» Fantasy » Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Twin's Luck, Kelsey Hunsdon [most interesting books to read .txt] 📗». Author Kelsey Hunsdon

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pulled the blankets up to my chin. Aside from the music it was peaceful, I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting.

My eyes shot open and I looked at the ceiling. It was still dark out and so I looked around. My eyes caught on a figure standing in my doorway.
" Mr. McCurst what are you doing in here? How did you get out of bed?" The figure stood in my doorway and swayed slightly. I sat up in bed, I could hear my heart in my ears. He took a step and something jumped from behind him. He collapsed onto the ground and the other thing stood in my doorway. I screamed but then a pale hand covered my mouth and only a squeak escaped.
" It's me." I looked up into Robbie's eyes and he took his hand away from my mouth.
" We have to go, now." He sounded urgent and he yanked my wrist. I let him drag me into Oliver's room. He didn't turn the music off and I was surprised. He went over and whispered in Oliver's ear gently waking him. I reached for the knob on his stereo but Robbie's hand grabbed my wrist. He shook his head no but then he turned to face the door and his back became rigid. He reached for his pockets just as the door flew from the hinges. I was pressed behind Robbie and I could see Oliver in another corner shrouded in the darkness. Mrs. McCurst stood in the doorway, but it wasen't really her. Large thing extended from behind her and with a jolt I realized that they were wings. A hiss escaped her mouth and when she lunged for Oliver, Robbie jumped forward. They smashed into the wall and roll to the ground. Robbie was yelling profanities and the creaturing hissing in anger. I grabbed Oliver's wrist and I flipped on the light switch. I creatured screamed and I saw that it's skin had begun to boil. It dove for me but seemed to freeze in mid air. It disintigrated when it hit the floor and Robbie stood covered in scratches. He had a gash across his arm that was dripping onto the floor.
" We have to go." He watched me and then reached for me. I slapped his hand away. I could hear Oliver's breathing behind me.
" Destiny I can explain, just not here." I backed away from him.
" Explain now." He looked around nervously.
" You don't understand, more of them are coming. I will explain I promise but I have to get you two to safety." He watched me for a moment. "Please, trust me. It's the only way." I looked behind me at Oliver's scared expression.
" Let's go." Robbie nodded all buisness and then led us back into my room. He closed the door and then open my closet. He started tapping the tiles and whispering in a strange voice. Soon light began to radiate from my wall until it was the size of a doorway. Robbie grabbed my hand.
" Trust me." That's when he dove into the closet wall, pulling Oliver and I along with him just as the door to my room busted open.
A New World

