» Fantasy » Jacob Black - True Imprint, Jessley [best romantic novels in english .txt] 📗

Book online «Jacob Black - True Imprint, Jessley [best romantic novels in english .txt] 📗». Author Jessley

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offered. “That’s fine with me, cool” he responded.

We chatted on our way into town. Jared updated me on what’s happening around town, he was a really cool guy, but on a few time he quickly changed the direction of the conversation, like he was almost telling me too much than what he was allowed to. “What’s happening with Jake these days, I haven’t seen him since I have been back?” I asked. “Jake and Bella has been hanging out a lot lately, and he is in love with her, she is all he thinks about, but she is in love with someone else and just keeps Jake on a string, he is like a puppy just waiting for it's master to come home, it's actually quite sick really” he told me sounding rather annoyed.

“Oh no wonder I haven’t seen him around” I stated. We no sooner arrived into town and pulled into the parking area. We entered the movie house and saw Avatar was playing, we both agreed that was the movie we were going to watch and went to pay for our tickets. Jared went over to the confectionary stand as he was hungry and bought himself some snacks for the movie.

I just got myself a juice as I had just finished dinner before I came. As we paid for our things we heard a commotion outside the movie house. Jared looked at me and then turned and walked outside, he seemed to recognise the voice. I followed him outside and there we saw Paul arguing with someone. “What, you think we chose this, look at your boyfriend!” Paul shouted at this girl. “Just leave him alone, he’s scared of your gang, he doesn't want this” this girl shouted back at him. “Awe, he’s scared, sure!” Paul said sarcastically. “Yes, Jake is scared!” she shouted at him moving closer to him and slapping him in the face.

Jake moved forward moving this girl away from Paul and snarling at Paul. Jared was so quick, one minute he was standing next to me, then the next he was stepping inbetween Paul, Jacob and this girl. Paul looking like he was starting to convulse, he was shaking. “Paul, calm down, not here!” shouted Jared. Paul looked so angry, he was baring his teeth, and Jared turned towards me. “I am sorry Kayla, but I have to go” he apologises and pulls Paul away from the situation.

Jake and this girl just stood there watching at Jared took Paul away, Jake looked so defeated. “Jake, come, you don’t need them” she said trying to pull Jake in the opposite direction, as they moved off, they seemed to have some words and then they walked off in the other direction.

Jacob, that was Jacob, I thought for a moment, my heart made a quick beat, but to realise that Jacob was in love with this girl and that feeling that we once shared or at least I think we shared was long time gone. Seven years have passed and a lot changed during that time.

Chapter 14

I didn’t feel like watching the movie anymore, so I decided to go back home. While I was driving on the highway, a car came speeding up behind me at such a speed and then overtook me. As the car passed I noted that it was a red Volkswagen, it slowed up a bit along side me, then accelerated and sped off out of sight. I finally got home; my Nana had been sitting in the living room when I got home. “What you doing home so early baby?” asked Nana. “Didn’t feel like watching the movie after all, seeing as Jared ditched me for Paul this evening” I remarked. “Really why?” asked Nana curiously.

“Apparently Jake and this girl he is in love with were there and she was yelling at Paul. She then slapped him; this sent Paul into a shaking frenzy, so Jared felt he needed to take care of Paul and took him away from the scene” I commented. “Then that girl tried to take Jake and they had some words, I left so I don’t know what happened” I ended. “Really, I hope everything is okay” Nana answered. “Do you know what they were arguing about?” she asked. So I began to explain what I heard, she quickly changed the subject and suggested that I must feel tired and might want to go to bed. I thought it was a bit weird, but none the less said my goodnights and went to my room.

That night there was a lot of howling coming from the woods that surrounded Nana’s house. I was drifting in and out of sleep, due to these noises. Nana sounded restless too, I heard her talking on the phone with someone. Didn’t hear much, but I did catch Jake’s name a few times.

Over the next couple of days, I got to hear bits and pieces here and there when I walked in on Nana talking on the phone or when some of the guys came over they chatted to Nana. Nana was always on the phone late at night, it was again about Jake, this time, Jake had gone missing and nobody knew where he was, or where he had gone.

