» Fantasy » A Life Beyond, Mark Church [the beginning after the end read novel .txt] 📗

Book online «A Life Beyond, Mark Church [the beginning after the end read novel .txt] 📗». Author Mark Church

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here' smiled Freya as she walked her to it 'I've had some food put on your plate already, I hope that's ok',

'Thank you very much Freya...I don't know what to say, I think this place needs to grow on me more, I still feel like I don't belong' Lillie said feeling slightly embarrassed at the generosity of her new friend's,

'You don't have to say anything if you don't want to Lillie. We have a whole term to find out about each other' she smiled back 'now please eat. And can I officially welcome you to Star Fall', this caused a lot of clapping and whooping to fill the room followed by a lot of laughter which was putting Lillie at ease and making her totally forget what she was supposed to do after.

Mrs Higgitt, who was the teacher of Forest Edge, had opened the door slightly to listen in on the class and was pleasantly surprised with how the children in the dormitory were getting along causing her to smile just as Mr Fessler walked past,

'Sounds like another class happily getting along Erik' she said as the door creaked behind her as she closed it,

'It seems as if this isn't the only class like that' Mr Fessler said with a grin 'I've had word that almost all the classes have been this positive, I've not heard news like that for quite a few years I can tell you',

'The King will be pleased I'm sure, we may even have a record number of new recruits by the end of it all!!' Mrs Higgitt said as they walked off down the corridor laughing to themselves,

'Let the games begin!!' said Mr Fessler rather loudly and with a slight snort as he spoke 'I cannot wait to see what's going to happen!!', They both disappeared around the corner at the far end of the corridor and out of sight, laughter still echoing around the halls as they went by.

Outside the castle walls in a part of the grounds that wasn't patrolled stood Cahlid completely still on the edge of a huge drop which fell away towards the woods below, he seemed to be talking to himself at first until a familiar figure came out of nowhere and stood right behind him,

'Ahhhh my boy…' Skaff said as he placed a hand on Cahlids shoulder and got him to turn round to face this hooded figure 'let me look into your mind for a moment..' as Skaff place Cahlids head in the palm of his hand and seemingly transferred whatever information he could from the boy, 'My..You have been busy...disruption and rage...I like it very much...and so will the Master!!!', Cahlid was completely under his spell as Skaff carried on removing what he could,

'W..What is the next step?' asked Cahlid,

'Ahhhh you will know soon enough...boy, now you must return and await the signal…' Skaff said as he released Cahlid from the spell,

'The signal??' he replied 'the signal for what?'

'To end all!!!' Skaff said as he disappeared from sight like a ghost in the shadows 'now go….boy….be our eyes, be our ears!!' Skaffs whispery voice filled Cahlids head with all sorts of instructions causing him to turn and go back towards the castle with a grin on his face, a grin that just screamed of evil.

'Yes!!!...' he said 'it's time to take it all back!!' said Cahlid with the most evil laugh as he squeezed back through the hole in the wall and into the grounds of the castle only to run into the castle security team who were patrolling the grounds as normal.

'Excuse me young sir but shouldn't you be in your dormitory?' said the guard as Cahlid looked on vacantly,

'I'm talking to you…' he continued

'Don't think he's on this planet Gorlan!!' laughed the second guard as Cahlid still stood there not showing any sign of life,

'Come on young’un you need to get back to your dormitory now, it's too early for you to be out' said Gorlan, the first guard. All of a sudden Cahlid turned towards the guards, his eyes turned a dark purple colour as he raised his hands and chanted out loud, crackles of light appearing at his fingertips as his chanting increased,

'ACK A SEETA, MALA BAROOM!!!' Cahlids eyes turned completely black as the guards stood there totally stunned, unable to move,

'Wh...What’s going on??' said the second guard,

'I can't move…' Gorlan said, those proved to be their last words as Cahlid slammed his hands together, emitting a light as bright as anything ever seen, the two guards turned in to a pile of dust in front of him, unable to scream as they vanished, Cahlid laughed out loud as everything around him settled, the wind blowing around the castle walls whipping up the dust which was once the guards and carrying it off into the distance,

'Oh that was so easy…' he laughed as he surveyed the rest of the castle for anyone else who may have seen what had just happened but it seems they were alone 'Nowww….Cahlid..' the voice in his head ringing about, knowing what had happened would come out soon 'do not let anyone find out...we need you to stay ‘hidden’ from the rest of them' the voice disappeared like a gentle breeze blowing through him.

Cahlid then clapped his hands above his head again and the beam of light swirled around him all the way down to the floor, he vanished into thin air only re-appearing outside his dormitory door.

