» Fantasy » Dark Shadows, Tynessia Lett [i have read the book TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Shadows, Tynessia Lett [i have read the book TXT] 📗». Author Tynessia Lett

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me, I had to put enough distance between us and the ogre so they could lead the way.”

When Blair looked ahead she could see the trees moving swiftly out of the way to form a path. If she looked hard enough she could even see faces in the trees. She was amazed.

Blair noticed Matt beginning to slow down, they were approaching this huge wall of trees and branches that intertwined forming a wall, the branches began to pull apart and Matt stepped inside.

As they walked through the path it was pitch black, Blair held on to Matt tighter. He reassured her that they were safe. They walked about five minutes before seeing a bright light at the end of the path.

When they came out on the other side, The scenery was breathtaking. Blair was in awe of the Dryads home. The forest was nut-brown and the trees were as tall as fortresses and full of bright green leaves.

Matt trudged along with the soft, damp moss of the forest path. The tree’s whisper against the wind was like a lullaby, soothing and warm. It was so welcoming and calm. The feeling of security was all around.

They kept walking along the path of fallen leaves red and golden brown until they reached a very large tree. This tree had deep roots and wide branches, it felt as though the tree had been there for ages. Something was illuminating about this tree to Blair.

Blair jumped down from Matt’s back and walked up to the tree, it was so beautiful and alluring. She reached her hand out to touch the tree just then a soft voice was heard.

“Welcome, my dear to Quercus. This is our home, we the Dryads are happy to see you arrive safely” the tree swayed and Blair jumped back.

She looked back at Matt who had already turned back into human form. He was kneeling on the ground the battle and journey alone was a lot on him. He was panting from exertion, Blair ran to him to make sure he was okay.

“Matt, take it easy, you need to rest” Blair took the jacket she was wearing off and placed it around Matt’s naked body. She hadn’t even realized he was completely naked because she was so worried about his health.

Matt thanked her then motioned for her to turn around and see what was behind her. There was a figure emerging from the tree that took the form of a beautiful female.

She rose in height towering over Blair, her skin was green and her hair was made up of leaves and vines that draped over her shoulders. She was holding a staff made of oak wood and she approached Blair.

“Wow, You’re beautiful” Blair whispered. She reached out and ran her fingers through the Dryad’s hair.

“Well thank you” she smiled. ” My name is Balanos, I am head deity here. We have waited for your arrival for some time now. We swore an oath to your Mother and father that we would do all that we could to protect you and aid you in this fight when the time came. ”

“You knew my parents” a look of curiosity set upon Blair’s face.

“Yes, they were good friends of ours here, very loyal and lovable people. I was sad to hear of their passing, they fought a good fight, but now it is your turn to pick up where they left and finally bring this dark era to an end.”

Blair could feel her eyes tearing up, She held them back and lowered her head “everything’s happening so fast, I feel pressured and overwhelmed. How am I supposed to defeat something I don’t understand, I barely can save myself how am I going to save a world?” tears began to fall.

Lifting her head and wiping away her tears ” My child, this is a burden I know, but it’s not just your burden alone to bear. You have strong and loyal allies in your corner.

We have been fighting the fight since before you were born and many of us have sacrificed and lost loved ones along the way. It will not be easy but you must first decide to face this threat head-on.”

“Meliae, show Matt to the infirmary and take Blair to her living quarters” Balanos commanded.

Once they reach the infirmary it had thick vines that fell from the tree and inside was a lake of water that flowed all around and through the tree. They placed Matt inside the water and said that it was spiritual healing water.

Blair was worried about Matt’s recovery but even more worried about what became of Mr. Crane and Allure.

Meliae called for Blair to follow her to show her to her room. As they were walking Blair noticed the differences in her appearance from Balanos.

“Umm, excuse me Meliae, can I ask you a question,” Blair said very softly as she followed behind the little petite Dryad.

The little Dryad stopped abruptly and the turned to face Blair. She did not speak only smiled and nodded her head.

“Why do you look so different from Balanos?” she asked intriguingly.

The Dryad laughed and then spoke in a very soft and high pitched voice “I am born of an ash tree, we dryads take different forms depending on the tree we are born from.”

Blair nodded her head in understanding ” OK, that makes sense” she said with a serious look on her face.

They began to walk again and arrived at a room where the trees fell away, revealing the luminous sky. The night’s stars were sparkling like silver pinpricks, dazzling and bright. A beautiful gold moon hung quietly in the distance, casting a honeyed sheen over the trees.