Chapter 15

Quil and Embry seemed very busy lately, that Seth and I were hanging out together in the last few days of our holidays. We were sitting at the beach with Nana’s scrumptious lunch spread. While Seth was half way through his munching his lunch I decided to ask him. “Seth what’s been going on?” I came straight out and asked. “What you mean?” he said with food in his mouth. “Don’t give me that, do you really think I am that stupid, you guys are forever busy with something, the late night talks on the phone, you guys stop talking when I enter a room. I have gathered that something is going on and you all are not telling me. I hear my Nana talking about the pack, and about Jacob missing, you guys disappear for days on end!" I vented

"I am tired of being the only one by the looks of it on this reservation who has no clue as to what is going on!” I said with some tears leaking as I let it all out. Seth just stared at me as I had just slapped him across the face that he quickly swallowed his food. “Well…er…Sam has us doing some work for him during the summer holiday, that’s all, and as for Jake, well yeah, he’s gone missing, well not really, he’s gone on his own" he admitted.

"You see remember when I told you he was in love with Bella?” he asked. “Yeah” I responded not so convincingly. “Well he recently found out that she will be marrying Edward, its upset him that’s all” he added quickly. “So Jake’s gone missing and no one is doing anything about it!” I said. “You are misreading it Kayla, Jake left, he doesn’t want to be found, if he did, he would have been in touch” he answered.

“But he’s run away!” I raised my voice. “Kayla, you are reading too much into it” he said trying to calm me down. “No, I am not, don’t you dare treat me….” But I was cut short as Sam came running onto the beach calling Seth. “Seth you are needed at the house, now!” he commanded as he turned as quickly as he came and ran off in the distance. “Sorry Kayla” Seth said getting up. “Thanks for lunch” he added as he turned and ran off after Sam, leaving me alone on the beach.

I was so annoyed with everyone and everything; I just threw everything back into the picnic bag as the tears ran down my face. I then made my way back home. When I got home, no one was there; I found a note on the kitchen table from Nana. “Kayla, gone to Billy’s, dinner in the oven, will see you later. Love Nana”

Something definitely was going on and it scared me to know that Nana was also involved. I sat around the living room with the TV remote flicking through the channels, but there was nothing interesting, not like I was really watching the TV.

I decided I was going to check on Nana, make sure she was okay. I got into my car and made my way over to Billy’s place. I pulled up outside and they must have heard me because as I made my way up to Billy’s front porch when the door opened and in the doorway stood Paul. “Hey Paul” I greeted him and tried to go past him by the door, but he wouldn’t let me through. “You can’t go in” he stated sternly. “Excuse me, and why can’t I?” I said sounding taken back. “They are having a meeting and you can’t go in, they are not to be disturbed” he said a little louder this time. “Its best you leave” he said, showing no emotion. “Paul don’t be so harsh” I heard Nana’s voice coming from behind as she smacked him lightly on his arm, he moved aside for her.

He eyed me suspiciously, and then Nana eyed me as well. “Hey there my baby” she said kissing me. “Come to take your Nana home?” she asked slinking her arm around my shoulder and looking at Paul. “Yeah Nana, came to see if you needed a ride home” I said as I looked at both her and Paul. “Well I am all ready, see you Billy, and see you boys” she greeted them as she led me from Billy’s porch and one by the one the guys came out of Billy’s house, they looked troubled.

Nana chatted obliviously all the way home, but did not once mention her reason for going to Billy’s place with all the other guys and why everyone looked so grave.

Chapter 16

School had sprung upon me before I realised it. I met up with Seth, Quil and Embry at school. I asked them about Jake but they apparently hadn’t heard anything from him, except for a recent phone call. Jake phoned his dad to let him know he was fine and then they changed the subject. I managed to get to my classes with no problem as either Quil or Embry was with me. Lunch time I sat with them as I didn’t make friends easily. Seth joined us for lunch as well.

Friday arrived quickly and I survived my first week at school. I collected the post when I entered the house and handed them to Nana kissing her, she was on the phone with Billy at the time. “Oh it looks like I got one too” she said picking up a fancy looking one and opening it. “Yip, it is” she stated. “Mmm, you going, oh okay then, see ya, bye Billy” she ended her call. “Hello baby how was your day?” she asked getting up and going over to the fridge. “Same ol Nana” I responded as I opened a letter addressed to myself, it was Kim informing me of the sale of the house has gone through and the profit was being put into my banking account etc.

“We’ve been invited to a wedding in two weeks” called Nana as she pulled chicken breasts and mayo from the fridge. “Really who’s?” I asked. “Bella and Edward wedding” she said passing me the invite, I took it and read it.

The day of the wedding arrived:

“Come on Nana, we’re gonna be late for the wedding” I called to Nana from

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