» Fantasy » Dark Shadows, Tynessia Lett [i have read the book TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Shadows, Tynessia Lett [i have read the book TXT] 📗». Author Tynessia Lett

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Black Crows

′A crow caws.

It’s dark.

I’m alone.

I can’t help but wonder
Is this a foreshadow

of death .

There’s a cold dark corner
in the back of my room,

it speaks to me
and says I’m coming for you.'


“Morning Grams”, Blair shouted from the steps as she made her way down into the kitchen.

Grams was standing over the stove cooking breakfast. She was a feisty antique lady, fine-boned with long gray dandelion hair. Her caramel skin was glowing from the little sunlight that was shining through the kitchen window.

Her heart-shaped face covered with light brown spots wrinkled and wise lined with experience and wisdom that curved into a smile as she turned to face Blair.

“Good morning B”, Grams smiled warmly.

Ever since Blair was a little girl, Grams called her B. When she was seven years old she was involved in a tragic accident that took the lives of her parents. Blair was also in the car but only suffered a memory loss of her previous life. As far as she could remember she has always lived with her Grams.

B grabbed a bruised red apple out of the fruit basket on the kitchen table and approached her grandmother from behind hugging her tightly and kissing her on the cheek.“The food smells amazing Grams, but you know I can’t eat anything this morning, I’m already running late to school.”

Throwing her backpack across her shoulder “This apple should be enough” she said walking out the door.

B got halfway out the kitchen when Grams grab a hold of her hand “Remember to come straight home!....Where is your necklace?” she whispered concernedly.

Grams had given B a necklace with a Cat’s-Eye stone when she was seven and told her to never, under any circumstances take it off.B did as she was told and over the years she never removed the necklace. She cherished it because it belonged to her mother. Although she didn’t remember her parents, it felt good to have something so personal that belonged to her mother.“I’m always wearing my necklace don’t worry, ” B winked her eye at Grams and left for school.

Grams sighed relief as she let go of B’s hand. Grams was standing in the doorway way and noticed a black crow sitting on the mailbox and two other ones in the yard, cawing away. The wind picked up and an uneasy feeling went through her body, giving her chills she quickly closed the door.

Grams knew seeing the crows in the yard meant death was near. With a racing heartbeat and sweaty palms, she hurried to her bedroom reaching under her bed pulling out a large black book.

The cover of the book read The Blackwell Grimoire. She grabbed the book and hastened back downstairs. The number of crows in the yard had doubled. Grams clenched her chest as it filled with heaviness. Tingling sensations went through her hands, feet, legs, and arms. The uneasy feeling she had was urging her to get the book to safety because of unknown events that may take place.

The Cat's Eye Stone

'Something sinister this way comes

Ominous clouds have gathered overhead

Un-kept rhythm of beating drums

Relentless feeling of unnerving dread

A sense of evil lurking around

The air filled with violent vibrationsVicious vortex with an evil eye'

Blair arrived at school and waited at her locker for her best friend Maeve. As she waited she opened her locker to gather her books for first period when she caught her reflection in the small mirror hanging on the door of her locker. Her curls dark as midnight fell into her face. She ran her finger across her face to tuck the hair behind her ear. Her hands ran from her face down to her neck against her soft sun-kissed skin, as she gazed into her deep cinnamon brown eyes all she could see was mystery and wonder.

Blair suddenly came to with a waving hand in her face and a familiar voice “Blairrrr...Hey, Blair” Maeve laughed. Maeve was a petite slender girl with blonde straw-like hair that dropped around pale cheeks stopping at her shoulders. Her icy blue eyes and brown freckles along her cheeks uniquely placed made her one of kind.

When Maeve approached Blair, She was overly excited about something her lips spread wide across her face exposing all of her perfectly aligned teeth.“Omg, I just saw Matt Durham and he is looking hotter than he was yesterday, is that even possible? Maeve said as she looped her arm around Blair’s arm and they began to walk down the hallway.

" Your obsession with this guy is a bit alarming” Blair laughed.

" It’s more than an obsession, it’s love, Blair. I think I love him” Maeve said with a straight face.

