» Fantasy » Vampiress, Destiny B. Rose [life changing books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Vampiress, Destiny B. Rose [life changing books to read TXT] 📗». Author Destiny B. Rose

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"Mom! Im heading to school!" Rose said, as she was walking down the driveway to the bus stop. There was one particular reason why she didnt want to go to school today. Scott Dunham. Ever since she broke up with him a month ago he had been harrasing her nonstop. What didnt help at all was he lived down the street from her. Last week him and two other boys showed up at her house. Scott, Briar Nickens, and Ashton Jones. The three boys egged her house just for fun and for kicks, they threw bird droppings at her bedroom window. What hurt even more was she had a major crush on Ashton, Scotts best friend, also one of the reasons she broke up with him. "Beep, Beep!" Rose jumped. She looked and saw her bus coming toward her. As Mrs.S haulted the bus to a stop she opened the doors for Rose. Rose climbed aboard and sat in the second seat behind the driver, where she always sat. Mrs.S turned onto St. Bernard Drive, where Scott lived. As Scott climbed the three steps to the long aisle of the bus Rose turned away and looked out of the window. She hated him. Wanted to rip his heart out and feed it to her dog, Izzy. "Rose!" Someone called from the doorway. It was April, Roses best friend. She had been gone for two months to go on a trip to Maine. It was blueberry season and her parents made her go, it was also an extra way to get cash. "Hey April!" Rose said, as April slid in next to her on the old, cruddy seat. "So? Spill the beans!" April demanded. "Whataya mean?" Rose replied. "I mean your 1 month kiss with Scott!" She said eagerly. The one month kiss, the happiest time in a couples 1 month of dating. Fortunatly, she had dumped Scott before that had happened. "Oh,that. Well, I dumped Scott.... a month ago." Rose mumbled. "You did what?! Are you completly out of your mind!?" "Whoa, whoa calm down. Whats the big deal anyways?" Asked Rose. "Whats the big deal? Whats the big deal? Girl! Helloooo? Hes one of the most popular guys in school!" April practicly screamed. "Okay! Chill. Does it matter? Hes a jerk." "Alright fine, maybe it doesnt matter but who do you have your eyes set on now?" Roses' eyes glided over to Ashton who had just gotten on and was sliding in on the seat where Scott was sitting. "Oh my god. Ashton? Your not serious." April said. Rose looked down at her phone and started to unlock the screen. "Rose! Why didnt you ever tell me?" April demanded. She shrugged. "Well, when did you start liking him?" Rose had liked Ashton since the third month of school but it was now halfway through the year and she hadnt told ANYONE. "I know he'd never like me anyways...." Rose exclaimed. "Oh sweety. You never know until you ask." Rose glanced back over at him. He was listening to his ipod, Scott was blabbing to him about something senseless. "Lets not try..."

Chapter 1: Beginnings and End

Rose was walking with April to class when Scott showed up in the hall with Ashton. Without thinking, she turned and started walking the other way. "Um, Rose? Are you okay?" asked April. "6:00!" April darted around and saw Ashton and Scott walking towards them. "Are they following us?" Rose asked. They turned down another hall and another. "Yep, they are still right behind us. Dont make eye contact, just keep walking. And dont lose your temper!" April commanded. Out of one ear Rose heard Ashton ask where they where going and Scott shushing him. They turned another corner, dead end. April spun around but Rose stared at the wall "Why does this always happen to me?!" Rose thought. She turned slowly. Scott was standing in front of Ashton with his fists curled in tight balls. "So hows the two little princesses of Mississippi been?" Scott teased. "Go away." April hissed. "Actually we were thinking we could help you ladies to your classrooms." Scott grabbed Roses shirt, she jerked away. "Dont. Touch. Me." She said sternly. Her eyes went to Ashton then to April. April. Her eyes screaming, "Be careful!". All of a sudden she had a splitting head ache and was seeing colors. "Rose! Rose, are you okay?!" someone said, but she couldnt make out who. "Rose!" "Common dude lets get out of here!" Scott. "What about Rose?" Ashton. "Rose, Rose. Come on get up!" April. Then, black.

