» Fantasy » City of Blood, George Thomas [books on motivation .TXT] 📗

Book online «City of Blood, George Thomas [books on motivation .TXT] 📗». Author George Thomas

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Chapter15: Expecting

After hearing Amy's big news i drank about a dozen blood packs down in twenty minutes she called Brandon and asked him if vampires can have a nerviest breakdown he must have said yes because she kinda went crazy and ate a mess of ice cream. After about a half hour i calmed down and called Brandon asking if we could come over he answered, "Fine if you break anything though your going to pay for it."

I drove in silence she kept poking her belly which seemed kind of weird but she didn't look like she was holding up any better then i was.

"Maybe we should have someone remove it if you don't want to have a kid."

"I never said i didn't want one but i'm worried we don't know if you body can handle carrying one. It may kill you and if there is chance it will then yes i want it removed."

"And if i can then what?"

"I don't know."


 When we got to Brandon's house we filled him on what was going and why we were here. He nudged my arm saying, "Got another one knocked up huh?" we both slapped him at the same time which was kinda funny. Amy looked at me and said, "We act to much alike."

"Look you should have it taken out whether she can carry it or not because if the clans learn of this then they will have you both killed. You what happened the last time one of us feel in love with a wolf. I'm surprised they still haven't killed you both by now."

He's right about ten years ago a vampire named Marcus feel in love with a wolf they made it to the fifth day of dating and they where both captured and killed to make an exsample of.

"Anyway if they find out about this you didn't come to me."

He ran some tests on her and after about an hour he walked up to me and said, "She should be able to survive though the term but as far as birth i can't say that her or the baby will survive. Sorry i couldn't be more useful."

I put my hand his shoulder and said, "You've been more helpful in the last week then you have in your whole life. Thank you for everyhing."

"If you tried to make me feel better you just failed but thanks."


After Amy got dressed me and her sat in Brandon'd basement and looked at the ultra-sound he took. She was pregant for sure. She tried to act happy but i knew she was trying not to cry.

"Amy i love you. I would give my life to make sure you had one. And nothing would make me happier to raise a child together. If you want to go though with this we will."

She smiled and began to cry, "I love you too."

We kissed each other and hugged we sat there for what seemed like forever.

"I'll never leave you." i whispered in her ear.

"And ill never leave you." she whispered back.

Chapter16: The Fighting Begins

We made Brandon promise not to tell anyone about Amy being pregant and that i was the father. He didn't seem to happy about the whole thing but he promised not to tell anyone. She kept looking at the ultra-sound and smiling and she kept saying, "I hope its a girl, I hope its a girl." Then she asked me if i wanted a boy or a girl all i said was, "I'd be happy with either."

That night neither of us could sleep i was given a lay out of where the wolves had been hiding out it was a small lab which might explain how they made whatever was turning people into wolves.

Amy came out of my room with nothing put one of my t-shirts on she sat on my lap and rapped her legs around my waist and said, "You better come back tomorrow or else ill never forgive you." Then she kissed me and pulled me into the bedroom and for the first time in ten years i slept without having a nightmare.


In the morning i made breakfast myself Amy seemed hurt when i told her i didn't want my apartment to burn down. After we finished i opened up a small hole in the floor where i kept all my old hunting weapons.

I told Amy to be careful most of everything in here was silver and would hurt her if she touched it. I put on a bullet proof vest and a gun belt around my waist. I put two 9mm semi-autos on both sides of the belt and filled 10 clips with silver tipped rounds in each of them. Then i picked up about ten throwing knifes and put them into a sleave in the vest.

"I swear you better come back alive or else." she said putting a picture of herself in my jeans pocket.

"I'll be home before you know it just say here today don't leave unless you have to. Oh one more thing." I pulled out a small knife made of pure silver and flipped it so the grip was facing her.

"If anyone that's not me Brandon or human comes here you know what to do."

She looked at the knife like it was evil and then said, "No thanks, i have claws remember?"

"Ill leave it on the table ok."

I gave her one last kiss and left.


I got a call saying to meet them at a building that was three blocks from the wolves' base i had an hour before i had to be there but i still headed there and relaxed.

I looked over the lay out over and over trying to remember every last room in the place. It was a simple plan half us would go in from the lobby the other half from the roof. The plan was to kill any pure-blood wolves and capture any humans turned wolf if we could. But something seemed wrong there would only be twenty of us. It was a good amount but most didn't have more then a few years in the field.

When they arived they looked at me and said, "So you must be our leader."

"Yeah your late lets get a move on i want to be home in time for the Colts game tonight." i said as i pulled both my guns out and loaded them.

Chapter17: Outnumbered

"Remember there may be humans down there so check your fire we don't kill them unless given a reason to, also the humans turned wolf are to be captured alive do i make myself clear?" i said before we slipt up into our teams.

"Yes sir!" they all said at once.

"Ill be leading the team entering from the roof. You there, what's your name?"

"Kevon sir."

"Okay your leading the ground team. You hold the lobby if any try to escape cut them down. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok lets do this then."


We all jumped to the roof i told one of the men to say here and keep it clear in case we needed to make a quick exit. Once inside we made our way down a few floors this place smelt like wolf everywhere we went but we didn't see anyone wolf or human. And we reached a floor and heard someone speaking over a microphone. I put my hand up and they all stopped moving i looked into a doorway and my heart sank.

There was at least two hundred people inside and from the smell of it they were all wolves. There was another dozen on a stage in the front of the room.

"You are all more then human now we have giving you you a new life. And all we ask in return is that you help us defeat the vampires that wish to kill all of us. Its not that hard they are weak they have gotten soft. And now they keep us as pets."

A man came foward with someone with their hands tied behind there back and a bag over their head. He pushed them to their knees and removed the bag over their head. The man was old he had almost white hair and he looked like he was in a great deal of pain.

"This man is one of us yet he has been working for the vampires cleaning their houses, making their food, the list goes on and on. He is weak and has made a fool of himself and us all for this the punishment is death."

He dropped the microphone and cut the old man's throat. Everyone in the crowd cheered as the man's blood flew out of the cut.

I turned to my team and said, "Call the ground team tell them to get their asses up here we need all the help we can get there's more then we thought."

One of them did what i asked i went back to looking though the gap. The wolf on stage went on about making a new world were they controled everything and how everything was aready in motion. I listened to him go on and on for a few minutes before the ground team joined us.

"Okay here's the plan we need to block them inside this room most of us will enter right here in front while the rest look for any other exits if you find any do not let them out if you can't find any rejoin us here at this door. Lets do this fast and clean understand no firing unless you have to most of them used to be human and may not have wanted this 'gift' as the pure-blooded wolves have been calling it. Lets do this people be safe and good luck."


Once everyone was in place we entered the room we ddn't blow the door of or kick it, we just walked in and pushed though the crowd.

The wolf on the stage laughed and said, "Looks like we have some last minute guest here people, and from the looks of it they're vampires."

A lot of the people in the crowd looked like they wanted to run but most looked like they wanted to kill us. One of them even tired to attack me, but i just raised my gun at put the barrel on his nose and he backed away.

I once i got to the middle of the crowd i yelled, "We didnt come here to kill all of you just the ones that may

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