» Fantasy » A Life Beyond, Mark Church [the beginning after the end read novel .txt] 📗

Book online «A Life Beyond, Mark Church [the beginning after the end read novel .txt] 📗». Author Mark Church

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of a sudden a note appeared in front of him which caused him to pick it up and read it


Absolutely no littering in the class or anywhere else on

the castle grounds.

Deduction of one hundred points per misdemeanour.


T.Gracewell -Deduction of one hundred points

B.Bearbrook-Deduction of one hundred points

S.Evandine -Deduction of one hundred points


'Oh no look at that!!' exclaimed Tobias as he handed Daniel the note,

'Oh that's bad Tobias!!' laughed Daniel 'you've gone from Mr Goodie Two Shoes to class litterbug in one throw of a tissue, I hope they severely punish you, Throw him in the dungeons!!' laughed Daniel out loud as a crowd gathered around him to look at the note too causing Tobias to shrink in his seat out of pure embarrassment,

'Oh be quiet Daniel. Now look what you've done, everyone will know now!!' he replied as Daniel sat there wagging a finger at him,

'Any way do you want me to tell you what's going on then or are you going to make fun of me all day?' said Tobias trying to turn Daniel's attention back to what he had originally asked,

'Oooo that's a tough one..' he laughed 'I suppose you best enlighten me with your school knowledge, so go on fill your boots!!' Daniel said as he got ready for a Tobias story,

'I don't understand Daniel. My feet are already in my boots so you could say they are filled already' Tobias replied looking oddly confused by what Daniel had said,

'It's just a saying where I come from. It means carry on and talk!!' Daniel slapped his hand to his face in despair,

'Oh ok...well in that case I shall proceed…' Tobias said as he went on to tell Daniel everything about the second day of school and probably more than he needed to know, he sat there like a nodding dog as Tobias waffled on in great detail about each class and teacher that

they would have and how he was looking to go down to the Arena floor and being able to actually touch the hallowed ground, Daniel just sat there looking like he was about to nod off to sleep with every word Tobias was feeding him until finally he stopped and the door sprung open with Lady Willo standing there smiling at the class,

'Now come on children..' she started 'it's time to get ready for class, you have fifteen minutes, I expect you all to be on time today, we have a lot to cover' swiftly shutting the door behind her as she finished,

'Can't wait, this is going to be a boring day!!' muttered Daniel as a clap of thunder rumbled across the skies above the castle…























Chapter Twenty-Six



As the children exited their dormitories Daniel finally caught sight of Harvey just up ahead of him, he could spot him anywhere with his floppy hair and odd laugh filling the air,

'Harvey…' he shouted dementedly waving his arms as Harvey turned around 'HARV….wait up please mate' as he jogged down the corridor towards him,

'Ahhhh hi Dan...Wow it seems like ages since I saw you last!!' smiled Harvey as he walked towards his friend, hi-fiving as they got closer,

'Oh my gosh mate this place is crazy!!, I feel so connected to this place for some reason!!' Harvey smiled as he felt ready to burst,

'It's alright I suppose Harv...but I still have a nagging feeling something isn't quite right..I can't put my finger on it…' replied Daniel as he stood there with Harvey,

'So what do you reckon to this cup thingy we are doing?' Harvey replied excitedly 'somehow I'm at the top after the first day and I have no clue how that happened!!!...Isn't that mad' he laughed as he rested a hand on Daniel's shoulder,

'To be honest Harv I haven't really been that interested in what's going on in class, I've been sort of...distracted, I keep getting these images of an old house surrounded by trees, and a garden with a woman in it, for some reason I can't remember anything about who or what it is' Daniel's shoulders slumped as he stood there talking away about how he was feeling and why couldn't he remember his past,

'Nope...not a clue on that front Dan…' Harvey replied seemingly clueless on his friend's visions 'but I must say I had an odd dream last was so weird that it woke me up!!',

'Oh right' replied Daniel as the thoughts he had seemed to disappear from his mind 'tell me then Harv...but let's walk to class together', and off they walked down the long corridor towards their own classrooms with Harvey extremely animated as usual,

'Well..uh..I was in these woods, you weren't anywhere to be seen, when I started hearing this voice telling me to follow the sound, which me being me, I did and it led me to this weird looking castle which I've never seen anything like it before, it was as tall as it was long. The walls outside were covered in bones and stuff, the voice was calling me from what sounded like the castle…' Harvey's eyes widened as he told of his dream, Daniel was totally taken in so far and demanded more,

'So then what happened??' he asked

'Well the next thing I know this huge drawbridge slammed down in front of me and the voice called for me to enter, it was the most evil sounding voice I'd ever heard, worse than my mu……' Harvey paused for a few seconds racking his brain for the answer,

'Your what Harv??' Daniel had picked up on something he was trying to remember but he looked blankly back at him,

'Oh I've forgotten what I was going to say…' Harvey said as he shrugged his shoulders,

'Ahhhh well...but as I was saying as I got into the castle I was drawn towards this huge door covered in more skulls, the voice kept telling me to come into the room so I pushed the doors with all of my might until it creaked it's way open where I was greeted with the sight of this ghostly looking figure floating above the floor just staring down at me, I couldn't move at all and just stood on the spot, oh but the weirdest bit was it called out my name…',