He shook his head and awoke from his trance like state,

'Where the heck am I and why am I here??' he questioned as his eyebrows lowered in a way that had him feeling totally confused,

'And what's all this dust on me??' he said brushing it all off his clothes causing him to sneeze out loudly which alerted his classmates inside as the door flung open and a group of faces appeared in the doorway,

'What are you lot looking at??' he grimaced at them 'You never seen me before or something?,

''s just…' Pip said nervously,

'Just what Pip?, go on spit it out!!' his angry tone causing a few of them to step back into the room,

'J..just after what happened earlier with me and you in the corridor, you kind of freaked everyone out!!' Pip stood there head bowed waiting for another tongue lashing or one of his floating spells to be cast again,

'I haven't got a clue what you are on about Pip!!!, are you feeling sick or something as you look a bit green in the cheeks!!' laughed Cahlid

'Well the spinning round didn't help, and why did you do that to me?' Pip replied again but noticing Cahlid was trying to figure out what he was talking about 'you do remember don't you??',

'Err I'd remember doing something like that Pip trust me, even if I did do that you probably deserved it!!' he laughed as Pip retreated into the room a few steps further,

'Why did you disappear like that though?, I mean one minute you were here and the next…..gone, vanished, the teachers didn't know what to say but I've never seen fear on their faces like that before!!' said Pip as he edged closer to the door again,

'But I'm right here, I can't recall that!!' said a totally confused Cahlid now 'I remember us in the classroom trying to sneak a look in that Chamber thing but I am completely lost now...are you sure you haven't got a fever or something??',

'It's true Cahlid…' said Rubeus Clarke, the class know-it-all 'I saw it with my very own eyes….all that whirling and screaming from Pip had us worried, I have never seen magic like that on one so...young before, it's as if you were possessed or something' he raised his nose upwards and sniffed loudly in a ‘I'm totally right’ kind of way,

'So why can't I remember any of this??' he replied shaking his head,

'As I said maybe there are dark forces at work here, those who prey on the weak minded and foolish to carry out their dirty work!!' Rubeus said without any sign of a smirk or giggle, speaking his mind was one of his many annoying habits,

'WEAK MINDED??, FOOLISH??, I would stop right there Clarke!! Before I get you back!!' Cahlid pushed his way past them all causing the children to end up in a heap on the floor 'now come here so I can clonk you one!!' Cahlid chased him around the room angrily as Rubeus fled as fast as he could,

'I was merely being honest...please do stop!!' he shouted out as Cahlid caught up with him and pressed him up against the wall fist pulled back as if to thump him when all of a sudden he was frozen still,

'Wh..What’s this?, who's doing that??' Cahlid tried to move but to no avail,

'PUT HIM DOWN..' boomed a voice which seemed to be coming out of every wall and crevice in the dormitory 'THERE SHALL BE NO VIOLENCE IN THESE DORMITORIES….YOU SHALL BE REMOVED'. Before Rubeus very eyes Cahlid slowly disappeared from right in front of him in a ball of light as if being transported away,

'Well that was a turn up for the books guys..' said Rubeus as he re-adjusted his clothes and dusted himself down 'I really thought he was going to hurt me..' everyone was staring at Rubeus now as he looked around the room for an exit, 'I err...I need to get ready for if you please I'd let to get past and go to my room now', as the class parted enough for him to get through he shot off very quickly into his room and slammed the door shut, just as a note appeared on the table in front of the children, Pip picked it up and read it out to them



8.30am-10.30am Recap of first day in class with Form Tutor

10.30am-12.30am Protective spell teaching (Professor Deveraux)

12.30pm-13.30pm Lunch Break

13.30pm-15.30pm Inter-Class Cup update in the Arena

15.30pm-17.30pm History Teachings

17.30pm-21.00pm Dormitory Review followed by access to

Acceleration Chamber

21.00pm-22.00pm Reflection time

22.00pm All students must retire to bed



The note had ended up in every dormitory but each class had a slightly different timetable due to the number of children at the castle,

Daniel was slightly more relaxed today knowing what they had coming and the fact he had seemingly found a new group of friend's to hang around with,

'So what can I expect today Tobias, seeing as you are a fountain of knowledge about this place' laughed Daniel as he poked him in the ribs gently causing his friend to splutter his breakfast over the table,

'Oh thank you very much Daniel!!, that wasn't very clever!!' he replied as he wiped his chin which had been plastered with whatever it was he had been eating, 'it's all over my robes too!, well done!!',

'Oh sorry Mr Serious..I was only asking you a question, jeez don't get too upset' Daniel sniggered as he picked up a tissue and whipped it out in front of Tobias, 'would you like mummy to wipe your chinny winny for you?' as he belly laughed like he hadn't done for a long time at the face Tobias was now pulling,

'Oh yes that's it…' he replied 'laugh at the messy one, oh that's hilarious!!' he snatched the tissue out of Daniel's hand and wiped himself down before scrunching it up and throwing it over his shoulder, it hit the wall and dropped to the floor, Daniel just stared at Tobias with a puzzled look, 'I bet that went in the bin didn't it!!' he laughed before fist pumping in triumph,

'Err I think you were a bit out Tobes!!' laughed Daniel 'the bin is over there in front of you, well done on hitting that spot on the wall though' Daniel sarcastically applauded Tobias who didn't know which way to look,

'I swear the bin was behind me!!, you must of moved it!!' Tobias huffed as he sat there when all

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