» Fantasy » Dark Shadows, Tynessia Lett [i have read the book TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Shadows, Tynessia Lett [i have read the book TXT] 📗». Author Tynessia Lett

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'What once was will never be,

What is now few will ever see,

Nor will it always be.

I watch over her

She will be saved.'


Mr. Crane walked back into the room and he had someone following behind him. It was a woman, tall, slim, pale skin and long black hair, She had red eyes and wore lipstick the color of blood on her round full lips. She was gorgeous.

“This is my dear friend Allure, she has come to help us in training you to use your powers.“Allure walked up to Blair and leaned into her, so close they could kiss.

" Little Lost Girl, how do you do, It is my pleasure to finally meet the savior of all man and creature alike. ” She ran her long fancy nails through Blair’s hair and then kissed her on her cheek. ”

“We don’t have time to waste a month has already gone by and the town of Bellake was attacked last night. I can assume you have already caught her up on things?” Allure said as she walked back toward the entrance of the room and took a pose looking at Mr. Crane.

“Yes we have given her a brief rundown on things, we can fill her in one more as we go, I’m sure the child has more questions,” said Mr. Crane.

They all head out the door following behind Allure once they were all in the hallway the walls and floor began to transform again.

This time they were outside in the middle of the woods. The light from the brightly shining moon in the sky gave off a comforting atmosphere.

“Where are we?” Blair asked as she placed her arms around herself do to the cold air.

“We are nowhere, this is where we will train you to use those powers of yours and where we can be free to transform into our truest selves. Before we begin, I believe this belongs to you” Allure pulled out Blair’s ruby necklace from her chest and it shined a bright red.

" That’s my necklace my grams gave me, how did you get it?” Blair said in excitement.

Allure smirked a little and then turned back around facing the cold night air ” Never mind that, just hurry up and place it back on immediately, we don’t need anything finding you before our training is complete.”

Blair placed the necklace in her hands and remembered the words her mom told her to recite. ” -Mare nanm a Cape aura la- ” the necklace sparked three times and then went back to normal. She placed the necklace on and hurried to catch up with everyone else.

“This is where we will come once it is time to start testing your skills out,” Allure said standing on a hilltop while they listened below.

“When we get to this part of your lessons we will not spare you, you must battle us each here and defeat us before we move on to the final stages of your training. The room began to move again and they were in a library.

Matt walked over to a table and dropped a large dusty book on the table. Mr. Crane walked over and blew the dust off the book.

“You must first study your craft.”

′ Read this entire book’

’It has everything you need to know about Necromancers, Magic, the society, and Alastor. You will also learn about our world and how it works and the different species of creatures and magical beings that reside here in Arcania.”

Allure began to flip through the pages “You have all of two days to finish this entire book.”

Blair gasped in shock. “Two days! are you out of your mind!”

Blair slammed her hands down on the table “Out of all the obscured things I’ve seen and heard tonight this is by far the most ridiculous, You can’t honestly think I will finish this huge book in two days?”.

Matt let out a chuckle then cough to hide his humor in the situation.

“Blair, your wasting time, I suggest you get started and stop complaining,” Allure said as she exited the room.

Mr. Crane gave Blair a plain look and then a shrug of the shoulders as he followed Allure out.

Blair directed her focus toward Matt “Help me?”

Matt walked over to her looked around the room and then whispered in her ears “Anything is possible with magic” he then turned to exit the library.

Blair was left confused and frustrated. She opened up the book and began to read the pages.

Four hours went by and Blair was still on the first few pages of the book. She was getting frustrated as she read and couldn’t understand some of the contents of the book. It was in a language she didn’t speak and kept finding herself getting more and more uninterested and she began to doze off.

The book fell over and made a loud noise that caused Blair to jump in a panic and fall to the floor.

“Oh, shit” she shouted.

She was rubbing the top of her head when she heard a high pitched little voice speak

" You’re such a silly little girl ” then a squeaky laugh followed. ”

“If you were smart you would use that book of magic and cast a memory spell for wisdom” the voice faded out.