I opened my eyes and let my body get used to the surrounding. I was laying on the ground and I was surrounded by what appeared to be large trees. I sat up slowly and wiped the dirt from my face. There was no one around me and just enough light filled the sky so that I could see. My jeans were torn but I suppose that was the fashion any how. I struggled to my feet but thankfully nothing was seriously injured. Everything around me was silent and not even the leaves made noise.
" Destiny?" I could hear Oliver's voice a ways off. I began to run without realizing it. I blindly plunged through the under brush tripping. I found him leaning against a tree, his pant leg was ripped and a bloody line ran down his left leg.
" What happened?" Robbie came from the other side and knelt next to him, I noticed a white bandage wrapped around his arm where the gash had been.
" Landed on a stick." Robbie pulled something out of his pocket and Oliver cringe as it was dabbed against the wound.
" Where are we?" My eyes wandered the leaves overhead and the enormous trunks.
" Never Never." Robbie mumbled as he messed with Oliver's leg.
" What?" I asked dumb founded and I could tell from his expression that Oliver was thinking the same thing.
" The Never Never." Robbie stood up and shoved his supplies back into his pocket. "That should do." He said gesturing to Oliver's leg.
" How come I've never heard of this place?" I asked.
" Because it's not in your world...Let me restate that, it's not in the human world."
" What the hell are you talkin' about?" Robbie always got agitated when Oliver swore and I could see it brewing under the surface.
" This isn't where you two grew up," He said only answering my question. "But it should have been." He seemed to be saying the last part for himself.
" Robbie I don't really understand." He sighed.
" I know, but I don't have time to explain we have to get moving." He trudged past me into the woods and I followed. I kept glancing back to make sure that Oliver hadn't fallen behind but his leg didn't seem to be nearly as bad as I had thought. The silence was just starting to make my ears ring when Robbie finally started talking again.
" The Never Never...It's a place that is not inhabited by humans." My brain didn't wrap around this well and I could hear Oliver mumbling behind me.
" And we got here through my closet?"
" There are many portals to this room, your father had one installed into your's incase-"
" Our father?" The word was nearly foreign to me, I had heard about it in school and what not but I had never had a person to fill that meaning. Robbie seemed uncomfortable with this, like he hadn't meant to say anything.
" Um...well, your father...he lives here."
" Does that mean?"
" No, he isn't human."
" So what the hell is he?" Oliver spoke from behind me. Robbie inhaled deeply.
" The people that inhabit this world are known as fey...fairies if you will."
" Then how?" My sentences seemed to keep getting cut off short and I felt that my brain was recoiling from the information.
" Your mother was human."
" Where is she?" I asked feeling a small sense of hope growing inside of me.
" That's screwed up." Oliver muttered behind me. I shot him a look but I couldn't see his eyes under his hair.
" She died...when you two were born." Everything was silent again except for the sound of our feet. This place was strange in that there was no cricket sounds or anything else that was an animal, but yet I still had a feeling they were around us, watching.
" Why hasen't he come to get us?" I saw Robbie's back stiffen.
" He sent me to watch over you, he is...important in this world and he didn't want the two of you to be known about until you could fend for yourselves."
" Dead beat dad much." Robbie was having a very hard time ignoring Oliver.
" What do you mean by important?" Robbie sighed.
" Your father, he is a king." My brain couldn't quite wrap around this. I knew that England had a queen but our country had a president. The word king seemed old, medieval even. We continued to walk for a while, all of our brains working simultaniously. I kept trying to picture him and then my mother.
" If she lived in the human did he meet her?"
" Fey can travel between the worlds quite easily really, he just met her."
" Did she know?"
" Yes, of course. Your mother was hoping that you two would end up living a normal life." Oliver was silent behind me and I glanced back to check on him. He was unusually quite and I guessed that his brain was just working, he was probably silently thinking about everything. I looked back and nearly ran into Robbie.
" What?"
" Shh." His back was stiff and he seemed as still as a statue. He didn't blink or breathe for a long amount of time. I didn't dare glance back at Oliver but I could hear his quite breathing just behind me.
" Let's go." Robbie took off at a jog in front of me almost silently running through the woods. I kept up and I could hear Oliver akwardly running behind me. By now we were running as fast as we could and my lungs were beginning to tigten, but just when I thought that I would have to stop they seemed to open and I could breathe easily.
" It's your body adapting." Robbie said from in front of me. He must have heard my breathing and I looked back to see Oliver keeping up easily. We bounded through the brush and I caught up on the sound of something following us. Robbie stopped again and glanced back at me. Something was wrong with his face, the skin across his cheekbones seemed tighter and his eyes were somehow greener. I swore that I saw a tip of an ear peeking from beneath his hair. As I watched he fell to the ground and his body morphed, in a second a full grown horse was standing in front of me. I stood in shock and I watched as Oliver bounded past me. He lept onto Robbie's back and then looked at me.
" Come on." Without thinking I grabbed his hand and jumped up behind him. Robbie shot forward and I grabbed Oliver's waist, I saw his white knuckles clenched into Robbie's bright red mane. My brain seemed to be recovering and I barely noticed the trees flying by.
" How did you know?" I leaned close and asked Oliver. He shrugged.
" Saw it in a movie." I chuckled and leaned back holding tight to his waist. Robbie jumped sideways and nearly knocked us off but Oliver had a tight grip. Something caught my eye and I saw shapes on the ground. They were dogs, black and their skin looked like a seal's. They ran along next to us barking and trying to nip at Robbie's sides. We stopped and I realized that we were surrounded. The dogs were all around, barking and yipping with excitement. A shadow appeared and stopped quick in front of us. A large black horse stood in front of us and on it's back a rider. He was dressed in black armor and a sword hung from it's side. My eyes

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