» Fantasy » A Life Beyond, Mark Church [the beginning after the end read novel .txt] 📗

Book online «A Life Beyond, Mark Church [the beginning after the end read novel .txt] 📗». Author Mark Church

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one..' Daniel said under his breath as he looked as lost as he had ever felt before, not knowing what was going to happen now but judging by Tobias’s reaction he knew it couldn't be a bad thing,

'And finally….DawnFall' the King said as he smiled broadly at the remaining class standing in front of him and the last of the teachers 'now seeing as we have a new pupil who knows nothing of this castle or just how special it is a collective... feel that the only room we could give you all would be one of enormous importance, not only to the school but to the people of this fine land itself, that is why we have allocated you the dormitory of….' as the suspense built up regarding their room Tobias was standing there, eyes closed and clamping his hands together as if praying while muttering to himself over and over again 'shadow blaze...shadow blaze…shadow blaze' Daniel just looked at him with an expression that shouted ‘what's he doing??’, Tobias was starting to turn a darker shade of red as he clenched his hands together tighter and tighter,

'Fruitcake..' laughed Daniel as he thought it was funny seeing someone as excited and desperate at the same time.

'Shadow Blaze!!!!' the King finally said as Tobias opened his eyes and let go the biggest smile he could muster,

'YESSSSSSS' he shouted, punching the air as he said it, not really that bothered by anyone else around him but just so excited that he had been allocated the best dormitory this castle had to offer 'I can't believe it Daniel!!!....I've only ever dreamed of this' he said as he looked at Daniel who didn't know where to look as he watched Tobias turn even weirder than he had seen already, 'aren't you excited too??' he said as Daniel just stood there not knowing what was actually going on,

'Yay…' Daniel said meekly as he half-heartedly lifted his arms up with clenched fists 'Shadow Blaze...Is that a good thing??' he asked as he felt numerous pairs of eyes now staring in his direction,

'Why’s the most sought after dormitory in the castle' the King had decided that he needed to explain further to his grandson about the room itself 'you see my boy, this room has housed some of the finest warriors ever seen on the battlefield, before they were warriors I mean, this room has helped forge hundreds of friendships and produce countless champions who have all gone on to join our Army so for you select few to be given the chance to room here is one of the biggest honours ever bestowed on such a young class, so I expect you all to knuckle down and work as hard as you have ever done' the King winked in Daniel's direction when he had finished his speech causing Daniel to smile which put him at ease slightly as he stood there alongside the rest of the excited class, 'Lady Willo, would you be so kind as to escort the class to their new dormitory please'

'Yes my King, I shall take them right away' Lady Willo replied as she walked over to the door shepherding the children as she went 'Come on children let's go, it's rather a long walk to your dormitory'

'Oh Lady Willo...would you mind if I had a quick word with this young boy here?, I want to make sure he understands what's going on' said the King as he pulled Daniel back from the crowd,

'Not a problem at all my King, shall I come back for him soon?' asked Lady Willo,

'That won't be necessary, I shall escort him to the dormitory very soon, I only need a few minutes of his time' the King said as he turned and walked Daniel back to the front of the room just as the door slammed shut behind them.

'Sit down my boy' smiled the King as he patted his hand on the seat next to where he had sat down, Daniel sat right next to his grandfather and looked right into his eyes as he stared at his face,

'So what is going on then if you don't mind me asking?' Daniel said, his attention was taken away by the sound of the Kings Chamber door being opened and in stepped his father Lord Casborn and Garin, Daniel's face lit up as he saw his father standing there with a huge smile on his face,

'Daniel…' Lord Casborn smiled as he threw out his arms wide which

when Daniel saw that he ran to him and jumped right into his arms, 'whoa...steady Daniel, you nearly knocked me off my feet, ha-ha' as they stood there embracing each other the King sat back smiling as he watched his family looking happy,

'We are complete…' he muttered under his breath happily, 'now Daniel, as I was saying, the reason I kept you back was for nothing in particular, I just wanted to get your thoughts on the day so far, don't look so worried' the King laughed out loud as he could see Daniel was still looking nervous around him, 'come, come, sit right here with me' as Daniel looked up at his father he received a huge smile back from him,

'It's ok son, I'll be right here' Lord Casborn walked Daniel up to the front of the room again, only the sound of soldiers walking past could be heard from outside the door, Garin kept watch so that they weren't interrupted,

'Sire, the corridors are clear now' he said shutting the door behind him and clicking the lock into place,

'Now Daniel…' the King started 'what are your thoughts on the first day here?, I can understand how daunting this must be for you, oh and your sister also, but I hope we have been able to integrate you in gently to the school and without anyone knowing who you actually are'

