» Fantasy » City of Blood, George Thomas [books on motivation .TXT] 📗

Book online «City of Blood, George Thomas [books on motivation .TXT] 📗». Author George Thomas

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have forced this on you. As long as you stay out of the way and don't try to harm us we will not harm you. We can help you all get your lives back if you choose it. The only ones we came here to kill are them." and i pointed to the people on the stage.

The wolf that was talking started laughing like what i said was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

"You think you can come in here and act like god or something. You have no power here to think you can talk like that."

He waved his hand downward and most of the people in the crowd began to block me in the center as for my team they began attacking them i heard a few gun shots go off but it didn't seem to help. So i did the must natural thing i could i began firing. I didn't want to kill them they may have been brain washed so i just shot legs and arms to slow them down but it didn't help much. It seemed hopeless i keep firing until i didn't have any ammo left at that point they crowded in around me pinning me to the floor.

The man from the stage came up to me and smiled, "Don't worry kid we may have some use for you, after all evolution always needs to test subjects."

Chapter18: Experiment

They kept me and my team in a small room with no beds, no toilet and only one little light on the ceiling. One of them was bleeding from a cut down his face that also hit his eye he didn't seem bothered by it. The rest had small wounds that looked like paper cuts to his. I was the only one that didn't seem harmed though which kinda seemed strange. They brought the man i left on the roof also he seemed in bad shape also he had four fingers missing and his arm was broken in a few places. We made him a sling from his jacket but he was still in pain.

After about an hour the door opened two people with guns came in and grabbed one of my team. I ran forward trying to maybe get one of the guns but once i got close they fired a bullet over my shoulder as a warning. I backed away slowly. Then they pushed him out the door and slammed it shut.

We could here him screaming from the next room over that made my men freak out a little i just sat in the corner  and looked at the picture of Amy that was in my pocket. If only i had listened to her and left the city with her and started a new life. Now god knows what they will do to me.

Then the door opened again and instead of the armed men coming though it was their leader from the stage.

He pointed to me and said, "May i have a word with you in my office?" I just sat there and looked at him like he was crazy but after a minute i stood up and followed him out of the room.


We walked into a large lab there were many people in it they didn't even look up as we walked by. He led me into a room and i seen the team mate they took from the room not long before. But he didn't look anything like he did before. His body was half mutated into a wolf and he was dead by the looks of it.

"What the hell did you do to him?" i said putting a hand on his body how could they do this it seemed like only someone with pure evil in their soul would anything like this.

"I know who you are Mr. Brown, in fact i knew your parents."

"What did you say?"

"I know everything about you. I know your parents died when you were young, i know you lost the love of your life that was pergant with your child fifthteen years ago. And i also know you've been, oh how do you young kids put it 'banging' one of our new family members."

"Who the hell are you? And what the hell are you going to do to us?"

"My name is Alexander me and your parents began to work towards making a new race, niether vampire or wolf. We tried to bring both races together but then the clan leaders you have so blindly followed had them killed."

"Your lying my parents would have never trusted a wolf."

"Oh real think about it they always moved from place to place never staying in one place for more then a year."

Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet and held out a picture of him and my parents and me as a baby in my mother's arms.

I stood there looking at the picture unable to rap my mind around those words how could my parents have done such evil in-human things.

"I wasn't sure it was you at first but you looked so much like your father i'm sorry about what happened to them. Join us help us finish what we started so long ago."

I looked at him, he made it sound like it was something that had to be done. I ripped up the picture and threw it in his face.

"I wish you would have accepted my offer." he called his men over and told them, "Clear this body off of here and prep him he is our next test subject."


They threw the body into a room that already had a pile in it and slammed the door. Then they forced me onto the table and staped me onto it with metal bars over my arms and legs. They were cold i tried to lift my arms but they were held down tight from the bars. Amy i wish i could just hold her one more time. But i knew there was no way out of this i would die and she would be alone. This time i was helpless to defend myself and Amy would be the one to suffer though the years knowing i was dead.

Then a woman in a white coat walked into the room carring a tray with a two syringes both about a foot long. She rubbed my arm with some brown looking stuff and then injected me with the first syringe.

The second she pulled it out my body felt like it was going to expolode, ever muscle felt on fire, ever bone felt like jello. Then she injected the second the syringe into my arm and it only got worse.

I looked at my arm it was beginning to change it didn't look like anything i've seen before.

It looked like a normal arm only my skin was almost pitch black and had a light amount of fur growing from it. My hands also looked normal only that my fingers were getting longer and had sharp pointed nails almost like Amy's at the end of both my fingers.

Then my face began to change also it grow outward and from my best guess looked like a wolf's. My teeth also began to grow into large fangs that grew out and went over my bottom lip.

The woman beside me screamed, "Its working, its working!"

I looked over at a mirror on the wall i looked like something that came straight out of hell. Rage grew inside me until i couldn't hold it back anymore. I lost control of my mind and began to try and break free.

The woman beside me yelled for someone to help her but it was to late. When the first bar on my one arm broke i reached over and crushed her skull with my bare hand.

Chapter19: Escape

She fell to the floor her skull was in pieces and her brains fell out the gaps. By the time the guards had entered the room i was ripping the last bar off my right leg. They shot me five times in the chest, to my surprise they didn't hurt and on top of that the holes they made closed up in the blink of an eye. They kept firing but it didn't make a difference they didn't even faze me. I picked the first man up and ripped his throat apart and drank all his blood to the point where the color drained out of his skin. Then i turned to the second man he dropped his gun and began to ask for me to forgive him. But i didn't i ripped his chest apart with my claws and he dropped the floor in a pile of his own blood.


I stood there for a minute trying to remain calm. Whatever they did to me it had also made it hard for me to think clearly. But then i remember how Amy said she did it. Focus something that makes you who you are really are and use it to anchor yourself. And so i did i focused on everything that made me who i was. But most importantly i focused on Amy. I thought about her eyes, her hair, her smile, and most importantly the promise i made to be with her until my last breath. And the life that was growing inside her. Then i began to change back into myself slowly i began to look normal. The fur on my arms fell out and my skin and everything began normal bit by bit. I stood there breathing heavy thinking how happy i was to be myself again. I found some clothes in a drawer slipped them on and grabbed the guns off the bodies on the floor.

I found the room where my team was and kicked the door in they looked like they had just seen a ghost when i walked in with all the blood over me.

"Long story ill tell you you later but for now we need to get the fuck out of here."


 On the way to the roof i almost passed out a few times my body was burning from the inside out and i kept vomiting. The last two floors the team carried me the rest of the way. Not only was i fighting the transformation but also for my life. An alarm went off, i guess they found what was left of the bodies i ripped up.

One of the men carrying me said, "Just hold on sir we're almost out we'll get you help."

Help? What help? I'm part of no clan or pack i'll

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