» Fantasy » Vampiress, Destiny B. Rose [life changing books to read TXT] 📗

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about, Riquel!?" Just as she said it she saw a figure moving in the woods. Then two, then six, then over a dozen. What was going on? Then she saw it, bloody, tattered clothing, showing bones and other insides. They were- "Zombies? Really?" Rose cracked her knuckles, "Piece of cake." Then she was off.

Chapter 16: The Sacrifice? Part 2

Rose woke up on the damp grass, her clothes soaking wet and blood-stained. 'What happened yesterday?' She thought, 'Right before the fight with all those zombies everything became a blurry.' She slowly stood up and looked around. April's body was gone and so was Scott! Rose started to panic. "Scott!" She screamed, "Scott, where are you!?" She fell to the ground in a heap. 'What if he's dead!?' Rose thought, 'What if he's dead and it's all my fault!?' She curled up in a ball and started to cry. She had just lost her best friend she couldn't lose her boyfriend, too!

All of a sudden she heard a low chuckle and whipped her head around. "Riquel!" Rose screamed angrily, "What did you do to him!? Where is he!?" She noticed the necklace glowing again but she didn't care. "Rosalina, my dear. Let's be rational about this." He answered. "I don't wanna be rational! Tell me where he is!" Rose could feel the necklace getting brighter.


She looked down. 'The weapons, the clothes, their all here.' She thought, 'But, wheres the other me? That vampire me.' Rose thought back to the day before, she had been so rude to Scott. But, it wasn't really her, and didn't she tell Scott that?' "Ah, your X-Level vampire has not joined you this time." Said Riquel, laughing. Rose scowled at his words. She didn't need that stupid vampire telling her what and what not to do, and ESPECIALLY not laughing at her! "I don't need her to fight you." Riquel immediately stopped laughing and frowned. "Now, dear. You wouldn't want to be killed in a place like this. Where zombies, witches, likens, and other horrible animals come out at night, do you?" He chuckled, "You're body would be eaten alive before anyone even found you."

At this she turned away from him. "Tell me where Scott is and I'll leave." "No." Rose screamed, "What!? Why!?" Riquel laughed as if to make fun of her. "I don't even have my sister or Bilks here, there's no way I'm letting you run off." Rose stepped back unsure of what to do, then an idea struck her, "Where ARE your sister and brother?" "Is that any of your concern?" Riquel stated, clearly annoyed at the question. "Yes. It is if they have Scott." She snapped at him. He paused a moment, then rage entered his face as he said, "What!? Am I not good enough to fight?! Do you have to have one of my siblings too!?" She smiled as he screamed, "We don't even HAVE your precious Scott, you little urchin!"

Rose turned, and as she was walking away she said, "Thank you, Riquel. You've just made my day." Riquel looked in astonishment, 'Was she ACTUALLY walking AWAY from him?!' He shreiked, making Rose turn around very quickly. But he was gone. Rose spotted her car and ran towards it. 'Good, the keys are still in the ignition.' She thought. She started the engine and took off down the narrow road. She had to find Scott, she had to find him and ask him what happened.


*Roses' POV*

I parked my car in Scotts driveway and took off running to the door. I knocked on the door about 50 times before someone could answer it. "Rose? What are you doing here?" Scott asked when he answered the door. "Scott!" I ran into him, putting my arms around his neck and feeling his warmth. "Whoa! What's wrong? You never called me after that. I got worried." Scott said blushing a little. "You got worried!? I thought you were dead!" I exclaimed. I wobbled a little as I spoke, completely realizing now that I was exhausted. How late had I been up fighting those things? "Rose, come inside. You need to lay down." I followed Scott into his room where he motioned for me to go to the bed. "You're okay, right? After last night? You're not hurt?" Scott asked me. "No, I'm fine. This is zombie blood." I explained, laughing. I laid down on his bed. It took me a few minutes to realize he was staring at me. "What?" I asked him. "Oh! Sorry, do you need to take a shower or something. My sister should have some spare clothes." He explained. "Oh. Okay, thanks." I lifted myself off the bed and Scott showed me where the bathroom was and gave me a couple of towels. I said thank you and he kissed me on the forehead before heading back to his room.

