» Fantasy » Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗

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against his chest and I felt that the life had gone out of me. We galloped forward and the darkness consumed us. The horse had no problem navigating and it seemed to know where it was going. I felt Ash's cool hand reach up and press against my throat. He checked my pulse for a moment. He cursed under his breath and changed course quickly as I blacked out.

Lights danced behind my lids as I slowly came to. My head was throbbing and a iron smell filled my nose. The noise started out as mumbling and then my brain recognized the words.
" They came threw here last night...the boy was in bad shape...definatley Oberon's kid, both of them." A strange voice, a man no doubt but it was not one I recognized. I heard footsteps and then something breathing. Cool fingers removed something from my cheek and I flinched at the pain there.
" She's coming to I'd better get going, they were right on our trail." Something was lathered across my face and then my body was jostled. Cool arms were around me and I could hear the beating of a heart in my ear. I was laying against a stone chest, Ash's I assumed. A door opened and then I felt him go down steps before the door softly thudded closed. I was lifted and soon I recognized the rythm of a running horse. I slowly came to reality and my brained cleared the remaining fog. My eyes cracked open and darkness filed in. Soon the trees flying past us became real and then my eyes opened fully. The stars shone in between the canopy off leaves and the woods smelled of pine. I felt Ash watching me and his iron grip around me. I leaned my head back but kept space between our bodies. I let in rest on his shoulder as I watched the stars. It seemed crazy that we were moving so fast and they barely changed position in a few minutes. Ash's breathing was calm and even next to me. In my head I was planning. I knew that I had to think quickly but my brain seemed to still be sleepy. Before I could think of a plan vomit rose in my throat and I gagged. I convulsed forward and my loose hair spilled around me. I heaved and then he stopped the horse. I nearly fell off of the side and vomited green foam across the grass. I was on all fours and I couldn't catch my breath. I felt him standind close and when I caught a breath I spoke.
" Where are" I convulsed again and I heard him take another step towards me. I was dry heaving now and his cool hands gently lifted me. He set me back on the horses back and we set off again. I sensed that their was some danger behind us. His hands were like bars around me as I gagged continuously. I leaned over and pucked over the side of the horse. We didn't slow down and I nearly choked on it. Finally after my stomache felt like fire the convulsing stopped and my throat tasted of death. My body slumped and I fell back against him. He didn't say anything and I wondered what he was thinking. My throat was so hoarse I barely manadged a whisper.
" You didn't...answer." I choked halfway through, but he knew what I meant. He sighed and waited until I had stopped.
" I know of a place that may be what you seek." I let this sink in but I culdn't wrap my head around it.
" Not without...Oliver." I barely weezed it out and then swallowed dryly.
" I cannot help your brother, he is already in the Winter Court." I felt a tear run down my face even though my eyes felt dry. I collapsed against him again.
" What's wrong," I barely choked it out my vice growing weaker.
" You were poisoned." He said it so quietly I wasen't sure it was real. Who would want to kill me, then when I really thought about it the list wasen't all that short. Something caught my eye and I swore that I saw a large black bird flying in the horizon, I blinked but it was gone and I was sure that I was seeing things.
" Water..." I sounded like an old lady as I croaked it out. He sighed in what seemed like irritation but stopped the horse a minute later. He wordlessly led me to a small stream. I watched him from the corner of my eye and he seemed strangely unsettled. I slurped down what seemed like a small amount before I felt my stomache sloshing. He pulled me back onto the horse and we set off at an even faster speed. I let the soundless tears streak down my face without saying a word we both understood why. I was so exhausted already that I didn't have much control over my eyes slowly drooping. I knew that I wouldn't be able to stay awake for very long and so when I became completely consumed it was no surprise.
