» Fantasy » A Life Beyond, Mark Church [the beginning after the end read novel .txt] 📗

Book online «A Life Beyond, Mark Church [the beginning after the end read novel .txt] 📗». Author Mark Church

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won't be seen by anyone else' Lady Willo smiled at her class once again,

'Ohhhh sort of a parallel universe type thing, oh I like the sound of that' smiled Daniel broadly, 'so what about if we need to leave the room and the person is still inside?, what happens then?'

'Well absolutely nothing, it will be as if you are in two separate rooms so you can come and go as you please without fear of anyone interrupting you or your studies, does that answer your questions sufficiently children?' Lady Willo said as she started to walk towards the window at the end of the room,

'Absolutely spot on Lady Willo' beamed Tobias as he stood there proudly, Daniel stood there behind him mimicking what he was doing which caused the rest of the class to laugh at Tobias,

'Calm down children!!, and Tobias thank you for your excellent manners as usual, I think you may find a few more points added to your total before the day is out!' Lady Willo said as she started walking towards the door. As she reached the door she turned round to watch as the children were still looking in awe of the room they were in, a few of them had wandered off to have a look around while the rest just seemed to stand close to the central table,

'Go explore my children' said Lady Willo softly, she opened the door and smiled at the thought of knowing just what they had achieved with this room, she knew that the future would be one filled with everything good as long as the group of children carried on this path.

The door slammed shut behind them and the children were left to get acquainted properly, some of them had been friends for a very long time but others were as new as Daniel felt even though he had Tobias hanging off him plus Harvey and Lillie were somewhere close by,

'This room is spectacular!!' said Daniel as he ran his fingers across the huge wooden table top 'I could do with a drink though, I'm so thirsty…' no sooner had he finished what he was saying when all of a sudden the glasses on the table filled up on their own with water,

'D...did you just see that??' said Daniel pointing at the now filled cups 'they filled themselves I'm sure of it!!', Tobias turned towards Daniel and questioned what he had just seen,

'Err Daniel, I'm sure they were like that when we came in here' he replied,

'Well watch this then…' as Daniel picked up one of the glasses and drank the contents in one go, placing the empty glass back on the table after he had finished 'Ahhhh that's better...' he said 'now refill this glass please' the glass started to fill up again causing a small crowd to gather to watch what was happening,

'Oh wow!!' said a voice in the crowd,

'We've got a magic room guys!!' shouted another as gasps filled the air, every child in the room feeling even more excited at this latest new thing they had discovered,

'See Tobias...told you I wasn't seeing things, now who's the clever one eh!!' Daniel laughed as he playfully pushed Tobias on the arm,

'Oh I love this room even more now!!!' Tobias squealed with delight and clapped his hands together excitedly 'let's see what else it can do!!' rubbing his hands together as he surveyed the room for any other signs of magic,

'Oooo oooo oooo, I've got just the thing to ask….' as a twinkle appeared in the corner of his eye 'I'm so hungry now, who else is??'

'WE ALL ARE!!!' came the collective cry as all of a sudden the table filled with the most delightful feast, from end to end it was covered in every type of meat going, weird shaped fruits filled the surface of the table, drinks popped up from nowhere, napkins flying overhead before landing in front of the plates folded up in all sorts of odd shapes, the most glorious colours leapt up off the table like a rainbow streaking across the sky, all the children gasped as the food kept appearing from nowhere until finally the table had been filled, not a space was left on the table, the smell of the feast filled the nostrils of the children followed by a collective rumbling from thirty stomachs,

'!!' Tobias said as his jaw dropped down almost to the floor as his eyes bulged at the sight before him, as his eyes scoured the table of food he saw something out of the corner of his eye so flicked his head round to see Daniel had already sat down and was stuffing his face with all kinds of meat and fruits,

'Mmpphh...Gooood’ he mumbled as he crunched down on something as delicious as the last piece of food he had just eaten. Everyone just stared right at him as he kept on eating his way through a huge plate of food,

'What??...' Daniel said as he looked up to see his classmates just looking at him, totally taken in by the huge mound of food he was attempting to shove in his mouth 'come on guys tuck in…' he laughed as all of a sudden the whole class dragged their chairs out and laughed out loud as they also started to fill their plates with the feast laid out before them. Lady Willo poked her head back in the door and smiled as this was what she had wanted to see from her class, a unity amongst them all, them all getting along which would help them in the future, she stood there for a few seconds more just long enough for her to hear someone shout across the table in Daniel's direction,

'A massive thank you to Daniel I'd say for getting us all to sit together and getting us to speak to people we haven't spoken to before, something that I personally struggled with in the past, I hope that we can all become great friend's now, so Daniel you truly belong with us now in DawnFall' the voice came from Riley Ray, the smallest boy in the class and by far the shyest child,

'Thank you Daniel' came numerous voices from around the table

'Looking forward to what lies ahead with you' said another child sat at the far end of the table,

Lady Willo quietly shut the door behind her and felt a warm glow spread over her body 'Ahhhh Daniel…' she said 'it looks like this class is ready now...all thanks to you, that calls for extra points!!' as she walked off down the corridor softly singing to herself knowing that her class was coming together nicely.

