» Fantasy » Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗». Author Kelsey Hunsdon

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You don't think they won't hunt you down? There's nothing out here!" He spit the words through his teeth but thankfully kept quite.
" I'm going to find Sujii." I said slowly. His eyes went dead and all the color drained from his face in a split second.
The Great Escape

" Have you lost your mind?!" He was spitting the words at me but I didn't bother to glance back at him. I was jogging through the forest with Oliver close behind me and Puck stomping behind us. He was outraged to say the least but I could care less.
" Wait!" He called.
" What Puck?"
" Why don't we plan this out." I sighed but kept moving. I didn't have time for this. I felt my left heel sink and the lower half of my dress got covered in mud. I sighed and stopped.
" Puck can I see your knife?" He looked at me cautiously and then handed it over without a word. I really didn't to do this but it seemed I didn't have much of a choice. I dug the kinfe into the fabric and cringed at the sound of teh fabric tearing away. I heard Oliver gasp.
" What are you doing?!" Puck ssnatched the knife but it was too late. The bottom of the dress fell away and now my beautiful dress was merely knee length and much more appropriate. They both just starred at me in shock.
" I'm doing this..." I mumbled as I pulled my hair back into a clumsy ponytail. "Because I know what that thing was." I pulled out the last few remaining bobby pin and stuck them in the top of my dress for safe keeping.
" It was a Draugger, what's the big deal?" I met his eyes.
" The big deal Puck, is that they only rise for a reason. It was sent for me, she sent it for me."
" You think Sujii sent a Draugger to kill you?" Puck said sarcastically. I just shrugged ignoring his rudeness.
" Why would she want you dead?" Oliver asked.
" She didn't, it was a sign. She knows were here." I turned away from them and started walking again. I stopped and on last thought slipped off the stilettos. I loved them but they weren't practical and I sent them flying into the brush.
" So why don't you have your fathers guards find her?" Puck asked. I sighed, I was honestly surprised he hadn't put all the pieces together yet.
" Puck, do you really think that she would let them find her just because were here? She wants us to go there, I'd say there's something we need to know." I shrugged again and took off at a sprint leaving them in silence. I knew that their minds were working, figuring out the logic behind it.
" How are we going to find her?" Oliver asked.
" That's the tricky part." I mumbled. "Were gonna have to find someone or...something that knows where to find her." I didn't like the idea but I didn't think that we had much of a choice.
" You sound insane." Puck muttered from the back. I ignored him and continued striding through the woods. I felt my legs stop before my brain realize the sound that was going through my ears.
" Shh." I heard Puck hiss and then he disappeared into a pile of leaves. Oliver and ducked against trees as magnificant horses strode past us. On their backs Summer guards rode with their swords drawn and their eyes wide with concentration. We held our breath until they were far out of ear shot then Puck appeared again in front of us. He motioned for us and he led us diagnal. I had to trust him as were darted along a strange route. I could hear Oliver close behind me. Puck stopped short and I nearly ran into the back of him.
" Hide." He boosted me into a tree and then I pulled Oliver up. He turned into a large black raven and cawed flying away from us. We hid in the center under all the leaves but we still saw as the riders neared us. These were winter guards and they had what appeared to be dogs with them. Their fur was sleek like a seal and there eyes were black as their skin. They slunk along on all 6 legs. They sniffed around the base of the tree for a few seconds and when I grew worried they caught Puck's scent and with wines took off. The riders followed but one remained behind and he seemed cautious. Then he suddenly took off in the other direction. I waited a minute and then I climbed down slowly. As soon as my feet hit the ground I knew I had made a mistake. The shadow moved towards me as I was stunned. His sword was gleaming against his side. I felt the breath leave my lungs and then his face caught the light. Ash was watching me with a careful expression and then he turned his head slightly away from me.
" Here." He said. It wasen't loud but then another shadow appeared from the darkness. Rowan slunk forward and his eyes seemed to divour me. He was smirking and I resisted the urge to punch him.
