» Fantasy » Vampiress, Destiny B. Rose [life changing books to read TXT] 📗

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darted around. "Do NOT call me Ricky! It is Riquel and it always has been!" Siara scoffed, "Sure. Now, how to we get rid of a pure-born vampiress?" Riquel and Bilks were quiet. "Ugh! We BURN her you idiots!" Siara strode over to the fire place and got a small tooth from the stone shelf above. "See this?" She asked, "It's one of our fathers vampire teeth. Everyone knows once any part of a vampire touches fire it takes one minute for it to turn to nothing but ashes. So! We shall BURN the pure-born." She smiled wickedly as her brothers strode off to pack the weapons. 'This time the wench WON'T escape'

Chapter 12: My Vampire Classmate

"You're absoloutley crazy!" Shouted April. "April! Keep it down, we're not in Times Square." Rose hissed back. "I thought you said you and Scott were O-V-E-R, over!" April could be annoying sometimes and a real prep, too. But, Rose looked out the window and turned on, 'Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance', one of her favorite bands. "Whatever. Thanks for letting me know." April got up angrily and pushed her way to another seat. 'Why was she so mad? So I liked Scott again, so what? It wasn't that big of a deal.' She thought.

At school people were yapping like hyena's, about Scott, about us being a couple, the suicide attempt, everything. As Rose was getting her books from her locker she spotted Kaitlyn and Ashton maybe five or ten feet away. "What's up, loser?" Kaitlyn said as she pushed her way past Rose. 'That's it!' She thought to herself and slammed her locker shut. Kaitlyn and Scott both turned around surprized. "You know what Kaitlyn? YOU'RE the loser. Bullying people just to make you seem high and mighty, when it DOESN'T. Then, when some people go off and hurt themselves because of YOUR mental and physical abuse, you call them freaks!" Rose snarled, "I think you should give everyone in this school a break. Because if you don't," Rose grabbed Kaitlyn's arm and shoved her into a locker, and while Ashton tried tor release her iron grip she said this, "You think you're so much better than everybody else? Look in a mirror." She then let go of Kaitlyn, turned, and walked to her next class.


At home, Rose was doing her Algebra homework when the phone rang. She leaped up, ran, did a front flip over the phone, grabbed the phone off the hook and landed. "Hello?" Rose said. "Hey" It was Scott. "Hi! How are you? You got your cellphone back? Why did you call my house phone?.." "Whoa! Okay, I'm fine, I didn't get my cell back I'm using the hospitals, and because I haven't memorised your cellphone number." He answered. "Oh. I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I'm just worried." She paused, "And I'm not gonna be able to come visit you today or tomorrow. My mom said I have to review for exams." When Scott finally answered he said, "It's okay, babe. Not your fault. I'll see you Friday." "You called me babe." Rose said, blushing, "I mean, yea. I will also escort you out, since that IS your last day there.

Scott laughed, "Yep, I'll see you then. Bye." "Bye." And she hung up. 'UGH!' She thought to herself. 'My life is a freaking soapoprah.'


The next day at school, all Rose wanted to do was see Scott. She was hoping maybe the day would go by faster than usual and get to Friday. But, as usual, it didn't.

She was almost asleep with her head buried in her math book when Mrs. Smith stood up at her desk and announced, "Class. We will be having a new student today." Everyone looked confused. 'A new student? This late in the year? Exams are in a week and they are giving us a new student?' Rose thought as she looked up from her textbook. She hoped she didn't look like she'd been sleeping, only reading.

"Her name is Siara and you will ALL make her feel welcome." Mrs. Smith demanded. Siara? Where had she heard that name before? She looked up and saw the new student, jet black hair, and red ruby eyes. "You've GOT to be kidding me." She said aloud. "Excuse me?" Mrs. Smith asked. 'Great. Now I can have a week's worth of detention to look forward to.' She thought. "One weeks detention and I expect you to be here!" Before Rose could get up and write her name on the detention list Siara spoke, "Wait! That won't be necessary. She was just shocked is all. I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt my feelings in anyway." The vampire cooed. "Very, well. Sit!" She commanded. Rose very quickly got back in her seat. 'Why did she do that? Doesn't she want to kill me? Trying to get on my good side, I guess. That's not happening in a million years.' Rose thought.

