» Fantasy » Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗

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burn people for merely looking his way and the population of the Summer Court grew scarce. One day he set his might upon a witch, She is known as Shujii. She is the most powerful and believed to be the mother of all others. She was disguised to see your father for who he truly was. She set his wrath on him and cursed him."
" Where is she?" I asked quietly.
" She is said to live in a swamp on the edge of the Never Never, she shows herself in the courts every few milenium." He puased for a moment and went back to the subject. "She cursed your father for his wicked ways and for all of eternity he would have to accept anyone who wished to reside in the Summer Court and that the endess killing's must stop. This wasen't such a problem for him because the Summer Court is vast and immensely huge, but your father is not a law abiding man. He refused entry to a fey from the Winter Court and had him killed on sight. For this the witch took the blue pigment from his eyes and replaced it with grey. In your world the color gray may be somewhat common, but in the Never Never it is impossible, the genes of the Fey do not carry on this trait."
" Until now." I said letting my voice die out. Puck nodded.
" Your father tried to hunt down the witch but she always evades him, and her home is never found unless she wants you to find it. He has tried to ask her of your future to make sure that you were not to be his demise. He wanted to kill you two off as babies but instead I was sent to watch over you. So here we are." We sat in silence for a moment until the pieces all began to come together.
" Wait... all she did was make his eyes a diffrent color?" I felt that there was another part to the story and from Puck's face I could tell that I was right.
" Your father...he paid the ultimate price for evading his curse, the witch damned your mother to death when you were born."
" Why though?" I asked.
" Your father loved your mother very much, for a mortal she was exceptionally intuitive. She was an artist, a painter. She was the thing that if lost would hurt him most."
" Wait, dude so they killed her because of something he did?" Oliver asked dumb founded.
" Yes, he warned her but she refused to abort you. she knew that twins were instore but Oberon did not and she believed that she could fight the witches curse. Your father never saw her after the day he warned her, he thought of her as suicidal and a lost cause."
" She must have been miserable."
" She was, but she knew that you two had to be born. It is said that the witch herself visited her and told her of your destiny's. That made up your mother's mind to keep you two."
" What are our destiny's?" I asked quietly.
" No one knows, only she did and of course the witch. It is believed that you are named this way for that very reason."
" God he's an ass." I looked at Oliver but his expression was unreadable.
" Shh, he can probably hear you." Puck warned. Oliver muttered under his breath.
" So what now?" I asked. My brain was numb but I ignored it. Puck sighed.
" Nothing really, you two should probably stay here and keep your head down."
" You expect us to stay here?" Oliver asked, with surprisingly no curses.
" If you want to stay alive." Oliver curse under his breath and walked off around the corner.
" How long do we have to stay here?" I asked as we both stood.
" A few day's at the least, in two days there will be a ball, it's known as a spring solstice. It's kind of complicated but all you two need to do is show up. They will most likely be sending someone to assemble your outfits tomorrow, I will be here as much as I can." I nodded and he turned to leave. I felt his hand brush my arm and then he was gone. I sighed and went to find Oliver who was sitting in his room. I sat down on the bed next to him.
" This sucks." He mumbled.
" Yeah." I said quietly. "You ok?" I looked over at hum but he rolled his eyes.
" Don't start." He stalked off and I took a deep breath. I went into my room and closed the door quielty. I had no windows nor did any other room in our litte "suite". I wondered if we were in the middle of the castle, maybe somewhere important. I layed down on the bed and felt my true exhaustion take over. I didn't realize how tired...or sore I was until just then. I pulled my knees to my chest and drifted easily finding comfort in the bed and the sound of my brother's footsteps outside. I was about to fall asleep when my brain finally caught up. Firstly my name is Destiny, and my mother saved my life because of something that Oliver and I would do in the future. I was sure that it must be good because why else would she have kept us. My father was selfish and only wanted our mother for himself. He didn't care about hurting other's, all he wanted was power. I had no doubt he would do whatever it took to get what he wanted. I began to wonder who the Winter fey was that he killed. Why was he denied and who was he. At last the image of me looking in a mirror filled my head. I could see my eyes, they were grey but on the inside I could almost swear that a storm was brewing deep down, just like the one's I had seen on my father. Secondly Tatiana was someone to watch out for, and I almost couldn't blame her. I worried about Oliver saying the wrong thing and being killed or him doing something stupid to mess up our situation even more. And lastly I worried for Puck, he had been frightened to bring us here, like it wasen't planned. I thought back to yesterday and what he had said about going "home". I understood now that he knew that something was coming, and where his home was. This place was foreign to me and my head ached from thinking so much. I let my mind go blank then and hoped for sleep as quickly as possible.
Dealing with Goodfellow