" Get the boy." Ash said as Rowan reached into the tree and pulled Oliver out. He fell to the ground and while he scrambled to stand Rowan put his knee on the side of Oliver's head. I resisted the urge to scream as I watched.
" Leave him alone." I said through my teeth. Rowan looked up with a pleased expression and Olvier took his only oppurtunity. He reached for Rowan's sword but Rowan turned and hit Oliver in the head with his fist. My brothers head fell against the earth and he was unconcious. I ran towards Rowan intent on killing him but a hand grabbed my wrist and then my hands were pinned behind my back. I struggled as Rowan watched with satisfaction.
" Take him, I'll be behind you." Rowan seemed torn but I could tell that Ash was giving him a look from behind me. He grabbed Oliver and threw him over his shoulder disappearing into the darkness. I felt the tears running down my face as I screamed.
" No!" His hand clamped over my mouth and I began to cry. I let my legs go dead and he dropped me to the ground. I laid my face into the ground and sobbed covering my face. I was in hysterics but I knew that I had to wait for my oppurtunity. I felt him walk around in front of me and reach for the tops of my arms to pull me up. I tensed and reached for his legs, pulling them from underneath him. He was unprepared and that's the only reason it worked. He grabbed for his sword but I climbed on top of him and pinned it under my knee. He looked into my face shocked. It was silent for a moment and then I saw his hand flash and I felt the crack on my cheek. Automatically I reached up to touch the pain and he threw me off. I heard him draw his sword and I threw myswelf from the ground and took off at a run but grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me against his chest. I felt his sword at my neck, it's coldness nearly burning me.
" Enough." He growled it and I felt his pulse beating through his chest. I felt that I was smeared with grass and dirt. My face was aching and I knew there was blood on my cheek. I didn't fight him and he threw me over his shoulder the same thing Rowan had done to Oliver. I let my cheek rest against his shirt and when I was jostled I saw the blood smeared there along with the tears. I heard wings and a large black bird appeared overhead it's bright green eyes beating down on us. It screeched and dove for us. Ash sidestepped and Puck landed in human form next to us.
" What the hell!" He yelled it at Ash who seemed unchanged. He didn't release his grip on me but I felt him move his free hand to grip his sword.
" What did you do to her?" Puck asked, Ash drew his sword as he took a step forward. He stopped short but his eyes were on me.
" Mab has ordered us to capture them, what she does with them is none of my buisness." Ash was cold and I didn't understand the hostility in his voice.
" The hell it's not your buisness." I heard Puck pull his weapons and Ash took his hand away from me. I fell off and landed on my stomache. Puck watched in shock and I met his gaze. His eyes roamed my face and came to rest on the wounds.
" Where is Oliver?" He asked. I was gripping my stomache trying to catch my breath.
" Rowan left with him." Ash was in a defensive stance and I could see Puck trying to keep his eyes from me.
" Puck, they hurt Oliver." I manadged to whisper it and when I coughed blood flew out. His eyes squinted and turned on Ash. I saw them sizing up eachother and then Puck pulled his weapons towards Ash. I rolled over onto my stomache and shoved myself from the ground with the rest of my strength. I stumbled forward and I heard quick footsteps behind me but I was ready for them. Ash was reaching for me and I took a step towards him grabbing for his sword hand. I yanked it away and held it to his throat. He stood still for a moment and I saw Puck running towards us. Before I could comprehend Ash had taken the sword back and cut Puck's arm with a gash a few inches long. Puck hand glasped over it as he back away a few feet. We all heard he approaching hooves.
" That's right Goodfellow, run away once again." Puck shot a desperate glance at me before changing into a bird a sailing through the skies. At the last minute Ash grabbed me and dragged me into a tall tree. He was surprisingly agile and he handled my weight without issue. He shoved my face into his shirt and I thought he was smothering for a second. I reached up but he retrained me and my screams were silent. The horseman rode under us unaware and then he released my fafe. I gasped for air and he grabbed my wrist and yanked me from the tree. A small whistling came from him and then a giant black horse appeared from the darkness. Before I could comprehend I was thrown onto it's back and Ash was behind me gripping the manes. I slouched backwards

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