» Fantasy » City of Blood, George Thomas [books on motivation .TXT] 📗

Book online «City of Blood, George Thomas [books on motivation .TXT] 📗». Author George Thomas

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alone. i looked around the house going from room to room. One door was locked, on the other side i heard scratches noises. I rammed the door the door trying to force it open.

"You don't wanna do that." Brandon was standing in the doorway behind me, "Well unless you really do have a death wish that is."

I stood there knowing that this was his way of saying she changed again while i was asleep and had to lock herself up.

"How many time has she transformed since all this?" i said looking down at floor.

"This makes five and each time it seems to last longer and longer. Ask me she needs to be put on a leash."

"I told you this is not her fault she never wanted this." I said as i turned around and looked at him.

"Look Mike you may not want to see it cause your falling for that mutt, but she almost killed you if it wasn't for me you'd be six feet under right now!"

"ITS NOT HER FAULT!" i yelled making a fist ready to attack him but i didn't if he really did save my life that night i owed him.

"Blame whoever you want me, her, yourself the fact is she is a danger to both of us. One day she's going to kill someone and their blood will be on your hands."

He walked back into his room and slammed the door behind himself. I stood there thinking on those words i needed to find a way to make her human before it was too late, and i could think of only one person who might know how.


I woke up early the next morning, i drank a few blood bags and got dressed. On the way out i opened up the room where Amy had locked herself. She was passed out naked, i found a blanket and some of her clothes in the room i was in.  I put the blanket over top of her and brushed the hair out of her face. What God would let someone like her go though this. And what kind of monsters would be willing to destory someone's life in this manner. I left the clothes on a chair next to the door and left.

It was a fourty minute walk to the safehouse i took my time seeing how if you tried to run anywhere you got hit by some asshole not keeping an eye on the road. I had a bag full things that i knew i would need to get any answers out of the wolf. I was hoping it would be easy and he would tell me everything i needed to know, but if it didn't work out like i wanted i'd do whatever i needed to for Amy to be normal again.

When i reached i went inside and flipped all the breakers, it took a minute but the lights flickered to a dim life. It smelt like mold and rat piss in this place but i didn't need a five star hotel for this kind of work.

When i went into the back where my guest's cell was he was asleep snoring loudly. I placed the bag on the floor and got a bucket of cold water. When i poured in on top of him he jumped from the floor and started punching the air like a mad man. He calmed down and wipped the water from his face and looked at me.

"I may not get sick but go easy on the cold water."

"I want to know what you did to that woman from the alley."

He smiled and laughed a little. "From those scars on your neck i'm guessing you already know that answer."

"True enough but i want to know how you did it."

"Okay fine ill tell you. It was magic, i snapped my fingers and poof, new pup for the family."

"Fine you wanna play games thats ok with me," I said pulling a silver knife out of my bag, "I always liked the hard way."


 I placed him on a chair and put a pair silver handcuffs on him. I pulled a table next to the chair and layed all my 'tools' on it.

"Here's how it works i ask a question you answer, you answer correct i won't use anything from the table here, but if you don't well... lets just say its going to be a long day. Understand me?"

"Okay sounds simple." she said with a smile.

"Let's begin then. What did you inject the woman with, and where do you get it?"

"I injected her with my piss and it comes from my dick." He said laughing

I picked up a small knife and stabbed him in the leg. He screamed in pain as his skin turned a greenish color and started to smoke.


I pulled the knife from his leg and he sighed in relief. I placed the knife back on the table and pulled a chair in front of him and sat down.

"Okay next question how many of you are?'

"About two dozen of us were born werewolves, but i dont know how many humans we've turned i swear, just don't do that again."

I picked up a hunting knife with a jagged side and stabbed him in the knee.



"Tell me where i can find what you beasts have been using to turn the humans."

He was breathing heavily and his skin was turning pale there was a good amount of silver in his blood by now he wouldn't last more then a few days without help.

"There's some in my pocket still i swear, please just stop with the silver."

I reached into his pocket and pulled out a clear bag there a vial inside with a clear liquid in it.

"Okay last question better this one right the first time. What are you planning why make all these humans into wolves?"

"Like you don't already know we want to destory every last leach but we needed power in numbers to do it."

"So you started making more of yourselves using the humans."

"And soon you'll all be dead." he said laughing.

I pulled the knife out of his leg and was about to cut his throat when someone yelled, "Mike don't!"

I turned around and seen Amy standing there looking afaid. She was sweating like she ran here.

"Amy what are you doing here?"

"I came to make sure you were okay you still haven't healed completely i was worried."

"Well there's our new pup good to see this leach hasn't killed you yet. Tell me do you enjoy your new gifts, you'll never get sick, never get old, and you will be stronger then most people in this world."

 She ran out of the room crying. He started laughing, i cut his laughing short along with cutting his throat.

Chapter10: Rejoining the Clan

I chased after her it took a lot of energy and when i caught her i was ready to pass out. She was right i wasn't healed yet and it was dangerous for me to come out here alone, i did it for her. If only she could understand what is at stake here. I grabbed her arm and she turned around and smacked me on the face.

"How could you do something like that, you killed him and don't lie i can smell the blood from here."

"I killed him because of what he did to you, for what he would have done to someone else if i let him go."

She started crying, and i hugged her, holding her in my arms felt so good, but she pushed me away.

"I'm not crying because of what you did. I'm crying becuase i do enjoy this, besides the pain when i transform, i love it."

"Amy listen please don't let your humanity go if you do you'll be no better then any other wolf. Look," i pulled the bag i got from my pocket, " with this Brandon can get to work on a cure you can get your life back."

"What if i dont want my old life back? Will you still try to make me human even if i don't want to be?"

"That's your choose all i ask is don't lose who you really are... like i did long ago."

"Look i don't want to go back to my old life it was boring but ever since i met you everything is so full of excitement. That and... i love you and i dont want to become human and grow old while you look the same year after year."

"You know a part of me wanted you to say something like that." i said as i kissed her over and over until we both fell to the floor and began taking our clothes off.


About an hour later we had both desided to call it quits well me more then her because my neck was beginning to hurt. It took some talking she kept saying "come on one more time its not going to hurt anything" but for me it was hurting. We walked to my apartment together taking our time since we had an almost unlimited amount of it. She wanted to go back to Brandon's but i told her i needed to pick some things up, it wasn't a lie i needed clothes and a few other things, but i needed to make a call one i thought i would never make again.

When we got there i took out my keys and opened the door for us to get in as we walked up the stairs she kept pinching my ass like she was trying to make me have another go with her, which trust me if my neck wasn't hurting so much i would have. When we got to my floor i unlocked the door and walked in and my jaw almost dropped to the floor. The place was destoryed like a hurricane had blown though the place. My sofa had been ripped apart, my movie stands had been knocked over, pretty much everything was on and in pieces.

"Oh um yeah about this... when i changed the first time i may or may not have gotten lose and destoried your stuff." she said looking red in the face and holding her hands behind her back.

"You... did... all this?" i said trying to keep myself from sounding mad.

"Sorry." she said with a chuckle.

"Well then your going to clean it grab a broom i need to make a call, and see if any of my clothes didn't become chew toys as well."

"That's not fair this is YOUR apartment." she said from somewhere in the kitchen.


I filled a bag full of clothes that weren't completely ripped apart and placed them on a bag. I turned on some loud music and crancked it up on high so Amy wouldn't hear what i was talking about i needed this to be a complete secret. I stepped onto the fire escape and went to the roof. I punched the number in and a woman answered, "Hello this is Wal-Mart service center how may i help

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