» Fantasy » My New Family, Ameris C [books for new readers txt] 📗

Book online «My New Family, Ameris C [books for new readers txt] 📗». Author Ameris C

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also inbetween them, but he was facing Jake. "Enough Jacob," Jake stopped but his face was red under his dark skin with anger. Renesmee put the back of her hand on Jake's face, which made him turn to her. Her eyes pleading silently, he nodded and they took off out the door. "Bella, I am sorry for Jacob's behavior but he has a point," The feeling of calm flooded the room and everyone relaxed. "I know I'm sorry too, but I don't think its a very good idea right now,"
"okay we will explain later then. Seth you can take Lizzie home, we have things to explain here,"
"Bye Lizzie,"
"Bye Lizz,"
"See ya Lizzie," Everyone said good bye to me as Seth and I left. He walked me to a car I havent seen yet. When we got to my house the door was unlocked and he opened it. Not wanting to be rude I invited him in. "Do you wanna come in?"
"Sam and Jake really need me right now,"
"Oh come on,"
"okay," I led him to the kitchen, but he put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me. "What?"
"Shh," he hushed me and ran up the stairs, I followed, "What are you doing,"
"Wait," he ran down the hall to Aunt Jesse's room, "She might be asleep," he opened the door. Blood. I smelled blood, "Seth!" I didn't black out because my aunt's body lay white and broken on the floor. I gasped and couldn't find a way to breathe, tears blurred my vision. "Seth!" I sobbed falling to my knees next to her. "Sam, tell the Cullens to get to Lizzie's house now," he waited a second to listen "There was an accident," he bent down beside me, "Lizzie its okay,"
"Shes gone Seth! Shes gone! She left me!" my cheeks were wet but I put my face in my hands anyway. When Carlisle told Alice to get me down to the living room, I didn't look up. I couldnt bare to see Aunt Jesse's eyes dead and dark. All the light and excitment drained from her face, the part of my brain that was conquered by self-preservation was happy that it wasn't me, but my heart wanted to trade her life for mine. Bella and Alice sat on either side of me on the couch, both of them giving rensurrences that everything in alright and that if I needed a place to stay I could live with them. I finally passed out, leaning on Bella's shoulder. I dreamed of Aunt Jesse and me on the beach in Pheonix, splashing each other with the salt water and building sand castles. I woke up and my eyes were puffy and dry. I sat up and wrapped my arms around my legs. There was a knock at my door. I knew I was being stupid but I hoped it was Aunt Jesse, alive and as happy as ever. "Come in," I mumbled, Bella stuck her head through the door. She opened it and slipped in closing it behind her. "Are you okay?"
"Is my aunt in the living room?" she deliberated and then shook her head. "Then no I'm not okay,"
"Seth wants to talk to you,"
"okay," She walked out and Seth walked in. He sat on the end of my bed. "Lizzie, I know how you feel,"
"My dad died of a heart attack a couple years ago,"
"I'm so sorry,"
"No its okay, I got through it, but I really didn't have anyone to help me,"
"don't you have a sister and a mom?"
"Yea but my sister is really- well she doesnt express feelings very well, and my mom, she spent so much time with Charlie she was hardly home,"
"Oh is your mom's name Sue?"
"Yea how did you know?"
"Well Aunt Jesse- I heard it somewhere," I turned my head to the side so he couldn't see the swell of tears on the rim of my eyes. I turned back to him when I thought they were gone but one betrayed me and fell. He wiped it away with his thumb, he was closer to my face then I thought, his brown eyes shined with understanding, my breath shuttered slightly and I leaned back a little and half laughed. "Here I am crying in front of you again,"
"Its okay,"
"No its really not, I'm not use to crying in front of people,"
"Well don't consider me a regular person consider me just a regular friend,"
"okay," he half smiled and stood up. He held out his hand, I took it and stood up. We walked out of my room, down the stairs, and into the living room. Where Bella, Renesmee, Alice, Jake, Edward and Jasper sat. The too small room looked even smaller where the six of them sitting there. Alice's, Bella's, and Jake's eye flickered to Seth's and my hands. We pulled away at the same time and looked away. Bella's face lit with a small smile. "So Lizzie, are you going to stay here or do you want us to move your stuff to our house?" Alice asked.
"Umm, I don't really know I guess I'll try to keep the house as long as possible,"
"We'll help," Alice volentured.
"You don't have to really I can get a job,"
"Too late,"
"I'm not taking your money!"
"Like I said too late,"
"What did you do?"
"Well, I payed the bills already and put a couple a thousand dollars in your bank,"
"Kay," I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. "Do you guys want anything?" I yelled to them. I heard five sarcastic voices saying no, but two of them said yes. "Come here then," Jake walked in first followed by Seth. "What do you guys want? Food, a drink?"