Blair stood up looking around the room “Who is there” all she heard was the squeaky laughter echo throughout the library

“I am no one, I am neither here nor there, I am everywhere but never seen ”

Blair saw something moving between the books on the bookshelf. She walked over to get a closer look. There little small wings sticking out from the book, she grabbed it and snatched it into the air ” Got you” she yelled.

The little fairy screamed in fear “Put me down, you big dummy”

Blair began to laugh she couldn’t believe she was holding a fairy. ” So fairies are real too huh”

I’m no fairy, you idiot, let me go or I’ll”...

Blair began to tickle the little fairy and the fairy began to laugh “hey stop that, what are you doing, you big dummy.”

Blair placed the fairy down on the table and leaned in ” Now you rude little thing, what was that about a spell that could help?”.

The fairy was upset that he’d been caught and folded his arms and stuck out his tongue refusing to speak to Blair. He turned away from her and tried to fly away.

She caught him mid-air bringing him back to the table. ” oh no you don’t” she pleaded with the fairy to help her.

“Please little fairy, I have an important mission to do and I can’t waste time trying to read this book in two days. If you help me I’ll give you something yummy to eat.”

The fairy cut his eyes looking back at Blair with a pouty face. “Again, I’m no fairy, I’m a pixie.”

“Do you have any chocolate?” the Pixie said fluttering around in the air in excitement.

Blair fidgeted around looking for chocolate, she didn’t have any on her but promised to give him loads of chocolate if he would help her out. At first, the little fairy was reluctant but he decided to trust in her words and help her out.

“Open the book to the very back, there you will see the secrets they hide.”

Blair grabbed the book flipped it over to the back and opened it up. She scanned the book and saw a little tear in the corner of the book. She pulled on it and there were secret messages from other people who have used the book.

There was a memory spell that would allow her to absorb all the information inside the book. -Grant m’ konpweyansyon ancêtres, grant m’ direction, dirije m’ pou gwo basen byen fon konprann sa inondations tèt nan bondans.-

“The incantation is quite simple and all it requires is a small drop of blood. ” The pixie said fluttering over the book.

Blair thought hard as she went over the spell, she was a bit hesitant because she had never done an actual spell. She thought if she was this powerful Necromancer then doing magic should come easily to her. She stood back searching for something to cut her finger. She found a letter opener, poked her finger and placed her hands together.

She took a deep breath and then proceeded to recite the incantation. A gust of wind blew through the room and the pages from the book began to flip rapidly. Then words lifted from the book and circled her. Then all at once, the words flowed through her mind. Blair couldn’t believe the spell was working. Everything that was in the book was suddenly known to her. Once the spell ended the book dropped to the table.

The doors creaked opened and in walked Mr. Crane and Allure.

“So little one how far have we gotten?” Allure asked.

Blair with a straight face replied “I have finished the entire book, easy ”

Mr. Crane laughed and then side-eyed Allure. “Oh have you, well we shall see just how much you know” Allure took a seat next to Blair and begin to question her ” What is our world called ?”

Blair took a deep breath and then condescendingly folded her arms.” We are from a world of magical beasts, different types, and forms of beasts called Arcania.

" We also have a little village to the east that is a human village. My father was one of the warlocks who sat the table of higher-level magic-users with the Society of Magic. He favored humans and was the link that brought the human world and the world of magic together. ”

“There were some who despised my father and mother for their beliefs and that led to rebellion.”

Matt begins to walk over to the book, he flips the pages to the back then laugh “I see you found the spell”

Allure folds her arms and stands in an idle pose “You seem to have succeeded in doing your first spell, I’m impressed. That spell never goes right for beginners.”.

Blair was happy for the praises she was receiving. Just as they were about to get into the next step of things, a loud sound went off, it sounded as if a bomb had exploded.

The entire room shook every one fell to the floor in wincing pain.

Mr. Crane yelled “Intruders” everyone jumped and headed toward the explosion.


'And one day soon

a evil doer will come knocking

from he shadows he was sent

to drag away the hope named savior

we must fight in order to win

a strong enemy we must defeat'


When they all arrived at the explosion site

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