As Tobias and Daniel sat there starting to talk like old friends and interacting with the rest of the class it seemed Harvey was just as popular in his dormitory, he seemed to be ordering everyone around as if he was in charge, the class of Muddy Bog had also figured out how to get food and had been given their pep talk by Mr Scoot so they felt excited about what lay ahead for them.

'Pontus I'd like a drink…' ordered Harvey to his closest ally, who whipped his head round quickly at being told to get Harvey a drink

'Get it yourself Harvey….I'm not your slave!!!' Pontus replied angrily,

'You will all be my day!!' he muttered under his breath softly,

'What did you say Harvey??' replied Pontus as he heard him quietly speak, Harvey shook his head, looked up at Pontus with a pair of confused eyes and replied,

'Eh??, I didn't say anything, I'm as confused as everyone else seems to be' Harvey pointed around the room at the other children who looked just as stumped by the beauty of this new room they had been left in, 'so anyway….what's that door for over there??' he continued as he then pointed to the door to the Acceleration Chamber which was adorned with the Titan Trinity badge of honour,

'Did you not hear what Mr Scoot said about it earlier Harvey?, which planet are you on!!' laughed Otto as he sniggered, causing a few of the others to join in,

'I didn't hear a thing' replied Harvey 'Must of been your stupid face putting me off Otto!!'. Pontus laughed out loud as Otto stood there looking angry, he stood up and pushed his chair back with his legs causing everyone to gasp, Otto then raised his hands up as he muttered something under his breath causing crackles of light to fill his hands 'I've had just about enough of you Ordie...time I taught you a lesson!!!' and with that he whipped his hands forward and shot the crackles of light at Harvey causing him to stagger backwards slightly but not actually doing him any harm,

'Wha...what's going on!!!' said Otto 'he should be fried by now...why aren't my powers working!!' angrily he slammed his hands against his legs which stopped the light from shooting out of his hands, Pontus noticed a withered looking parchment had appeared on the table in front of him, he picked it up and read it out loud for all to hear,


‘The room you occupy is free from harm,

There shall be no use of harmful powers,

Anyone attempting to use such evil will be

properly dealt with by the laws of the School,

This room is a non-harmful training room which

has been designed to allow you to practice your

own personal skill set without incident,

This room is your haven, be respectful to this room,




'Oh Otto, it looks like your powers are as useless as you are' laughed Pontus as he handed over the parchment for him to read,

'B...but that is so unfair!!!' he replied angrily before turning towards Harvey who seemed to be frozen in terror and was shaking uncontrollably 'your time will come Ordie...mark my words' and with that he slammed the paper down on the table and stormed off through one of the side doors, slamming it shut behind him. A loud crash could be heard from behind the door followed by an angry yell, the door flung back open and Otto appeared looking annoyed,

'It's a blooming cupboard…' he said as his face reddened with embarrassment which caused a lot of laughter to fill the room as he marched towards another door 'shut up you lot...or you'll be sorry' he continued ranting as he opened another door and walked through it, it closed behind him again and silence for a second until a door on the other side opened and he appeared again, now looking totally confused,

'What is going on here!!!' he whined as he could see he was back in exactly the same room as where he started 'this place is crazy!!, I need a sit down, my head hurts now!' Otto marched over to the seating at the end of the room and slumped down in a huge armchair, head in hands and muttering to himself as he sat there stewing. Harvey just stood there completely shocked and scared not knowing what to do, his eyes fixed on nowhere in particular as Pontus noticed him looking terrified, 'Harvey…' he said 'Harvey...are you in there?' as he moved his hand up and down in front of Harvey’s eyes which didn't flicker, then Pontus realised he needed to do something to snap him out of his trance so he slapped him hard round the face causing Harvey to scream out,

‘YEOWCH that hurt!!!...what are you doing??' he asked as he stood there rubbing his cheek gingerly,

'Sorry Harvey. But you were in some sort of weird trance for a minute' replied Pontus as he stood there sniggering softly,

'Oh I remember now…..why didn't I get blown away by King Idiot over there?' Harvey said as Otto poked his head out from behind the seat with an angry stare,

'I heard that Jones!!!' said Otto 'You'll get yours don't worry!!',

'Oh give it a rest you imbecile!!' said Pontus as he huffed out loud 'always idle threats from you, they

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