» Fantasy » Jacob Black - True Imprint, Jessley [best romantic novels in english .txt] 📗

Book online «Jacob Black - True Imprint, Jessley [best romantic novels in english .txt] 📗». Author Jessley

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got out the water, grabbed my clothes and bag and headed back for home, quickly slipping my short and top over my bikini.

As I reached the road just before Nana’s house a car came screeching past that I had to jump back to avoid it. It was a red car with a white stripe, Volkswagen, it didn’t even stop. “Idiot!” I shouted at the car, not like he could hear me, so I continued to walk home.

“Nana, I’m home” I called as I entered the house. “I’m in the living room baby” she responded. I walked into the living room, kissed my Nana and informed her that I was going to have a quick shower, so I could help her with dinner. “Not to worry about dinner Billy Black has invited us for his famous spaghetti bolognaise” he said. “Billy Black?” I questioned. “Jacobs’s dad” she replied. “Oh, alright, will be done soon then Nana” I responded as I ran up the stairs. It didn’t take me long to get showered and dressed. I put on a pair of skinny jeans, strap top and pumps, dried my hair and put a little make up on.

“Kayla come, Sam’s here o pick us up” Nana called from downstairs. I came bouncing down the stairs, Sam was waiting by the front door, my Nana was already was on the front porch. “Hi Sam” I greeted. “Hiya Kayla” he answered as I passed him as he closed the door behind us. We got into the car and he drove us to Billy’s place. “Someone will be here by ten to pick you ladies up Nana” stated Sam as we got out the car. “Thank you honey, say hi to Emily for me please” replied Nana.

Chapter 8

There in the doorway was Billy in his wheel chair with a huge smile on his face. “Nana Hawkes, is this Kayla?” he greeted in surprise. “All grown up Kayla” replied Nana. “Oh my goodness, look at you girl!” he called out looking at me. “Do you remember me?” he asked unsure. I noticed a tear in his eye. “No Uncle Billy, I don’t” I said as I ran to him and hugged him. “Kayla all grown up, I remember you when you were a baby, how you and Jake used to play together, wow” he said shaking his head.

“Oh where’s my manners, come in ladies, come in” he said as he moved away from the doorway and letting us through.

I closed the door behind me as Nana and Uncle Billy were chatting away; I saw some photos of Jake and his sisters when they were small. Jake had also lost a parent, he lost his mother when he was just 9, both his parents were in a car accident which left Billy in a wheel chair and the death of Jake’s mother. They were at a red traffic light when a car lost control and ploughed into their car head on. Jake and I were always close, more so after his mother passed away, Jake and I always hung out together. Later Embry and Quil joined our little gang. My father and Billy were best of friends and grew up together on the reservation.

“Uncle Billy, where’s Jake?” I asked. “Oh, he had some plans with some friends, so he won't be here tonight” he responded looking at my Nana strangely. “Oh, okay” I replied. Nana made her way to the kitchen where Billy directed her to the pot of famous spaghetti bolognaise he had made, she dished up for all of us. We sat around and chatted about my time in London, what I did there and how I have changed, my accent etc. He asked how I was coping at the present, for which I stated I was doing okay and thankfully my Nana changed the subject.

The time went by so fast that there was a knock at the door, Paul and Jared entered. “Hiya everyone” they said. “Hi boys” replied Billy and Nana. “Hi” I responded. “Sam sent us to collect you ladies and take you home” stated Jared. “Wow is it that time already?” asked Nana. “I am afraid so Nana” replied Billy. “Thank you for such a lovely evening Uncle Billy” I said kissing him on the cheek as Paul watched me. “I miss that and it was a pleasure my girl, you can come around anytime you want” he responded, giving me a big hug. “Thank you Uncle Billy” I answered. We said our goodnights and left Billy’s place.

Nana got into the car; Paul offered Jared the keys to drive the car suggesting that he would sit at the back and keep me company. He sat with his arm relaxed across the back seat, expectantly. Nana had already climbed in to the front seat; I looked at Paul then at Jared. “Jared do you even have your license?” I asked. “Well, no, not exactly” he stammered. I turned to look at Paul “Well then shouldn’t you be driving Paul, seeing as you have your license and you are older?” He was not very happy with that. “Humph”! He said as he got out from the back and got into the drivers seat. Jared and I got into the back; Jared just smiled, five minutes later we were at home.

Jared offered to open the door for Nana and me. “Thank you boys” called Nana and she walked into the house. “Thank you” I said as Jared walked me to the door and Paul who was still annoyed stayed in the car. “Kayla, um, can I ask you erm, would you like to go to the movies with me on Friday night?” he stammered. “Sure, why not, thanks for the invite Jared” I responded. “Well thanks for taking us home and goodnight” I said. "Goodnight Kayla" he replied, I turned and walked inside and closed the door.

