» Fantasy » Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, H. Chambers [android based ebook reader txt] 📗

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of the crag, was catching up with them. His horse suddenly pulled sharply to one side as one of Kerdred’s men darted in front. The rider less bear pounding behind would not be able to catch up to the fleeing rider. Kesh realised that was not his intention. All the back riders were turning. They were trying to lead the bears straight into the path of the Nefkins. This was a dangerous and desperate move. Nefkins were known to have an unfortunate habit of killing anything heading towards them. Kerdred’s riders knew this, but Kesh could see the men had no choice, death was waiting for them in either direction.

Those with death stars had now reached the Nefkins. Spiked metal balls swung in the air and crashed down on the Nefkins’ protective armour. The agile horses manoeuvred expertly but even so their losses were brutal. Kesh wanted to reach the Nefkins, but found himself battling with two retreating soldiers. Having placed themselves on either side of him, he stood little chance. Jumping from his horse he leapt across onto the outside rider, sending them both to the ground. The soldier landed first with Kesh on top. He pulled out his dagger and quickly killed the man. Rolling over onto his side, Kesh gripped his dislocated left shoulder. The other soldier had kept on riding and Kesh could see no one was paying him much attention. He stood up and began backing away from the fighting. Those that had been riding the bears had dismounted, leaving the bears unhindered in their assault. He watched as the bears charged into the onrushing Nefkins. Many leapt into the air at the last moment, smashing into the Nefkins with monumental force. As they began fighting the ferocity and sheer animal savagery was overwhelming. Despite the bears power and size the Nefkins had the advantage with their longer arms and gripping hands. Those men wielding death stars tried desperately hard to hold the other Nefkins away from the bears. The clansmen on the ground darted around the Nefkins, slicing at their legs and under bellies. Kesh dropped to his knees unable to tear his eyes away from scene.

Kerdred’s men were now on the run. Haystack signalled, shouting orders. Those that could, followed him to the Nefkins. Dismounting from Hugo, Haystack organised the men into small groups. Following the example of the clansmen each group targeted a Nefkin. Haystack had five men with him, their Nefkin was surrounded by dead men and horses. The last two riders valiantly maintained their assault, their horses struggling and injured. Tosha nudged Haystack in the arm.

'Mean looking beast, probably better if you let us younger ones tackle him,' joked Tosha.

Haystack looked across at Tosha and laughed. Without waiting Haystack ran at the legs of the Nefkin, Tosha matched him step for step.

By the time they reached their target only one rider remained. The Nefkin saw their approach and lashed out. Tosha threw himself to the ground rolling forwards just in time, the blow struck the man behind him instead. Haystack heard several bones crack as the soldier went flying backwards. Tosha was already back on his feet now directly in front of the Nefkin who twisted swinging both arms round together. The left caught the last rider square in the jaw breaking his neck and sending him sideways off his horse, the right sent the sword spinning out of Tosha’s hand. Haystack and the three remaining men had now encircled the Nefkin as planned, they all dodged as it lashed out again. Tosha rolled again and in one movement picked up the fallen rider’s death star, coming out of his roll he swung it round catching the Nefkin on the right ankle. Seeing his chance Haystack ran straight for the Nefkin’s left leg, leaping into the air he buried the blade of his dagger deep into the Nefkin’s thigh and clung onto the leg with all his strength. The Nefkin writhed in agony hitting out then dropping to all fours. Haystack hung on. Tosha and the other three men all rushed forwards aiming for its neck. One man took a blow to the arm and Tosha’s death star struck armour. Haystack jumped down and quickly drew his sword slicing across the same leg. The leg gave way and the Nefkin rolled onto its side. Tosha swung again, this time he had a clear shot and the death star found its mark. The other soldiers made sure of the kill.

Haystack paused to pull his dagger free and looked around, with so many assailants attacking at once the Nefkins were beginning to go down.

image Chapter 29

Felspar, as instructed, had told everyone that the passage to the right of the stone steps was not to be entered. Despite the corridor they were standing in being a more than ample size, some were beginning to panic. There didn't appear to be any way out other than the way they had come in. A couple of them were trying to force one of the ancient oak doors, while another at a different door was trying to pick the lock. Bella lost her temper.

'Will you lot calm down? I understand you thought you'd be escaping through this tunnel and out somewhere miles away from danger, but Penn would not have got us down here just to die.'

'It feels like that, a tomb, that’s what it feels like,' moaned Haber from the back.

'Oh shut up,' said Bella.

Glint ran into the library. Penn was standing to one side, his eyes closed a staff in his right hand.

'Ah, there you are,' said Penn opening his eyes and walking towards him.

Reaching into his cloak Penn brought out a ring of ancient keys. Carefully selecting one he handed it over to Glint.

'Go down and open the second door on the left, no matter what happens do not attempt to open any other doors with this key. There are torches just inside the door, light them before going any further, the steps are steep. When everyone is down wait for me in the tunnel.'

