» Fantasy » Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗». Author Kelsey Hunsdon

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leaning against the side of the throne, as if hundreds of men weren't shooting daggers at him every second.
" What Puck?" He was sipping on a green liquid in a tall wine glass that he dangled carelessly from his fingers.
" Just wanted to say that you look great." I let the compliment sink in for a moment.
" Thanks." He nodded and I turned back away. I heard him sip his drink and I had just caught a scent of the alcohol when I heard his footsteps and he was gone. Something caught my eyes and I realized the other side of the room was slowly being covered in ice. All the fey had moved away but didn't act like anything had happened. I shared a look with Oliver and then the drums started. Everything grew silent and everyone turned to greet our visitors. The Winter Court.
The Winter Family

It's hard to discribe them. I know it seem's strange but words almost seem lost on their kind. Starting with the trolls that slouched into the room. Their skin was slimmy green and drool ran down their faces. Shackles made noises from their wrists and ankles, but they had no problems carrying their clubs. It was like a fairy tale really, the scariest part. Then the goblins scattered in. They were covered in dirty torn clothing and I could see the gaudy gold teeth scattered in their mouthes when they sneered. They sleeves were green with snot and they all seemed to hobble the same way, definately imbred. They cleared the way and that's when I noticed that there was another set of throne's, 4 of them directly adjacent from us. It was silent for a moment and then the WInter Fey entered. They were much like Summer Fey, distant cousins maybe. They were tall and thin with creamy skin and hair that was almost too black. There dark eyes darted around the room and came to rest on our section before dropping. They all seemed dressed to kill in dark, elegant pieces. Many of them filed in but they did not mix with the Summer Fey and the hostility could have been cut with a knife. I felt my hands gripping the arms of my seat in anxiousness. Then entered guards, but there were like the Summer guards. They walked without feeling and there faces held no emotions, it was almost maddening to see their eyes never leave the same place they were fixed. They filed in with their dark spikey armor and their long swords that glowed with power. I saw the Summer guards tensed and their hands unknowingly resting on the weapons. Once the entrance had cleared and silence fell everyone held their breath. Then the royal family entered. The Queen, Mab came in calm and quiet but I could almost smell the power flowing from her. Her hair was dark as night and piled elegantly on top of her head. She was wearing a long sheer red dress that dragged long behind her. Her eyes focused on Oberon and then they darted to me. I felt her eyes bore into mine and then I dropped my gaze, knowing better. I had to remember to breath as she took her throne slowly and I felt Oliver pat my arm. I glanced over at him in shock but he seemed completely diffrent now. I saw his eyes shift to something at the door and I pulled my gaze away from him. A prince came through the door, the eldest. Sage, he was dressed in black armor with a cape gently blowing behind him, a sword hung at his side and a large white wolf walked at his flank. Behind him came aother with the same dark hair and ivory skin. Rowan seemed to slink like a rat and I felt his shifty eyes starring at me. I was focused on the last through the door. The youngest brother, Ash. He was much like his brothers with his long dark hair and translucent skin. His sword glowed with a white power and I felt his pressence immediatly. His eyes met mine and I recognized the purple immediatly. A flashback entered my head taking me off guard. Oliver and I were in the woods, riding Puck. A man was aiming at us with the same purple eyes. I look and the face was the same. He seemed to realize it as well and he did well to hide the smirk that played across his lips. I felt the anger boiling but also the embaressment and I felt heat rising to my cheeks. I heard Oliver intake a breath and I looked over to meet Puck's probing eyes. He was across the room his glass now empty. He was watching me carefully, but he also seemed in a way calculating. By the time I looked back they had all taken their seats and the music had started again. I kept my head low and refused to look back to their place. I heard Oliver whispering to someone and then I was offered a drink. I refused it but I could still feel what seemed like a million eyes boring into me. I took a deep breath and then leaned towards Oliver.
" When do we have to dance?"