"Doesn't matter,"
"Well then help yourselves," They began to rummage the kitchen while I just fixed a bowl of cereal. I went and sat at one of the avalible arm chairs in the living room and began to eat. "So anything new? You know besides me getting unwanted money," I asked between spoonfuls, "Lizzie since you want to keep the house then we are setting up a scedual to keep watch," Edward began.
"You guys don't have too, I mean you guys would be bored anyway,"
"Well its to keep you safe while we look for your guest," I shuttered at the last word. "Guys people die all the time is alright its not like he'll come back,"
"This isn't a regular- What I mean is it was no regular person," My mind tried to wrapped around the idea, until it came up with an answer. Aunt Jesse was killed by a vampire. "What if you guys get hurt?"
"Don't worry Lizz, I know, we will not get hurt," Bella said. "okay when does it start?"
"Around three in the afternoon, one of us will stay the rest will go and help,"
"okay." I whispered, kind of frightened. I put my bowl in the sink and went upstairs. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. Once I blow dried my hair I put it into a simple ponytail and began to brush my teeth. I went to my bedroom and picked out a pair of long black jeans and a retro rock t-shirt. I didn't realize how much time had past, it was two forty-seven. When I went down stairs Bella and Seth were the only ones there. "They wanted to get an early start, Seth volentured to take the first watch." She had the same tiny smile on her face that she did this morning. After she left Seth and I were watching TV. "Do you think they will be okay?" I asked after a couple minutes. "Yea with Jake and Sam I think they will be alright,"
"I'm kind of hungry do you want anything?"
"Sure," The truth was I was sick to my stomach. He followed me back into the kitchen. "What do you want?" I asked as I turned my attention to the cabinets. Since he said he would basicly eat anything I decided to cook dinner. When we sat down in the living room the news was on. "Another murder unsolved, Chief Swan talks to us about it," The reporter said in one of the fake voices. I put my plate on the coffee table and got up, I ran back to the kitchen. I heard Seth set his plate down. I went to the window and looked out it, not knowing what else to do. "Its going to be alright," I spun around and came face to face with Seth. How can he move so quietly? "How is it going to be alright? Everything I love is gone!"
"You still have the Cullens and us, we will help you, no matter what happens,"
"Thanks Seth,"
"So what do you want to do?"
"I don't know," we went and sat in the living room again. We watched the TV in silents until light fast foot steps sounded up stairs. Seth jumped up quicker then I could and handed me a phone, "Call Bella," and then he was gone. I quickly dialed the number and ran after him. "Bella Seth said to call you! I don't know why but he did!"
"We'll be there," and then the phone went dead. Seth was in my room's doorway. "Do you like this room?" he asked suddenly, pushing me behind him. "Why?"
"Just stay back," he leaped forward and suddenly a giant wolf was in front of me. My mouth hung open. I heard a quickly chuckle behind me and then a cold hand was on my shoulder. I gasped and turned around. "don't worry, Alice will redo it," Bella said from behind me. Esme was behind her and led me down the stairs, out the door and into the shiny silver Volvo. Carlisle was behind the stirring wheel, talking to Emmett through an open window. "Track him as far as fifty miles, if you cant catch him by then come back,"
"Sure thing," And then he dissapeared. Alice was a few feet from the road talking to Rosalie. Jasper, Emmett, Alice, and Edward made up the first hunting party, while Carlisle, Esme, Bella, Rosalie, and Renesmee. Seth and the werewolves were going to split in half, one to protect La Push- the werewolf base, you could call it- and then the other half is to help protect me. I was taken back to their house and was to stay there for a while. No school, no going anywhere with out one of them, nothing dangerous at all because of what happened at the beach. Callie called a few times, as did Amber and Alex. Im going to the movies with them, but I have to bring one of my 'protectors' I chose Renesmee, but because she is half human and half vampire- which would explain her pale red face and her being as warm as Jake or Seth- I had to bring one other person. But Jake was going seperatly with Renesmee, so I brought Seth. "Hey Lizzie," Callie greeted me. "Hey, so what movie are we going to see?"
"We are dead-locked, we're tied between two... Alex wants to see the new 'Death' movie and Amber and I want to see 'The Host'"
"'The Host' sounds cool,"
"Alex and I made a bet that you would either say 'The Host' or 'Death' and I won, he has to buy my ticket."
"Yea, yea," Alex bought her ticket and his, Amber went next, Seth and I, and last Renesmee and Jake. Callie had to go to the bathroom so I went with her. I rebrushed my hair. "So you have a boyfriend?" She asked while she washed her hands. "No, he's just my friend,"
"Oh please, you
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