» Fantasy » Vampiress, Destiny B. Rose [life changing books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Vampiress, Destiny B. Rose [life changing books to read TXT] 📗». Author Destiny B. Rose

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trail and half ran, half tripped the rest of the way. When she got to the park her eyes were stinging because of how hard and long she had cried.

Rose ran all the way back home, seven miles. She didn't care how hurt she was, she didn't care how tired or how bruised and cut. All she wanted was Ashton, this whole time, and now, she couldn't have him. She opened the door to the house and slammed it as hard as she could. She ran up to her room and threw herself down on the bed. "I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THIS! I WANT TO BE NORMAL! I HATE SCHOOL, I HATE VAMPIRES, I HATE HUMANS, I HATE SCOTT AND KATELYN!! AND I HATE ASHTON!" She sobbed herself to sleep and was awakened by none other than, Moon. "You!" Rose screamed. "You left me there like bait! They could have KILLED me!" "But, they didn't, Rose. Now did they?" Moon replied. "You know what? Screw you and your stupid Vampiress rules!" Rose screamed, "I want to be normal, I want to have friends! I want.." "You want Ashton..." Moon said. Rose threw her arms around Moon and cried until Moon had to brush her off and tell her to get dressed.

"Where are we going?" Rose asked as she climbed into the silver mercedes. "Well, what do normal teenagers do on Saturdays?" Moon said. Rose smiled as she told Moon all the things she loved to do. They went to thirteen different stores and three different salons. One for hair, one for nails, and one for make-up. "Oh my God! I think we spent like a thousand dollars in there!" Rose laughed. "Haha. I think we did." Moon replied. "See? You can still be a normal teenager through other things that you do. So what if you didn't get the guy? There'll be plenty more. So what if you suck blood? I heard alot of people at your school suck too." "Hahaha. Moon, that's an expression. Not to be taken lightly, either." Rose said. "Thank you, Moon. I needed this. I needed you." They both looked at each other and smiled then Moon turned the radio up and they both sang along to the radio on the way back home.

Chapter 7: The Lycan

"Moon, what's a Blood Moon?" Rose asked. "The what????" Moon replied. "Oh, The Blood Moon. Ah, yes. Well. The Blood Moon is a phase in the atmosphere where the sun appears to be glowing red. And also at this point causing the Vampire species to go on a bloody rampage through 12 hours of glowing red darkness..." Moon sighed and sat down to rest in a stool by the kitchen counter. "Moon? Are you okay?" Rose asked concerned. Moon stood up from where she was sitting. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine. Rose, you have to understand there are things about being a Vampire you don't understand. The Blood Moon is VERY dangerous. Understand?" Moon said sounding disturbed. Rose nodded her head slowly. "Good. Now, time for feeding. Come along."

Rose followed close behind Moon as she led her to the farthest part of the red woods. "Now, show me what you've got." Moon said stepping away from the trees into a big clearing. Rose looked at Moon with a strange look in her eyes. "I don't understand..." Rose said. Be free, be a Vampiress." Moon replied. Her words shifted over and over again in Rose's mind. "Be free, be a Vampiress... Be free, be a Vampiress..

Next thing she knew, she was running, running around and around the entire clearing atleast twenty times in a matter of seconds! She stopped suddenly and repeated the words again in her head. Be free, be a Vampiress..

She flipped, not a crazy flip an actual flip through the air! She went up atleast six or seven feet and landed. When she looked up Moon was standing above her.

"Fantasically exceptional." Moon said smiling.

"What..what..Did I just do that?" Rose asked, astonished at her own actions. But, besides that point see knew it was completely impossible. "Yes, Rose. It was. You're maturing much faster than I thought you would. Congratulations." Moon answered. "Look, I don't need any 'Congratulations' from you." "You think you don't, when, in all reality, you need my help, Rose." Rose looked up and glared at her. Moon continued quite un-empressed by her childish behavior. "Rose, you have great power. And with great power, comes great responsibility." "Yea." Rose scoffed. "You got that from Spiderman." Moon looked at her confused, then realizing what she was saying merely answered, "No, my dear, Spiderman got that from US." Rose couldn't help but stare when she said the word, 'US'. Perhaps it was because it rolled off her dark red lips and tongue so smoothly.... or maybe it was the fact that when she said it, her fangs stuck out to where you could see the blade of the sides and the sharp tip where just a little blood was left over from Moon's last feeding.