Matt Durham was one of the popular boys in school. He was captain of the football team and Maeve had been obsessed with him since the fifth grade. She never had any courage to say anything to him because he was already in a relationship with the biggest bitch in the school Heather Stonewall. Just then Matt and Heather were hugged up coming down the hallway.“What does he see in her? Maeve said with a sullen look on her face. ”

Maybe he likes the evil bitch that she is, everybody has a type you know,” Blair said in a sarcastic tone.

“One of these days he is going to realize he belongs with me until then I have to suffer the immediate stomach sickness I get at the sight of them together.”Maeve grabbed her stomach and placed a hand over her mouth as if she was going to vomit. She ran into the girl’s bathroom.

Blair was approached from behind by her longtime friend and next-door neighbor Liam Edge. “I waited as long as I could for you this morning, but as usual you never come out on time,” Liam said leaned up against the wall.

“I overslept again, sorry”. Blair said shrugging her shoulders.

“Let me guess you’re standing outside the girl’s bathroom because the royal couple strikes again and sent Maeve puking at the sight of them.” Liam Laughed.

Blair laughs and pushes the bathroom door open to check on Maeve ” Hey Maeve, are you ok?”

Liam steps in front of Blair pushes the bathroom down ajar and teases Maeve “Hey Maeve, you need help. I know a great psychiatrist that will do wonders for your mental state.”

They both laugh and await Maeve to come from the bathroom. When she finally does they all head to class.

While sitting in class Blair was trying her hardest to stay focus but she couldn’t help but stare out the window lost in thought. She looked out the window black crows were filling the schoolyard. Blair suddenly got hazy and her eyes began to roll to the back of her head.

She was twirling her necklace with the cat’s eye stone between her fingers. Something was urging her to remove the necklace. She could hear a low and deep growl, that sent a cold chill down her spine.

“BLAIR! , BLAIR!, BLAIR!” she immediately snapped back into reality to see that class was over and everyone except her and her friends were left in the classroom.

Maeve had her hands on Blair shoulder’s “You ok, I’ve been trying to wake you for about five minutes now”.

Five minutes, Blair couldn’t explain to Maeve what had just happened or the chilling feeling that had come over her. She stood up in an awkward rush dropping her books and when she bent down to pick the books up her necklace was caught on the edge of the desk, it ripped off as she stood back up.“Oh, shit” Blair caught the necklace in her hands as it fell from her neck.

Liam grabbed it from her hands ” Your mother’s necklace, I always thought this thing was indestructible ” he gave it back to Blair.No biggie, just buy a new chain from the jewelry store or replace the whole necklace all together problem solved.” Liam said picking up the rest of Blair books from the floor.

Blair clinched the necklace in her hands “This is a Cat’s Eye Stone, it’s not easily found Liam” she snapped. “Besides even if I could replace it this is the one my mother owned it wouldn’t hold the same value.” Blair stuck the necklace in her pocket and walked away. As soon as the necklace broke Blair had such an overwhelming feeling of uneasiness. She just wanted to go home.

Dark Shadow

'The night creeps to me in my darkest of dreams

Death waits at the door

The Dark Shadow of life

Of the present and the past

Haunting your dreams
Your future is cast'


Blair arrived back home and she was so upset about her necklace she was almost afraid to tell her Grams about it because she didn’t want her to be disappointed.

All she could hear was her Grams saying to never under any circumstances remove the necklace. Only she didn’t remove it, it broke. Which was weird because the necklace had withstood other incidents where it should have broken or come off and it didn’t. What was so different about today.“Hey Grams, I’m home.” Blair dropped her bag in the living room on the sofa and continued to call out for her Grams.

She checked in the kitchen, the bathroom, the basement and lastly upstairs. Grams wasn’t anywhere in the house to be found. Blair didn’t think anything of it she decided to tell her Grams about the necklace later and just head upstairs to do her homework. As time went by it was approaching 9:00 pm and Grams still wasn’t home yet.

“Grams, Where are you?” Blair whispered as she looked out her bedroom window.

The sky was an eerie black and the wind was blowing ferociously. Just than looking out her windowpane she saw what looked like a person standing in front of her house. She couldn’t tell if she was seeing things or if someone was there.

She wiped her eyes and looked with a slight squint. The person was gone. Blair was completely freaked out and decided to call her Grams cell to see when she would be coming home.

Grams cell phone rang and rung with no answer. Blair left her a voicemail urging her to call her as soon as possible, she was beginning to worry. It was 10:30 pm and Blair

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