» Fantasy » Jacob Black - True Imprint, Jessley [best romantic novels in english .txt] 📗

Book online «Jacob Black - True Imprint, Jessley [best romantic novels in english .txt] 📗». Author Jessley

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you back for good bro?” asked Embry. “Yeah, I’m back and I am sorry guys for doing this to you, it will never happen again” I said sounding very sure of myself than I have been in a long time. “Sure you are all cool now Jake?” asked Quil. “All’s cool here, like vanilla” I accidently let slip. “Vanilla?” asked Sam. “Never mind” I responded feeling a bit awkward. “We knew you would be back” Billy said as he entered the room. “But thanks to Kayla, not sure what would have happened” he added.

“Kayla, Kayla, who?” I asked. “Kayla Hawkes of course” replied Seth. “But she can’t be, she left me, she left us” I said thinking back to the time she had to leave La Push; I gave her a bracelet with a wolf on it. It was the first time I ever cried over a girl. “No she's back” smirked Embry. “And she’s hot” exclaimed Paul. “Guys, she isn’t a piece of meat you’re talking about!” stated Sam. “Sorry” said the guys in unison. My dad brought me up to speed as to why Kayla was back in La Push.

“I can’t believe she is really back” I said as my heart was doing some flip flops, the boys nodded in confirmation that Kayla was back. “What was I thinking, why was I so excited, I just lost the girl I loved and now I feel like a little boy again knowing my crush is back in town, oh get over yourself Jacob, she probably won’t like you anymore. Well I loved her when we were young, but it’s been years now” I thought to myself. “Well I am going to go and see her today” I said as I went to grab some clothes to put on.

“Okay here’s my shopping list, are you fine to go on your own?” asked Nana. “Yes Nana, I am fine to go on my own” I replied taking her shopping list and the money for the groceries and kissed her goodbye.

Today was nice and warm outside, I had a pair of cut off denim shorts on, sandals and a strap top, my hair was tied up in a messy bun with some curls hanging loose. I got into the car and left for Nana’s shopping. I put the music on loud and sang to every song on the radio on my way into town.

Nana was sitting in the kitchen in thought. I am worried that Kayla doesn’t trust me anymore I thought. But I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a car pulling up and the door banging closed. Kayla back so soon when I heard a knock on the door. I got up to go to the door when it opened. “Nana, Nana?” came a familiar voice, my Jacob’s voice. “In here baby” answered Nana from the kitchen, Jacob entered the ktichen within in three strides and pulled me into a great big hug.

“Nana is Kayla back?” he asked. “Yes Jacob, my baby is back” I replied sounding a bit down. “Nana is everything okay?” asked Jacob. We sat down and I explained what had happened that Kayla had returned, but also explained that she had no idea of what had been going on around Forks and La Push and she can sense that Kayla is picking up on things and she doesn’t like the idea of keeping things from her like this.

Jacob’s face said it all, he was happy Kayla was back. “I see Kayla still has a special place in your heart Jacob” announced Nana as she eyed Jacob out. “So where is she, I want to see her?” asked Jake. “Ah, my boy she has gone out to do Nana’s shopping” I responded. “Why are you looking for her?” I asked. “My dad told me what she did for me” Jacob replied. “Oh I see, well you can wait for her, not sure how long she is going to be, or I could just let her know you were looking for her?” I asked. “Do you think she would be long?” asked Jake. “Not sure, last time she was out all day” I responded. “Okay, can you let her know I came by to see her then?” he asked. “Sure, I will let her know my baby?” I replied. Jacob left shortly afterwards.

Kayla’s POV:

I pulled into the supermarkets parking lot and got out and walking over to the trolleys with Nana’s list in hand. She didn’t need much this time as I bought extra last time. I got the things Nana asked for and once again some extras. I went into the clothing aisle and bought Nana some new winter tops, trousers, socks and shoes. I decided to take a walk around town and went to grab something to eat and got something for Nana, then I drove back home.

By the time I got home it was mid afternoon and the sun was really hot for a change. I unloaded the grocery bags on the porch, until they were all out of the car and took them into the house. No one was at home, there was a note on the table, and Nana had gone to Sam’s house and would be back a little later. I unpacked all the groceries and packed them away. I decided today was a perfect day for a swim and took a slow walk to the rock pool. When I got there I put my blanket down with my lunch and got undressed. I was wearing my lime green bikini and headed straight for the water, it was lovely and cool. I climbed up to the cliff dived into the water, it was so refreshing as I swam around.