'What was it saying, I bet it was ‘You Stupid Ordie’ hahaha ' laughed Otto as he barged past Harvey and Daniel upon hearing what Harvey was saying,

'Oh get lost Otto!!!, your such an idiot' Harvey snarled as Otto made his way down the corridor laughing along with his friend's while Daniel and Harvey stood there looking angry,

'Don't worry about him Harv, he'll get what's coming to him!!' vowed Daniel 'So anyway you were saying…'

'Err...oh yes so as I was saying this figure called out to me, it stretched out this weird bony hand towards me calling out ‘Harveyyyyy’ and ‘you are our eyes’, weird or what!!' he said as Daniel listened intently to him,

'Wonder what it means??' replied Daniel 'but I wouldn't rule anything out in this place!!' he laughed just as he felt a slap on the back of his neck forcing him to slump forwards,

'OWWW what was that??' he said as he turned round to see Lillie standing there doubled over in fits of laughter,

'Ha-ha, oh that was so easy Dan!!!' she kept on laughing as Daniel slowly stood up 'Did that hurt much?' she asked in between sniggering,

'You know it did, what was the point of it!!' Daniel angrily replied

'Oh shut up Dan...It’s been ages since I gave you a little slap, Ahhhh how I've missed that, and I see your still hanging around with rat boy there!' Lillie said pointing at Harvey who whipped his head round swiftly ready to bite back at her remark,

'Who are you calling ‘rat boy’?' Harvey snapped back

', slush for brains!!' laughed Lillie as she could see Harvey getting redder in the face,

'Leave it out sis…we are all feeling a bit strange today I'd say' Daniel said 'anyway, what's been happening with you?, have barely seen you since the start of all this'

'To be honest Dan...I can't get to grips with all of...whatever is happening, I'm struggling to remember stuff for some reason and my dream last night was so weird that it woke me up!!' Lillie said scratching her head,

'Oh you as well' Harvey piped up 'the dream I had was super odd, I was just telling Daniel about it, you see I was in these woods when….'

'And no one cares…' Lillie sniggered,

'But you see I was sure I'd seen….' Harvey spluttered as he tried to carry on with his dream,

'You're STILL talking. And STILL nobody cares!!..' Lillie glared at Harvey,

'Oh so sorry jeez, all you had to do was ask nicely, I do have feelings you know!!' Harvey replied with a shaky voice as if he was getting slightly upset,

'The only feeling you'll have is a fat lip if you keep on waffling. Just button it for now there's a good…..rat boy!!' Lillie laughed out loud as Harvey huffed and started to walk off mumbling to himself,

'Oh well done sis!!' Daniel said back to his sister 'you've probably upset him even more now!!'

'I'm sure he will get over it Dan….' she replied back but Daniel felt he had to go after him,

'Look I'm going to catch up with him and check he's ok, that wasn't called for at all so please apologise to him when you see him again' Daniel angrily pointed at his sister before running off down the halls after Harvey,

'Yeah yeah whatever…' laughed Lillie as she slowly walked off towards her class alone, just as she got to the end of the corridor a note appeared in her hand, slowly she unfolded it and it read,


L.Carter-Deduction Two Hundred Points for causing harm

to others

Deduction One Hundred Points for provocation

of a fellow student

Lillie scrunched up the paper and threw it on the floor with a carefree attitude when another note appeared,

L.Carter-Deduction One Hundred Points for littering of

the school grounds




'Oh that's just great!' she remarked as she stormed off towards her class still clutching the new note in her hand 'this is so unfair!!, I don't want another day like yesterday!' Lillie mumbled as she stormed off only to be met at her classroom door by her teacher Mr Flora,

'Ahhhh there you are Lillie, I've been waiting for you, is all ok? You seem a little down this morning' Mr Flora said as he could see the state Lillie was in as she approached the classroom door,

'I..err, It's nothing Mr Flora, it's just very overwhelming here for me, it feels like I'm losing my mind a little and I can't explain why' Lillie replied with her head slightly bowed as if embarrassed,

'Ahhhh yes…' said Mr Flora ' I think I might know what is up with you' he smiled at Lillie kindly 'but I assure you it's nothing to worry about'

'What do you mean?' She asked back 'now I'm totally confused'

'It's what we call ‘The Re-Birth’ Lillie' Mr Flora said 'what I mean by that is when someone is born away from this planet they live their life as normal, they have thoughts, memories, a whole lifetime of images...but when they arrive in this world a transformation takes place within themselves and they slowly over time become ‘attached’ to this wonderful place we call home'

'Attached???, I'm totally lost now!!' Lillie struggling to understand what was going on was causing her to feel slightly sick as she leant against the wall,

'What I mean by ‘attached’ is more of a telepathic connection, a way of becoming at one with the whole planet and the people who live here, it's our way of detecting any….shall we say...non-world occupants. The longer you are present here the more you become part of our culture' Mr Flora said hoping that Lillie was following him as he explained about what was happening to her,

'Errrm, still struggling a bit here sir' Lillie said scratching her head

'The connection you have here suppresses any former memories or an attachment with

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