Jared’s POV:

I was still shocked at how easily Kayla said yes to my invite to watch a movie. I walked back to the car; I can see Paul looks annoyed and angry. “What took you so long hey?” moaned Paul. “Sorry, I was just asking Kayla out to the movies on Friday” I responded as I got into the car. “Really, and how you gonna get there?” he sneered at me. “I…er…will find a way for us to get there” I stammered. Paul just laughed at me as he pulled away from Nana’s house at a speed. We had to get back to Sam’s place as we had a meeting.

Chapter 9

Kayla’s POV:

Waking up with the sun streaming into my room, I finally got up and went downstairs with an idea in my head. “Nana” I called as I rounded the corner into the kitchen to where Nana normally sits. “Morning Nana” I said kissing her cheek. “Morning baby, did you sleep well?” she asked. “Yes thank you, Nana, how do you get around, like do your shopping etc?” I asked Nana. “Well it depends, Jake sometimes takes me on a weekend or otherwise Sam takes me, why baby?” she responded. “Do you think Sam could take me into town today?” I asked. “I don’t see why not, why don’t you call Sam and find out?” she answered.

I picked up the phone and dialled Sam’s number. “Hello” I heard a woman’s voice answer. “Oh hello, can I please speak to Sam, its Kayla calling” I replied. “Oh hello Kayla, hold on, I’ll call Sam” she responded and disappeared. Next moment there was a deep voice. “Kayla, everything okay?” asked Sam. “Yeah, all’s fine, I wanted to ask if you were able to drop me off in town today if possible?” I asked. “Sure, what time?” he responded sounding a bit relieved. “Whenever you are ready” I advised. “Hold a second” he said, and then there was some muffled voices. “Is a half an hour fine?” he asked. “Perfect, will ready and waiting” I cheered.

“Nana, do you need anything in town?” I called out. “Its fine honey Sam or Jake will take me to get my groceries” she replied. “Don’t be silly Nana, I am going into town let me get your things while I am there” I offered. After a short debate with Nana, she gave in and handed me her list and the cash. Without her noticing I slipped the cash back into her jar she originally took it out from.

I was dressed and ready when Sam arrived; Emily was in the car as well. Sam introduced us, she seemed very nice. I noticed the scar down the side of her face, but I made sure I didn't stare. She was chatting all the way into town when Sam broke her conversation. “Sorry, Em, Kayla, where do you want to be dropped off?” he asked. “That corner would be fine thanks” I replied as Sam pulled over to the road I had indicated to. “What time must I pick you up?” he queried. “No need to worry about that, I’ll make my own way home” I said as I got out the car. “Thanks Sam and nice meeting you Emily” I said and walked away from the car, waving goodbye. Now I thought, my first stop will need to be the bank.

I made my way to the bank to sort out all the legalities that I needed to do and left with a blank bank guaranteed cheque. Next step was to go to a car dealer. I had my license and Nana and I needed a car. It wasn’t long before I found a good car dealer, after looking around and test driving a car I thought would be sufficient for Nana and myself, I purchased the car with my guaranteed cheque, all the paper work was completed and I left the dealers with the car and made my way over to the gas station to fill up the car, it was a blue Mazda. Once that was done, I went off to the mall, and into supermarket in town.

I pulled out Nana’s list and bought the items she required and extra as she feeds the boys all the time. After meeting them I can see why she made so much food, they were big and ate a lot. I bought some things I thought Nana would like for herself, like new slippers, night clothes and a dressing gown as from what I saw hers was very old already. I also bought us some nice toiletries and smellies, especially for her, as I remembered my Nana liking her body lotions and facial creams when I was younger. By the time I was done it was hitting early evening, the car was jam packed with all my buys. Now I had to make my way back to my Nana’s, I just had to remember the way Sam brought me into town that was all.

Chapter 10

I was back at home in just under an hour, would’ve been sooner, but I did take a couple of wrong turns. I finally pulled up outside of the house. As I got out the car and heard someone shout. “Kayla!” they shouted, I quickly looked up to see and then heard some footsteps and more voices. “Where have you been Kayla?” asked Nana in a desperate voice. “…went shopping” I replied not sure what was going on as I saw in front of me was Sam, Nana, Seth, Jared, Paul and two other guys I didn’t recognise, or know, looking over me.

“We’ve been worried, you’ve been gone a while” said Seth sounding relieved. “And the car?” asked Paul, looking concerned but suspicious. “I bought it for Nana and me, as I do
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