» Fantasy » Dark Shadows, Tynessia Lett [i have read the book TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Shadows, Tynessia Lett [i have read the book TXT] 📗». Author Tynessia Lett

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the staff.

“Blair, you have to focus, look around you use everything, you have to be quick on your feet.” Allure yelled from the sidelines.

Balanos attacked Blair over and over, she still could not dodge the attacks. She began to get angry and fed up with the beatings. She was tired and frustrated. The angrier she got the more she felt this fire burning in her belly.

The last attack Balanos landed on Blair knocked her to her knees, she was covered in dirt and sweat.

“GET UP” Balanos yelled.

“You have yet to block any of my attacks, you don’t deserve rest” She riled at Blair.

She could see the frustration all over Blair’s face and that was exactly what she wanted. She wanted Blair to get angry because her powers were dark magic and the only way she would tap into that energy was to get Blair to go to a dark place.

Blair was breathing hard, Balanos was pissing her off more and more with every hit of the staff. Balanos was still yelling for her to get back on her feet, suddenly Balanos voice began to fade out.

This massive burst of heat exploded through her body. Her eyes turned black and this sinister aura took over.

Allure ran out to where Blair was, “That’s it, Blair, that is your true power. You have to take control of it. Do not let the darkness control you.” Allure pleaded.

Blair, could hear Allure but the energy she was feeling felt so good, it was begging her to give into it.

The darkness was speaking to her and it wanted her. She began to laugh getting further carried away by the powers.

“Allure, we have to do something this isn’t good,” Balanos yelled.

“She has to fight,” Allure said.

“All of the magic has been lying dormant inside her for years, it’s been waiting to be set free but she has to take control of it,” Allure said as she attempted to reach and plead with Blair again.

Balanos prepared a containment spell that would knock Blair out in case she could not control the dark magic inside her.

The wind picked up and the trees began to sway furiously. The dirt on the ground lifted into the air creating a smoky atmosphere. Dark clouds covered the sky and Blair wasn’t Blair anymore her dark powers had just about consumed her.

“Se mwen menm ki lannwit lan, mwen se fènwa a ki pral devore nanm nou yo, se koripsyon abondans davans. Bay nan pouvwa yo ki dwe e mwen ka montre w kouman pwisan ou ye.“(Translation)I am the night, I am the darkness that will devour your souls, abundant corruption is predestined. Give in to the powers that be and I can show you how powerful you are.

The entity that was trying to consume Blair spoke in a deep dark sinister voice.

“Allure, move away, it’s time, we have to knock her out” Balanos began to chant.

“No, wait there is still time, she is fighting in there I know it” Allure pleaded.

Blair was in a quiet dark space, she looked around and there was nothing and no one. She oddly was not afraid, it was cold there and she felt a presence. She felt she was not alone and that the person or thing that was with her was giving off bad energy.

“Hello, who is there” Blair shouted out into the darkness.

Something flew past her brushing her shoulders, She gasped “What are you, show yourself”

She felt this cold breath on the back of her neck and when she turned to face it, it was her. It was a girl the same as she in every aspect as far as looks but her demeanor was off, she was cold and foreboding.

Blair was so confused and shocked, how could this be me she thought, this must be a trick. The girl stood before her and only stared at her with this sinister smile on her face.

“WHAT ARE YOU” Blair shouted

The Girl began to laugh hysterically ” I am you of course, well the better version of you, I am your truest self.”

“That’s not possible, other than having my face there is nothing about you that is similar to me.”

“I am the version of you, they pushed away and hid deep within you. I am your most powerful self and together, we can cause chaos.”

" No, I don’t want any parts of you, I don’t want to do bad things,” Blair said as she began to take steps back.

Every time Blair took a step back the Girl took one forward, still smiling ever so evil.“You poor little thing, you don’t know anything, that is why you need me, think about it without me you’re nothing.”

Blair refused to listen to the hateful things the girl was saying. She knew deep in her heart that she was nothing like the girl standing before her. Although the magic was dark she was not. She knew she had to gain control of the situation and fast.

The girl moved quickly to attack Blair and was choking her. She couldn’t breathe. The grip the girl had on her was so strong she couldn’t break free. As she began to pass out she thought to herself is this really how she dies? Did she come this far to just do nothing?

Again a burning sensation was felt in her belly and her eyes went grey, the girl looked spooked when she saw Blair change.