*Scotts POV*

I went back to my room and shut the door. What was wrong with me? Why am I all of a sudden so shy around her? I turned on my TV and sat back on my couch. Yea, my room was huge. The old me would've joked around with her and asked to get in with her. She would've slapped me and I would've kissed her, that's how we worked. But, something didn't feel right, something was off. I heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Crap! I didn't get her any clothes. I ran into my sisters' room and grabbed a t-shirt and shorts. I knocked on the bathroom door. "Rose? I got you some clothes." I said. "Okay, hold on." She answered. She unlocked the door and opened it. My cheeks turned a burning red and I tried to hide it by looking at my feet. She was wearing one of the towels I gave her. JUST the towel. My teenage hormones started bouncing off the walls. Finally I said, "Here's the clothes" and walked away.

*Regular POV*

Rose stood there with a confused expression on her face. 'What's up with him? He usually would've cracked a perverted joke and I would've slapped him for it.' She closed the door and started to get dressed. She brushed her hair as well as she could with one of Scott's Moms brushes.

When she was done she headed back to Scotts room. "Um, hi." Rose said in the doorway. She wasn't surprised when Scotts mouth dropped open, he gave her way too short of shorts and a really low cut t-shirt. "I think you planned this." She said winking at him. He fell back on his couch laughing and laughing. "Shut up! You suck!" Rose started hitting him with a pillow and he picked her up and threw her on the bed. She laughed as he started to tickle her making her nearly roll off the bed. After that they just laid there.

"Scott?" Rose asked, "When do you think they'll realize April's dead? Her body's gone. Riquel said it was probably eaten by something." Tears started to form in her eyes and Scott wrapped his arms around her. "It'll be alright. I wouldn't be surprised if they were using her as a sacrifice to get to you." He said. Rose buried her face into his shirt. "I hope you're wrong. She didn't deserve to be used like that."

*Roses' POV*

I don't know how long he held me like that, but I liked it. He comforted me, which is something he almost never would do. I'm starting to like this new Scott.

Chapter 17: Break up?

*Roses' POV*

Scott was sitting on the couch while I was laying down on the bed. He thought I was asleep, but I really had been awake for a while now. I finally plucked up the courage to say something when he said, "Rose, you awake?" I looked at him, he looked sad. "Yea. What's wrong?" He stood up and walked over to me. "I have to talked to you." He held out his hand, I took it and he led me to the front porch. It was raining outside so we stayed under the safety of the porch. "Okay, what is it?" I asked. Scott scratched the back of his neck and ran his hand through his hair. Was he fixing to break up with me? Without even thinking I let a tear roll down my cheek. But, I quickly wiped it off, hoping he hadn't seen. "So I guess you know what I'm going to say." Scott told me. He did see the tear, but wait that means...

I backed away from him, letting another tear escape the clutches of my eyelashes. "Rose, I'm so sorry. I mean I don't wanna hurt you. It's just.." he trailed off. "It's just you can't deal with me being a vampire." He looked shocked. But, I didn't care, "My vampire side scares you so much you don't know how to handle it, do you?" Scott just stood there like the idiot he was. I can't believe him! I can't help what I am! Him of all people should understand that! "You don't wanna hurt me?! Really!? That's the oldest excuse in the book! To hell with you! Because you know what, I'm better off!" I ran down the porch steps into the rain, ready to run all the way home when he caught my arm. "You're not going home in this rain!" He shouted angrily. "WHY NOT! I LIKE THE RAIN!" I snapped back. He grabbed me again and held onto me. "Scott! Let go!" He wouldn't let me go, WHY WOULDN'T HE LET ME GO!? I fell to the ground, sobbing.

*Scott's POV*

I didn't want it to get this bad. She was so happy, she was spending time with me. Why did I just mess everything up? I didn't want to break up with her, but something was telling me I had to. Great, Scott. You've given her one more reason to hate herself. I mean, she was in my arms crying! What am I supposed to do!? I don't care about that stupid voice in my head. What ever its saying it can say it to someone who cares. I pulled her off

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