Rose woke up to beeping monitors and white ceilings and walls. She groaned. "Rose!?" Someone said. She blinked a couple times and said, "April?". She looked up. It wasnt April, or anyone she knew. "Rose, are you feeling alright?" A lady in a white shirt and jeans asked. "Who are you?" "Haha. Answer my question, i'll answer yours." The lady said. "Yeah im fine I guess..." Who was this woman kneeling over her, asking if she was alright. Where were her parents, April? "Now answer my question. Who are you." She said. "That you will find out soon enough" She smiled. Were those fangs!? The headache was back. She looked up, the woman was gone! Confused she sat up and looked around. It was clear she was in the hospital. There was a curtain wall set up on either side of her bed. "Rose?" She turned, it was April. "Rose your alright!" She ran over and gave Rose a big hug. "Do you feel okay?" "Yeah, im good. Is anyone else here?" Asked Rose hoping Ashton would come up. "No, not yet. They just called your parents and they're on their way. "Oh, great" Rose thought. Just what she needed, her overprotective parents coming at her with all sorts of questions. "Have you thought anymore about Ashton?" April asked. "Yeah, alot actually..." She answered. "Well you gonna ask him? If he likes you, that is." "I dont know... Should I?" She thought to herself for a minute then spoke, "No, a guy like that's never going to like a girl like me."

'What? She likes Me?' Ashton thought to hisself as he listened behind the curtain wall. "I dont believe this!" Scott whispered. "And to think I brought her a flower." "A plastic one bro. Besides you dont like her anymore anyway, right?" Ashton asked. "Are you seriously considering asking her out!?" Asked Scott. "No! Im just wondering..." "Yeah, right. Well im outta here. See you at school" Scott said angrily. "Wait! Let me catch a ride with ya." He said glancing back for a split second. "Alright lets go." Scott said as he walked out the door. Ashton put the flowers on the table with a card, and walked out the door only remembering when he was halfway home, he forgot to sign it.

Chapter 2: Can't Get Any Worse Than This

"Rose!" Roses' friend Aimiee screamed. "Come sit with us!" Aimiee was a nice girl, but extremly bossy. Rose was walking to the table where Aimiee was seated when Ashton popped up behind the wall coming toward the same table. "This is my chance, common just sit down!" Rose thought to herself. She started walking agian when Kaitlyn Carter stepped in front of her. "Where do you think your going?" "None of your buisness, Kaitlyn." Rose spat back. "Oh, your going to sit by Ashton! Please like you'll EVER have a chance with him." Her and her "possy" laughed and walked away. "Slut.." Rose whispered under her breath. "Excuse me!" "Oh, no" Rose thought. "What did you just call me, Loser?" Kaitlyn demanded. "Nothing..." "Yeah, whatever." Before Rose could turn away Kaitlyn tripped her and she fell to the ground, with all of her food landing on top of her. She looked around everyone was pointing, and laughing. Ashton came over and asked, "Are you okay?" She couldnt bear for him to see her like that. Before she knew it, she was in the bathroom, crying her eyes out. "Rose?" She opened the door and April was standing outside of the stall. "Oh, Rose. Are you alright?" She asked. Then she exploded, she couldnt hold it in any longer, couldnt shake it off! "No! Im not alright! Ive got food all over me, and Ashton saw the whole thing! Do you know how embarresing that was!?" She fell to the floor crying. "I'll kill her! I'll kill her!" Rose screamed. "Woah, woah. Sweety, hold on a minute, who?" April Asked. "Kaitlyn!" They both sat there in silence for a few minutes. "Okay, you know what? Enough's, enough. We are gonna clean you up and get that beautiful white skin glowing!" Rose smiled. "Thanks April, you're the best."

Chapter 3: Changes

"Beep, Beep, Beep. Beep, Beep, Beep." Rose jumped out of bed. "Oh, no. Im late!" She ran downstairs. "Mom! Mom why didnt you..." Her voice trailed off. Instead of her mother there was a petite, slender lady sitting at the counter. "Who are you, and why are you in my house?" She said. The lady turned around and smiled. The woman from the hospital! "You! Why are you here!?" Rose cried. "Oh, now dear. Lets not be hasty about things. Im Mrs. Dawndear. And I already know who you are." She smiled. "But you're, you, you were at the hospital! Where are my parents!?" She screamed. "Now, now. They're at work. And

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