Blair wrapped her hands around the girls’ hands that were tightening around her neck and broke them free of her. She knew what she had to do, self-pity and doubt were not going to save her, she had to save herself by being brave and fighting back.

Dark magic started surging through her body just like before only this time it felt different. The power going through her felt warm and it was not sinister. Blair was in more control of it. The girl started to scream “NOOOOO”

“This can’t be happening, how did you...” the girl began to choke, she couldn’t make a sound.

Blair was intensely looking at the girl and then a sly smirk came across her face. ” I am Blair Blackwell and you will never see the light of day if I have anything to do with it. ”

“It is you who is nothing without me and I will harness this power and lock you away deep in solitude and be the savior I was predestined to be.” Blair opened her mouth as wide as she could and inhaled the entity that turned into a smug of black smoke.

The girl vanished and Blair came to and was back in the forest. The winds began to settle and then the sky cleared up.

Allure looked at Balanos and gave her a head nod, Balanos attacked Blair.

Blair without hesitation, jumped up as high as she could then landing on the staff and then round kicked Balanos sending her flying back.

Balanos could see that Blair’s entire aura had changed, she succeeded in harnessing the dark magic that was inside of her. That was exactly what they needed her to do. Now the real fight was set to begin.



'I have been Cursed

By Black magic tonight

It struck me down

Down to Hell

Spells now surround me by day and night

Struck by the force of an evil light

Crushed by the weight of the darkest night

The force of evil light

The weight of the darkest night'


Blair sat in her room feeling whole, She felt complete she sat quietly replaying the events of tonight. She felt this surge of energy flowing through her body. She held her arms out and you could see the black magic pulsating in her veins. She knew things, dark things that she didn’t have any knowledge of before.

Blair began to feel sad as she thought that her accepting the dark magic meant that she had to be evil. She didn’t want to become something she wasn’t.

She stood up walked over to a mirror and saw the physical changes she had gone through. Her hair was midnight black and her eyes appeared to have no emotion in them only coldness...a glaze of blackness...cruelty seems to shoot out of each pupil.

Blair stared at herself unfamiliar, in her heart she still felt like the girl from before but she knew deep down she was something else. Just then her eyes went from this bold black color to a cold grey.

All of her senses were heightened she could hear and smell things vividly. She heard footsteps approaching from the hallway.

A knock at the door caused her to come to attention and Matt was standing there. “Hey, are you OK?” He said in a concerning tone.

Blair walked over toward him and began to sniff him. She placed her hands all over his body moving up toward his hair. He was taller than her so she was on her tiptoes bringing them face to face. He placed his hands around hers bringing them down to the sides of his face. They made eye contact and Blair tilted her head to the side slightly.

“You smell funny,” she said as she continued to sniff.

He laughed it off as he guided her over to the bed where they sat. He could sense her aura changed and he noticed the physical changes. “Do you feel different?” he asked.

“Yes, but I can’t tell if it’s a good different or a bad one” Blair whispered.

“I can feel everything, I can smell everything, hear everything, all of my sense has heightened. I can feel the magic inside me settling deep inside.” Blair explained.

“Matt I can hear something inside of me calling for me. It pulls at me and whispers dark things. I don’t feel like myself Matt” Blair whispered again.

Matt didn’t want to alarm Blair so he attempted to reassure her that everything going to be ok and that she was still truly herself. ” Blair you are in control, the darkness tried to tempt you and you kicked its ass.”

He asked her if he could try to hear what was inside, he also wanted to confirm if they were still linked telepathically. Matt placed two hands over Blairs and closed his eyes to focus.

At first, there was nothing, just dead silence. Then he tried a bit harder and faintly heard something. It was muffled at first but the more he concentrated the clearer the sound got, someone was screaming to be freed. Just then he felt this pressure and a push that knocked his focus and broke the connection.

“Did you hear anything?” Blair asked.

Matt didn’t know what to make of it, but he didn’t want to worry Blair. “No, just silence.” He knew he had to discuss the situation with the others.

Balanos had called a meeting requesting Allure, Crane, Matt, Anahita the lady of the lake, Theon the king of the Centaurs, Turgomri Woldbane the king of the dwarfs, Athos leader of the Gigantes, Arachne, Mother of all spiders, including Allure and Errow elder of the Ents. This was a meeting of all who supported Blair in her cause and it was time to make a move toward defeating the Dark Shadow.

They all were scheduled to meet at sundown in the tropical part of the forest called the Majestic Forest. Balanos purposely kept Blair away

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