"I don't want to be like you!" Rose screamed. She fled into the woods, sure Moon was following on her heels, but she didn't care. Tears streamed down Roses face as she realized what she was really becoming. 'I'm not a princess, I'm not a superstar, I'm not changing into anything good.' She thought to herself. 'I'm..I'm..I'm a monster... a blood-thirsty monster.. Thanks to that stupid, gray-haired, Vampire, Moon!' Before she could stop, she ran head-first into a tree. And as she lay on the ground, she looked up and saw.. "Ashton?"


"Rose! Rose, are you okay!?" Ashton asked her over and over. When she finally came to she realized where she was, what had happened. 'Why is Ashton here? I thought he didn't care for me anymore..' She thought. "Yeah, I'm fine." Rose slowly got up and looked around. 'Huh,' She thought. 'No Moon to rescue me this time.' She turned around and faced Ashton who looked like he had just seen a ghost. "Are you sure? Cause I can take you to a hospital if you have a concussion." He said, worrying. "Ashton, I'm fine, I promise. I'm not bleeding, am I?" Rose exclaimed. "Well, no. Which, I don't see how that's possible considering how hard you hit that thing. By the time I got over here I thought you'd broken your neck!" "Well, I didn't. And what are you doing here, anyway?" Rose asked. "OH! I was going for a morning run. I was 5 feet away from you on the trail when I saw you. You were running really fast, in fact, I don't think I've EVER seen you run that fast. Ever think of joining Track?" Ashton asked. "No. I don't usually run. And.." Ashton interrupted, "And you're not even breathing hard. I don't understand how you do it!" Rose looked up, she could've sworn she heard something from the trees about a quarter mile down South. "Rose? You okay? You seem spooked." Rose turned toward him again. "Yea, I'm okay. We should get going.. now." Before he could say anything else, Rose pulled Ashton back onto the trail and they back tracked until they got to the parking lot.

"Ugh.. I didn't bring my car." Rose spat. "What? Then how'd you get here?" Ashton asked, confused. "Nevermind, that. Did you bring your car or what?" "Well, yea. Do you want a ride?" Ashton asked. "Yes, thank you." Ashton unlocked the car door and climbed in. "Rose, are you mad at me for the other day? I didn't mean to hurt you, I've just got a lot on my mind." He told her. Rose didn't answer. He was about to shut the door when, "GET DOWN!" Rose spun around and saw Moon fleeing from the woods. 'What was she running from?' Rose thought. "GET DOWN! NOW!" Moon gripped Roses shirt and pulled her to the ground, as well as Ashton's. When Rose finally had the chance to look up she saw a huge monster-like animal coming from out of the woods. She froze. "WHAT IS THAT!?" Ashton yelled. "Its a lycan. A mythical being that is half wolf, half man. Lycans are what formed the word 'Werewolf'. "What? You mean, these things are real!?" "Exactly. Rose, please keep an eye on this one, he's a bit slow." Moon got up and pulled some type of gun from her pocket and filled it with liquid filled darts. "Moon!" Rose hissed. "Where are you going!?" "I'm GOING to get this thing away from YOU and the other innocent people in this parking lot." Moon spat back. "Now, HIDE." She then ran from behind the car and started shooting the menacing beast. With every shot came a loud howl that could've busted your eardrums if you were any closer. Rose felt Ashton grab her arm and pull her towards the trail. "What are you doing!?" Rose exclaimed. "She told us to hide, didn't she?" "Well, yea, but what if there are MORE in there?" Rose said. Ashton looked at her. In his eyes she could see he thought they were going to die. Rose grabbed his hand. "We're going to be okay." Another ear-busting sound came from the Lycans mouth and the last thing she saw was Rose being thrown into the trees, and the monster come pounding towards them.

Chapter 8: The Truth

"Rose, run!" Ashton screamed as he grabbed her arm and they both bolted towards the trail. 'Maybe the trail was too small for the Lycan. Maybe he would turn around and find somewhere else to enter. Which would give them time to run a farther distance.' Rose thought. Ashton was running out of breath and she could tell. Up ahead there was a clearing and to Roses relief, it was somewhere they could rest. The middle of the clearing had a little break house with restrooms, a water fountain, and shade. Ashton started toward the house but Rose pulled him back. Ashton looked at her with confusion. "We'll be seen!" She hissed. "Rose, we lost that thing all the way back at the beginning of the trail. Nothing will see us." Ashton explained. Rose reluctantly and cautiously let him pull her to the break house. He started to gulp down water as Rose scanned the perimeter. "We should be safe

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