'It's been a weird day' said Daniel as he rubbed his head 'I don't really know what the heck is actually going on, it's been crazy since we got here really, feels like my feet haven't touched the ground'

'I can assure you the days will get easier my boy, we just needed to see how you reacted to this day before we decided what steps to take next, but I can see that you seemed to have coped better than we thought, wouldn't you agree son?' the King turned his head in Lord Casborns direction,

'I would agree there father, I mean the feedback from Garin has been invaluable, Daniel...we had Garin follow you around but from a safe distance just so we could watch how you interact with the children and teachers, and I must say they have had nothing but good things to say, we always get a class report sent to us at the end of each day just so we can keep tabs on how everyone is coping within the school itself' Lord Casborn smiled at his son and placed a hand on his shoulder as he spoke softly to him,

'Oh ok...I guess' replied Daniel as he stared at the ground looking slightly embarrassed by what was going on,

'Oh no need to look like that my son, you and your sister are coming along fine, but your friend is a bit….odd' laughed Lord Casborn 'I mean one minute he's as dedicated as I have ever seen anyone on their first day then the next minute he's as crazy as a HornBill, I really can't figure him out yet',

'So why else am I here?' asked Daniel as he still seemed to be not getting the real reason for him being kept back 'I don't think your telling me everything'

'Daniel...when the time is right I will reveal all to you, but let me just say that as things stand we have nothing to worry about, your future will be whatever it becomes, but if all goes as I anticipated then the future of this land will be in safe hands and the Bells shall not fall anymore!!' the King said defiantly as he stood up straight and smiled at his grandson who was sitting on the chair still, 'Now as you are aware for things to go as they need to we cannot let anyone know of your connection to our family otherwise that will have a major impact on whatever is going to happen from now on'

'I haven't said anything to anyone yet, and I'm sure Lillie hasn't either….' said Daniel, suddenly his eyes widened slightly as if alarmed

'Oh there was this one woman who guessed who I was, just after we arrived here…', a look of panic spread across the faces of the King, Lord Casborn and Garin at hearing this news,

'Oh and what did this woman look like?' asked Lord Casborn

'I can't really remember much…' Daniel sat there racking his brains for any information he could think of 'Oh...she was wearing this huge red and blue cloak I think'

'Oh...I think I know who that is sire!!' Garin said 'there's only one person who wears such bright colours on her person...Ruby Cloven...the woman with a thousand personalities, I'm sure our secret will be safe if it is her that you spoke to' laughed Garin as he stepped away from the door and down towards the front of the room 'so my King as all seems well so far shall I escort young Daniel to his dormitory?'

'Yes Garin thank you that would be most helpful…' smiled the King 'and Daniel...remember you must not tell a soul, I shall speak with your sister very soon and make sure she is feeling welcomed, but for now you must go and join the rest of your class at Shadow Blaze dormitory, I can assure you that we shall not interfere in anything you do, any decision you make or any act you see fit to carry out, this is your time and your place and I….we need you to develop as you intend to, enjoy your time here my boy and don't allow yourself to be swayed by a wrong decision or something that might endanger you or your sister, ok?'

'No problem. I’ll do my best to do the right thing by you all, and father...Lillie and me are so happy we have found you, I just wish mum was here to see this' replied Daniel a little downhearted as he stood up from his seat and headed towards the door with Garin.

'Do not worry about what ‘has been’ but focus on ‘what will be’ my child, every situation has a solution and I'm sure you will figure out what is best, but for now go with Garin and take your place in the dormitory with the other children who will be waiting patiently' the King smiled Daniel as he joined him at the door, he knelt down in front of him and placed his arms around his grandson, instantly putting Daniel back at ease,

'I believe you will fulfil your potential and go on to do great things my boy but to achieve that you must be ready to face whatever challenges come your way and not give into the evil that surrounds this place, but….I'm sure you will succeed in whatever it is you do, so go with Garin and...Daniel….' the King said,

'Yes grandfather??' replied Daniel curiously,

'Go become YOU!!' laughed the King as Daniel smiled and set off out of the door with Garin at his side, off they walked to the other side of the castle where Lady Willo and the other members of his class were waiting patiently for him to arrive,

'Ahhhh there you are Daniel' Lady Willo said as she smiled broadly at Daniel who went and stood with Tobias just at the entrance to the dormitory door, 'this is the bit I enjoy the most' she smiled as she clapped her hands together in excitement, she clapped her hands and the dormitory doors flung open wide, all the children gasped as they were greeted with

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