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Life for Lily is hard. Especially since she is the devil's daughter. It gets even harder when she starts to go to England School for Young Lads and Ladies. She is only in her first week of school when she is discovered by the Principal, the Security Guard, and here English teacher. After being taken captive, she is taken to a place called the Cage, tortured, and must find a way to escape. While in the Cage she meets a hybrid named Mimi, a ghost named Joshua, and another demon named Kathleene.

Humanity has progressed far. Far enough to finally set out to conquer the last unknown land of Kulico. But in their haste and excitement, their old gods have dwindled into myths and stories. However, these old gods are not too happy about having their home invaded. Especially because they need to protect their Kulico for more than just pride.

The Kingdom Calciana is plagued with greed and despair ever since the King angered Mother Nature, in the form of a golden elephant and when her son, Hope, in the form of a silver baby elephant, became missing. The fate of Calciana rests on the shoulders of a commoner girl and a prince to find hope for Calciana once again.