" Next song." He seemed so formal and blunt that it left me short. I was so used to the adolescent immature brother that had always been there. The person that had replaced him was so opposite everything that my brother stood for. I looked at him for a moment until he met my gaze again. His eyes were empty as if this was all normal, like this was his usual self. I forced myself to look away and swallow the lump that had formed in my throat. I took the offered drink and sipped it once then I set it back on the tray. When I turned back Oliver was grasping my hand and waiting for me to stand.
" Come on." He said quietly. I rose and let him lead me to the dance floor. The fey cleared a large area around us and Olvier glasped my hand without missing a beat. I had always been a horrible dancer and so had Oliver but it seemed that it was much diffrent here. We twirled around the floor as if we had been doing it for centuries and I looked up to meet Oliver's calculating gaze more than once.
" Do you think we could live forever?" I whispered in his ear. He chuckled so unlike him.
" I don't know about forever, but I would say a very long time." I couldn't get used to him the change in him. I took a deep breath and then Oliver stopped the dancing. I saw a pale hand flash from where it had been on his shoulder and I took a step back. Ash was standing there not a foot from Oliver.
" May I interup?" He was asking Oliver but his eyes never left me. Oliver merely nodded and turned to walk away. His hand was held out to me and I felt all eyes on me so I forced my body to react. I react out and set my hand in his, with my teeth clenched. He began to spin me the way Oliver had and I let my mind go blacnk hoping it would be over soon.
" Why are you here?" I thought out loud and resisted the urge to cover my mouth while I mentally cursed myself.
" It is tradition that a child of one court it to dance with one of the other, of course they have never both existed until now." I let his words seep into my mind. His voice was like water flowing over smooth rocks.
" Yes," I had already known about that, although I wasen't sure how. "But why you?" It took him a mintue to answer and I assumed he was choosing his words carefully.
" Because in this world the next time I may be talking to you will be when your at the end of my sword. You are the only thing that has ever escaped my hunt, and it will not happen again. I may have thought diffrently if I had known who you two were. The outcome woul have most likely been the same." He rambled for a bit and I let my head swim in the words, and I mumbled out the only thing that I could form.
" An apology would have sufficed." He chuckled but I didn' think he found it very humerous. He was playing a part, the same way I was. We were actors in the story of survival. A false move and it could be over for both of us. Thankfully the song ended and he surrendered my hand. I turned to walk away whe I heard the crash. Shards of glass flew across the room and scattered along my back. I saw a flash and then arms were around my waist. I was picked up and caried aside in a swift motion. I turned and saw Ash darting from me sword drawn. Screams were filling the air and people were running for the doors. A giant creature stood in the room. It had broken through the windows and walls of the room. It reacked of rotting flesh, but worse of all it's bright red eyes were pinned on me. I saw it's muscles flew as it prepared to jump towards me but instead it shreaked in pain as Ash cut on of it's knees. It surggled to it's feet and I could hear it's cries as I turned and darted for Oliver. Oberon and Tatiana were already running towards it and I could see Mab on the opposite side, ice crystals shooting from her palms. All the guards were in action momentarily confused and I took the moment to grab Oliver''s hand. He was confused but he didn't question me and he let me drag him from the room. We blended with the scared crowd where we were swept outside and I pulled him into the shadows.
" What the-?" I put my hand over his mouth.
" Shh..." I looked around to see if anyone had noticed. "I'm getting us out of here." He seemed to disagree but he didn't say anything. I flung off my shoes and grabbed the hem of my dress. We ran around the back of the castle and into the edge of the woods unnoticed. We stopped there to catch our breath and watch teh scene unfold. A fire had broken out in the ballroom and the animals angry cries were still audible.
" Are you crazy?" Oliver asked. He was looking at me with a shocked expression.
" Really though." A voice said from the shadows.
" Puck?" He appeared already out of his tux.
" What were you thinking?" He looked like he wanted to smack me silly. I saw the anger flash in his eyes.
" Were leaving." He clenched his teeth.
" Where?

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