Felspar came in from the back room, the library doors crashed open, two injured soldiers staggered in. Felspar and Glint went to help them. Penn let them past and then walked out of the library.

Kerdred's men were now through the gates and spilling over the wall. Penn watched for a second, Hylaw's men had formed tight defensive rows. They were edging closer to the library, but their progress was painfully slow and costly. Another smaller group of ten men were trying to make their way over, without help they weren't going to make it. Penn strode across, the staff now his weapon. Whether it liked it or not, the staff was bound to protect him. After being swung rather ineptly at a couple of opponents, it took over. Taking over part of Penn's mind, it focused his senses. Everything around him seemed to slow down. The two swordsmen who had only backed off, moved in slow motion towards him. This time when Penn swung the staff, he was visualising the exact point of contact. The staff smashed into the head of one, skin, hair, blood and other bits floated from the wound. The man's eyes held Penn’s gaze in disbelief as he went sideways into the other. Seconds passed for Penn before they were both on the ground. Time then returned to normal, until he faced his next assailant.

By the time he reached the men, only seven were still alive. Those left were exhausted. Penn lashed out mercilessly. The speed and extra reach giving Penn a huge advantage. They lost only one more man before joining up with Hylaw and Breaker. Unlike the swordsmen whose fighting displayed a certain amount of skill, Breaker’s oversized, two handed spiked club was wielded with pure brute strength. He might have been a lot slower than Penn, but the body count was about the same. Those in the back lines were now at the library doors. Will was one of the first through with the dogs.

'Get to the tunnels, we'll get the doors,' shouted one of the men who had been protecting him from the worst of the action.

The scream was unmistakeable. Hylaw looked across, two men were dragging a hysterical auburn haired woman towards Kerdred. It would be suicidal to try and help her, but how could he not? Breaker saw Ami as well, he knew Hylaw would feel compelled to try and save her. Grabbing his collar he heaved Hylaw backwards through the closing doors. Penn went diving in with them. The men standing behind the doors pushed with every ounce of strength they had left. Breaker, back on his feet, brought his club down hard on a shoulder visible between the doors. Penn stabbed at it with the end of the staff managing to drive the smashed limb back out of the doorway. With the doors now closed, Breaker pulled down the solid wood crosspiece. Exhausted they slid to the floor. Flickering candle light cast eerie shadows around the room. Hylaw stood hunched staring angrily at the barred door. Breaker looked at Penn, he also looked angry.

'These doors will not hold them forever, get down to the tunnels,' commanded Penn in a voice that wasn't to be questioned.

'Except you.'

Hylaw narrowed his eyes and raised his sword. Penn's eyes seemed to change colour.

'Don't even think about it,' Penn snarled, his voice sending the rest hurrying to the back room.

Breaker paused wondering whether to stay or not, he felt sorry for Hylaw. Looking at both of them he realised this needed to be sorted out now, between the two of them, alone.

'Eldin persuaded me to risk revealing secrets that have been kept for hundreds of years. Made me believe that what was happening now was important enough, that you were important enough. You can't even command your own sister,' Penn said in disgust.

'I...she...,' stammered Hylaw realising the truth in Penn’s words.

The blackness in Penn's eyes faded, dropping his shoulders he looked back at Hylaw.

'Kerdred will not kill her. She will be taken back to Brinkton to marry one of his sons. Eldin's plans for you to take back Landra have just been ruined. They will use her against you. And because of her I cannot risk...'

'Risk what?' questioned Hylaw.

'Just go down to the tunnels, I will follow shortly,' said Penn heavily.

Kerdred turned his horse so he could get a better look at Ami. Despite her bedraggled appearance he could see she had potential. Not that it really mattered Andrass didn't have to find her attractive, just make sure she bore him sons. There were eight other prisoners and like Ami they had their heads down.

'They've barred themselves in, probably tunnels underneath,' reported Kilgor. 'Not take long.'

Kerdred watched as the battering ram was being hurriedly carried to the library.

'I want the Princess guarded at all times, she is not to be harmed,' said Kerdred.

Ami was relieved to hear his words.

'Kill the others.'

'Lord Kerdred!'

Kerdred turned his horse to face the oncoming rider.

'It's the old hag!' The rider pulled his horse up just in front of him. 'She's in the forest.'

Kerdred didn't wait to find out more. Outside the wall the ground was strewn with dead bodies. Working his way through, he reached the three men standing at the edge of the forest. One of the men stepped forward.

'We were going to go in after her but thought you might want to hunt her down yourself.'

The look on Kerdred's face made him grin, a malicious, sneering grin. He had known Kerdred would want this pleasure all to himself. Kerdred dismounted his horse.

'Follow me, there might be a few of Hylaw’s men around,' said Kerdred heading into the forest.

Penn was the only one left in the library. Standing in the centre he reached for the pouch

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