» Fantasy » City of Blood, George Thomas [books on motivation .TXT] 📗

Book online «City of Blood, George Thomas [books on motivation .TXT] 📗». Author George Thomas

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don't go i don't want to be alone."

I flipped the light off and laid down beside her and slipped into sleep.


I awoke to the sound of Amy screaming in pain i jumped to my feet ready to attack someone. I flipped the light on and couldn't believe what was going on. Amy had rolled  off the bed and was on her hands and knees screaming in pain. I ran beside her and grabbed her by the shoulders. Then i seen what was wrong with her.

Her hands began to grow thick claws. Her bones kept making snapping sounds like they where in a clap. I knew what was happening but i couldn't believe it she was changing into a wolf.

The whole time she yelled "Help me please. It hurts so badly please make it stop."

All i could do was hold her down so she didn't hurt herself by crashing into something.

Towards the end her cries for help became a mix of moaning and a howl.

I kept whispering "I've lost everything and everyone but i'm not going to lose you. I can't live with myself if another person i care for dies."

Before the change was finished Amy passed out and i was left holding a pure black wolf in my arms. I checked her vitals she was breathing and still had a pulse. My god Brandon wasn't lying the wolves are making an army and they using human to make it.

Chapter7: Claws and Fangs

I sat there holding her, she was covered from head to toe in a thick black fur. Her was head had grown into of a wolf's snoat and all. Her arms and legs were also different, not to mention the tail. After a minute or so i laid her flat on the floor. I sat on the bed and called one of Brandon's many cell phones.

"Do you know what time it is fucker i was in the middle of... something." he said sounding pissed off and i heard a woman moan in the backround.

"I'm sure this is more important that whatever woman you were having sex with this time. I'm got a human woman that just turned into a wolf lying on floor passed out."

"I'll be there soon... bitch get dressed your leaving." he said as he hung up on me.


He banged on my living room window so loud it made me jump a little. I walked from the bedroom into the living room. He was standing on the fire escape kicking the window. I unlocked it and opened it for him. He stepped in and looked around like he thought someone was about to jump him.

"Ok so where is it?"

"SHE is on the floor still." i said surprising myself,i sounded pissed about him calling her an it.

"Whatever i need to study it before it dies." he took off the bedroom and i grabbed his shirt and pulled him back towards the window.

"Ok lets get something staight that woman in there is not an it she didnt ask for this,and she will not die you get samples and you start working on something that will help her and if its possible human again, do i make myself clear."

"Perfectly now do you mind putting me down." he said his feet hanging in the air.


"Ok i need to draw some blood i need you to hold her down in case it... i mean she comes to, if you dont mind."

"Whatever just make it fast." i said sitting next to her on the floor i could barely look at her without wanting to to break down.

Brandon pulled out a syringe and drew a many vials filled with her blood. After that he checked her vitals when he was finished he looked at me and said, "She perfectly healthy, her breathing and heart rate are perfect for that of your normal wolf. Whatever did this works like a charm. Try to move her i need to get her to my home so i can run more tests."

"NO! Not until she changes back."

"You mean if she changes back for all we know she may be trapped like that for the rest of her life."

In that moment every training i ever learned about fighting came flooding back and i jumped at him and began to choke the life out of him. He brooke free of my grip started to attack me but stopped dead in his tracks focused on something behind me. I turned around in time for Amy's new claws to tear into my chest and her fangs to rip into my throat.

Chapter8: Awake

Time seemed to come to a stand still second felt like hours, hours felt like days, days into years. The pain made everything feel like my every soul was being melted away from me, what was i saying i didn't have a soul. All the things i've done in my life time all the people i've killed because i thought i was doing the right thing. The vemon from that bite felt like someone poured acid into my brain and made me relive every horrible deed i've ever done. I felt the pain i've caused over the years.

I knew i was going to die and i knew that i had it coming. If there was a hell i would be going to the deepest darkest part of it. But then i remembered the promise i made to Amy that i would do everything i could to help her. And then what few good and kind deeds i've done, it was a short list so i had no problem remembering. And little by little i fought to hold on to life, barely but holding onto it with everything i had.


When i forced myself awake the first thing i seen was Amy sleeping with her head resting on my leg. I sat up slowly trying not to wake her up. She looked so peaceful her hair was in knots she had dark circles under her eyes like she was barely sleeping. She had a pair of jeans that were ripped at the knees and a Nickelback shirt on.

I reached down and ran my fingers though her hair lightly trying to get the knots out. After a few tugs she started moaning and slapped at my hand. I did it a few more times and she sat up, rubbing her eyes she looked behind herself and stood up. Then she caught my eyes, she cried as she jumped on top of me yelling "Oh my god your awake!"

I made a groaning noise as she landed on top me, i had to bite my lip to keep myself from yelling out in pain. She must have remembered i was still wounded cause she got off real fast and checked my chest and neck to make sure they weren't bleeding again.

"Be right i need to get Brandon let him know your awake he needs to... he needs to tell you something."

She disapeared down the hall and i looked around the room, there a vitals monitor and and iv drip filled with blood next to me. I felt my chest the wounds were still open there was wrapping around me in case it started bleeding, the same with my neck only it was much worse. I heard something like a box being dragged in the hallway.

"I'm telling you that there's no way he's away your just seeing things again understand!" Brandon sounded pissed if i wasn't in so much pain i would have laughed.

When they came in Amy let go of his shirt and said, "Look he's awake i'm not going crazy, well maybe a little be i know he's awake."

I sat up again and flipped him off with smile. He sighed and said, "Great now i got to deal with another annoying person in my house."

He gave me a blood pack and once i finished it i said, "Nice shirt Amy." she blushed a little and i just smiled. 


A few hours and a dozen bags of blood later i felt good as new. I was still healing but i could walk around a little. Plus my voice was slowly coming back it hurt to talk to much so i had to keep thing short. After a shower and something to eat Brandon pulled me off to the side.

"Look there's no easy way to say this but i can't cure her without whatever they put into her. Whatever it is has bonded into her cells completely right now there's is little to no difference between her and a normal wolf. And on top of things from what i can tell its not even making her sick."

"So she's fine? She's not going to drop to the floor and start vomiting blood?"

"No but still there's way to tell that it's not going to kill her one day."

She walked into the room and she looked like she was going to cry. I walked over to her and pulled her into my arms. She feel to her knees and balled up while she was crying.

"Um ill just be going now." Brandon said closing the door behind him.

"I'm a freak now, i'm not human i'm no more some beast." She said between sobs, "I can hear and smell things far away,  i can lift things no one my size should be able to. And worst of all is i can't control when i... change into a wolf."

"Hey look at me your still you, everything about you may be different but as long as you don't let who you are slip away you'll never be a monster."

"You say that now, you said it yourself all werewolves are evil monsters that need to be killed."

"That's how i felt until i meet you." i said as i kissed her she wrapped her arms around me and we were lost in each other.

Chapter9: Answers

That night me and her went to slept together that night, but i woke up

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