» Fantasy » Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗». Author Kelsey Hunsdon

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fixed on it and I realized that it was radiating light. My gaze made it's way to his face and the bow that was poised pointed at Oliver. A man starred back he had dark hair and the same face that Robbie had earlier. His purple eyes sparkled with excitement and I watched as a mischevious smile played across his lips. His eyes shifted to mine and he seemed to freeze for a moment. I watched as he sent the arrow from his bowstring. I pushed Oliver without thinking and the arrow flew over his back, sticking into a tree. I felt Robbie's muscles tensing and I reached around Oliver to clutch the mane. We shot forward and I could hear the animals in pursuit. Robbie did a quick manuever and doged a tree at the last second, a whine came from the dog behind us as he rammed into it. I could hear the pursuit of the other horse just out of sight.
" Well never make it." I whispered. Robbie let out a grunt of disagreement. We changed direction again and I kept getting glimpses of grass in between the trees. Robbie shot sideways and we trotted into a meadow. I heard wines and looked back to see the dogs all at the edge and the rider among them. He had an angry look on his face and I felt Robbie chuckle underneath me. I sighed and relaxed taking a few deep breathes. I looked back but there were no signs of our pursuers. We continued to gallop through the fields until a giant castle rose in the distance, I tightened my grip on Oliver and prepared myself.

The Castle was beautiful really. There were shops and houses around the base. They were teaming with people shuffling around and a constant buzz of conversation. A large wall rose along the back and kept the courtyard seperate from the rest of the place. The castle must have been 5 stories, with 2 towers in the front. It was a grey brick building with vines crawling up all along it. The courtyard had many tree with bright leaves and plush grass. We slowed to a walk as we entered the village.
" What is this place?" I asked. Oliver was quiet and I knew that Robbie couldn't answer me right now. People stared as we passed but quickly moved along once we were out of hearing distance. Robbie's hooves clicked along the old fashioned cobblestone. The flowers here seemed extra vibrant and abundant. The gates to the courtyard were guarded by two very large trees. They seemed absolutely still until we got within touching distance and I saw one of them blink. I shivered and glanced back more than once. Robbie sat on the ground and Oliver and I took the hint to get off. He shifted back and his features were as sharp as they had been earlier.
" Dude, what happened to your face?" Oliver asked with a disgusted expression.
" This is the place I come from, this is what we all look like. Haven't either of you noticed." To be honest, no I hadn't really noticed. "You two will eventually look this way too." I glanced at Oliver but he was wearing his usual sour expression. After a moment Robbie started walking towards a pair of giant doors that appeared to be the entrance.
" Are you sure were allowed in here?" Robbie stopped short and looked at me with an awe struck expression, then he seemed to realize.
" We are in the Summer Court now, your father's court." It seemed to click in my head than.
" Wait so are we like royalty?" Robbie grinned and nodded lightly as he turned away from me. Guards opened the giant doors for us and we walked in. We were in a giant room with what seemed like hundreds of hallways branching from it.
" Goodfellow?" A man appeared from a doorway. He was tall and thin with long red hair.
" Fern?" The man smiled.
" What are-?" He met my gaze and he stopped short. He seemed to choke on his words and his hand reached for his throat. I took a step towards him.
" Are you ok?" I reached a hand out and touched him tentatively on the shoulder. He waved it off.
" I'm fine young one, you must Destiny?" He held out a hand. I went to shake it but he turned my knuckles up and gently kissed them. I felt the color rising to my face but he turned and nodded towards Oliver.
" I see now." He said to Robbie. They exchanged a look and then the man turned back towards me.
" I will see you again my lady." He bowed to me and then I watched him disappear down a hallway. I heard footsteps behind me.
" Don't get your panties in a bunch, they all act that way." Robbie brushed past me and I thought I heard some anger in his voice, but it was quickly gone. I shared a look with Oliver as we followed Robbie through a long hallway. They were all made of the same grey stone and the top curved over head. We took a few turns and then a gigantic room rose in front of us. It was like a ballroom with giants windows for a ceiling. Of course the whole room was extremely bright and filled with people. They were all dressed in expensive clothing with beautiful faces. They stopped short and all talking stopped when we entered the room. I spotted two thrones in the center of the room, one was occupied by a beautiful woman. She had long golden hair that flowed along her tanned skin. She had piercing eyes that seemed to be pinned on Robbie. The man next to her had long blonde hair as well, and golden skin. I roamed his face and then found that his eyes were also trained on Robbie. The thing about them was the fact that they happened to be the same odd color that mine were. I starred at him and then the king waved a hand. All the people in the room rushed out and then Robbie whispered.
" Stay here, keep your heads down." He started walking forward and I could nearly hear the tension in the room. He bowed in front of the thrones.
" Your highness."
" Why have you returned?" The king spoke down, looking through Robbie without lowering his head. Robbie stood and I could tell from his stance that he was extremely nervous.
" There was an incident." The king waited. "The twins turned 16 yesterday." The king nodded and it seemed to answer some unsaid question.
" Let them come forward then." The king said this without interest and I allowed Oliver to walk in front of me. I kept my head down and I could feel Oliver doing the same. The king rose from his throne and Robbie moved to stand behind us. I could feel his intense stare watching our every move.
" Oliver is it?" I saw that Oliver raised his head to look at the King. They were the same height and I noticed that their hair was the same shade, exactly.
" And who are you?" I flinched at Oliver's disrespectful tone but the man didn't seem fazed.
" I am King Oberon, your father." Oliver stared into his eyes without saying a word. Then I felt his gaze shift to me but I didn't look up, I didn't want to see the eyes again and prove my fears true.
" Destiny, I believe. My first born." I nodded and examined his shoes as he came to stand in front of me. "Look at me child." I swallowed the lump in my throat and reluctantly met his gaze. I saw something change in his features for a split second and I heard a hiss come from the other throne. I knew that they were seeing the eyes, the ones that no one else had, until now. He froze for a moment and then returned to his throne not meeting my gaze again, but I could feel everyone else starring at me intensly.
" Everything is as it should be. Goodfellow show them to their rooms." He waved us off and Robbie frisked us out of the room quickly. He let out a deep sigh after we had rounded a few corners.
" What was that all about?" Oliver seemed quieter than usual as did Robbie.
" Destiny's eyes...well it's quite a long story. I'll tell you both when there aren't more sets of ears around." We kept following him but I couldn't seem to see anyone listening to us, or anyone at all. He led us down a few more hallways before stopping in front of a large door. Inside were two sperate rooms but he had us all sit down on some couches. He got comfortable and made us wait while he got something to drink.
" Here goes." He began launching into the story of my life.

The Curse

"Now first of all I need you to understand that my name is Robin Goodfellow, although you all know me as Robbie most people here know me as Goodfellow or Puck."
" Puck?" I asked, the word unfamilar in my mouth.
" It's a nick name." I nodded and let it go. "Your father is known as King Oberon and his wife is Queen Tatiana."
" Wait," I cut him off again. "Then how did he meet our mother."
" In the Never Never relations with humans are not considered cheating, it's like if the queen had a consort. Tatiana see's it diffrently becuase the two of you were brought into this world. She despise's you and so you will need to watch out for her."
" So I have a hot stepmom?" Oliver said from the couch.
" No!" Robbie-Puck snapped. "She is by no means your stepmother, she would cut out your toungue if she heard that." Oliver didn't seemed offended, he mearily crossed his arms and leaned back.
" What about the eyes?" I asked. Puck took a few deep breathes and regained his composure.
" Your father, he has not always been a...kind ruler. He used to

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