"Siara, you may sit by your new-found buddy. Mrs. Rose? Please get another chair for our new classmate." Rose slowly got up, but then, "No. It's fine. I can get it myself." Siara strode to the back of the classroom, got a chair, and placed it beside Rose. Rose leaned over and whispered, "I know who you are and why you're here. But, we will NEVER be the same people." Rose sat back down, as did Siara and the class process continued.

Chapter 13: Vampire Queen

"Rose! Rose, wait up!" April yelled from down the hallway. "Hey, what's up with you? You've been avoiding me all day." Rose looked at her with a sense of confusion. "Come on, don't look at me like that. You've been avoiding talking to me about Scott." She stated firmly, "I'm not going to lecture you. I just want to know what happened." Rose closed her locker and snapped the lock shut. "There's nothing to tell. We made up and got back together. That's it." Rose started towards her next class. "Whoa! You are NOT getting away that easily." Just as April was about to lecture her on the fact that they were best friends and best friends told each other EVERYTHING, Scott came up behind Rose. "Hey, beautiful." Scott cooed as he wrapped his arms around Rose's waist. "Ugh. Excuse me I have to go barf." Said April as she stormed away.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in biology." Rose scolded. "Yea, I know. But, I wanted to see you so I told my teacher I'd go for a quick bathroom break." "Mhmm." Rose said, turning away. "Well, if I don't go now, I'M going to be late." "Fine." Scott replied disappointed. "But, you're still coming over to study, right?" Rose laughed. "Something tells me I won't be as focused as I should if we do that." "Come on, please? I promise I'll focuse." Scott pleaded. "Oh, fine." Rose said, "But, no funny buisness. Got it?" "Yes, ma'am." Scott said, winking at her. "Okay, well, I'll see you later. Bye" Said Rose,kissing him on the cheek then bounding towards her next class.

She was almost there when she ran into Ashton. "Oh! I'm so sorry" Rose cried before realizing who it was. "On second thought, watch where you're going next time." Rose turned and Ashton gripped her arm. "Look, I want to apoligize. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything. And I just want you to know, your secret's safe with me." Ashton said. Rose nodded and walked past him into her next class. 'My secret better be safe with you.' She thought to herself. 'Or else..'


"FOOLS! YOU'RE ALL FOOLS! EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!" Ciara screamed as she threw vase after vase at her unfortunate brothers. "What did WE do!?" Riquel yelled back. "UGH! THE FACT THAT YOU DON'T EVEN RECOLLECT WHAT YOU'VE DONE PROVES YOU'RE GUILTY!" She cried sending another expensive vase flying. "Bilks! Do you have any idea WHY she's angry!?" Riquel shouted to his brother who was crouching behind a coffee table that hid him poorly. "I dunno. Maybe it's that time of the month, you think?" "IDIOTS! THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT!!" Ciara threw one last vase and fell to the floor. "I have worked SO HARD these past few years to be the one who gets the blood crown, Riquel." She hissed. "Oh! My dear sister. That is what all of this ruckess is about? That silly thing, really?" Riquel said, chuckling. "IT IS NOT SILLY! IT IS A SYMBOL OF WHO WILL RULE OUR NATION, BROTHER! AND SO HELP ME I WILL BE THE VAMPIRE RACES' NEW QUEEN WHETHER OR NOT I KILL EVERYONE STANDING IN MY WAY!" Ciara stormed threw the double doors, not bothering to look back. "Yep, it's that time of the month." Bilks commented as Riquel smacked the back of his head. "Enough, you fool. It's time we teach our little sister a lesson on manners." Riquel said with a sly smile stretching across his face.


When Rose got off the bus she ran straight through the front door and up to her room. "My word! What's the rush!?" Her mother called after her. "I have a study date with Scott! Remember??" Rose called back. ~If my velocity starts to make you sweat then just don't, let g~ She cut her cell phone off in mid-chorus as she answered. "Hello?" She asked. "Hey!" It was Scott. "Hey! Are you ready to study?" Rose asked him. "Sure. We DO have that big history final coming up." Scott said, "Is it cool if I pick you up in about ten minutes?" "Pick me up? I thought I was just walking to your house." She answered. "Nah, my mom picked me up from school early." -So that's why he wasn't on the bus.' "And she had to run a couple errands and we're almost there. So is that okay?" He asked. "Yea, of course." Rose answered.

After they hung up she gathered her backpack and purse and went downstairs to tell her mom the plan. "Yea, so they'll be here in about five minutes." Rose told her mother. "So, I'll just wait on the front porch." Her mom turned around to face her. "Alright that's fine. But,

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