Light was shining against my lids when I woke up. I squinted and slowly looked around. I was in a small clearing and I couldn't see anyone else. My throat was dry and hoarse and I followed my hearing to a river close by. I slurped it up hungerly and then sat there for a moment watching the water. I ran a hand through my matted hair and then found my rubber band on my wrist. I put my hair up looking at my reflection. I saw a bandage on my cheek and I remembered the irony smell. My dress was torn and covered with mud and gore. I wanted to wash it but I didn't know where Ash was. I waited a minute and then stripped down to my underwear. I soaked the dress and then rung it out, laying it on a rock to dry. I sat there for a moment and then decided to wash myself. My hair swirled around me and thankfully the stream had a deep point where I stood up to my chest. I washed my face, carefully avoiding the cut. I slipped the dress back on and let my hair air dry after wringing it out. I went back to the clearing and looked around for any signs. A few hoof prints were in the softer pieces of earth and I everntually found the horse grazing no far off. I walked up to him and he ignored me. I sighed and then I remembered that my brother was being held captive in the Winter Court. I had a feeling that we were still in the Summer Court, also it was still mildly warm.
" Were off grid." I turned around and saw Ash leaning against a tree not far off. He was watching me carefully with an unreadable expression.
" I need to get to my brother." I said it as forceful as I could manage.
" I was rather hoping to delay that." I was watching him carefully and he walked towards me slowly. "I would like to propose with you." I waited for him to continue with my eyes tight. "I will help you find Shujii if you will willingly go to the Winter Court to be held as prisoner." I tried to understand but he seemed like he would always be somewhat of a mystery.
" Why don't you just take me now?" It was probably stupid but I couldn't help it. He only shrugged surprising me and he walked around me.
" I could, but where's the fun...the adventure in that?" I could tell he was smirking without turning around. I felt like I was seeing a diffrent part of him, someone that was less formal when the eyes weren't all watching him. "Living forever, get's alittle boring sometimes." I turned and observed him. He was already mounted on the horse and after a moment he extended his hand out.
" So?" He arched a perfect black eyebrow.
" I don't think I have a choice." He smirked and then grabbed my hand, hoisting me onto the horse. He kicked it's sides and we jolted into the forrest. I made sure to keep space between us no matter how much harder it was to hold on. He didn't say anything but I knew that he was watching me. I looked around watching things but nothing really changed around us. I didn't want to bring up last night but without thinking my hand drifted to my cheek and I flinched.
" Sorry about that, but Rowan was watching and I had to make Goodfellow believe he's never been a good liar...I wasen't exactly sure about this plan then either." It seemed crazy the whole concept.
" You let him hurt my brother." The words quietly spilled out.
" There was little I could do, you are the one to blame." Heat filled my cheeks and anger boiled in my veins.
" Me?!" I shrieked it without meaning to.
" You provocked it." He shrugged so nonchalantly.
" Your sick." I muttered. He ignored me and I resisted the urge to be violent. A few angry tears spilled out but I wiped them away quickly. All I could think about was Oliver's unconcious body laying on the ground.
" How long was I sick?"
" The ball was 3 days ago."
" Oh..." I had slept for a very long time, I remember sipping on the drink at the ball. I couldn't remember the waiter's face but I was sure it wasen't him who would have done it, Tatiana maybe. I sighed and looked up at the sky. The sky was covered with pudfy white clouds.
" How much longer?"
" Not very long." His voice had changed and I wondered if the light mood earlier was a rare occasion. I glanced at him and his face was hard again, his purple eyes like rocks. I looked away but the image stayed in my head. I felt him stiff behind me and there was no more joking. I couldn't imagine why he would have chaned so suddenly but then I saw the buildings. We entered a town that seemed completely emtpy. The blinds were pulled on all of the homes and the streets were completely empty. The horse slowed to a walk and I tried to hide my shiver. We came to a building with smoke actually cominng from the chimney. Ash got down quickly and I saw his hand hovering over his sword. He didn't help me down but he walked behind me. A group of men appeared from the shadows and Ash quickly stepped in front of me. The man in front was large with greasy hair tied behind his neck, he must have stood 7 feet tall but Ash didn't seem afraid just cautious.
" Prince, what buisness do you have here?" The man crossed

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