» Fantasy » My New Family, Ameris C [books for new readers txt] 📗

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will be meeting in Seattle in two days. You might want that time to prepare yourself."
"What do you mean?" I asked. What sould be so dad that I might have to prepare? "Many of the soldiers we have recruited are newborns, like yourself. You have felt the anger and the fear of this life. They feel it too, it makes everyone irritable. So prepare you're self. Goodbye." The phone hung up and I just stood there. How would I prepare? I mean it wan't humans but other vampires. With my strength and speed, maybe they even have a gift that they could use against me. What had Carlisle said about animal blood? It keep you strong enough to resist human blood, but not as strong as a vampire that drinks human blood. A though dawns on me. If I switch to human blood, then I would be the strongest. No. I won't do that to my family, I will not destroy the process I have not even started for a battle. Prepare.

Candice's POV

"What did I say?" Justin screamed at us. I snarled in defence, along with a few others. "If Master Vladimir was here, he would be harsher on you then I am. We have only a simple two days to train well enough to get to Seattle. Then we have to have the patients to be able to get accepted. If we do not do that! Then we may as well all not have been created." He contiued his rant. "He's talking to you, May." Alora snickered. I hissed at her, and looked pitifully at May. She lowered her head and her dark hair fell over her eyes. I saw her shake her head slightly. "Get over yourself Candice." Alora hissed at me. "This is what I mean! You don't understand the importance of this!" Justin screamed. We all became quiet. "Are you guys ready for this?" He asked, his voice more controlled. "Yes." We all agreed together. "Are we going to be gods?"
"Yes!" We all said with more enthusiasm. He smiled then. "Good. Get ready, we leave tonight. If you get left behind, you will be rejected if you come alone." He walked out the door, into the cloud-filled sky. I went over to May, who had moved to the corner of the room. "Don't worry, Alora is just a jerk. You'll get use to her." May is the youngest of us all, in real age and in vampire age. She just turned fourteen and ran away from her home. She was getting abused by her parents. She wondered in to the warehouse we were staying at and she had four bites. She's one of those vampires that has a gift. But she doesn't use it. At all. She can force people to the ground or against a wall or something. Like a weight is on you and you fell like your about to explode. She doesn't speak much either. "What ever," She mutters and slids down to sit on the floor. "Oh poor May! I have a knife, you can cut yourself with it." Alora sneers. She's pushed up against the wall with so much force she breaks all the way through. She snarls and stomps back in here. "Your a little bi-" She begins, but she hurtled through the wall again. Well I guess she uses her power more then I thought. Alora returns to her 'group' and begins snarling about us. "Back at 'cha," May mumbles. "What should we do?" I asked, she shrugged. "Hunting?" She shakes her head. Just then, her eyes fly to the opening door. n comes through. He makes his way towards us, casting a warning glance at the 'group' staring at him. May smiled- she only smiles around Dylan, no one else. Just him- and stood up next to him. Justin comes through the door, a terrified expression on his face, ramming the door off it's hinges. "Get ready." He stutters and flys back out the door. We all follow him. Standing in front of the abandoned house, is a beautiful blonde woman.

