fell in love with me" Alexei added, finally speaking.

"You wish" Sam said, my eyes grew in surprise. Sam never spoke in front of strangers, barely in front of me but this was a new thing and I felt jealousy prickle against my skin.

Sam quickly looked down at his watch before standing, "I have to meet Maisie, come find me later" he signed to me.

I watched him leave from my position on the floor, not bothering to move and it was seconds later when Sawyer strolled in, "Oh great, you're already here."

His dark long hair was in a twisted bun at the base of his neck, his arms held his rolled up map and he threw it onto the low coffee table.

"What is that?" Alexei asked, reaching for the handmade map.

"His map" I smirked as Sawyer dragged a chair over and crossed his legs as he sat down. Alexei stretched it out before us, I held the corner in front of me to stop it from curling back onto itself.

My eyes met Alexei's quickly before he smirked at Sawyer, "Where's the roads?"

Sawyer groaned, "Alexei James, it doesn't need roads!"

I could feel emeralds eyes on me as I laughed at the Soothsayer's frustration, "What are we doing here?"

"You're from Crepuscule, right?" Sawyer asked Alexei, ignoring me.

Alexei nodded and went to speak but I interjected, "Why did you leave?"

His emerald eyes glowed as he remembered, "Kier threatened my family and I had to join him to save them."

"What happens now that you've left?" I added.

He shrugged, "No idea."

"Do you not care about your family?" my words were rushing out of me, accusingly.

"It won't help them, so why bother" he shrugged and leaned back into the couch.

My frown was fast to react to his words, "What are you talking about?" I was starting to raise my voice, "What's wrong with you?"

His eyes flickered with irritation and he rose his eyebrows, "Oh please tell me, how will me caring about my dead family help them?"

My frustration died instantly. Alexei's arms were crossed in front of him and he challenged me as he held my gaze. Dead family. His family were gone. That's why he wears his necklace and that's why he said he killed his own mother.

I dragged my gaze away, "What happened?"

"Kier was his typical trickster self, he killed them the second I agreed to his terms and left my mother alive right at the end" his voice was small and filled with rage, "He killed my mother after he made me swear my loyalty to him and he made sure that I knew it was my fault they were dead, he said I should have joined him faster."

"He would've killed

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