As Blair entered her room the enchanted forest beckoned her into its pulsing heart. How could she resist such a lush and mesmerizing forest?

“Are these quarters to your satisfaction Ma’am” Meliae asked.

Blair looked back at Meliae with a huge smile on her face and nodded her head. Meliae then took her to leave.

Blair walked around admiring every detail from the damp earth and fallen leaves that gave off an earthy smell that instinctively calmed her.

Her bed was made of red bark that intertwined together to form a Canopy bed that was layered with leaves and a blanket woven of spider silk.

Blair fell into the bed and exhaled a deep breath of relief and satisfaction. It wasn’t long before she was falling asleep.

The Serpent and The Black Widow


'The darkness creeps

and the light sweeps

the shadows still

at the fallen will.'


Mr. Crane woke up in a daze, he looked around to see Allure was nowhere to be found. He sat himself up as best he could, wincing in pain, the night sky had fallen and the forest was no safe place for someone in his condition.

He wondered where Allure had gone to and worried if something had happened to her.

There were all kinds of things that moved and hunted for food at night in the forest but Mr.Crane wasn’t afraid. He could sense that there was a cloaking spell surrounding him so that gave him little to worry about, he was relieved.

As he sat up watching the night sky he heard a branch snap and some trees ruffle. He didn’t see anything just yet but knew someone or something was there.

He thought maybe Allure was back and just as he was about to call out for her he saw a Wendigo up on a tree branch sniffing out prey.

Wendigo were man-eating monsters that roamed the land near the forests and Lakes hunting prey at night.

Their bodies were emaciated, their ribs stuck out through their thin, pale skin, and their eyes were sunk deep down into their sockets. They looked like men who had died of starvation, walking through the world after a week of decomposing in the grave.

A Wendigo’s appetite could never be filled. It would attack other men and eat their flesh, but every bite would just make them larger and hungrier, until they were massive, flesh-starved giants towering over the trees.

This one wasn’t that big which meant it was blood-thirsty and Mr.Crane would be in trouble once it sniffed him out.

He looked down to see his wound was bleeding through the bandages, the Wendingo was still sitting on the tree branch sniffing the air. Mr.Crane adjusted himself upright and prepared himself to fight off the Wendigo.

They were known to eat human flesh, but Mr.Crane was a humanoid, meaning he was a part serpent part man. The Wendingo looked desperate for a meal and he wouldn’t turn down an easy prey like Mr.Crane.

“Dominus de Rerum natura, ut sint unum, non est facere, et incessable dolor.” ( Lord of Nature, we are One, cease the pain and make their none.)

He chanted over and over. It was a temporary fix to his pain. It was a spell that would allow him to be numb to his pains and move freely.

His timing was impeccable because the Wendingo let out a loud high pitched screech that shook his eardrums. He had caught on to his scent and looked directly over toward him.

The Wendingo moved with incredible speed, leaping from the tree down to where he was, he barely dodged it, tightening his hands into a fist he used great force to punch the Wendingo in the face, blood splattered everywhere knocking the Wendingo back and tumbling across the forest ground.

The impact of the punch brought him to his knees, although he couldn’t feel his pain, he knew his body was in no condition to be using such force. he felt the exhaustion and his body was sweating profusely.

He was so drained he didn’t even notice the Wendingo had already gotten back up and was charging to attack again, the Wendingo tackled him to the ground and began to tear away at his flesh.

He attempted to block the blows as much as he could but the Wendingo bit into his arm.

He let out a loud painful cry ” You filthy beast, you will not get your full of me today” he mustered up the last of his strength and used his tail to split into two and wrestle the Wendingo off of him.

Once he had it pinned down he released his venom onto the Wendingo ultimately killing it. He passed out from exertion.

Allure was moving as fast as she could through the trees to reach the Rocking Lakes, She knew she was close once the fog and misty air set in, She arrived at the lake and the entire lake was a grey ghost color from all the mist and fog. It was noiseless and lifeless, the water sat calmly and the spook grey gave off an eerie vibe.

The waters began to sway, and up from it came the Lady of the Lake, Anahita, The Lady of the Lake was an enchantress with beautiful silver hair. She wore a gown of white samite.

Once she was fully visible floating over the lake Allure could see she was accompanied by small water sprites. She is known to be good nor evil but was a good friend to Allure.

Allure knew of the abilities she had and that only she could assist her with saving Mr.Crane.

Anahita, had the magical ability to create and control water, Conjuring a “water mirror”

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