"Morning." I plopped down next to Oliver who was munching on what looked like bacon. He didn't acknowledge me, he only looked ahead without emotion. I sighed and grabbed a fruit. I bit in and the juice filled my mouth. I wasen't really hungry more thoughtful. There was a knock and before I could say anything Puck's head was poking inside.
" Hey."
" Hi." Everything felt diffrent now and I wondered what had happened during the time I had been asleep. He sat on the couch and tossed a piece of fruit between his hands.
" So how bad?" He cringed slightly but tried to shrug it off.
" It's not so bad, about the usual welcome home I'm used to." His eyes stayed locked on the fruit until he stuck a pale fingernail through it's soft outer shell. It dripped on him and he set it back down. "So...There will be people in here today getting you two ready for tomorrow. I can't always be here so please be careful." He met my gaze for a long moment and I nodded. He seemed frank and formal and I knew that he was not allowed to be the Robin I had always known. He stood and walked out silently. Oliver disapeared going somewhere back into the rooms. I pulled my legs up and wrapped my arms around them which gave me some comfort. I decided that I might as well be prepared for whatever would come next. I washed myself and brushed my hair out, changing into a silk robe I found behind the door. The food had disapeared and Oliver was lounging on the couch. I had just sat down when the door opened. A tall woman stalked in. She had long silver hair that was wound in beautiful ringlets down her back and her bright green eyes almost resembled Puck's. She observed us for a moment and pursed her red lips.
" I am Eilan, I am your father's fashion coordinator and so I now have responciblities for you two as well." She didn't seem pleased by this. I didn't quite know how to respond so everything was silent. She waved her hand and little goat girls came in drapped in supplies. They went straight for the bedroom behind her and I got up to follow. I could here Oliver slowly trailing along behind me. When I got to my room the supplies were already splayed across my bedspread. She turned her gaze on us and I felt the scrutiny but they slipped past me.
" You." She stuck one of her long pale fingers in the directions of my shoulder and I glanced back at Oliver. "Get yourself washed." She was less than pleased and Oliver stalked off without another word. I felt a tug and look down to see one of the goat'd wrapping a tape measure around my waist. Eilan walked arund me with one perfect nail placed at the edge of her mouth. I could almost see her mentally thinking, making notes and comments to herself. She turned and bent over the things spread across the bed. She sent one of the goat's off after a few patterns and they returned with a spool of dark blue fabric which she quickly sent away. She took my measurments and made a few small drawing in a book, before briskly leaving my room. She was in Oliver's room for a very little amount of time before I heard the front door close. I got up and went to Oliver's door, knocking gently.
" Hey, you didn't say anything stupid right?" He made a disgusted noise.
" Give it a break." I sighed and closed the door. I turned and found Puck standing right there. He followed me to the living room.
" How did it go?" His eyes were anxious.
" Fine, I guess." I shrugged and leaned against the couch with a sigh.
" What did she say?" He seemed nervous, anxious. His eyes were wide and he was standing on the balls of his feet, leaning towards me.
" Nothing really." I wasen't really up for much conversation, and even though the day had only started a few hours agom I already felt exhausted. His face fell and he sighed. He slowly

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