Lizzie's POV

So many vampires. But only five of them have gifts. The strongest of them comes from a black haired girl behind everyone else. A guy three years older then me comes to stand infront of everyone. Why did I follow that scent? "Lady Elizabeth. You have come?" His question threw me off guard. Lady Elizabeth? He knew my name, and obviously what I looked like. Vladimir. "Yes. Who are you?" I sounded more confident then I felt, which surprised me further. "I am Justin Mandice, I am the leader of this squad of soldiers." Yup. Definaly Vladimir. "They look unorginized." I stated, sounding professional. His face became sullen. "I have been trying hard to work on their strengths more then the way I present them." He looks over the ten vampires in a messy line. "I suppose you are presenting them to Master Vladimir?" Master. Please, I could rule this whole thing. "Yes, and Master Stefan, if I might add."
"Master Stefan? Why have I not heard of him? What role does he play in this?"
"Master Stefan has been working with Master Vladimir for thousands of years. You might nothave heard about him because Master Vladimir doesn't mention him much. Congradulations, by the way." Congradulations? Am I going on a vacation? Ha! "Congradulations on what?"
"Master Vladimir mentioned that you two are- close partners." Oh boy. Does Vladimir really already know that? Like I said before. I will not fall for it. "Not that close. You mentioned strengths, who is your strongest soldier?" He looks back over his group and his eyes land on the black-haired girl and a strong brown haired boy, about seventeen. "I have two. The phycally strongest is Jaden Maarkets, but the one with the strongest gift is May Beniss."
"Yes, but who is the strongest?" I saw the boy named Jaden glare at the girl and then Justin. "May is." I nod as if I care and then stare at her. Jaden glared at the girl again and then at me. I smiled at him. "So you think you are the strongest? Jaden?" He snarles at me and nods. "Strong enough to beat May?" He nods again. But then I hear another snarl. A boy with the same crow-black hair as May was pushing her behind him. "Cafeful. I won't let anything happen to the girl." I promised. May murmured something to him so quietly I couldn't hear. He nodded once but opened his mouth to say something. She shook her head and stepped from behind him. "He will not win." She spoke only above a mumble. Jaden snarled and stepped forward. They faced off. Jaden crouched, while May just stood still. Jaden began to charge at her, but five feet away, he suddenly smashed into the ground. You could hear the air exit his lungs. He struggled against the girl's gift. May was staring at me, even though the boy on the ground still remained motionless. "You failed, Jaden, this little girl could beat you so easily. Do you think you could face me, young one?" I felt powerful when I knew I could beat her. I was speaking like I was from the olden days. She nodded. "I know I can." She stated. "Very well," I stepped in front of her. When I didn't crouch, she looked at me confused. I shrugged. "Do you think you could take over the world with that gift if you tried?" She nodded. "Do you like to use your gift?"
"No," She answered simply. "But you seem to enjoy the results it brings." She shrugs, "I like to fell power."
"Your gift is greatly powerful. You should use it more often." I fell the crushing force of it now. It forces me to the ground. I fell like I'm being crushed by a bus. I focus on the girl and her gift. Taking only half of it, I am able to get up on my knees. She's smiling, but as I rise, her smile falls and turns into a frown. "Gifts come at a price, if you abuse it, someone is always there to show you how it feels on the other end." I take it all, and she drops to her knees. I stand. The boy with the black hair snarls and rushes at me. I use her gift on him and he falls to the ground. Everyone gasps as I walk over to the girl and pick her up. Another girl that is close to seventeen is just staring at me, confused. I walk up to her, "Is this your sister?" I ask her. She shakes her head and her light red curls bounce around her face. "She's a close friend." I hand May of to the girl. I give her back her gift and the boy jumps off the ground at the same time May sucks in a breath. "You may want to organize yourselves better, Master Vladimir will only be choosing a very few of all of the small groups. Goodbye." I nodded and left, wondering if everything I said was correct. So little time until I get to Seattle. I had one concern. What would the wolves think? I was doing well in hunting acually. But if someone offered me a golden wine glass full of human blood, it would be hard to decline. Never know what 'Master' Vladimir will say or do next. Maybe we'll be married next? Oh boy, I may acually enjoy that idea. Scary. But the vision, it is so... real. I search the nearby houses and streets for vampires with gifts. But I come up with only dim burning lights for humans with vampire gifts. I wonder if I bring a vampire who is trained and has a gift is Vladimir would be put out with me? You only know if you try. I wonder if Bella is worried, or if Alice is searching for my future. Or if Esme is sad because I left. Or if Emmett is getting on everyones' nerves. If I create another vampire, would Carlisle be dissapointed with me? I didn't know the answer. They told me they loved me, was that love unconditional? I knew that answer. No, they loved me for me. I picked out the brightest dim light. A girl who was fifteen, she was coming home from a place. She didn't look like the popular type. I followed her home and felt like a stalker. Just as she walked in her door, a woman began to scream at her. "Where have you been?" The woman screamed at her. "Out!" The girl screamed back. Wow. I was never like that with Aunt Jesse. "With that jock? You know he already gotten a girl knocked-up! And I swear if you try anything like that I'll send you to Alaska!" Where she can met a vampire family. "I'll run away before you could! And I already broke up with that jerk!" She screamed and another door slammed shut. I heard something open. A sliding glass door maybe? A window? I don't know but the smell of achohol made me want to vomit. "Don't you slam this door!" The intoxicated woman screamed, and I heard slamming sound against wood. An almost silent snapping sound came from the second floor. Human contact was heard. A sharp smack on skin rang out. I'm surprised the cops haven't shown up yet. "Ouch!" Another slappng sound echoed after. I pictured the girl getting beaten and it made me sick. I hated child abusers. I went to the side of the house and spied a window. Out of the right corner of the window, I saw figures moving. The house was paneled with pretty white. I didn't realize until I found myself at the window, I could just jump
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