What I didn’t know was that I was being watched from the forest. A stranger had wandered into the forest and watched me as I swam.

Chapter 20

At Sam’s house:

“How long has the scent been around?” asked Billy? “I came across the stink a day or so ago” stated Paul. “It came from the south side, so the Cullen’s probably don’t know of the stranger yet” said Paul. “I think we should let the Cullen’s know just in case they know who it may be” said Nana.

They all agreed with what Nana suggested. Jacob who hadn’t been around a while was unsure of what was going on. “Where was the last time you picked up the scent?” asked Sam. “It was near the rock pools” advised Jared. “We gonna have to keep and eye out by the rock pools, Kayla likes to hang out there a lot, especially on days like this” advised Seth. “Well if you want maybe I can go and scout there and check if she is there and if she is okay” suggested Jacob. “Jacob, you should probably call Carlisle and let him know, maybe they can pick up the scent” ordered Sam.

As much as Jacob didn’t want obey he had to do what he was told. Jake left to call Carlisle and update him on what he knew. Sam sent Jared and Paul to go and scout the rock pools, then he took Billy and Nana back home.

Strangers POV:

As I stand there and watch her swimming, I am thirsty and I can smell that she smells good. She is so beautiful, I have the urge to want to make her mine, but how, lure her away from here, take her far away, I thought to myself.
No I couldn’t she must want me too, I will make her want me, I decided and would start putting my plan into action as soon as the sun starting going down. I continued watching her as she swam and diving into the water.

She finally got out of the water and started to dry herself off. My mouth was watering, but I had to resist, I watched her and waited for the right time.

Kayla’s POV:

I could see the sun was starting to go down slowly. It was time for me to head back to Nana’s house. I got out of the water and dried myself off. Pulled on my clothes and started to pack my blanket and bag up. I thoroughly enjoyed that swim I thought to myself looking at the rock pool. I picked up my things and walked towards the forest. I saw a guy sitting against a tree; he looked like he was resting. His features were beautiful, his dark hair and fair skin was striking. He looked like a Greek God sleeping. As I moved closer, I stepped on a twig and it snapped, bringing this Greek God out of his slumber. “Er, sorry to have woken you” I said softly.

“That is fine, I have been travelling a while and was in need of a short rest” he responded. His voice was so smooth, but his eyes were different, very dark. “I do apologise for my ill manners, your beauty has left me speechless, my name is Alexander Carmai, Alex for short and yours?” he said as he got up and bowed slightly towards me. “Oh, hello Alex, my name is Kayla, nice to meet you, where were you travelling from?” I asked. “It’s a long story, shall I walk you?” he offered. “Walk me?” I asked. “Yes, you were on your way somewhere, shall I walk with you, and then I can tell you my story?” he asked sweetly. “Sure, I am on my way home, this way” I said feeling as though I was floating, such a beautiful man talking to me, I started walking and he followed in step with me.

“You see, I have been travelling for two years now. I had an accident just over two years ago and had amnesia. I can only remember little bits here and there. My name is one of the only things I remember; I have researched information about myself but have found nothing so far. I have just recently turned twenty, this I found out as well while researching and have been travelling to see where I find out more information about myself” he said. I listened intently while he spoke and I felt so sorry for him. I am sure my Nana can maybe help you” I said. We spoke some more as we walked to Nana’s place.

“Your eyes, they are the most amazing green I have ever seen…sorry, I do apologise for my rudeness” he said. “No need to apologise, but thank you” I replied blushing, I really started liking him. We spoke of music, books etc. “Your accent is so beautiful, just like you?” he remarked as he stopped in front of me. He looked at me; I swear I could have melted on the spot. “Mm, thank you, I have lived in London for seven years” I stated, as he walked in step with me yet again, my heart was pounding in my chest.

We reached Nana’s house, no one was home yet, I took Alex into the living room. “Would you like something to drink or eat?” I offered. “No, I am fine thank you” he answered and sat a little closer to me, I could feel myself blushing now. “You look beautiful when you do that” he stated. “Do what?” I blushed again. “That, when you blush like that” he said, his hand moving so fast, I didn’t even see him moving, that when I saw his hand, it was on my cheek, his hand was so cold it sent shivers up my spine, in a good way. I was so intoxicated by his voice, his scent, he moved closer, I closed my eyes, I could
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